Government acts
1,448 news found

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on military spending and the acquisition of F-35 aircraft
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IdV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. - To know - given that: with only two Decree-Law issued between July and September (Decree-Law No. 78 ratified by Law No.111 of... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Israeli F-16 aircraft activities in Decimomannu (Sardinia)
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IDV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Health. - To know - given that: On November 14, 2011, '' published an article entitled 'Italia, la base delle vergogna'. The news... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Finmeccanica Group contracts signed with Panama, the gift of Italian patrol boats, the links between Pozzessere and Minister Mulino
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"Addressed to the Ministers of Economy and Finance and Defence - Given that: In June 2010 the President of the Italian Council of Ministers Silvio Berlusconi and President of the Republic of Panama... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on NATO air-ground missiles that disappeared from Libya, a threat for aircraft and helicopters
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Emanuele Fiano (PD)
Addressed to "The Minister of Defense. - To know - given that: according to press reports, around 10.000 NATO air-ground missiles have disappeared from from a store in Libya; as reported by the German... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the Navy's operations in Libya in support of ENI
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Defense. - To know - given that: last 20 October, on the website of the Ministry of Defence, a statement entitled 'Libia, la Marina militare in supporto all' Eni' (Libya,... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary motion regarding the "Sale" of the industrial heritage Alenia (Finmeccanica) and the transfer of its sites to the North
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Antonio Di Pietro (IDV)
"The Chamber, given that: Alenia Aeronautica, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica SpA, is the largest Italian company in the aeronautical field and the most advanced structure in its market sector worldwide; the... more

Government actsItalian motion about ASI, Space exploration and Cosmic project
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Mauro Pili (PDL)
"The Chamber, Given that: the new Italian technologies for human space exploration represent a particularly innovative system for the country which could be an interesting development opportunity... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question regarding the involvement of Italian Armed Forces with Gheddafi's death
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. - To know - given that: on 22 October 2011, the newspaper 'Il Resto del Carlino' published an article entitled 'Raid contro Gheddafi:... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary investigation related to industrial plans of Selex Elsag (Finmeccanica Group)
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Antonio di Pietro (IDV)
"Addressed to the minister of economic development, the minister of economy and finance. - To know - given that: Selex Elsag SpA is an Italian company leader in defense electronics and telecommunications,... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on Alenia' s new restructuring plan and the transfer of employees from the Roman site to North Italy
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Vincenzo Maria Vita (PD)
"Addressed to the ministers of Economy and Finance, Economic Development and Labour and Social Policy - To know, given that: according to press reports, the new plan of Alenia Aeronautica SpA, a company... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the industrial restructuring plan of Alenia-Finmeccanica and branches situated in Tessera, Rome and Casoria
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Basilio Catanoso Genoese (PdL)
"Addressed to the president of the Council of Ministers, the minister of economy and finance. - To know - given that: as reported by AVIONEWS-WAPA, aviation news agency, it seems that the Alenia-Finmeccanica... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on the elimination of Alenia's production sites situated in Campania and Lazio
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourale Francesco Barbato (IdV)
"The undersigned ask the minister of Economic Development - considering that: as reported by national press, Alenia Aeronautica SpA, part of the Italian company Finmeccanica, last 16 September announced... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question: can CONSOB confirm the suspension of Avio SpA listing process; clarifications on Safran's interest
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Fugatti (Lega nord Padania)
"Addressed to the ministers of economy and finance. - Given that: Avio SpA, controlled by Cinven Fund (81 percent) and owned by Finmeccanica (14 percent) is an important and historic Italian company,... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary resolution to intervene about Finmeccanica for revision Alenia Aeronautica's new plan
Rome, Italy - By the Honourable Andrea Lulli (PD)
"The X Commission of the Italian Chamber of Deputies commits the Government: to intervene on Finmeccanica (Alenia is an industry of the Group) because its plan is reviewed considering the dramatic... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on "Closure of the Alenia Roman branches"
Rome, Italy - Presented by honourable Barbara Saltamartini (PdL)
"Addressed to the minister of economy and finance, the minister of infrastructure and transports, the minister of economic development. - To know - given that: on major national newspapers dated September... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on Lavitola's use of statal flights and his role in diplomatic missions of Frattini and Berlusconi
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Leoluca Orlando (IdV)
"Addressed to the president of the council of ministers. - To know - given that: thanks to the comparison of photos, the presence of Valter Lavitola (former editor of 'L'Avanti') and that of a large... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on Alenia Aeronautica, transfer Pomigliano's employees and disbursement community funds
Brussels, Belgium - By Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE)
"Question for written answer E-008693/2011 to the Commission Rule 117 Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE) Subject: Alenia Aeronautica On 16 September 2011, a plan to merge Alenia-Aeronautica with Alenia-Aermacchi... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the reorganisation of Finmeccanica and closure of Alenia sites situated in Venice, Rome and Casoria
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Andrea Martella (PD)
"Addressed to the minister of economy and finance, the minister of economic development. - To know - given that: the directors of Alenia Aeronautica has presented recently presented a reorganisation... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on Safran's interest in purchasing Avio SpA
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Fugatti (Lega nord-Padania)
"The Minister of Economic Development. - To know - given that: Avio SpA, controlled by the Cinven Fund (81 percent) and owned by Finmeccanica (14 percent) is an important and historic Italian company,... more

Government actsItalian question on Finmeccanica consultancy activities
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Andrea Lulli (PD)
"The minister of economy and finance. - To know - given that: Finmeccanica is the first Italian industrial group in the technology industry and among the top ten global players in aerospace, defense... more

Government actsItalian question of supervisory actions implemented after opening inquiries related to the name Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"The minister of economy and finance. - To know - given that: on the website 'Rai News' - address as of September 14, 2011 appears a report entitled... more

Government actsItalian question on the stay of troops, aircraft and US helicopters in Afghanistan until 2024
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IDV)
"To the minister of defense. - To know - given that: recent media reports revealed the news that US troops will not withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014 as stated and confirmed by all institutional entities... more

Government actsItalian question on the relationship between Lavitola, Finmeccanica and Admiral Picchio, and on Italy's donated ships and patrol boats to Panama
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Emanuele Fiano (PD)
"To the president of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Defense. - To know - given that: the newspaper 'La Repubblica' of September 12, 2011 wrote that it would seem that the fugitive Valter... more

Government actsItalian interpellation on the new restructuring plan of the Alenia Group (Finmeccanica) and employment in Campania
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Eugenio Mazzarella (PD)
"The undersigned ask the president of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Economic Development, to know - given that: Finmeccanica is committed to reach production goals by restructuring the new... more

Government actsItalian question on departure tax payable to municipalities neighboring airports but transferred to Trapani airport
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Marco Giovanni Reguzzoni (Lega nord Padania Italian political party)
"To the minister of economy and finance, the minister of infrastructure and transport. - To know - given that: the municipal surcharge on the departures commonly known as 'Departure tax', is due to... more

Government actsItalian question on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which can affect the veterans of international military missions
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"Addressed to the minister of defense. - To know - given that: the newspaper 'La Repubblica' on September 2, 2011 published a survey entitled 'The Army denies those nightmares and madness rapture deriving... more

Government actsItalian question on the reduction of Guarguaglini (Finmeccanica) salary and the veracity of the loan requested by Selex to pay salaries of July
Rome, Italy - By Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"Senator Elio Lannutti (Italia dei Valori political party) asks the Italian prime minister and ministers of defense, economic development and the economy and finance, considering that: Finmeccanica,... more

Government actsItalian question on hypothetical "Alcohol and drug abuse by Finmeccanica employees"
Rome, Italy - By senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"Senator Elio Lannutti (Italia dei valori political political party) asks the Italian Prime minister and the ministers of defense, economic development and the economy and finance: Drugs-use among employees... more

Government actsFinmeccanica. An Italian Senator asks: "If the Guarguaglini couple should not be dismissed immediately from their positions"
Rome, Italy - A question presented by Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"Senator Elio Lannutti (Italia dei Valori political party) asks the Italian Prime minister and the minister of economy and finance: According to the journal "La Repubblica" - news from Bari as of September... more

Government actsItalian question on Ryanair actions and required documents for access to its aircraft
Rome, Italy - Presented by senator Antonino Caruso (PdL)
The Italian Senator Antonino Caruso (PdL, right party) asks to the Minister of Infrastructures and Transports to know: if it is not the case, ignoring on this occasion the possible threat (if the same... more

Government actsItalian interpellation about Gianfranco Lande involvement in the affairs of major national companies including Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"To the ministers of Defence, Economy and Finance and Economic Development the interpellation is to know: if the Government is aware of who is that, coming from public or private companies, have... more

Government actsItalian question about national participation in the F-35 JSF aircraft program
Rome, Italy - Presented by honorable Maurizio Turco (PD)
The honorable Maurizio Turco (PD) has presented a question addressed "To the Premier, to the Minister of Defence to know- having said that: Italian Constitution states in the Article 11 'Italy repudiates... more

Government actsItalian question on dual tasks of many Finmeccanica's leaders
Rome, Italy - Introduced by Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"To the Minister of Economy and Finance -given that Finmeccanica is the first Italian industrial group in the high technology sector and among the top ten global players in aerospace, defense and security... more

Government actsItalian question to know if the coalition has used bullets of depleted uranium in Libya
Rome, Italy - Presented by honorable Elisabetta Zamparutti (PD)
Italian Question to know if the coalition has used bullets of depleted uranium in Libya "To the President of the Council of Ministers, to the Minister of Defence. - To know - given that: from an... more

Government actsItalian question about Guarguaglini's salary after the new office sharing of Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - Presented by the Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV party)
"To the minister of economy and finance - Granted that in the recent renewal of the charges of the public companies by the minister in question, in the management of Finmeccanica was reappointed as chairman... more

Government actsItalian interpellation on the purchase of ERJ-170 airplanes in place of Superjet 100 signed by Alitalia
Rome, Italy - Presented by the Honorable Silvano Moffa (Responsible initiative)
"We, the undersigned, ask for consulting the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Economic Development, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation,... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on doubling of Rome-Fiumicino's airport: AdR-Benetton conflict of interests?
Rome, Italy - Presented by the Honorable Elisabetta Zamparutti (PD)
"To the minister of Infrastructure and Transports. -To know- given that: There is a project for the doubling of Rome-Fiumicino airport whose implementation, according to Aeroporti di Roma, AdR (the... more

Government actsItalian question on alleged over-invoicing in favor of Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - Introduced by Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"To President of the Council of Ministers and Ministers of Defence, Economic Development and the Economy and Finance - Given that results the questioner that Finmeccanica through its own activity management... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question about alleged debt of Selex Sistemi Integrati
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"To the President of the Council of Ministers and to the Ministers of Defence, Economic Development and Economy and Finance - Given that the questioner knows that Selex Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica... more

Government actsItalian motion about purchase F-35JSF airplanes by Italy
Rome, Italy - By Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IdV)
"The Italian Chamber of Deputies engaged the national Government: to suspend the continuation of the program for the realization and purchase of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) fighter bomber airplanes; to... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on state secrets concerning chemtrails released by US planes in the skies over Italy
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Domenico Scilipoti (IDV)
"The Italian Honourable Domenico Scilipoti (IDV) asks to the President of the Council of Ministers, to the Minister of Health, to the Minister for the Environment of the Territory and of the Sea, to the... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question about economic and industrial relationship (helicopters, aircraft, weapons) Italy-Maghreb Countries and others
Rome, Italy - Introduced by Senator Sergio Divina (Lega nord Padania)
"To the Ministers of Defence and of Economy and Finance - Given that: the high tensions in the Middle East, increased in this last month, has changed the scene and the balance throughout the Mediterranean;... more

Government actsItalian question on "Big hitches and baggage's loss" at Rome-Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - Presented by the Honorable Antonio Razzi (Misto- Noi sud libertà ed autonomia)
Italian Honorable Antonio Razzi asked to the minister of infrastructures and transports Altero Matteoli. "To the minister of infrastructures and transports. -To know- stated that: in several periods... more

Government actsParliamentary inquiry on security deficit in the airport of Malpensa, demonstred by a report of the Italian TV program "Striscia la notizia"
Rome, Italy - Presented by the Honorable Emanuele Fiano (PD)
"To the Interior and to the Infrastructure and Transportation ministers. - To know - given that: during a recent television show, within the TV program 'Striscia la notizia', a video regarding the airport... more

Government actsAir accident investigation: Parliament lays down strict criteria
Strasbourg, France - Approved in the session of September 20-23 th 2010
A new EU law to ensure the independence of air accident inquiries was approved by the European Parliament on Tuesday. The law also requires airlines to produce a list of those on board the plane within... more

Government actsQuestion on air traffic Italy-Japan after the JAL's route cessation
Rome, Italy - By Senator Paolo Tancredi (PdL)
The Italian Senator Paolo Tancredi (PdL) asks to the Infrastructures and Transports, Tourism and Foreign Affairs to know: if initiatives ad hoc have been taken in order to verify the missed or partial... more

Government actsLandmark change in USA labor law regarding airline and trainline transport
Washington, Usa - Regarding basically representatives election mechanism
U.S. mediators authorized a landmark change in labor law on Monday effectively aimed at making it easier for unions to organize at airlines and railroads, a step expected to be challenged in court. The... more

Government actsItalian question about position by Italy on reinforcement weaponry by Venezuela
Rome, Italy - By honourable Renato Farina (PdL)
The Italian Honourable Renato Farina (PdL) asks to the Foreign Affairs minister to know granted that: the President of the Bolivarian Venuzuela Republic, Hugo Chavez, has fixed collaboration and reciprocal... more

Government actsParliamentary question on use of the Italian language by crew on airplanes served by Ryanair in Italy
Rome, Italy - By Senator Marco Perduca (PD)
"The Italian Senator Marco Perduca (Partito democratico) asks to the Infrastructure and Transports Minister, granted that: last February 25, 2010 on the scheduled domestic flight by Ryanair from Cagliari... more

Government actsItalian interpellation on airport inefficiencies and eventual economic sanctions to operators
Rome, Italy - By Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"The Italian Senator Elio Lannutti (Italia dei Valori) asks to the Infrastructures and Transport and Tourism Ministries to know: if the addressed ministries know about a not optimal management of the... more