6,271 news found

AirportsAirports. Brussels-Zaventem, yesterday took place the recording evidence in presence of one of the bomber
Paris, France - Today the news that Mohamed Abrini, main suspect in the attacks, has carried out the reconstruction of 22nd March facts working with authorities
Yesterday took place the recording evidence to reconstruct the dynamics of the attacks at Brussels-Zaventem Airport on 22nd of March (see AVIONEWS) in the presence of Mohamed Abrini, the main suspect in... more

AirportsEgyptAir aircraft (3). First French investigations targeted "Charles de Gaulle" Airport workers
Paris, France - Even if there are not defined tracks, concerns for airports security it's rising after yesterday's facts
French authorities have started to investigate the possible causes of the A-320/232 EgyptAir aircraft accident, including that of an explosive device placed on board on the flight from Paris to Cairo departing... more

AirportsAirplanes. Catania airport: Munich, new destination from next May 31
Catania, Italy - The route for the new base of the airline in Germany is added to those to Amsterdam and Paris
Transavia increases in Catania with the launch of the new flight to Munich from next May 31. The link is added to the connections to Paris and Amsterdam, and is included in the airline's expansion strategy... more

AirportsAirports. Saudi Arabia is going to privatize 11 airports within 2020
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - The news comes from Saudi Arabia civil aviation, that announces an expense of 10 billion dollars to realize the project
Saudi Arabia is planning to privatize 11 airports by 2020: yesterday came the news given by a general authority executive of Saudi Arabia civil aviation (Gaca). The international airport "King Khalid"... more

AirportsBerlin Airports: growing passenger numbers
Berlin, Germany - More than nine million passengers in the first four months
In April 2016 a total of 2,604,218 passengers took off and landed at the Berlin airports Schönefeld and Tegel; 8.2 per cent more than in April the previous year. 900,342 passengers were recorded in Schönefeld (... more

AirportsHamad International Airport achieves record passenger numbers in 1Q2016
Doha, Qatar - Qatar’s airport served a total of 30.9 million passengers in 2015 achieving a 17% year-on year increase in passenger figures
Hamad International Airport (HIA) has served a record 8.8 million passengers during the first quarter of 2016, making it the busiest quarter for the airport since its opening in May 2014. This represents... more

AirportsLiverpool Airport gears up for mass exodus of LFC fans to Basel
Liverpool, UK - In the occasion of the Europa League Final next Wednesday
Management and staff at Liverpool "John Lennon Airport" (LJLA) are gearing up for what is likely to be the Airport’s busiest day of the year next Wednesday as around 2,700 Liverpool fans fly out to Basel a... more

AirportsHamburg Airport: three new routes to France
Hamburg, Germany - Maiden flights to Marseille, Lyon and Bordeaux served by ASL Airlines France
The French airline ASL Airlines France is launching three new routes between Hamburg and France. The airline today celebrated the maiden flights on its new services to the major French cities Marseilles... more

AirportsAirplanes and environment. Aci Europe and post COP21: more airports than ever working to reduce their CO2 and impact on climate change
Brussels, Belgium - The full results for year 7 of the programme will be released in Athens in June during Annual assembly
ACI EUROPE and Post-COP21, more airports than ever working to reduce their CO2 and impact on climate change. The highlights are: · 157 airports worldwide are currently certified at one of the... more

AirportsSecurity. Chennai, India, investigation opened: the airport is falling apart -VIDEO
Chennai, India - 40 accidents and 13 injuried; the total amount of structural collapses is up to 63 since its first opening
The Indian Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju in collaboration with the Indian Airport Authority (AAI) has opened an investigation on Chennai Airport, where there have been 40 accidents caused... more

AirportsAirports. FAA fundings given to 12 local US airports
Washington, USA - The airports will benefit from 4,15 million of dollars which will help the implementation of national air transport
Twelve airports in Mississippi can benefit from more than 4,15 million dollars in FAA grants (Federal Aviation Administration) given by the US Department of Transportation in order to encourage the implementation... more

AirportsAirports. China is the worst in the world in terms of punctuality
Beijing, China - It is revealed by a statistic study conducted by "FlightStats", the possible reason behind the fact is the lack of available airspace
China's air transport has become increasingly chaotic and unreliable in recent years due to the strong domestic traffic. According to the site "FlightStats" (a commercial aviation data processing corporate)... more

AirportsFrankfurt Airport: South Runway maintenance completed on schedule; in operation again since Sunday
Frankfurt, Germany - Flight operations largely unaffected during work thanks to long-term preparation and stable weather conditions
Maintenance work at Frankfurt Airport’s (FRA) South Runway (07R/25L) was completed on schedule during the night from Saturday (May 7) to Sunday (May 8). In just 54 hours, a total area of some 30,500 s... more

AirportsHamburg Airport: new service to Romanian capital by TAROM
Hamburg, Germany - Served with A-318 aircraft
Hamburg Airport’s portfolio of routes to eastern Europe is being enriched with a new service: From today, the Romanian airline TAROM is operating four weekly flights between Hamburg and Bucharest. The r... more

AirportsAirports. Donetsk in Ukraine, destroyed by bombs yesterday -VIDEO
Donetsk, Ukraine - The attacks were carried out with grenades and machine guns
The airport of Donetsk in Ukrainian territory has been destroyed by the local security forces who bombed the village of Spartak and the airport, as reported by a militia source in the self-proclaimed "Republic... more

AirportsAircraft and airports. Raging fire engulf Fort McMurray International Airport -VIDEO
Alberta, Canada - All commercial flights suspended
The massive fire that erupted on May the 3rd near Fort McMurray town (Canada) doesn't seem to stop and it is spreading like wildfire also near the international airport. On 4th of May flights departing... more

AirportsMIA welcomed East Africa delegation for briefing, tour of airport operation
Miami, Usa - Cargo area and to share best practices related to airport security and concessions
On April 28, Miami-Dade Aviation Department (MDAD) executives hosted a delegation of aviation professionals from East Africa for a tour of Miami International Airport’s bustling cargo area and to share b... more

AirportsAirplanes. English House of Commons: ministers must schedule the timetable on the expansion of Heathrow Airport
London, Great Britain - David Cameron "Wasted" another opportunity to increase a stategic hub
It's no longer possible to postpone the decision on the expansion of Heathrow Airport: this emerges today from the statements made yesterday at the transport committee of the British House of Commons,... more

AirportsAirplanes. Autogrill enters Qatar
Milan, Italy - The Group continues to expand in the Middle East
Through HMSHost International, Autogrill is continuing to expand in Middle Eastern airports by entering Qatar, at the capital Doha’s new Hamad international airport, and extending its operations at the i... more

AirportsAirplanes. Bangkok International Airport, the construction of a new runway approved thanking to Article 44
Bangkok, Thailand - The regulatory allows the military junta to by-pass the environmental impact assessment
Thailand plans to invest about 83 billion dollars over the next seven years to build new railways, roads and customs checkpoint in order to remove bottlenecks that are an obstacle to commercial exports.... more

AirportsMiami-Dade leaders strengthen ties with Chinese airlines
Miami, Usa - During Business development mission
Miami-Dade County Commissioner José “Pepe” Diaz and Miami-Dade Deputy Aviation Director Ken Pyatt led a business development mission on April 11-23 to mainland China and the Republic of China (Taiwan), whic... more

AirportsAirplanes. Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport (BER) opened investigation on poisoned informer
Berlin, Germany - "Bild am Sonntag" revealed yesterday that the man knew too much about the management of opening plannings
The new Berlin-Brandenburg Airport (BER) has always been at the center of many controversies because of delays in its construction. The airport was originally supposed to open in 2011, but it got stuck... more

AirportsAirports and security. Brussels-Zaventem Airport departure hall reopens about six weeks after the attacks
Brussels, Belgium - Starting from today 111 check-in will be fully operative again
With a ceremony held by the Belgian prime minister Charles Michel the departure hall of the Brussels-Zaventem Airport will be back to life again starting from today. 111 check-in desks of the hall will... more

AirportsRome-Fiumicino Airport: the "Transit Gallery" reopened after the fire of a year ago
Rome, Italy - The airport returns today to its full operating normality
The link gallery long over 240 m reopened today at 5am for the transits between Schengen area and extra-Schengen of the "Leonardo da Vinci" airport in Fiumicino. It was closed following the fire of last... more

AirportsAirports. New security measures, a new reserved plan from European Union upcoming
Strasbourg, France - Hi-tech cameras, profiling tests and checkpoints will be the probable news
There will be new implementations in the security control at all European airports. This was revealed by "Corriere della Sera" yesterday, that got the rumor from sources from the executive board of the... more

AirportsAirplanes and strikes. France (2), national strike against labor reform; air transport paralyzed
Paris, France - 20% of Paris-Orly Airport connections cancelled
Today it will be a difficult day for French transport which will also be affected both in air and rail sector for "Charles De Gaulle", because of a national strike called by unions demanding the immediate... more

AirportsWizz Air triples Canary Islands links from Budapest
Budapest, Hungary - The airport has shown an average passenger traffic growth of over 13% during the first three months of 2016
Budapest Airport has announced today that Wizz Air will be adding another two links from the Hungarian gateway this winter. Having already celebrated four of the ultra-low-cost carrier’s (ULCC) new routes t... more

AirportsThe new Berlin Airport "May never open"
Berlin, Germany - These are the words of the planner of the project Dieter Faulenbach da Costa
Berlin-Brandenburg Airport (BER) was meant to open to the public in 2011 as a concrete alternative to the smaller airports of Schönefeld and Tegel. The project, whose planner was Dieter Faulenbach da... more

AirportsAirplanes and protests. Airport workers strike, many flights cancelled in German airports
Munich, Germany - Passengers could face many diseases today
Passengers of German air companies will probably live a black day because of the national strike of airport workers in the public sector, who are members of the "Verdi" union. This Union represents a... more

AirportsLittle girl overcame security checks at Moscow Airport to fly to St. Petersburg
Moscow, Russia - The eleven year old girl passed unnoticed through the crowd of departing passengers
She has always wanted to visit St. Petersburg: these are the words of a Russian eleven year old girl who on Monday overcame the Moscow Airport security checks and boarded on a plane. She had never flown... more

AirportsAirports. Munich Airport opened yesterday its new satellite Terminal
Munich, Germany - Star Alliance is focused on the new building to make the Bavarian hub grow
Munich Airport opened yesterday its new satellite Terminal, a 7000 square meters building equipped with advanced and eco-friendly technologies that can reduce up to 40% CO2 emissions. Many relax areas... more

AirportsAirports and security. Prague Airport: 25 drunken Scots kicked off a Jet2 aircraft
Prague, Czech Republic - The men have spread out panic among passengers
Last April 25th a group of drunken Scots was kicked off a plane departing from Prague Airport. The 25 men, who were celebrating the stag party of one of them "At high altitude", got drunk and then started... more

AirportsChina Everbright and Friedmann Pacific jointly acquires Tirana International Airport
Beijing, China - Number of passengers increased from 600,000 in 2005 to 2 million in 2015
China Everbright Limited announced that Keen Dynamics Limited, its joint-venture with Friedmann Pacific Asset Management Limited (“Friedmann Pacific”) which focuses on global airport investments, has sig... more

AirportsBerlin-Brandenburg airport opening: target of second half of 2017 remains
Berlin, Germany - There is no necessity to abandon this schedule
The airport company is sticking firmly to its target of commissioning Berlin-Brandenburg Airport in the second half of 2017. Executive Management and the Supervisory Board are in agreement that there is... more

AirportsCatania Airport (SAC): the new official APP presented; growth of air traffic in the first three months
Catania, Italy - New routes for the Summer season and departurre area in delivering at half of May
The new official APP of the airport, CTAairport, has been released from today in the digital stores of Android and Apple operating systems. So the airport continues its approaching path to the passengers... more

AirportsAirports and security. Kamikaze worked at Brussels-Zaventem Airport for 5 years
Brussels, Belgium - A Belgian 24 yo, author of March terrorist attacks, was also employed as a janitor at European Parliament
One of 22nd March bombers at Brussels-Zaventem Airport worked in the hub for 5 years, as Belgium’s “VTM” television reported today: Najim Laachraoui was recruited by a temp agency from 2007 until the e... more

AirportsAtlantia aims for Nice Airport
Rome, Italy - The tender procedure to privatise the hub will end in July, the company joins with EDF Invest
Atlantia, the holding company of Autostrade per l'Italia and Aeroporti di Roma, will take part to the tender procedure to privatise Nice and Lyon Airports. The procedure began on 26th of March after the... more

AirportsAircraft and transport. Kumamoto airport, Japan, reopens: after the earthquake the first flight landed this morning
Kumamoto, Japan - At 7:40am, today 19th of April, the first regional flight arrived from Tokyo. This determined a partial reactivation of the hub’s activities
Kumamoto airport is located in Mashiki, a little town in the south-western of Kyushu region, it reopened its services to the citizens on Saturday after the M 7.3 earthquake striked the area and forced... more

AirportsAirplanes. Dublin Airport as a regional hub inside and outside the country
Dublin, Ireland - Offical figures speak out, Irish and international passengers using it as a "Connection hub" to fly across Europe, USA and UK are increasing
The Air Passenger Duty (APD) is a UK tax which every passenger departing from a UK airport must pay. It comes in at £13 on short-haul economy class seats and £26 in other classes. This amount is crucial f... more

AirportsAirplanes grounded. Mexico: Popocatepetl volcano erupts, Puebla airport closed -VIDEO
Puebla, Mexico - Population has been evacuated, area in yellow alert
A three meter's ash column has forced to evacuate Puebla area, at 80 km from Mexico City. At 2:30am local hour of last Sunday, Popocatepetl volcano has begun its activity, obligating the authorites closing... more

AirportsBudapest Airport moves further east with flights to Korea
Budapest, Hungary - Another month of growth by recording 13.5% passenger traffic increase in March
Experiencing yet another month of exceptional growth by recording 13.5% passenger traffic increase in March, Budapest Airport continues its route network enhancement in welcoming Asiana Airlines as its... more

AirportsAirplanes and figures. Passenger growth at Schönefeld continues unabated
Berlin, Germany - Plus 40 per cent in March 2016
Passenger volume at Berlin’s Schönefeld and Tegel airports grew by 10.5 per cent in March 2016, with a total of 2,568,518 passengers taking off and landing there. 897,520 passengers were recorded at Sc... more

AirportsAmsterdam Airport. Schiphol Group supervisory board appointments
Amsterdam, Holland - They are two: Wijn and Jeantet
J. G (Joop) Wijn (1969) was reappointed to the Schiphol Group Supervisory Board on 12 April. He has been a member of the board since 1 June 2012. The reappointment is for a term of four years with effect... more

AirportsAirplanes and results. Dubai International Airport: passenger traffic tops 6.3 million in February
Dubai, UAE - It continued to grow steadily ad DXB
Passenger traffic continued to grow steadily at Dubai International (DXB), with over 6.3 million passengers registered in February 2016. According to the latest traffic report issued by operator Dubai... more

AirportsItaly. Reggio Calabria airport: its situation is more complicated
Reggio Calabria, Italy - Application for bankruptcy presented by the Court
The prosecutor Gerardo Dominijanni and the State's attorney Sara Amerio have presented application for bankruptcy for the company from time immemorial has all its balances with debts. To make the situation... more

AirportsAircraft and transport. Aci Europe: February airport traffic growth even higher at +10,3%
Brussels, Belgium - Breakdown by traffic category
European airport trade association, ACI EUROPE today releases its traffic report for February 2016. This is the only air transport report which includes all types of civil aviation passenger flights to... more

AirportsA record-breaking March at "Chopin Airport" in Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland - Despite the increase in the number of passengers, the aircraft movements remained unchanged.
More than 841 thousand people were handled in March at "Chopin Airport" in Warsaw. This is yet another consecutive monthly record in the history of Warsaw airport. March 2016 was the best March in the... more

AirportsEasyJet stations tenth aircraft in Berlin
Berlin, Germany - New routes from Schönefeld to Bordeaux, Toulouse, Priština and Catania
EasyJet is ready to take off to new destinations after stationing its tenth aircraft at the Berlin site. Starting with the summer flight schedule, the airline will be offering a direct connection from... more

AirportsBumper first quarter for Liverpool Airport brings over 1 million passengers so far in 2016
Liverpool, UK - A number of new services started in March
Growth in passenger numbers continued at Liverpool "John Lennon Airport" (LJLA) during March as passenger numbers rose by 18% compared to March 2015 - the highest March figures since 2011. Over 380,000... more

AirportsAirplanes. Liverpool Airport: Vueling's inaugural Barcelona service in time for Easter
Liverpool, UK - Three times per week
Spanish airline Vueling, part of the International Airlines Group (IAG) that includes British Airways, operated their first flights of their new summer service between Liverpool "John Lennon Airport" (LJLA)... more