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Press release

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Press releaseItalian Net for Disarmament: stop to Italian military supplies to Turkey

Rome, Italy - The day before the visit of the Turkish prime minister to Italy, the Net demands a suspension on the arms supply following the operations against the independentists in Eastern Turkey

The official website of the Italian Net for Disarmament reads as follows: "' The Italian government needs to consider appropriate actions to bring to an end each kind of military supply to Turkey'. This... more

Press releaseItalian Net for Disarmament: stop to Italian military supplies to Turkey (2)

Rome, Italy - The day before the visit of the Turkish prime minister to Italy, the Net demands a suspension on the arms supply following the operations against the independentists in Eastern Turkey

Technical dossier: Human rights in Turkey The European Parliament prepared and voted a Resolution Proposal ( B6-0000/2007 of last 9/11) about Turkey, in which it 'Refers to its resolution of 2006... more