Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseAircraft and strikes (2). Uiltrasporti: "Grave and unacceptable violations by easyJet Italia"
Rome, Italy - The declarations by its general secretary Claudio Tarlazzi
Also the flight assistants of easyJet Italia adherent to Uiltrasporti will participate tomorrrow at the four hour strike in the air transport. The protest is due to company's refusal to recognize right... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Alitalia. Filt Cgil: "strike confirmed, we consider plan when it will be presented"
Rome, Italy - The declarations by its national secretary, Nino Cortorillo
"We would consider the plan when it will be presented formally to the Governement and to the unions". Nino Cortorillo, national secretary of Filt Cgil, declared it about the news regarding the Alitalia's... more

Press releaseAircraft. Italian unions: 4 hour strike next February 23 in air transport and Alitalia
Rome, Italy - The organizations confirm two protests
"A 4 hour (from 2pm to 6pm) general strike next Thursday February 23 of air transport and Alitalia". Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl TA confirmed jointly two protests fixed 'in the sector for... more

Press releaseAircraft. Alitalia: Italian Uiltrasporti, we want a heavy intervention by the Government
Rome, Italy - The declarations by its secretary general Claudio Tarlazzi
We receive and publish it, leaving the same possibility to potential replies: The secretary general of Uiltrasporti, Claudio Tarlazzi, about development of the Alitalia's matter declared: "The unitary... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport in Italy. Alitalia: Cortorillo (Filt), "Wait for meeting with Government on Monday"
Rome, Italy - "A solution to find to the crisis", according to the national secretary of the Italian union Filt Cgil
We receive and publish it, leaving the same opportunity to potential replies: "We wait for meeting with Government next Monday with a great attention, conscious of the role that it can have". Nino Cortorillo,... more

Press releaseFour Italian unions: letter of formal notice addressed to Alitalia and Assaereo
Rome, Italy - The integral version of the document published by AVIONEWS
AVIONEWS reports the integral version of the letter of formal notice by Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl TA addressed to Alitalia and to Assaereo: "Subject: order to respect current collective... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Alitalia. Filt Cgil: "Not to distort the collective labour agreeement". Letter of formal notice to the airline and Assaereo
Rome, Italy - The declarations by Nino Cortorillo, union's national secretary
We receive and publish it, leaving the same opportunity to eventual replies: "We reject the Alitalia's willing to distort and cancel the national contract". Nino Cortorillo, national secretary of the... more

Press releaseEC: EUR 1 bn to boost investment in European transport infrastructure
Brussels, Belgium - New call for proposals to combine CEF with other funding sources, including the EFSI
The European Commission is launching a new and innovative way to finance transport infrastructure projects in Europe. The call for proposals will seek to combine €1 billion of grants (Connecting Europe F... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Alitalia: unions to the Government, stop to talks on collective labour agreement
Rome, Italy - It is urgent a convocation
Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl Trasporto aereo write jointly a letter addressed to the Ministers Delrio (Transports), Calenda (Economic development) and Poletti (Labour) and it reports "We have... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport in Italy. Alitalia: Filt Cgil: the same critical situation of two months ago, strike confirmed for next February 23
Rome, Italy - The declarations by Nino Cortorillo, union's national secretary
"The strike of next February 23, not having had useful news, is absolutely confirmed and actually the reasons are reinforced still more". Nino Cortorillo, national secretary of the Filt Cgil union affirmed... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport in Italy. Fata Cisal confirms national strikes not executive staff of ENAV for next Tuesday
Rome, Italy - The protest will last four hours, from 1pm to 5pm
FATA (Federazione autonoma trasporto aereo) unveiled in a note that "Confirming the national strike that will involve not executive staff of ENAV next February 7 from 1pm to 5pm and for not shift workers... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Etihad and Lufthansa (2) extend cooperation
Abu Dhabi, UAE - A MoU to cooperate in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul
Etihad Aviation Group and Lufthansa German Airlines, part of Europe’s largest aviation group, today unveiled details of a new commercial partnership. The two airline groups have concluded a USD 100 m... more

Press releaseLeonardo-Finmeccanica: Moretti remains. Board: full trust
Rome, Italy - The decision in the meeting tonight
"The Board of Directors of Leonardo convened today under the chairmanship of Gianni De Gennaro, announces the following. With reference to the judicial decision issued today by the Court of Lucca in... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport in Italy (2). Alitalia: Uiltrasporti, the airline's know-how at risk
Rome, Italy - The declarations by the secretary general, Claudio Tarlazzi
Claudio Tarlazzi, secretary general of Uiltrasporti affirmed in a note that: "Many aircraft pilots from Alitalia are making hiring requests in other rival airlines". "The uncertainty on the carrier's... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport in Italy. Alitalia: unions, strike next February 23
Rome, Italy - The shared official note by Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl TA
"A first protest of four hours (2pm-6pm) on Thursday February 23 for obstinacy by company to follow a closure behaviour", the national unions (Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl TA) said it in a... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Etihad (Alitalia): Hogan to leave in a few months, as AVIONEWS said it
Abu Dhabi, UAE - The Group announces transition process, starting from President and Chief Executive Officer
The news has an official aspect from a few hours thanks to a release to the press that confirms that announced in advance by this agency AVIONEWS. Then the President and CEO Hogan leaves Etihad Airways... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Alitalia: the BoD of yesterday
Rome, Italy - Different subjects discussed
The Alitalia's Board of Directors met yesterday in Rome under the Luca Cordero di Montezemolo's presidency, carrying out an analysis in depth of the focal points of the airline's business plan. The BoD... more

Press releaseAirplanes and protests. Italian unions on the Alitalia meeting: "Without answers, the strike will be inevitable"
Rome, Italy - On the result first phase of conciliation debate opened last January 11
"The meeting with Alitalia closed with a failed agreement and pushed workers to go on strike". The Italian unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Ugl TA said it on the result of the first phase of conciliation... more

Press releaseAntonio Tajani elected new President of the European Parliament
Strasbourg, France - He won with 351 votes in a final face-off with Gianni Pittella (282)
Antonio Tajani (EPP, IT) won Parliament’s presidential election with 351 votes in a final face-off with Gianni Pittella (S&D, IT), who secured 282 votes. Outcome of the fourth ballot Antonio Tajani (... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian unions: the sector's national strike postponed to February 23
Rome, Italy - The joint press release by four unions (Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl TA)
"The national four hour strike by all companies and airlines of the air transport has been postponed to February 23". The Italian unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl TA jointly reported it... more

Press releaseAircraft. Italian MIT: meeting with unions and social security service. The strike of January 20 postponed to February 23
Rome, Italy - The Ministry declared its own availability to face problem and critical situations of the sector
The Italian Transports Ministry communicated in a note that "A meeting held yesterday at the Ministry with social security service and unions Filt-Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl TA regarding the... more

Press releaseEnav: malfunction in Padua Area Control Center last Saturday
Rome, Italy - Delays in particular in the Vencie and Bologna airports
Enav (Italian Flight Assistance Company) informs that, due to a systems malfunction in its Padua Area Control Center, that is responsible for managing air traffic for north-eastern Italy, which occurred... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Italian Aduc on Alitalia: "It cost EUR 7,4 bn to the contributors in 40 years. Better to bankrupt it"
Rome, Italy - It lost EUR 400 million last year, more than a million per day
Primo Mastrantoni, secretary of ADUC (Italian users' rights Association), unveiled in a press release that: "Alitalia is cost EUR 7.4 bn to the contributors in forty years (from 1974 to 2014), according... more

Press releasePlanes and Alitalia (2). Fiorentino (Fit-Cisl): "Minister Calenda agrees with us"
Rome, Italy - Statement of the National Secretary of the Union
The National Secretary of Fit-Cisl Union Emiliano Fiorentino -with reference to statements of Carlo Calenda, the Minister of Economic Development- said: "We are happy that the Government by its Minister... more

Press releaseAlitalia: strikes on January 20 and February 23 are legal, according to the guarantor
Rome, Italy - Invitation to company to find agreement on staff to employ on the case of the protest
The Guarantee Authority for the strikes has considered legal the strikes by Alitalia's staff fixed for next January 20 (from 2pm to 6pm) and on February 23 (24 hours, with guarantee of the ranges). In... more

Press releaseAmnesty International report. Iraq: end irresponsible arms transfers fuelling militia war crimes
Rome, Italy - Iraq is the world’s sixth-largest importer of heavy weaponry
"Paramilitary militias nominally operating as part of the Iraqi armed forces in the fight against the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS) are using arms from Iraqi military stockpiles, provided... more

Press releaseAirplanes. CJ EU confirms: Ireland must recover sum of €8 per passenger from airlines benefiting from unlawful State aid
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Regardless of the benefit the airlines actually derived from the aid
In July 2009 Ryanair requested the Commission to examine whether the ‘air travel tax’ imposed by Ireland on airlines did not constitute unlawful State aid in favour of some of its competitors. According to... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Unions on Alitalia: only "General guide-lines on the business plan"
Rome, Italy - They are "Worried on possible consequences on work"
The Italian unions Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti and UGL Trasporto aereo at the end of the meeting yesterday with Alitalia expressed together "Strong worry regarding possible consequences on the occupation... more

Press releaseAirplanes and carriers. Alitalia Board gives green light to next phase of business plan
Rome, Italy - Shareholders demand deep cost reductions across the business
Alitalia’s board of directors today approved the second phase of the airline’s business plan. Short-term funding was agreed at a separate shareholders’ meeting to allow the airline’s management team to... more

Press releaseAlitalia. Unions: worry for the situation's impasse. James Hogan left Etihad Airways and then lost his role in the Italian airline
Rome, Italy - As it was easily predictable, and as written yesterday by AVIONEWS
"The prolongation of the impasse in which Alitalia is worry us a lot", Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti and UGL Trasporto aereo unions declared it. "The Board, opened many days ago and not closed yet,... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC delivers to Fiumicino (AdR) the new certificate of airport on the basis of the European Regulation 139/2014
Rome, Italy - The season of the EU certified airports started
Alessio Quaranta, general manager of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) delivered today, on December 20, 2016 the airport certificate nr 1 to the Accountable Manager of Aeroporti di Roma (AdR, Rome's... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV is totally extraneous relative to the alleged irregularities of its investment in ENAV North Atlantic
Rome, Italy - The press release diffused by the Italian flight assistance company
In relation to the articles published last Thursday by certain Italian newspapers relative to the alleged irregularities of Enav’s investment in Enav North Atlantic LLC, Enav declares that it is totally e... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Leonardo-Finmeccanica: shares sold of Superjet to Sukhoi. Harsh disapproval by Donazzan, Council member
Venice, Italy - "I request urgent meeting at the Economical Development Ministry. I hope Russia more evident"
The Work regional council member of Veneto Region, Elena Donazzan declares in a press-release that we receive and publish leaving the same opportunity to eventual replies, that "I awared that without answer... more

Press releaseAlitalia Board reviews second phase of industrial plan
Rome, Italy - New Chief Commercial Officer announced
Alitalia’s board of directors met today to review the strategic direction of the second phase of the airline’s industrial plan. The board will convene again during the month of December to approve for... more

Press releaseEC. Clean Energy for all Europeans: unlocking Europe's growth potential
Brussels, Belgium - A package of measures presented today
The European Commission today presents a package of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition is changing the global energy markets. The Commission wants the EU to... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. IBAR, A4E and IATA welcome the removal of the increase of the boarding tax in Italy
Rome, Italy - Introduced last January
The air transport associations Airlines for Europe (A4E), International Air Transport Association (IATA), Italian Board Airline Representatives (IBAR), which together represent all air carriers active... more

Press releaseAirplanes. EU: yes to the State Aid Klagenfurt airport, but Ryanair, HLX and Tuifly return the money received
Brussels, Belgium - With immediate effect, according to the European Commission decided today
The European Commission has found that public funding granted by Austria to Klagenfurt airport is in line with EU state aid rules. The measures boost the connectivity of the region without unduly distorting... more

Press releaseItaly. The Rimini Airport ATC service was handed over to the Italian ENAV
Rimini, Italy - This is the fifth takeover in little more than two years
Enav (Italian Flight Assistance Company) took over the ATC service of the Rimini airport, which will from tomorrow on be provided by Enav’s operational staff. This is the fifth takeover in little more t... more

Press releaseLeonardo_Finmeccanica: SSAGE ESM enters service on Indonesian Air Force CN-235 aircraft
Jakarta, Indonesia - Is a digital sensor which will be used to detect and locate potentially threatening radar systems
Leonardo-Finmeccanica’s SAGE Electronic Support Measures (ESM) system has now entered service on the Indonesian Air Force’s first modified CN-235 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA). The modification programme was... more

Press releaseAirplanes and carriers. Antitrust: EC sends statement of objections to Brussels Airlines and TAP Portugal
Brussels, Belgium - On code-sharing on Brussels-Lisbon route
The European Commission (EC) has informed Brussels Airlines and TAP Portugal of its preliminary view that their code-share cooperation on passenger services between Brussels and Lisbon restricted competition... more

Press releaseAirplanes. EC on Transport Scoreboard 2016: the EU at work to strengthen the internal market
Brussels, Belgium - The Netherlands tops it for the third year running with high scores in 15 categories
Today, the European Commission published the 2016 edition of the "EU Transport Scoreboard", a benchmark which compares how Member States perform in 30 categories covering all aspects of transport. The... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. IBAR renews its executive committee
Rome, Italy - Araci Coimbra is confirmed as current President until the natural deadline of the mandate
IBAR (Italian Board of Airline Representatives) renewed its own executive committee during the assembly took place yesterday morning in Fiumicino. At the end of the meeting Araci Coimbra -who will keep... more

Press releaseAirplanes and events. 39th ICAO General Assembly: Alessio Quaranta (Italian Enac general manager) elected president of the legal commission
Rome, Italy - In addition Italy receives a recognition for the safety level in the last years
"The 39th General Assembly of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) began yesterday on September 27, 2016 in Montreal (Canada) with two important recognitions: an award assigned to Italy for... more

Press releaseSecurity increasing priority for tech investments by world’s airports
Rome, Italy - SITA’s global survey also reveals airports’ move to make money from mobile
Airports are placing a higher priority on IT investments for passenger and airport security with 50% rating it a high priority, up from 37% last year. This is according to the 2016 Airport IT Trends Survey,... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC-Congolese ANAC: agreement for INAER helicopters surveillance for off-shore service
Rome, Italy - The two civil aviation authorities will consider possibility to extend contract in the future
"The general manager of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), Alessio Quaranta, signed last Friday September 23 a collaboration agreement with the Civil aviation of the Congo Republic (ANAC) represented... more

Press releaseViareggio train massacre. This morning the requests by public prosecutor. 38 people accused, Moretti (Finmeccanica) among them. Lawyer Bartolini in exclusive at AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - Then CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato. 32 people dead in the tragic facts
Following the declaration in exclusive to AVIONEWS by Fabrizio Bartolini, lawyer that represents 10 of the families of the victims of the Viareggio's massacre in the trial that sees 38 people accused,... more

Press releaseFrance and airplanes grounded (2). Ryanair condemns French ATC strikes
Milan, Italy - It is the 14th protest organized this year
"Ryanair today (14 Sep) again called on the European Commission to take action to prevent the skies over Europe being closed once more tonight and tomorrow by French ATC unions. It regrets that it has... more

Press releaseAirplanes and terrorism. CJ of EU: PNR data, agreement with Canada, is to revise
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - According to Advocate General Paolo Mengozzi conclusions, information sharing can't be applied in its current form
Starting in 2010, the European Union and Canada negotiated an agreement on the transfer and processing of passenger name record data (PNR Agreement). The agreement envisaged intends to allow the transfer... more

Press releaseAirplanes. EC proposes EU certification system for airport security equipment
Brussels, Belgium - And to promote a more competitive EU industry
The European Commission is today proposing to establish a single EU certification procedure for aviation security screening equipment to enhance the competitiveness of the EU security industry, as previously... more

Press releaseMigration crisis: 74% of Europeans want EU to do more
Strasbourg, France - According to the latest Eurobarometer poll commissioned by the European Parliament
The EU has experienced an unprecedented influx of migrants over the last few years. 74% of Europeans want the EU to do more to manage the situation, according to the latest Eurobarometer poll commissioned... more