1,934 news found

MiscellaneousAn air-bridge for 4000 Angolan refugees
Windhoek, Namibia - In program 27 flights leaving from Hosea Kutako airport
The first air-bridge in order to transport Angolan refugees from Namibia to Huambo (Angola) started: it come carried out in collaboration with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the International Organization... more

MiscellaneousNigeria: Delta of Niger's rebels accuse AGIP to resort to its choppers to spy their movements
Lagos, Nigeria - Militiamen would have threatened to attack the oil plants and the company's personnel
Oil companies appear at risk in Nigeria in the region concerning the Delta of Niger River, at least when considering the decision by Shell to leave from the area. The reason for such worry would be related... more

MiscellaneousThe US 007 would have intercepted the voice of one of the two Simone kidnapped
Baghdad, Iraq - They could be freed within Friday according a Kuwait newspaper
After the reassuring words uttered yesterday on the fate of the two Simone kidnapped in Iraq, from the King Abdallah of Jordan today in visit in Rome (see news AVIONEWS), this morning there is an other... more

MiscellaneousFalluja: raid against a shelter of Al Zarqawi militiamen
Falluja, Iraq - According to the first news would be six casualties and three injured
An American aviation air raid on Falluja would have shooted six persons and killed other six. It would have been be a matter of a "precision attack", Americans military sources said: the aim seems was... more

MiscellaneousSimone kidnapped in Iraq: new hopes from the King of Jordan
Rome, Italy - The Monarch will reach tomorrow in Rome
"The two Italian volunteers kidnapped in Iraq are alive and hope of receiving within Tuesday good news [... ] With the intelligence aid we are trying to localize them and using all our contacts with leaders... more

MiscellaneousOlympic flight: it was false the alarm (2). The airplane left again bound for its destination
London, UK - Police confirms it did find nor anything suspicious in the aircraft neither in the baggage
"The airplane was accurately checked and we are satisfied we can say no danger for security exists [...] The aircraft will be refuelled and prepared to fly again": this was the statement by an Essex Police’s s... more

MiscellaneousCanada ready to send a C-130 with necessities towards Haiti
Montreal, Canada - Food, medicines and clothes to be delivered to population in difficulty soon
After the great solidarity coming from anywhere in the world and addressed to Haiti, as being in difficulty in these days (see for details AVIONEWS), also Canada would have decided to cooperate. After... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli Apache helicopter hit the Khan Yunis refugee site
Gaza City, Gaza Strip - An armed operation aimed to prevent Hamas from threatening by mortars and Kassam rockets the Israeli territory
Israeli Army would have performed several military operations against the Khan Yunis refugee site on last Saturday and Sunday. Israeli forces would have acted with soldiers, tanks and combat helicopters,... more

MiscellaneousFalluja and Baghdad in the sights of the American fighter-bombers
Falluja, Iraq - Starting on last September 24, several bombing activities would have been accomplished in order to face the rebels
US Air Force's combat airplanes would have been carrying on a series of operations in Iraq since the last September 24, most of all night operations, aimed to weaken the rebels' activities, in several... more

MiscellaneousSurvivors to an aircraft incident come back after two days
Washington, USA - They had believed died after that the single-engine airplane on which they travelled burned after be crashed
Two Forest Guards involved on Monday afternoon in an aircraft incident while they flew over the Great Bear Wildernes (Montana), believed died like the other 3 passengers aboard the airplane, on Wednesday... more

MiscellaneousHaiti: from Spain a flight with food, medicines and clothes
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - It's high the epidemic risk
From yesterday arrive regularly airplanes with humanitarian aids destined to Haiti (see news AVIONEWS) devastated from the Jeanne passage: today from Spain it will take off an aircraft loaded with 20 tons... more

MiscellaneousInternet site announces the death of the two Italian women in Iraq: the news is still unconfirmed
Baghdad, Iraq - Few minutes ago a second revendication of the two female volunteers dead
This night a message circulated through an Internet site from a Muslim group defined "Jihad Organisation", would have announced Simona Pari and Simona Torretta murder, the two Italian volunteers taken... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli helicopters hit a refugee site in the Gaza Strip
Gaza City, Gaza Strip - The launch of two missiles would have killed some 12 persons, according to local hospital's sources
Some Israeli combat helicopters would have performed a joint operation with the Israeli Army's tanks and bulldozers in the Gaza Strip last night, hitting the Khan Yunus' refugee site heavily. According... more

MiscellaneousAirplanes with humanitarian aids at Haiti,devastated by "Jeanne"
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - ONU, WHO and Red Cross meet the appeal by President Alexandre
The figure of the victims found at Haiti after the passage of Jeanne Hurricane appears a tragically destinated to rise one: 600 persons would currently appear to have being swept away and killed by floods... more

MiscellaneousThe United Stated sell bombs to Israel
Jerusalem, Israel - A deal has already been signed, according to Israeli press
It would be stated by Israeli daily "Haaretz", which mentions on its pages a Pentagon's report delivered to the American Congress some weeks ago: the USA would have signed an agreement with Israel for... more

MiscellaneousEuralair: still free flights for the Chirac
Paris, France - Madame Bernadette used the flights in order to assist to the Tour de France and the preparation of a record omelette
The Brigade financial agents that in France are inquiring on the failure of Euralair (see news AVIONEWS), would have uncovered among the carrier expenses "waiting invoice", 6 free flights, one of which,... more

MiscellaneousAmerican air strikes on Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - They would have started last night and killed some ten persons so far
The Iraqi city of Falluja was involved by some aerial strikes performed by the US fighter-bombers, starting from last night. During the first mission, some 8 persons would have been killed, also because... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli helicopter hit Hamas' board
Gaza City, Gaza Strip - An important member of the movement was killed by a rocket in the urban centre while he was aboard his car
Israel would have heavily hit Hamas' board at Gaza City yesterday in the evening. A rocket launched by an Israeli combat helicopter would have hit the car on which the 33 years old Khalid Abu Salima was... more

MiscellaneousAir Force Two diverted to Ohio for precautionary measures
Washington, USA - The Vice-President would have had to land at Washington, but a "Ivan" train has not rendered it possible
Hurricane Ivan has not saved not even the USA Vice-President Dick Cheney: Air Force Two seems in fact has been diverted precautionary in a Ohio base, because of the weather bad conditions on Washington.... more

MiscellaneousThree men arrested for the attempt against Karzai
Khabul, Afghanistan - Maybe owners of devices used for the launch of the rocket would could have hit the chopper on which President flew
Talibans would have claimed back the attempt performed yesterday against the helicopter on which Afghan President, Hamid Karzai was travelling (see for details AVIONEWS). Khabul’s authorities would have a... more

MiscellaneousAmerican air strikes on Falluja occurred last night
Falluja, Iraq - Several buildings went down, 16 died and 25 were wounded according to local health service sources
New air strikes by US Air Force were performed in Iraq last night. According to hospital's sources and some journalists there, Falluja city would have been involved by massive bombing operations which... more

MiscellaneousAfghanistan: a school was hit by a rocket before the President's visit
Khabul, Afghanistan - Hamid Karzai was about to land aboard a Chinook helicopter at the closer military air station
Afghan temporary President Hamid Karzai, during one of its unusual official visits - as he lives under remarkable security measures and hardly decides to go far from Khabul headquarter - had scheduled... more

Miscellaneous"Ivan" goes away, and Cuba opens again its airport
L'Havana, Cuba - Hurricane, which did not kill anyone on the island, is going towards the south coast of Mexico
As the emergency state finished, the international air station of Cuba has been opened again, after the passage of "Ivan" hurricane, considered by experts as one of the worst ones during the last ten years.... more

MiscellaneousUS Apache helicopters against the rebels in Afghanistan
Shinkay, Afghanistan - Two combat aircraft would have acted to support the ground troops while these ones were under Taliban's attack
New struggles between US Army and the rebel forces in Afghanistan. The militiamen fighting the coalition would have performed a sudden attack against a patrol unit of US Army nearby Shinkay city, some... more

MiscellaneousAmerican strikers attack Al Zarqawi 's soldiers
Falluja, Iraq - At least 40 among the civilians died according to local and the capital's medical authorities, but the USA give the lie to it
The United States would have started today a new series of air attacks against rebels' sites in Falluja and Baghdad. US military authorities would have stated they performed such operations in order to... more

MiscellaneousUSA's strikers in action in northern Iraq
Tal Afar, Iraq - 26 died and more than 70 were wounded but these are only the current figures
The United States and the Iraqi temporary Government would consider the city of Tal Afar, in the north side of the country, a major point of reference for the rebellion warriors in order to carry on their... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli helicopters escort tanks during a mission in the Gaza strip
Jabalya, Gaza Strip - New struggles with the Palestinian militiamen after the launch of Qassam missiles against cities in Negev
Israeli Army would be performing a new relevant military operation in the Gaza Strip, after that at least five Qassam missiles would have been launched by Palestinian militiamen against some Israeli cities... more

MiscellaneousAmerican fighter-bombers hit Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - 6 died and 23 were wounded according to what released by local hospital's sources
US fighter-bombers would have heavily hit the Iraqi city of Falluja this morning. According to local hospital's authorities, at least 6 Iraqi-native persons died while 23 were wounded. In the opinion of... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli helicopters attack a Hamas' training site
Gaza City, Gaza Strip - 14 died and 50 were wounded while the Palestinian movement threatens a firm reaction in order to revenge its own members
Israeli combat helicopters and tanks would have performed a massive surprise attack against several Palestinian movements' militiamen, nearby Gaza City last night. At least 14 persons would have been killed... more

MiscellaneousAttempt against Baghdad's Governor: a quick reaction by the American fighter-bombers
Baghdad, Iraq - No effects for the city's institutional representative but bombing activities would have even killed and wounded some civilians
Struggles are raging during these hours in Baghdad and nearby the Iraqi capital, following the attempt against city's Governor, a surprise bomb attack which would have at first taken the escorting American... more

MiscellaneousA bomb-car kills seven Marine Corps' soldiers nearby Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - Military helicopters are overflying the area
The dead persons' figure following the attack performed by a bomb-car against a convoy in Saglawiya, nearby Falluja, this morning consists of seven Marine Corps' soldiers and three Iraqi guards killed,... more

MiscellaneousJapan: alert in the airports for the tsunami risk after the earthquake of yesterday
Tokyo, Japan - The country has been invested also from the Songda typhoon, the third in the last 3 weeks
Transports paralyzed from yesterday evening in Japan: the country has shaken in fact under the blows of two seismic jolts around the 7:00pm local hour on Sunday, that would have interested the zones comprised... more

MiscellaneousUsa: airlines forced to cancel hundreds flights because of the Hurricane Frances
Miami, USA - Airports in Florida interrupted their activity or closed the air stations
The airlines AirTran, Independence Air, JetBlue and Us Airways during this week end would have cancelled hundred of flights because of the Hurricane Frances incoming to Florida. American Airlines has cancelled... more

Miscellaneous"Charles de Gaulle": child disappeared inbound from holidays
Paris, France - Investigators found her few hours after, she had been kidnapped from an unbalanced woman
The last Friday, an only 3 years female child from Kosovo, returned in Paris air station by a flight landed at 8:40pm to the terminal 2B, after a period of holiday in Slovenia with her mother and 2 brothers,... more