5,866 news found

DefenseItalian Defence-Meridiana: renewed agreement for transportation of military staff to the operational theaters
Rome, Italy - It will be valid throughout 2014
The agreement between the Italian Military Defence and Meridiana for the transportation of military staff to the operational theaters has been renewed. The Italian Military Defence and Meridiana announce... more

DefenseMBDA delivers first MPCVs in surface-to-air configuration
Bourges, France - The industry has just completed the integration and factory acceptance test
MBDA has just completed the integration and factory acceptance test of the first Multi-Purpose Combat Vehicle (MPCV) vehicles designed to operate the Mistral surface to air missile. Built for export, these... more

DefenseItalian Navy-Civil Defense Department: the Armed Force participates at "Twist" drill with ships, helicopters and men
Rome, Italy - "Cavour" aircraft carrier, three heavy and a light rotorcraft
The international drill about the seaquake risk, in the ambit of the European "Twist" (Tidal Wave in Southern Tyrrenian sea) project, began yesterday, on October 24. The Italian Navy participates with... more

DefenseAircraft and finance. Aegean completes acquisition of Olympic Air
Athens, Greece - A 72-million-Euro operation
Aegean Airlines signed a definitive agreement with Marfin Investment Group, enabling the transfer of 100% of the shares. The operation was approved a few days ago by the European Commission (AVIONEWS),... more

DefenseAircraft and finance. Qatar Airways is considering an investment in India, a challenge to Etihad?
Doha, Qatar - The Doha-based carrier is targeting a stake in SpiceJet
According to rumours, Qatar Airways is conducting talks for the purchase of a minority stake in the Indian low-cost carrier SpiceJet. The news, coming from a source with knowledge of the matter, has been... more

DefenseMBDA's VL MICA successfully fired by the Royal Navy of Oman from the Al Shamikh OPV
Paris, France - The missile intercepted and destroyed at very low altitude the target
The Royal Navy of Oman (RNO) has recently conducted an operational naval VL MICA missile firing from the Al Shamikh Ocean Patrol Vessel (OPV), a Khareef class constructed by BAE Systems. This live firing... more

DefenseItalian Navy: the "Sirio" destroyer at the "Ramogepol 2013" exercise
Rome, Italy - The drill began last Tuesday and ended yesterday
The "Ramogepol 2013" drill, began last October 8 in the Bonifacio strait, ended yesterday with the participation of the "Sirio" destroyer of the Italian Navy in order to protect and to oppose the coast... more

DefenseItalian Navy: "Duilio" ship participates at the NATO "Steadfast Jazz 2013" exercise
Rome, Italy - From November 2 to 9, 2013
"Caio Duilio", the destroyer and missile launcher of the Italian Navy, will depart from La Spezia tomorrow, on October 9, to reach the Baltic Sea in the North Europe where it will take part at the NATO... more

Defense"Brilliant Mariner" exercise (2) ended in Sardinia. Men and means of the Italian Navy involved with airplanes and helicopters
Rome, Italy - And six NATO Nations: France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain and Turkey
The "Brilliant Mariner 2013" exercise by NATO at Italian leadership began last September 26 ended yesterday, October 6 and happened off the shores of Sardinia. "A great test of military capacity,... more

DefenseBoeing: Wideband Satellite Communications System spans the globe
Seattle, Usa - Four more WGS satellites are currently in production
The US Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) system is expanded with the August launch of the Boeing-built WGS-6 satellite. Australia funded WGS-6 so its Defence Force can leverage the significant value of... more

DefenseItalian Navy: the "Brilliant Mariner" exercise started, with airplanes and helicopters
Rome, Italy - Italy participates with 3150 men and women
The "Brilliant Mariner 2013" exercise by NATO started yesterday, September 26, with the departure of the naval units from the harbours of all Europe. The practise is in order to reach a high level of training... more

DefenseAircraft and finance. American Airlines and US Airways require explanations from the DoJ for the opposition to the merger
Washington, USA - "Why similar operations in the past were approved?
American Airlines and US Airways are ready to fight against the Department of Justice of the United States (DoJ), which is opposing to the proposed merger of the two carriers, which would create the world's... more

DefenseItalian Navy: "Medex 13", the seventh Italian-Algerian execise ended, involved helicopters and naval units
Rome, Italy - It took place from September 16 to 20, in Augusta
Italian-Algerian collaboration and dialogue between the Navies of the two Countries. Naval units, helicopters, amphibious and scuba teams in training in the Ionio Sea. The seventh edition of the bilateral... more

DefenseRussia to provide anti-aircraft missiles to Iran
Moscow, Russia - According to rumours, a similar contract with Syria will be fulfilled
According to a report published by the Moscow-based newspaper "Kommersant", Russia will supply Iran with a modified version of the S-300 anti-aircraft system, and in addition it will also build a nuclear... more

DefenseAircraft and finance. Turkish-Hainan partnership for a stake in Croatia Airlines
Zagreb, Croatia - Also Garuda Indonesia and China Southern in the competition
The Croatian Ministry for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure has confirmed that there are four companies interested in purchasing a stake in Croatia Airlines. After the interest expressed by Garuda Indonesia... more

DefenseSyrian crisis: according to Russian sources, Damascus' defense system is "Capable of intercepting every enemy aircraft"
Damascus, Syria - Moscow will fulfill its arms deals with the Middle-Eastern country
According to the analysts, in the case of a US-led attack against Syria, the intention of the Pentagon is conducting a very quick military operation. However, this possibility might not be realistic,... more

DefenseSyrian crisis: USS Nimitz aircraft carrier heading to the Red Sea
Washington, USA - "We try to be as ready as possible", the Pentagon claims
With a view to the possible attack against Syria, the United States sent the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier to the Red Sea, according to reports provided by Pentagon officials. "We try to reduce the physics... more

DefensePossible Syrian conflict: here are the airplanes and the helicopters that might be used
Rome, Italy - The US Air Force might utilize its B-52 bombers and F-16 fighters
The US-led attack against Syria seems to be forthcoming, and many analysts think that the evening of Thursday 29 August could be the monet when the conflict starts. At least initially air raids are... more

DefenseSouth Korea: first FA-50 fighter aircraft to be delivered tomorrow
Seoul, South Korea - The airplane is completely developed and manufactured in the Asian country
The South-Korean Air Force will soon have its first fighter aircraft entirely built in the Asian country: the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) communicated it: "The direct use of the FA-50... more

DefenseThe first Indian aircraft carrier will be inaugurated on August 12 (VIDEO)
New Delhi, India - It carries 40,000 tons and is 260 meters long
It is the first aircraft carrier entirely built in India: its name is INS Vikrant. The project was carried out by the Indian Navy’s design organization, while the construction is being carried out by C... more

DefenseBoeing: sixth Wideband satellite expands tactical communications
El Segundo, Usa - This is the second WGS launch of the year, following the May 24 deployment of WGS-5
With yesterday’s launch of the sixth Wideband Global SATCOM satellite, Boeing and the US Air Force continue to expand the advanced WGS communications network that serves the US Department of Defense a... more

DefenseRafale fighter aircraft: France reduces purchase program
Paris, France - 26 airplanes will be purchased over the next six years
During the Council of Ministers which has been held this morning, the French government has decided to reduce the purchase order for Rafale military aircraft, produced by the aerospace company Dassault... more

DefenseSelex Es' drone aircraft will fly to Congo
Genoa, Italy - For a mission of civilian surveillance and protection in collaboration with the UN
Selex Es, a Finmeccanica company that also operates in the defense field, will bring its aircraft to the African airspace, particularly to Congo, where a United Nations contingent is in charge of protection... more

DefenseF-35 aircraft: Lazio Regional Administrative Court (Tar) rejects Codacons request
Rome, Italy - The coordination had asked for the suspension of fighter airplanes purchase
The Regional Administrative Court of Lazio has rejected the request made by Codacons, the coordination of associations for environmental protection and users and consumers’ rights, that asked for the s... more

DefenseUnited Arab Emirates: order for 17 antiaircraft radar systems from France
Paris, France - For a value of 300 million euros
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) have finalized an order for 17 anti-aircraft radar systems by the French aerospace company Thales. This is the second agreement in a few days between the Asian country... more

DefenseJapan: domestic companies will take part in the production of F-35 aircraft
Tokyo, Japan - Under United States supervision
Japanese aerospace companies will take part in the production of F-35 aircraft under the agreement between the Japanese country with United States for the development of the military airplanes. It was... more

DefenseArmaments on North-Korean cargo: the images of the discovery (VIDEO)
Colon, Panama - 240 tons of missiles and fighter aircraft have been found
Yesterday Panamanian authorities found armaments hidden inside the ship "Chong Chon Gang" which was seized on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal and convoyed by the military navy to the harbour of Colon... more

DefenseNorth-Korean cargo: fighter aircraft found on board
Havana, Cuba - Cuba: they are "Obsolete defence armaments"
Yesterday AVIONEWS published the news of the discovery of missile components on board a North-Korean ship off the coast of Panama (link). Today we are able to provide more information about the armament... more

DefenseBritish defense is beginning a study on drone aircraft
London, United Kingdom - For UAV's present and future applications
The British parliament appointed a committee in charge of preparing a study on remoted piloted aircraft (RPAS) employed by the British authorities especially in the international context. It is a cross-party... more

DefenseRockets found on board a North-Korean cargo ship
Panama City, Panama - It had sailed from Cuba
A North-Korean cargo ship was stopped just before crossing the Panama Canal by the authorities of the Central American country. Control, said the Panamanian president Ricardo Martinelli, was decided because... more

DefenseEx-Im Bank finances aircraft and engines for Ethiopian Airlines
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - The African carrier is a loyal "Customer" of the US' agency
The Export-Import Bank of the United States has authorized nearly 130 million dollars in financing to support the export of Boeing long-range aircraft and installed GE-90 engines to Ethiopian Airlines. The... more

DefenseAircraft and finance. European Commission approves Delta's acquisition of a 49% stake in Virgin Atlantic
Brussels, Belgium - According to Brussels, the competition will remain high for all the routes
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of joint control over Virgin Atlantic by Delta and Virgin Group. Rumors about the approval had already leaked... more

DefenseRevolution in British Defence: a proposal for "Outsourcing" by the government
London, United Kingdom - Savings could reach 2.2 billion pounds
The bill that proposes a radical change in the resource management has been presented by the British Defence Ministry. The key point of the project is the dismantling of the "Defence equipment", the public... more

DefenseMBDA and LM: MoU to jointly explore the market for the integration of naval missile systems
Rome, Italy - To work together to assess potential business opportunities
MBDA, Europe’s missile manufacturer, and Lockheed Martin, manufacturer of the MK 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS), have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Under the terms of this MoU both c... more

DefenseNATO: Gen. Philip M. Breedlove as Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Mons, Belgium - He will replace the US Navy Admiral James G. Stavridis
The North Atlantic Council approved the nomination of General Philip M. Breedlove, United States Air Force, to the post of Supreme Allied Commander Europe. General Breedlove is currently serving as... more

DefenseHigh tension between North and South Korea, nuclear war threat
Pyongyang, North Korea - Pyongyang shuts down the hotline with Seoul
The tension between, North and South Korea is incredibly high, after Pyongyang has threatened to cancel the armistice that, 60 years ago (July 27, 1953), ended the Korean War which, between 1950 and 1953,... more

DefenseBoeing-Israel Aerospace Industries: first flight test for Arrow 3 interceptor
Huntsville, Usa - The two industries are co-developing the new missile
The new Arrow 3 interceptor, which Boeing and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) are co-developing to enhance Israel's ballistic missile defense, successfully completed last week its first flight test. Arrow... more

DefenseAircraft and finance. Sale of London-Stansted Airport: who gets in, who goes out
London, United Kingdom - The deadline to submit the bids is January 14
The race for the acquisition of London-Stansted Airport triggered just when it is close to the finish line, which is represented by the deadline to submit the bids, that is to say January 14, 2013. The... more

DefenseRussia warns NATO about possible risks of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles in Turkey
Brussels, Belgium - "This involvement could become irrevocable in case of an incident or provocation"
On Friday 30 November 2012 Russia's NATO envoy Alexander Grushko warned the organization about the possible risks implied by the deployment of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles along the border between Syria... more

DefenseFinmeccanica. Performance by business segment: defence systems
Rome, Italy - New orders totalled €643 million
Oto Melara, WASS, MBDA (All of the data concern the joint ventures for MBDA consolidated on a proportionate basis at 25%). New orders: for the first nine months of 2012 totalled €643 million, an increase o... more

DefenseFinmeccanica BoD. Performance by business segment: defence electronics and security
Rome, Italy - Orders totalled €3,394 million
DRS, Technologies, SELEX Elsag, SELEX Galileo, SELEX Sistemi Integrati New orders: for the nine months ended 30 September 2012 totalled €3,394 million, down slightly on those of the corresponding p... more

DefenseAircraft and finance. 3.2-billion-dollar tender for a new terminal at Kuwait International Airport
Kuwait City, Kuwait - As a part of the massive programme of investment in the country's infrastructure
The Middle East, as confirmed by the recent figures released by IATA, the International Air Transport Association (AVIONEWS) is one of the regions in the world with the fastest growth in this industry,... more

DefenseThe first nuclear aircraft carrier in history ends its final journey
Norfolk, USA - The USS Enterprise retires after 51 years in service
The USS Enterprise, the first nuclear aircraft carrier in history, ended its last journey on Sunday 4 November 2012, concluding a 51-year-long career. Thousands of persons welcomed the ship when it... more

DefenseAircraft and finance. Ryanair excluded from Stansted airport sale process
London, United Kingdom - The company wanted to purchase a minority stake
Ferrovial, the Spanish group which owns BAA, the management firm of several airports in the United Kingdom such as London-Heathrow, Aberdeen and Glasgow International, has communicated to Ryanair the intention... more

DefenseNew NATO exercise scheduled on 1st October 2012
London, United Kingdom - The drills aim to train EU pilots against terrorism and enemy anti-aircraft defences
The second 2012 edition of the NATO exercise "Joint Warrior", the largest European training mission, is scheduled on 1st October. The exercise will end on October 11, ten days later. This exercise is... more

DefenseHMS Ark Royal aircraft carrier sold for scrap
London, United Kingdom - The unit will be sold through an official website
The Royal Navy Ark Royal aircraft carrier, the second carrier which has brought this name (the first Ark Royal aircraft carrier was sunk by German U-boots during the World War II, while the first unit... more

DefenseOpen Skies Treaty: Russian aircraft to survey Estonia and Latvia
Moscow, Russia - Antonov An-30 continues its mission
Open Skies operations continue in Russia. Open Skies is an international treaty signed in 1992, establishing a regime of unarmed aerial observation flights over the territories of its members. The Russian... more

DefenseAircraft and arms: new Russia intercontinental ballistic missiles with 5t warhead
Moscow, Russia - Is this the first reply to the missile shield?
According to press reports, Moscow revealed its latest long-range missile today. The new intercontinental ballistic missile is capable of carrying a 5-ton warhead, which is reportedly four times more than... more

DefenseObama: we will move forward with the European missile shield
Washington, USA - Democratic party on the warpath for the presidential election
The US president Barack Obama declared that the United States will move forward with the European missile shield with or without Moscow approval. "The President is moving forward with a phased adaptive... more

Defense"RIMPAC 2012": Russian warships and helicopters return to Vladivostock
Moscow, Russia - Joint exercises with Japan expected soon
After the visit to Japan (AVIONEWS), the Russian task force which took part in the naval exercise "RIMPAC" returned to its homebase in Vladivostock. The visit in Japan, as already explained, is expected... more