Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseSdl about low-cost carriers: France restricts them, European Community investigates
Rome, Italy - When an intervention by the Italian Government?
"From years, Sdl (Italian intercategory workers' union) raises doubts about the legality of some facts that involve the low-cost airlines, both for that concerning the economic relationships with the airports,... more

Press releaseSdL: why do we strike today November 9th
Rome, Italy - A day of general protest for different sectors
"The workers of the private and public sector are on strike today November 9th: - against the July-23rd-agreement, - against job insecurity, - for public pensions, - for union democracy and to say... more

Press releaseKorean: third quarter profit rises 3.9 percent on passenger, cargo gains
Seoul, South Korea - The margin continues to growth
"Korean Air Lines Co. said Tuesday that third-quarter net profit rose 3.9 percent from the same period last year amid gains in international passenger and cargo revenue. South Korea's largest carrier,... more

Press releaseCiampino on the decision of the Italian State Council regarding Ryanair-flights issue
Ciampino , Italy - The City Council commits unanimously the mayor to promote a protest day in the city
"Airport-emergency: the mayor of Ciampino demands an urgent meeting to Italian Transport Minister Bianchi and the promulgation of a new ordinance that, meeting the indications of the State Council, sharply... more

Press releaseSdl Italian union on the general strike of next Friday
Rome, Italy - In all sectors, also in the air transport
The independent workers' union SdL (Sindacato dei Lavoratori) announces its participation to the general strike summoned for November 9th to protest against the measures contained in the Italian budgetary... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: state of emergency in Pakistan
Rome, Italy - Paves way for escalating human rights
"The current State of Emergency in Pakistan is a blatant breach of international law and human rights standards enshrined in the country's own constitution, Amnesty Interrnational's Secretary General Irene... more

Press releaseAP Holding: Goldman Sachs financial advisor for the purchase of majority stake in Alitalia
Rome, Italy - Nomura part of the core banking group
"According to today's press rumours, AP Holding informs that, with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo, it is working on a proposal in view of the transfer of the share held by the ministry of Economics and... more

Press releaseItalian Net for Disarmament: stop to Italian military supplies to Turkey
Rome, Italy - The day before the visit of the Turkish prime minister to Italy, the Net demands a suspension on the arms supply following the operations against the independentists in Eastern Turkey
The official website of the Italian Net for Disarmament reads as follows: "' The Italian government needs to consider appropriate actions to bring to an end each kind of military supply to Turkey'. This... more

Press releaseSwiss UFAC summones a call for bids for the Lugano-Bern air connection
Bern, Switzerland - The interested carriers have time until January 4th to present their offers
"The Swiss Federal Buro for Civil Aviation (UFAC) has summoned a call for bids for the Lugano-Bern route. The Swiss air transportation companies that wish to obtain the relating licence, can present their... more

Press releaseItalian Net for Disarmament: stop to Italian military supplies to Turkey (2)
Rome, Italy - The day before the visit of the Turkish prime minister to Italy, the Net demands a suspension on the arms supply following the operations against the independentists in Eastern Turkey
Technical dossier: Human rights in Turkey The European Parliament prepared and voted a Resolution Proposal ( B6-0000/2007 of last 9/11) about Turkey, in which it 'Refers to its resolution of 2006... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net debt as of September 30, 2007
Rome, Italy - Equal to EUR 1,171 million
"- The Group’s net debt as of September 30, 2007, amounted to 1,171 million euros, with an increase in net indebtedness of 66 million euros (+6.0%) compared to the situation on August 31, 2007, which w... more

Press releaseItalian ANSV about helicopter crash in Cuneo's province
Rome, Italy - To a Robinson R-22 chopper
"A Robinson R-22 helicopter, registration I-NWSA, took off from Cuneo-Levaldigi's airport for a local flight, has crashed last Saturday on a rural countryside in Vottignasco place, with substantial damages.... more

Press releaseAlitalia: today meeting between Maurizio Prato and unions
Rome, Italy - For the future society's organization of the Alitalia Servizi's activities
"The meeting has taken place today between Alitalia's CEO, Maurizio Prato and the unions, with on agenda the future society's organization of the activities belonging to the Alitalia Servizi (information... more

Press releaseSdl about the meeting occurred yesterday between Alitalia and unions
Rome, Italy - The assembly, lasted less of a hour, has been updated to next Monday with the presence of carrier's CEO, Maurizio Prato
"Sdl (Italian intercategory workers union) denies what reported by the press, regarding the news following to the meeting of yesterday between unions and Alitalia. During it, in fact, the topic as the... more

Press releaseAlitalia: clarification about news reported yesterday on the press
Rome, Italy - Regarding the TPG communication
"With reference to news published by press agencies yesterday, the Company states that TPG has informed the financial Advisor Citi that, at the moment, they are unable to finalize an Italian-led consortium,... more

Press releaseIATA. Bisignani: "Europe can make more for the environment"
Geneva, Switzerland - Criticised Europe for the 12 million tonnes of CO2 wasted each year
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) challenged governments to put aside politics and join industry in delivering real results to further improve air transport’s good environmental performance.... more

Press releaseAmnesty International accuses Sudanese Government to obstruct peacekeeping deployment for Darfur
Rome, Italy - A joint force UN-AU
"Amnesty International yesterday called on the government of Sudan to end the obstruction to the speedy deployment of the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), the hybrid UN/AU force... more

Press releaseSDL about the strike of November 9
Rome, Italy - The terms of the protest in the various sectors
"SDL intercategory (Italian workers unions), about the general strike of all the public and private categories called for November 9, 2007 together with other unions convey the terms of the strike for... more

Press releaseAutogrill: update of the society's events calendar 2007
Milan, Italy - The Board of Directors will take place on November 12 and not on 9
"Autogrill SpA unveils that the Board of Directors will take place on November 12, 2007 and not on November 9, as previously communicated, with on agenda the approval of the third quarter on September... more

Press releaseDarfur: Amnesty International denounces a new imminent attack by SAF
Rome, Italy - Helicopters and other peacekeepers are necessary
"Amnesty International has received reports that Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) are gathering in large numbers in at least six towns in Northern Darfur, including Tine, Kornoy, Um Baru, Kutum. Local people... more

Press releaseAlpi Eagles about suspension Enac's actions
Padua, Italy - Regarding the abolition of the licence to operate in the air transport
"The company unveils that today, the Regional administrative tribunal (TAR) of Lazio, Terza Ter section, with decree n 4601/07 has suspended the enforceability of measures by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Board of Directors' meeting of yesterday
Rome, Italy - Six the airlines interested
"The Board of Directors of Alitalia – Linee Aeree Italiane SpA – chaired by Maurizio Prato, met yesterday. In particular, the Chairman informed the Board to have established contacts, also through the... more

Press releaseKorean Air: among the best airlines for IFE (in-flight entertainment)
Seoul, Korea - At the WAEA conference
Korean Air nominated by WAEA for "Entertainment System Excellence" On the occasion of the World Airline Entertainment Association’s (WAEA) 2007 Avion Awards, the carrier has been nominates among the b... more

Press releaseEviction order operated by SAVE towards Alpi Eagles revoked
Venice, Italy - SAVE is the manager of the "Marco Polo" airport in Venice
"Alpi Eagles announced that order N° 21/2007 of 10/03/07, signed by ENAC's (the Italian National Authority of Civil Aviation) director of Venice, engineer Valerio Bonato, which demanded the immediate... more

Press releaseGESAC: briefing for passengers leaving from Naples on Alpi Eagles flights
Naples, Italy - Possible discomforts from October 9
We inform passengers leaving from Naples on Alpi Eagles flights that starting from Tuesday, October 9th might experience discomfort due to financial breach towards airport management companies (violations... more

Press releaseAirOne, is the first carrier in the world to use nature-friendly engines
Rome, Italy - The new carrier Airbus aircraft will be equipped with the CFM56-5B6/3 engines
Air One is the world's first air carrier which will adopt the new CFM56-5B6/3 turbofan engines on its new Airbus jetliner. This engine is designed to reduce pollution of at least 40% under international... more

Press releaseENAC: licence suspended for Alpi Eagles (2)
Rome, Italy - The carrier can operate with a temporary licence until October 20th
"However, the carrier has the possibility to continue to operate until October 20th with a temporary licence. Within this date it will present a definitive re-entry plan which ensures the continuity of... more

Press releaseANSV about the crash of a Canadair airplane yesterday in Turkey
Rome, Italy - Three people on board wounded, one in serious manner
"The Italian Air Safety Board (ANSV) informs that to have accredited its investigator in the technical inquiry conducted by the Turkish investigatory authority following to the crash occurred to a Canadair... more

Press releaseENAC: licence suspended for Alpi Eagles
Rome, Italy - The air company can operate only with a provisory licence until October 20th
“The Italian Authority for Civil Aviation (ENAC) reports that in consequence of the ongoing state of financial crisis of carrier Alpi Eagles S.p.A. and in consideration of the fact that this state of c... more

Press releaseAlpi Eagles lets know that it will regularly continue to operate its flights
Venice, Italy - With reference to the press release of ENAC
Referring to yesterday's press release of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), concerning the suspension of the flight operating licence, Alpi Eagles confirms what was already stated by ENAC about... more

Press releasePress release of Meridiana SpA
Olbia, Italy - Under art. 114 of D.Lgs. n. 58/1998
"With reference to the previous press release issued on June 25th, 2007, Meridiana SpA informs to have received, today, on behalf of Consob, formal response to the interrogation presented in regard to... more

Press releaseEmirates wins the "Oscar" for in-flight entertainment
Milan, Italy - Three new recognitions
Thanks to the continuous investments for updating and innovating the in-flight entertainment (IFE) offered to all passengers, Emirates has been awarded three new important recognitions at the World Airline... more

Press releaseATR launches the ‘-600 series’ aircraft
Washington, United States - Announcement of the management
"The European turboprop aircraft manufacturer ATR reached an important new milestone today with the announcement of the launch of the '-600 series', the newest version of its family of aircraft. This was... more

Press releaseAlitalia denies missed collision in Tel Aviv
Rome, Italy - As reported by some press agencies
"Alitalia denies that an airplane of its fleet was involved in a missed collision in the airport of Tel Aviv last September 30, as reported by some Italian press agencies, and informs that the episode... more

Press releaseTUIfly congratulates biking Azzurri
Milan, Italy - After the gold medals of Marta Bastianelli and Paolo Bettini
"TUIfly - the German low-fares of the TUI-group, born from the integration of Hapag-Lloyd Express and Hapagfly - was Official Supplier of the Italian Biking Federation (FCI) and the National Teams for... more

Press releaseEmbraer holds its operators conference in Paris
São José dos Campos , Brasile - The event was attended by 36 Embraer operators from Europe, the Middle East and Africa
"Embraer held its Operators Conference (EOC), focusing on the ERJ 145 and the E-Jets families, this week, at the Meridien Montparnasse Hotel, in Paris, France, September 24-28. The meeting was attended... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net debts as of August 31st, 2007
Rome, Italy - Amounted to 1,105 million Euros, with an increase in net indebtedness of 55 million Euros (+5.2%)
- The Group’s net debt as of August 31, 2007, amounted to 1,105 million Euros, with an increase in net indebtedness of 55 million Euros (+5.2%) compared to the situation on July 31, 2007, which was 1,050 m... more

Press releaseAir France Klm confirm expectations for this year
Paris, France - Information from airline's autumn conference
Philippe Calavia, Air France Klm chief financial officer, in the autumn conference at Cheuvreux given financial and expectations data of the carrier: according these dates a dynamical activity has been... more

Press releaseAlitalia (6): statement about reported today on a newspaper
Rome, Italy - On the supposed carrier's inability to pay back the debts in 2008
"Alitalia, regarding to that reported today on a newspaper concerning the supposed carrier's inability to pay back the debts in 2008, confirms that, as communicated in the press release of last September... more

Press releaseAlitalia (3): specification about reference emerged during the heading at Senate yesterday
Rome, Italy - By Consob's request
"Alitalia specifies that, on request by Consob, the reference emerged during the heaading took place yesterday at Senate at a predictable result of loss of the entire year 2007 of about EUR 400 million,... more

Press releaseDetails about Alitalia: the Country's credibility in the hands of the Government
Rome, Italy - And the mobility right for the citizens
"The latest rumors on Alitalia's future awaken great troubles. If these indiscretions about the sale of the national airline to Air France match the truth, this would be a very severe act without precedent. Secret... more

Press releaseSDL: general strike call
Rome, Italy - Next November 9
Reference: general strike call "The undersigned (Cub, Sdl intercategoriale, Confederazione Cobas, Cib Unicobas, Slai Cobas, AL Cobas, Usi Ait - Italian unions) call the general strike of all the public... more

Press releaseTam has 49.3% domestic market share in August
São Paulo, Brazil - Domestic load factor was 3.0 p.p. above market average
"Tam announces operating data for August 2007, as disclosed by the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac). According to Anac, Tam registered a 10.1% increase in domestic Ask (supply) compared... more

Press releaseAgustaWestland: report on the contract for the helicopters to Turkey
Rome, Italy - The details of the contract will be announced during an official ceremony currently being finalised
"Finmeccanica would like to state that the Turkish Government has announced on its Website that it has reached an agreement with AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, in partnership with the Turkish... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Board of Directors approves six-month report for Group as of 30 June 2007
Rome, Italy - Equal to EUR 2,130 million
"- Traffic revenues in the first half of 2007 amounted to 2,130 million euros showing an increase of 87 million euros (+4.3%) compared to the previous year; consolidated net revenues were 2,309 million,... more

Press releaseAnpac on Alitalia: cautious optimism on the contents of the Business Plan approved by Board of Directors
Rome, Italy - They appear to be in line with the pilot's expectations
"The President Maurizio Prato presented last Friday to Alitalia's board of Directors the ultimate version of the 2008-2010 Business plan for Alitalia. President Prato presented to worker's unions and... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Board of Directors of last Friday
Rome, Italy - The guide-lines already approved during the meeting of last August 30
"The Board of Alitalia, Linee Aeree Italiane SpA, gathered last Friday under the presidency of Dr Maurizio Prato, has approved the Business Plan 2008-2010. The guide-lines of it, approved by Board... more

Press releaseSkyTeam strengthens its network with the arrival of three associate airlines
Rome, Italy - Air Europa, Copa Airlines and Kenya Airways
"SkyTeam welcomes the first three associate carriers: Air Europa, Copa Airlines and Kenya Airways. Starting from September 1st passengers flying with these airlines will have the same benefits offered... more

Press releaseFurther discussions needed on episodes come out from ENAC monitoring about Alitalia Express cancellations
Rome, Italy - Over 300 cancellations in nine days
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that what came out from the monitoring carried out regarding the technical inconveniences which caused the cancellations of many Alitalia Express flights... more

Press releaseSAB about 24 hour strike fixed for tomorrow
Boulogne, Italy - Possible hardships in airport services and on flights regularity
"The 'Guglielmo Marconi' Boulogne's airport (SAB, society that manages it) communicates that following to the 24 hour strike fixed for tomorrow, on September 6, by CUB Trasporti and UIL Trasporti's unions... more