Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseBoeing 777 fleet reaches 1 million flights under Extended Operations Rules
Seattle, USA - With flights starting from 1995
The Boeing Company recently announced that its 777 jetliner fleet has completed its 1 millionth flight under regulations for extended operations (ETOPS). Based on reported and projected 777 fleet data,... more

Press releaseBoeing investor conference executive presentations to be webcast
Chicago, USA - On next May 23rd
Boeing will webcast the executive presentations made during its May 23 investor conference. Presenters will include Boeing Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer Jim McNerney and Chief Financial... more

Press releaseAlitalia Cargo (5): direct flight to Miami from next Friday
Rome, Italy - The weekly connection will be served by a MD-11 Special Freighter airplane
"The new direct flight by Alitalia Cargo between Milan-Malpensa and Miami will depart next May 18, thanks to an agreement signed with the Centurion Air Cargo airline, that will operate the Central-South... more

Press releaseEADS denies reports on "" website
Paris, France - The given information completely unfounded
EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) emphatically denies the reports that appeared on the “” website on 14 May 2007, and which have been repeated elsewhere in the media. These rep... more

Press releaseAlitalia (4): the Board of Directors approved yesterday the first three month-report of Group on March 31, 2007
Rome, Italy - The next meeting is expected for May 23
"- 5,5 million of passengers transported during the first quarter 2007, increasing of 5,9% compared to the same period of 2006. - Net consolidated revenues of the first quarter 2007 equal to EUR 1061... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: Board of directors approve 1Q results
Rome, Italy - Revenues show organic growth of 6% EBIT and net profit up vs 1Q06 excluding extraordinary operations
Finmeccanica improved its results once again in the first quarter of 2007, thanks to organic growth. The figures confirm the stability and quality of the group's growth. Revenues came in at EUR 2,740... more

Press releaseEmbraer: first quarter 2007
São José dos Campos, Brazil - The main facts
- In February 2007, Embraer’s shareholders: BNDES Participações S.A. - BNDESPAR, Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil – PREVI, Fundação SISTEL de Seguridade Social, European Aeronauti... more

Press releaseMore than 1,5 million passengers has already flown by Vueling from the beginning 2007
Barcelona, Spain - An increase of 81,33% compared with the same period of last year
"With a 81.33% increase compared to the same period in 2006 Vueling carried 1,506,893 passengers in the first 4 months of 2007. During April past 434,302 passengers flew by Vueling, which translates into... more

Press releaseAlitalia: apostolical trip by Pope Benedict XVI in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Rome, Italy - On board of a Boeing 777 airplane
"On the occasion of the V General conference of the Latin-American and Caribbeans Episcopate, that will take place in Aparecida, Brazilian city, the apostolic trip by His Holiness, Benedict XVI, will be... more

Press releaseLockheed Martin awarded future combat systems centralized controller
Dallas, USA - For unmanned air/ground system
Lockheed Martin has been awarded a contract for system design and development of the Future Combat Systems Centralized Controller Device (CCD) for unmanned air and ground vehicles. The Centralized... more

Press releaseBoeing director Nanula resigns from board
Chicago, USA - On the board since January 2005
Richard D. Nanula last week resigned from The Boeing Company's board of directors. Nanula, former executive vice president and chief financial officer of Amgen, had served on the board since January 2005.... more

Press releaseAmerican Airlines 1Q results
Milan, Italy - A very positive start for a remarkable rise of AA stocks
"AMR Corporation reported 1Q revenues equal to USD 81 million, with an increase by USD 173 million compared to 2006, when a net loss of USD 92 mln was reported. The airline keeps on growing, with the fourth... more

Press releaseBoeing names Armstrong to lead new enterprise environmental organization
Chicago, USA - To integrate and expand existing activities
Boeing has named Mary Armstrong as vice-president of Environment, Health and Safety, a new organization designed to integrate and expand the focus of the separate environmental groups and initiatives that... more

Press releaseNew York Stock Exchange opened yesterday the Delta Air Lines' return
Atlanta, USA - Company rings the opening bell(sm) from its hub at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and will ring the closing bell(sm) from the NYSE in Manhattan
The Opening Bell of stock market signaled the addition of Delta Air Lines' "DAL" stock ticker to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) as shares of the company's new common stock began trading. CEO Jerry... more

Press releaseAlitalia forced to cancel today 356 flights due to the strike to limit impacts on customers and about carrier
Rome, Italy - The declarations by SdL are incomprehensible
"According to the declarations diffused yesterday by secretary of SdL (Italian workers union) intercategory air transport, about 356 cancellations that Alitalia has been forced to make due to the strike... more

Press releaseATM-PP: May-June strikes calendar
Rome, Italy - By air traffic control and flight assistance personnel
"For issues concerning the lack of compliance to the agreements set by Enav SpA (Italian Flight Assistance Authority), ATM-PP announces the following calendar with reference to the strikes called by air... more

Press releaseDelta Air Lines Exits Chapter 11 Stronger and Better Positioned
Atlanta, Usa - Lenders support Delta’s emergence with $2.5 billion in financing
Delta Air Lines today is emerging from Chapter 11 positioned to compete aggressively around the globe with a best-in-class cost structure and balance sheet, a diversified global network, a renewed focus... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position on March 31, 2007
Rome, Italy - Equal to EUR 1072 million
"- Net financial position of the Group on March 31, 2007 equal to EUR 1072 million, with a reduction of the net indebtedness of EUR 30 million (-2,7%) compared to the analogous situation on February 28,... more

Press releaseLockheed Martin declares quarterly dividend
Bethesda, USA - 35 cents per share
The Lockheed Martin Corporation Board of Directors recently declared a regular quarterly dividend on the Corporation's common stock of 35 cents per share. The dividend is payable June 22, 2007 to holders... more

Press releaseBoeing reports quarterly dividend
Chicago, USA - 35 cents per share
Boeing Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer Jim McNerney reports that the board of directors last April 30th declared a quarterly dividend of thirty five (35) cents per share. The dividend... more

Press releaseSkyEurope appoints the CFO and announces changes to the leadership
Bratislave, Slovak - Starting from May 2007
"Nick Manoudakis was designated as Chief Financial Officer. With a degree in accounting, finance, computer technology, Nick gained great expertise as CPA in USA before joining the group that, in 1995,... more

Press releaseLockheed Martin volunteers honored for giving 149,000+ service hours to better North Texas
Dallas, USA - On the occasion of "National Volunteer Week"
More than 3,825 Lockheed Martin employees received President George W. Bush's prestigious "Volunteer Service Award" during "National Volunteer Week", April 15-21. The award recipients were among thousands... more

Press releaseEmbraer 190 jet completes World Demo Tour
São José dos Campos, Brazil - Aircraft showcased in 43 countries, on six continents
Embraer completed a 21-week record-breaking demonstration tour of the Embraer 190, one of the longest tours for the manufacturers of commercial jets. After starting at the Farnborough Air Show, in... more

Press releaseHonorable Pedrini (IDV) on Alitalia: price too low, stop the sale
Rome, Italy - The Minister Padoa Schioppa reports in front of the Parliament
"The Honorable Egidio Pedrini (Italia dei valori) returns to affirm with force about the news published regarding the not-binding offers for Alitalia. All three concert parties are inferior of the price... more

Press releaseAlitalia: traffic figures in the month of March 2007
Rome, Italy - For the passengers and cargo sectors
"The acquisition of Alitalia's traffic figures in March 2007 has pointed out, compared to the same period of 2006, a growth both in passengers transport and cargo. In particular, in passengers transport,... more

Press releaseAlitalia: considerations about AdR's declarations
Rome, Italy - Surprising the affirmations by managing director and General Director of the management society
"The affirmations by managing director and General Director of the AdR (Rome's airports management society) surprise, from which notice that only Alitalia wouldn't have respected the engagements assumed... more

Press releaseEnac: meeting with Eurofly about new disservices in Kenya
Rome, Italy - The gathering will take place today in the afternoon
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) communicates that on suggestion by its President, Vito Riggio, the head office of the Board has fixed with urgency a meeting with Eurofly's leadership for an analysis... more

Press releaseAirOne: financial results of 2006
Rome, Italy - Strong growth of the society thanks to the efficiency of management and development of international network
"The AirOne's Board, gathered by the presidency of Carlo Toto, has approved the project of financial results on December 31, 2006 of AirOne SpA. The data confirm the strong development of the society:... more

Press releaseSdL asks to the magistrature to investigate about "Phantom workers" of Ryanair
Rome, Italy - The declaration by the national coordinator of the Workers Union, Fabrizio Tomaselli
“SdL (Italian workers union) , last April 11 sent a petition/denunciation to the public prosecutor’s offices of Rome, Velletri (near Rome), Pisa and Bergamo, offices in which Ryanair has recruited per... more

Press releaseENAC keeps on investigating Eurofly disservices in the Maldives
Rome, Italy - With reference to the Community Regulation no. 261/2004
With reference to the case of Eurofly passengers bound in the Maldives due to technical problems occurred in the airline's aircraft, now almost all returned to Italy, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority)... more

Press release"Telefono Blu": over 3,000 the indications due to devastated holidays
Rome, Italy - Mainly after the Easter's period
"Devastated holidays in this Easter that has recorded a flow of 15 million of people: 8 ones for a real travel and seven ones for only two nights. Telefono Blu Consumatori has accepted the complaints... more

Press releaseIATA and FIATA combine the efforts to improve the safety in cargo sector
Geneva, Switzerland - The participation is opened to all the representative associations
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Cargo Consigners' Associations Federation (FIATA) will constitute a task-force of cargo field of the air transport to improve the... more

Press releaseENAC: about 200 passengers of Eurofly stopped from Monday left Maldive yesterday in the afternoon
Rome, Italy - Other 57 passengers could return today in Italy
"Following to what communicated previously, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that has been repaired one of two airplanes of Eurofly's carrier that have had technical problem at Malè's airport,... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: creation of the new Space Alliance with Thales
Paris, France - "The cornerstone of the European space industry"
On April 4th 2007, the European Commission approved the transfer to Thales of Alcatel- Lucent’s shareholdings in the two space sector joint venture companies Alcatel Alenia Space* (67% Thales and 33% F... more

Press releaseENAV: the leadership of the Eurocontrol's meeting table at Italy
Rome, Italy - Massimo Garbini appointed Chairman of OCG
"Important international recognition for Italy: Massimo Garbini, ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society) Operational Area responsible, has been assigned Chairman of the Operations Coordination Group (OCG),... more

Press new route with flight to Paris
Rimini, Italy - Its own operational activity started
", division of the Riviera di Rimini Promotions, an Italian private organization of touristic promotion to which more than 2500 accommodating facilities make reference, announced the beginning... more

Press releaseCAA on BAA's Heathrow and Gatwick airports
London, United Kingdom - Reference to the Competition Commission
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) recently published its reference to the Competition Commission, as required by statute, and accompanying regulatory analysis and proposals for two of British Airport... more

Press releaseIATA urges Asia to participate in environment debate
Brussels, Belgium - “Governments are far too quick to impose taxes, but they are slow to implement air traffic management solutions that will improve environmental performance"
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called on Asia to participate strongly in the environment debate. 'The UN attributes 2% of global carbon emissions to aviation and we are working... more

Press releaseEmbraer sales in the Executive aviation sector
São José dos Campos, Brazil - 2006 4Q results
Embraer announced on October 16, 2006 that it intends to build three new service centers in the U.S., dedicated to fullservice care for the Phenom 100, Phenom 300 and Legacy 600 aircraft. Embraer and... more

Press releaseLockheed Martin awarded Canadian forces contract
Orlando, USA - 36 Sniper Advanced Targeting POD ordered
Lockheed Martin has received a contract from the Canadian Forces for 36 Sniper® Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP), making the Canadian Forces the seventh international customer to join the U.S. Air Force... more

Press releaseContinental Airlines starts new flights to Quebec from Cleveland
Cleveland, USA - On a 50-seat Embraer ERJ-145 regional jet
Continental Airlines today announced the first ever nonstop scheduled service between the airline's Cleveland hub (CLE) and Quebec's Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB). The flights will enhance Continental's... more

Press releaseERASMUS: opening a new era in ATM automation
Brussels, Belgium - To cope with the anticipated increase in traffic
The EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre together with DSNA-DTI (Direction de la Technique et de l'Innovation de la Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne), Honeywell, SICTA, the University of Linkoping... more

Press releaseEmbraer sales in the commercial aviation sector
São José dos Campos, Brazil - 2006 4Q results
Embraer announced on October 5, 2006 that US-based Northwest Airlines placed a firm order for 36 EMBRAER 175s, with options for additional 36 aircraft of the same type and up to 100 rolling purchase rights.... more

Press releaseAgustaWestland and the UK MoD sign an agreement
London, UK - To modify six ex-Danish EH-101 helicopters and to build six replacement aircraft for Denmark
AgustaWestland and the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) have today signed an agreement to modify six EH-101 Merlin helicopters the MoD are buying from Denmark, to provide additional helicopter support for... more

Press releaseEmbraer four quarter and fiscal year 2006 results
São José dos Campos, Brazil - 2006 net income of US$390.1 million
Embraer, the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial jets up to 120 seats, recorded fourth quarter 2006 net sales of US$1,084.1 million and net sales for fiscal year 2006 of US$3,807.4 million. Net I... more

Press releaseTwo exceptional engines for F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter
Forth Worth, USA - By Pratt&Whitney and Ge Rolls-Royce
Chief Test Pilot Jon Beesley summoned the full might of the most powerful fighter engine in history as the F-35 performed its first-ever afterburner takeoff on March 13th. A short takeoff roll was followed... more

Press releaseADR opens in Fiumicino a new passenger infrastructure
Rome, Italy - Yesterday inaugurated the new boarding room
"Yesterday morning, at 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. respectively, AirOne passengers bound to London and Czech Airlines customers bound to Prague left from the brand new boarding room of Fiumicino airport.... more

Press releaseEUROCONTROL’s Airport Operations Programme celebrates 5 years of success
Brussels, Belgium - In close co-operation and under the guidance of the Airport Operations Team
In the five years since it was launched, the EUROCONTROL Airport Operations Programme has delivered a number of solutions that reinforce safety, capacity and efficiency while providing increased environmental... more

Press releaseRolls-Royce and Embraer celebrate the 2,000th AE-3007 engine delivery
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil - During a ceremony at Embraer’s Brazilian facility
Rolls-Royce and Embraer celebrated the delivery of the 2,000th AE-3007 engine during a ceremony on March 22 at Embraer’s facility in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. The AE-3007 has powered Embraer’s ERJ fam... more

Press releaseAgustaWestland celebrates a triple win at the English Minister for Defence Procurement acquisition awards ceremony
London , UK - An extraordinary result
AgustaWestland congratulates the joint UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) and AgustaWestland Strategic Partnering Team (SPT) and Integrated Merlin Operational Support (IMOS) team on both winning Minister for... more