Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseRolls-Royce Trent 900 powers Airbus A-380 in Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Cina - Launch engine for the Airbus A-380
Four Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines power today’s Airbus A-380 flight to Hong Kong. The Trent 900 has now accumulated over 9,000 flying hours on four of the five flight test A-380s. During the flight t... more

Press releaseBoeing Unveils Improved Access Features on the 787
Washington , USA - Dreamliner's interior enhance passenger comfort
When Boeing's newest airplane, the all-new 787 Dreamliner, enters service in 2008, passengers will experience a more comfortable flight because of enhanced accessibility features. Boeing partnered... more

Press releaseGalileo Avionica strengthens its ties in India
New Delhi, India - Leasing contract for Mirach 100/5
The company acquires a leasing contract for Mirach 100/5 while the Precision Approach Radar is operating in the Indian Air Force Galileo Avionica, a Finmeccanica company, has been conducing a successful... more

Press releaseFirst Licence Built EH-101 Delivered By Kawasaki
Tokyo, Japan - To Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force
AgustaWestland is pleased to announce the delivery by Kawasaki of the first ever licence built EH-101 helicopter to their Customer, the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF). The aircraft was accepted... more

Press releaseSkyEurope opens 16 new routes from Vienna
Bratislava , Slovakia - Passengers "Pampered"
SkyEurope Airlines, a leading low-cost carrier in Central and Eastern Europe, is pleased to announce new businesses in the international airport of "Schwechat", Vienna. From March 25th, 2007, the airline... more

Press releaseENAC (3): ENAC: meeting with aeronauticla sector about the intervention given by ENAC to guarantee the quality services ofthe flight transport
Rome, Italy - About the passengers security
Always in the field of the services and quality monitoring, the claims recorded from the Chart of passengers rights, from January 1st to December 31th 2006 period, were 5,098. Among the typology of disorganizations... more

Press releaseENAC (2): meeting with aeronautical sector about the intervention given by ENAC to guarantee the quality services of the flight transport
Rome, Italy - About the passenger security
On both carrier categories Enac is performing a discomforts monitoring. The handler certification, according to ENAC regulation of last November, is primarily based on the assessment of amministrative-economic-technical... more

Press releaseENAC: meeting with aeronauticla sector about the intervention given by ENAC to guarantee the quality services ofthe flight transport
Rome, Italy - About the passenger security
Yesterday, within the general ENAC direction, there has been a meeting with the president and general director, Vito Riggio and Silvano Manera, with all the sectors to analyze the most important questions... more

Press releaseBoeing completes subsystem integration on Australian "Wedgetail" aircraft
St. Louis , USA - First Wedgetail aircraft delivery to Australia in March 2009
The Boeing Company has completed the integration of major subsystems aboard a 737 airborne early warning and control ("AEW&C") aircraft for Australia's Project "Wedgetail". The subsystems include communications,... more

Press releaseHouse transportation leaders to give FAA proposal “Decent Burial”
Alexandria, USA - Matthew Zuccaro before the U.S. Aviation Subcommittee
Helicopter Association International (HAI) President Matthew Zuccaro testified on March 21, 2007 before the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Aviation Subcommittee o... more

Press releaseContinental Airlines files for blanket "Open Skies" authority including London Heathrow authority
Houston, USA - Shortly new services in Europe
Continental Airlines applauded yesterday's approval of an open skies agreement between the U.S. and the European Union (see AVIONEWS) which will provide the carrier with flights access to London's Heathrow... more

Press releaseEmbraer delivers the 100th Legacy to ABS Jets
São José dos Campos, Brazil - Excellent forecasts for 2007 and 2008
Embraer yesterday delivered the 100th Legacy, to ABS Jets, during a ceremony held at the Company’s headquarters in São José dos Campos, Brazil. This marks a significant milestone in Embraer’s first... more

Press releaseItalian Navy: an Italian admiral awarded in Washington as "Soldier of the year"
Rome, Italy - This is the first time during the late 50 years that an Italian soldiers obtains such award
On March 20th, the admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi of Italian Navy, has been awarded at “Steven F. Udar-Hazy Center” of National Museum of Air and Space of Washington, during the “Laureate Awards” ceremony. The prize,... more

Press releaseBoeing supports Nippon Cargo Airlines with innovative supply-chain solution
Seattle, USA - "IMM" contracts with 10 customers worldwide
Boeing will manage a significant portion of Nippon Cargo Airlines' spare-parts inventory under a program designed to improve spare-parts availability for the freight carrier while reducing operating costs.... more

Press releaseLockheed Martin completes work on modernized GPS satellites
Washington , USA - Last of eight block IIR-M spacecraft ready to support future launch
Lockheed Martin announced today the delivery of the eighth and final satellite in the modernized Global Positioning System Block IIR (GPS IIR-M) production program to the Air Force. The GPS constellation... more

Press releaseTaranaki Rescue Helicopter Trust orders an A-119 Koala
Yeovil Someset, United Kingdom - To provide emergency medical services in the Taranaki district
"AgustaWestland is pleased to announce the sale of an A-119 Koala helicopter to the Taranaki Rescue Helicopter Trust of New Zealand. The arrival of the A-119 Koala at Base Hospital will dramatically improve... more

Press releaseEmbraer expands its environmental programs
São José dos Campos, Brasile - Company intensifies recycling and wins awards for initiatives related to energy usage
"Embraer is acutely aware of its corporate social responsibility and significantly increased its actions focusing on preserving and protecting the environment, in 2006. Its recycling program grew 5% over... more

Press releaseAlitalia (2): traffic statistics February 2007
Rome, Italy - Passengers (transported +4,8%; offered +0,4%), cargo (transported (+23,3%; offered +24,5%)
"Alitalia traffic data February 2007, compared with the same period of 2006, have been characterized by a growth both in passenger sector and in cargo's. As regard the passenger transport, the trend has... more

Press releaseBoeing Rolls Out First 787 Vertical Fin
Washington, USA - Composite Manufacturing Center: area of excellence
"Today Boeing celebrated roll out of the first vertical fin for the company's all-new commercial airplane, the 787 Dreamliner. Manufactured and assembled at the Composite Manufacturing Center in Frederickson,... more

Press releaseAir Traffic Management Professional Project suggests "MOSAIC project"
Rome, Italy - A contribution to a better level of security and efficiency in the providing of air navigation services
"Air Traffic Management Professional Project (ATM-PP) believes strongly in what "MOSAIC Project" offers to all the professional people that operate in this sector and to the possibility to contribute of... more

Press releaseQatar Airways expands in the world
Milan, Italy - For the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the carrier USA, Switzerland and Sweden are the new destinations
Eye-catching US-style entertainment at Qatar Airways' stand during ITB Berlin attracted a large number of visitors as the award-winning Five-Star airline took part at the world's largest travel and tourism... more

Press releaseEvaluation of the 'Single European Sky' reveals positive impacts on air traffic management in Europe
Brussels, Belgium - According to the report prepared by the Eurocontrol Performance Review Commission
"The European Commission has published an independent evaluation of the impact of the 'Single European Sky' (SES) initiative on air traffic management performance. This document will assist the Commission... more

Press releaseAdF about the ENAV strike of tomorrow
Florence, Italy - The list of the warranted and cancelled flights in the interesting time
Following the communication of the strike by CUB Unions of Florence airport, several changes might be tomorrow in the normal activity of the"Amerigo Vespucci" airport . The strike announced from 10:00... more

Press releaseENAV: tomorrow strike of ACC Roma air-traffic controllers
Rome, Italy - The essential services to be warranted
ENAV, Italian Flight Assistance Society, informs the air-traffic controllers adherent to the Anpcat, Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uil-T, UGL-T and Cisal-Av Unions announced a strike for tomorrow from 10:00 am... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position on January 31, 2007
Rome, Italy - It's equal to EUR 1101 million
"- Net financial position of Group on January 31, 2007 equal to EUR 1101 million, with an increase of net indebtedness of EUR 75 million (+7,3%), compared to the analogous situation on December 31, 2006... more

Press releaseENAV signed a cooperation agreement with NATS
Rome, Italy - About development, research and professional training
"An important cooperation agreement between ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society) and the English homologous, NATS, has been signed at the Transports Ministry in front of the Italian Minister, Alessandro... more

Press releaseUnione Piloti: a strong wish to new Alitalia's President
Rome, Italy - To Prof. Libonati, for the delicate task as carrier's leader in a crucial moment for our future
"Unione Piloti (Italian union) expresses a strong and true wish to new Alitalia's President, Prof. Libonati, for the delicate task as carrier's leader in a crucial moment for our future. Alitalia will... more

Press releaseVarese's chamber of commerce: press-conference with SEA's President, Giuseppe Bonomi
Milan, Italy - The governors of Lombardia, Liguria and Piemonte together in a convention about the Malpensa's airport development
"The meeting, between SEA's President, Giuseppe Bonomi, and the Council of chamber of commerce, is arrived in a positive moment for Malpensa, with 18,6 million of travellers from/to abroad on a total of... more

Press releaseItalian ANSV adheres to European collaboration agreement
Rome, Italy - In aeronautical investigations' field
"The Italian Air Safety Board (ANSV) -had the necessary authorization by Foreign Ministry- has joined to ECAC, Code of Conduct on cooperation in the field of civil aviation accident and incident investigations.... more

Press releaseENAV about the interference in Malpensa (2): maybe attributed to a private radio station of the area
Rome, Italy - Other measures are ongoing
"ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society) communicates that the emission, not conformable with the technical law standard, that has created troubles at one of the Instrument Landing Systems in Malpensa,... more

Press releaseENAV: external source interferes on landing's system in Malpensa
Rome, Italy - Such situation involves a light reduction of airport's maximum capacity
"ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society) informs that, due to a source of exterior trouble to its instruments that interferes with one of three Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) of one of two runways at... more

Press releaseChina: Sonangol orders three Airbus Corporate Jetliners
Toulouse, France - It's the first Chinese customers for this aircraft model
"China Sonangol has disclosed a previously placed firm order for three Airbus Corporate Jetliners (ACJs), becoming the first named Chinese customer for the aircraft. The announcement highlights the growth... more

Press releaseAlitalia. Trade Union (2): the integral text of the document sent to Government
Rome, Italy - The contribute of the air transport trade Union
"In 2006 Alitalia paid out no less than EUR 380 million, thwarting also the sacrifices of the works that allowed the sensible breaking-down of the work's cost, making Alitalia competitive respect to the... more

Press releaseSdl on Alitalia: a strong discontinuity signal needs
Rome, Italy - Following the meeting occurred yesterday between Government and unions
"Following the meeting happened yesterday, on February 1st, 2007, between Government and unions, SDL (Italian intercategory workers union) has sent today a document about Alitalia's controversy and on... more

Press releaseAlitalia: calendar of the main air company events 2007
Rome, Italy - The quarter report of the period October-December 2006 will not be arranged
"Alitalia makes known the dates of the main company events 2007. Alitalia informs the quarter report of the period October-December 2006 will not be arranged. - on March 29, 2007 - Board of Directors... more

Press releaseEnpa looks for companion on the airplane for poodle from Boston to Italy
Milan, Italy - Unfeeling Alitalia wants to relegate it on the hold
The master dies in Boston and the dog given to the daughter who lives in Italy, but it is impossible to bring the dog unless it is sent like an air parcels put in the hold of the ship. ENPA (Itlaian Animal... more

Press releasePIU about the Tuninter's ATR-72 crash
Rome, Italy - Regarding the contents recording
"Piloti Italiani Uniti (Italian union) retains extremely severe the distorted use that has been made of a tool born and conceded by pilots in order to prevent the accidents, following to recent publication... more

Press releaseSdl: impossible work conditions at Ryanair
Rome, Italy - Where is the State?
"Last November 23, 2006, SULT, today converged together with the other unions in Sdl (Italian intercategory workers union) sent a letter to various ministries and institutions to denounce that would seem... more

Press releaseAssoclearance will participate at SOM in half of February
Rome, Italy - It will take place at Paris-Orly's airport from 12 to 14 of the next month
"Assoclearance will participate, as ever, at SOM (Schedule Optimizaton Meeting) in Paris. The meeting, that will take place at Paris-Orly's airport from 12 to 14 of February over a hundred of European... more

Press releaseThe Korea Forest Service orders two additional S-64E Helitankers from Erickson AirCrane
Central Point, USA - A feather in South Korea's firefighting fleet’s cap
"The Korea Forest Service (KFS) will be receiving two more S-64E Aircrane Helitankers after a purchase agreement was signed between Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated and the Public Procurement Service at... more

Press releaseTrade Union: why should Air France have to expose itself with Alitalia?
Rome, Italy - The rumors on the interest of the French carrier are becoming more contradiction
"The rumors on the interest of Air France respect the buyout of Alitalia are becoming more and more contradiction, at the same time are producing confusion and are making forget the fundamental facets... more

Press releaseAir France: President Spinetta's declaration
Rome, Italy - Following to his resignation
"Following to comments that have accompanied his resignation from Alitalia's Board of Directors, Jean Cyril Spinetta wants to make the following clarifications: 'My resignation's decision has been reached... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Consob's requests
Rome, Italy - Some points specifically
"In connection with the requests made by Consob (Italian societies and Stock Exchange), it unveils: 1) Alitalia will give information, without delay, regarding the implementation of the retirement operations... more

Press releaseAlitalia (2): gathering's convocation
Rome, Italy - The first is fixed for next February 22, the second one on 28 of the same month
"Alitalia informs that sitting administrators, listened to board of statutory auditors, with notice that will gazette of the Italian Republic next January 20, have convoked shareholders ordinary assembly... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Giancarlo Cimoli's resignation from Air France-Klm's Board
Rome, Italy - The reciprocity of presence in two boards was convened between two carriers since 2002
"In proportion to the resignation by M. Jean Cyril Spinetta as society's executive, had also respect to the sale procedure by Italian Economy and Finance of a share of his participation in Alitalia, as... more

Press releaseAlitalia about an executive's resignation
Rome, Italy - By Jean Cyril Spinetta
"In proportion with the resignation by M. Jean Cyril Spinetta as executive in the society, Alitalia unveils some things. M. Jean Cyril Spinetta has explained his resignation in proportion to sale's... more

Press releaseItalian Honorable Pedrini about Galileo meeting: the first European infrastructure
Rome, Italy - The maximum effort so that the city, among the 12 candidates, is Rome as Authority office
"The Italian Honorable Egidio Pedrini, secretary of Transport Commission of Chamber of Deputies has attended to the meeting titled 'Galileo: the first European infrastructure' underlining the opportune... more

Press releaseItalian Honorable Egidio Pedrini (Italia dei Valori party) about Spinetta's resignation
Rome, Italy - And on Alitalia's situation
"Alitalia's matter is by now paradoxical. Spinetta's resignation, those ones by advisors and information that arrive about that is happening on attack to Alitalia preoccupy. The Italian Economy Minister,... more

Press releaseSdL on Alitalia's board: towards an absolute monarchy?
Rome, Italy - After the Ambassador's resignation, Gabriele Checchia
"The resignation as member of Alitalia's board by Ambassador, Gabriele Checchia, make further worrying the organization of the Alitalia's control authority. With the starting of the call of bids that... more

Press releaseUP: agreements not respected in Alitalia's dispute
Rome, Italy - But at present we remain inside the rules
"Unione Piloti shares fully the alarms and the strong troubles that originate from doubts and not much clarity during the path of sale of the Alitalia's control package. We are strongly critical towards... more