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6,271 news found

AirportsAirports. Brussels-Zaventem, yesterday took place the recording evidence in presence of one of the bomber

Paris, France - Today the news that Mohamed Abrini, main suspect in the attacks, has carried out the reconstruction of 22nd March facts working with authorities

Yesterday took place the recording evidence to reconstruct the dynamics of the attacks at Brussels-Zaventem Airport on 22nd of March (see AVIONEWS) in the presence of Mohamed Abrini, the main suspect in... more

AirportsAircraft and transport. Kumamoto airport, Japan, reopens: after the earthquake the first flight landed this morning

Kumamoto, Japan - At 7:40am, today 19th of April, the first regional flight arrived from Tokyo. This determined a partial reactivation of the hub’s activities

Kumamoto airport is located in Mashiki, a little town in the south-western of Kyushu region, it reopened its services to the citizens on Saturday after the M 7.3 earthquake striked the area and forced... more