Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseEnac informs that Alpi Eagles will be suspended if it won't give guarantees on the return plan
Rome, Italy - The release by the Authority
"With reference to the procedure started by Enac (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) the last June 21 towards Alpi Eagles, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority affirms that if within Friday 6 of July the... more

Press releaseAirlines black list: Commission adopts new measures against unsafe carriers
Brussels, Belgium - Adopted the fourth update today
"Today, the European Commission adopted the fourth update of the Community list of airlines banned in the European Union. This list includes an operating ban of all Indonesian airlines as well as of the... more

Press releaseASSAEREO: Fiumicino airport needs infrastructural adjustments
Rome, Italy - After recent inconveniences suffered by passengers in the Roman air station
"With regard to the recent inconveniences suffered by passengers in Fiumicino's air station, by noticing the growing frequency of traffic congestion phenomena, ASSAEREO (Italian Association for Carriers... more

Press releaseAutogrill launched the take-over bid cash on remaining capital stock of Alpha Airports
Milan, Italy - From yesterday and until July 23
"Autogrill SpA (AGL IM) published the information sheet containing the terms and conditions of the take-over bid cash on remaining capital stock of Alpha Airports Group PlC (AAP LN) still on market, at... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position on May 31, 2007
Rome, Italy - It's equal to EUR 1052 million
"- Net financial position of the Group on May 31, 2007 equal to EUR 1052 million, with a reduction of the net indebtedness of EUR 25 million (-2,3%) compared to the analogous situation on April 30, 2007... more

Press releaseAirOne-Alitalia: Carlo Toto declaration after the meeting of yesterday with unions
Rome, Italy - "Reorganizing and relaunching Alitalia is possible"
"'Reorganizing and relaunching Alitalia is possible and in this way giving back an efficient and competitive flag airline to Italian Country' declared Carlo Toto, after the yesterday meeting, within privatization... more

Press releasePedrini on Alitalia: liberalizing the slots and allowing new carriers to operate in Italy
Rome, Italy - This is the true liberalization, according to the Honorable
"' Liberalizing the slots to new carriers and allowing them to operate in Italy is the true liberalization', declares the honorable Egidio Pedrini and adds 'It's not possible liberalizing by creating monopolies.... more

Press releaseAlitalia: decisions by the shareholders' and bondholders' meeting
Rome, Italy - Four the main points
"- Approved the balance sheet on December 31, 2006 and the patrimonial situation on March 31, 2007. - Rejected the proposal of responsibility's activity to the administrators, members of the Board of... more

Press releasePedrini about Alitalia: the farce continues, the Government changes men and methods
Rome, Italy - After the definitive withdrawal by Aeroflot
"'With the definitive withdrawal by Aeroflot, unless denials of the last hour now always possible in this act, Prodi have to stop the tender for Alitalia's privatization, is not possible to continue with... more

Press releaseAnsv: in the Treviso's airport an Irish airplane B-737 loses the left wheel of the nose landing gear
Rome, Italy - A similar event occurred to the same model on June 2006 in the Catania's airport
"The Italian Air Safety Board (Ansv) has started a technical inquiry for accident after the accident occurred yesterday to the aircraft B-737/8AS, code EI-CSN, operating the flight Gerona-Treviso, with... more

Press releaseEnac: sanctionative procedure for Ryanair due to cancellation of flight from Trapani
Rome, Italy - The statements of Vito Riggio, president of the authority
"With reference to Ryanair flight from Trapani to Dublin scheduled for Wednesday 20th at 8:45pm which left instead on Thursday, June 21st at 12:00am, Enac (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that... more

Press releasePedrini about Alitalia: this tender is the defeat by State
Rome, Italy - Padoa-Schioppa comes to report in Parliament
"'This tender for the Alitalia's privatization, also for how badly conducted, is the real defeat by State incapable to promote concrete policies for carrier's renewal', the Honorable Egidio Pedrini declares,... more

Press releaseAlitalia, traffic statistics in May 2007
Rome, Italy - For passengers and cargo sectors
"The survey on Alitalia traffic data in May 2007 registered, compared to the same period of the past year, an increase in the cargo sector and a reduction of activity and transport of passengers, because... more

Press releaseATM-PP on the strike of Saturday, July 7
Rome, Italy - It's scheduled a four hour strike, from 12am to 4pm
"ATM-PP Federation informs and confirms the calling of the national strike of all the staff Enav SpA (Società nazionale assistenza al volo - Italian Flight Assistance Society), announced by the same federate... more

Press releaseHonourable Pedrini on Alitalia: "This is the epilogue of the mystery whose results have been known for some time"
Rome, Italy - Padoa-Schioppa takes on his responsibilities
"'In Alitalia's privatization tender Minister Padoa-Schioppa only privileged the financial aspects of immediate realization which might inevitably fall on the interest of financial and banking sectors,... more

Press releaseAlitalia: clarification on the strike Fta-Cisal on July 7
Rome, Italy - The airline states that no one flight will be cancelled that day
"With reference to the flight assistants' strike called by the union Fta CIsal Assovolo for July 7, Alitalia wants to remark that this union doesn't meet the requirements to be recognized by the airline... more

Press releaseEnac: the landing in Ciampino of the airplane coming from Hong Kong wasn't an emergency
Rome, Italy - It wasn't an emergency landing
"With respect to the landing of this morning of a Boeing 747 airplane, coming from Hong Kong, by Cathay airline, Enac (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that it hasn't been an emergency landing. The... more

Press releaseAlitalia: yesterday board of directors on the balance sheet at March 31, 2007
Rome, Italy - Parent company's net result for the first quarter negative for EUR 135 million
" - First quarter of 2007's net result for the parent company (Alitalia - Linee Aeree Italiane SpA) negative for EUR 135 million with a 24 million gain with reference to the first quarter of 2006 (first... more

Press releaseAlitalia: board of directors convocation
Rome, Italy - Forecast for today, June 11th
"We inform that the Alitalia board meeting is to be held today, on June 11,with on agenda the discussion about the financial situation up to March 31st 2007, article 2446, first paragraph of the civil... more

Press releaseANSV: accepted security recommendations regarding the Russian airplanes of the general aviation
Rome, Italy - Marked from the presence "K" letter in the mark identifications
"The Italian Air Safety Board (ANSV) communicates that ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) has received two security recommendations issued following to some events (a severe occurrence and three crashes)... more

Press releaseLaunched with success Italian satellite Cosmo-SkyMed
Avezzano, Italy - It will start from tomorrow to download data
First of the fourth satellites of Cosmo-SkyMed's costellation has left today from Vandenberg's base in California at 7:35 pm LH (04:35 am in Italy). The satellite is an Italian system launched to observe... more

Press releaseIATA urges Chancellor Merkel to bring real environmentale results
Heiligendamm, Germany - At G8 Summit
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as the host of the G-8 Summit, to save 12 million tonnes of unnecessary CO2 annually by making a political... more

Press releaseMinistry of Transport on the Alitalia-unions agreement
Rome, Italy - SdL the only union not signing the agreement
"The Italian Minister of Transport, Alessandro Bianchi, met yesterday unions representatives of Alitalia flight assistants and representatives of the carrier to reach a positive conclusion of the dispute... more

Press releaseAlitalia: signed agreement for the definition of the flight assistant's dispute
Rome, Italy - At the Transport Ministry
"Alitalia communicates that at the Transport Ministry has been signed the agreement for the definition of the flight assistant's dispute". more

Press releaseSITA: record in new business in 2006
Milan, Italy - The results underline the boom of the sector
"Sales revenue of USD 1,481bn (EUR 1,1bn); new contracts of USD 1,001bn (EUR 0,74bn). SITA (Società internazionale di telecomunicazioni aeronautiche) management of 2006 has closed with positive indicators.... more

Press releasePedrini about Alitalia: the title falls and Cardia looks
Rome, Italy - The declarations by the Honorable
"'I ask what is the meaning and the consequent actions that the CONSOB, and Cardia, in particular, link to the 'Monitoring' word when refer to Alitalia's title. All this, while the title is falling... more

Press releaseTechno Sky Srl: Chief Executive nominated
Rome, Italy - It's Antonio Iozzino
Techno Sky Srl Board of directors, assembled under Nadio Di Rienzo's presidency, has nominated mister Antonio Iozzino as chief executive of the company. Techno Sky Srl, former Vitrociset Sistemi Srl,... more

Press releaseENAC: sorrow for the victims of the helicopter crash occurred last Saturday
Rome, Italy - Inspections on national helicopter system
"With reference to the helicopter crash last Saturday, occurred in Abruzzo, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) expressing its condolence to the victims and their families, communicates to have fixed... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position on April 30, 2007
Rome, Italy - Equal to EUR 1077 million
“- Net financial position of Group on April 30, 2007 equal to EUR 1077 million, with a light increment of the net indebtedness of EUR 5 m (+0,5%) compared to the analogous situation on March 31, 2007 e... more

Press releaseSkyEurope improves the first half (H1) of the Financial Year 2007
Vienna , Austria - While delivering substantial growth.
"SkyEurope Holding AG significantly improves the First Half (H1) of the Financial Year 2007. EBITDAR margin improves by 22.8%, reducing significantly the EBITDAR loss (H1 2007 EUR 17.2 million vs H1... more

Press releaseAlitalia. Pedrini: Stop to the tender and Cardia must suspend the security
Rome, Italy - Consob must answer of its responsibility
"The alarmed claims of competing companies that are already exit from the tender for Alitalia and still more the Parliament that gives suggestions to the Government that simply ignores them, describe well... more

Press releasePedrini about Alitalia (4): Libonati's affirmations are tautological
Rome, Italy - The declarations by the Honorable
"'Alitalia President's affirmations on the carrier's privatization call for bids are tautological. Laywer Libonati, not coming from air transport, sees the solution from high of his legal competences',... more

Press releasePedrini on Alitalia (3): Consob suspend the title
Rome, Italy - Padoa-Schioppa soon in Parliament
"'The Italian Economy Minister come in Parliament to say the reasons about the exit by TPG of the Alitalia's privatization tender', Egidio Pedrini declared. He asks to him again 'But mainly he says to... more

Press releasePedrini on Alitalia (2): Giordano well
Rome, Italy - But where Cgil is?
"'I agree perfectly with Giordano about Alitalia when he affirms the not-exit by Treasure from carrier', the Honourable Egidio Pedrini declared. He underlines that 'The same thing I had supported in Transports... more

Press releasePedrini about Alitalia: Bersani says well, but we already know it
Rome, Italy - Now Consob suspend the title
"'Bersani, Italian Economic Minister, is corrected, but already for a time it knew who remained and who went in the Alitalia's tender', Honorable Egidio Pedrini said. He requests again 'The Economy Minister... more

Press releasePedrini about Alitalia: a story with well known final
Rome, Italy - On the renunciation by TPG from the airline's privatization tender
"'The explaination provided by TPG-Mediobanca, to justify the abandonment of the Alitalia's privatization call for bids, is a serious fact, as secretary of Parliamentary Transport Commission I would know... more

Press releaseMeeting with unions, Alitalia and Transport Ministry yesterday
Rome, Italy - The works updated to tomorrow morning
"Following to the requests advanced by Unions and Alitalia, about an intervention by Government to surpass the stalemate phase created in the dispute regarding the flight assistants, Italian Transport... more

Press releaseSdL: today meeting at Italian Transport Ministry about flight assistants' dispute
Rome, Italy - The category in the last days exerted itself to relieve hardships to passengers
"On the eve of the meeting fixed by Transport Minister, Alessandro Bianchi, for this evening, we retain due to reaffirm that the entire dispute has been opened exclusively because of the denial by Alitalia... more

Press releaseAlitalia (3): traffic figures in the month of April 2007
Rome, Italy - For passengers and cargo
"The acquisition of Alitalia's traffic figures in April 2007 has recorded, compared to the same period of 2006, a growth in cargo field and a substantial stability in passengers sector. In particular,... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Board of Directors approved the balance sheet on December 31, 2006
Rome, Italy - The meeting held yesterday
"- Revenues of traffic in 12 months of 2006 equal to EUR 4373 m increasing of about EUR 157 m (+3,7%) compared to the same period of 2005, thanks to a growth both in passengers traffic (+1,2%) and goods... more

Press releaseENAV: very low adhesion at 15%
Rome, Italy - The "Announcement effect" is determinative
"The affirmations from the independent union surprise, according to it considers 'A success' the strike of today by air traffic controllers. Actually, the participation at the strike announced by SACTA... more

Press releaseAlitalia about strike of today
Rome, Italy - The agitation has provoked the cancellation of only 30 flights
"Alitalia recommends to not associate its name to the strong hardships provoked today by the strike of ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Authority) flight controllers that isn't allowing to any carrier to... more

Press releaseSDL on Alitalia: Padoa-Schioppa wants to sell completely the carrier
Rome, Italy - Who has decided it?
"Probably Italian Economics Minister Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa has become the only holder of Treasure Ministry if he does not need to face with Parliament and can decide to sell off the whole equity stake... more

Press releaseENAC: Alitalia at the Authority's headquarters for disservices due to the agitations by crew staff
Rome, Italy - The meeting yesterday afternoon during which some information has been obtained
"A meeting with Alitalia's management held yesterday in the afternoon at the general Direction of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority). The aim of it has been that to get information and value the disservices... more

Press releaseENAC on the Alitalia enduring agitation: the airline was convoked
Rome, Italy - President Vito Riggio demands the check of the personnel's quality and behaviors
"With reference to the enduring agitation of Alitalia cabin-crew, ENAC - Italian Civil Aviation Authority announces to have convoked for today the heads of the carrier. ENAC will call management to... more

Press releaseThe dispute of Alitalia's flight attendants
Rome, Italy - The position of ANPAV's members
"The dispute of flight attendants has already provoked a 24 hour-strike on May 3rd, and for the simple respect of the contract, has been announced another 24 hour-strike for next May 22rd. The company... more

Press releaseSdL (Italian workers union): the strike by Alitalia fixed for tomorrow confirmed
Rome, Italy - The responsibility is entirely of the management
"The strike fixed for tomorrow, May 22, is confirmed against the no solution of the problems at heart of dispute between flight assistants and Alitalia, the absolute lack of a meeting between the parts... more

Press releaseENAV: strike by air traffic controllers adherent to SACTA tomorrow
Rome, Italy - For eight hours, from 10am to 6pm
"ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society) communicates that tomorrow, Tuesday May 22 the air traffic controllers adherent to the SACTA union have fixed a national strike for eight hours from 10am to 6pm;... more

Press releaseBoeing reaches tentative agreement with machinists union in St. Louis
St. Louis, USA - $ 24,000 in additional compensation
The Boeing Company yesterday announced that it has reached a tentative agreement for a new three-year contract with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 837. Once... more

Press releaseAlitalia: hardships next May 22 for people flying
Rome, Italy - Strike by ENAV's flight controllers and carrier's flight assistants
"Next Tuesday, May 22, due to the strikes fixed from 10am to 6pm by ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society) flight controllers and by Alitalia's flight assistants, are predicted hardships for peop... more