2,005 news found

CuriositiesScent bottle gets airport alarm to ring
Philadelphia, Usa - Questioned and released a young arab
Yesterday, February 19th, at Philadelphia international airport a 22 years Arab is stopped for controls while he tried to embark on a flight for Gedda. While the boy showed the content of a scent bottle,... more

CuriositiesHe has been removed Kitty Hawk's Commander because of a love story with a female official
Washington, Usa - His place has been taken by the second-in-command
Kitty Hawk American aircraft carriers' Commander Steven Kunkle, that is catching up the Persian Gulf in sight of a next conflict with Iraq, has been removed from its assignment because he has had, as it's... more

CuriositiesThe air produced by the helicopter’s rotor blades has been used to dry a soccer’s field
Crete, Greece - Yesterday the first attempt was a success in Greece
After a violent downpour on Crete Island, where it was in program the friendly soccer’s match Greece-Norway, the game seemed destined to be postponed. But an odd idea has allowed the players to play. I... more

CuriositiesAmerican airport giving free socks to passengers for controls
Tennessee, USA – It is a singular anti-terrorism initiative
"We know that the random shoe check are annoying, but we can’t do much to chance the security process". This is Melissa Thomas declaration, Tri-Cities Regional Airport’s Marketing Director. As a way of... more

CuriositiesGwyneth Paltrow: heroin in "Shakespeare in love" and now disinhibited sexy hostess
USA – Together with her John Travolta’s wife features
In the film "To view from the top", we will see the diaphanous actress to abandon the role of angelic heroin to wear the cloth of an uninhibited hostess, that in order to make career, she does not scorn... more

CuriositiesThe new Vietnamese fashion is to swim with airplane’s life jacket
Hanoi, Vietnam - The Vietnamese air company spends every year about USD 50.000 to replace the jackets
"On many flights between the 16 and 20 life jackets disappear". This is the declaration of the Internal Security Services Director of the air company, Hoang Duy Khanh to the Vietnamese newspaper Thanh... more

CuriositiesBoeing has offered to 70 boys a free flight
Washington, Usa - The fligth has been made with B-717
Through its foundation Make-a-wish Boeing Corporation, one of the greatest aeronautical and aerospace industries in the world, has offered to 70 boys, sons and daughters of its own employees with a low... more

CuriositiesMouse blocks for more than 24 hours a commercial flight
Zurich, Switzerland - The fact has happened in Switzerland
It's incredible but true, a little mouse blocks on the ground a commercial flight of Swiss International air carrier landed last Wednesday from Boston in Zurich airport. To catch the mouse, named "Speedy... more

CuriositiesThe Royal mail services of England dedicate a stamp to a female pilot
London, Great Britain - She had made the first solo flight between London and Australia
The Royal mail services of England have announced that they have dedicated a stamp to Amy Johnson, the woman pilot that first has made a solo flight between London and Australia, in 1930. The series of... more

CuriositiesTwo policemen descended from an helicopter during the Super Bowl, the Faa investigates
Atlanta, Usa - They could have breached the security measures
Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) is investing on the possibility to charge the pilot of a police helicopter that on last Monday was flying over Raymond James Stadium during the Super Bowl match, one... more

CuriositiesPolemics in Norway about the age of the Sas' hostesses
Oslo, Norway - "Hostesses are too old"
The Norwegian financial magnate, Fred Olsen, aged 74, has unchained a big polemic in his country about the age of the hostesses working on board of the aircraft of Sas, the Scandinavian air carrier, are... more

CuriositiesNew uniforms for British Airways
London, Great Britain - The new clothes have been created by an English stylist
The English stylist Julien Mc Donald has designed the new uniforms for the personnel of the British national carrier, British Airways. The designer has maintained the traditional design of the working... more

CuriositiesSeven cows have blocked an airport in Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam - The bovines have been captured after some hours
During the daytime of Saturday, in an airport in the central part of Vietnam it has verified a really curious block of the circulation caused by a really strange reason: seven cows had entered in the principal... more

CuriositiesNecessary new educational rules on board of the Us internal flights
Washington, Usa - The cause is in the on board self service
If by one side the elimination of the meals served on board of the internal flights has allowed the carriers to earn some millions of dollars, by the other side has caused several problems above all tied... more

CuriositiesSmall Chinese village acquires 8 planes to develop the local tourism
Beijing, China - It's the richest village of the big Asian country
Also in the Communist China, that probably will take part to the Wto (World Trade Organization), there are various stories very different from the collective thought that however emphasize a radical change... more

CuriositiesMay 3 will take off the first flight of the aeronautical history entirely reserved to nudists
Houston, Usa - Already sold over the half of the disponible seats
Following the idea of a businessman from Texas, owner of the "Castaways Travel", based in Houston, May 3 will take off from Miami, destinated to Cancun, in Mexico, a really particular flight, about which... more

CuriositiesNew York City will rebuild the Twin Towers
New York, Usa - The meetings to examine the proposed projects begun
To answer to the terrible terrorist attacks of September 11 2001, that caused the falling of the Twin Towers and the erasure of 2800 persons, the city of New York has decided to pass from words to facts,... more

CuriositiesCloned the freedom statue
Washington, Usa - The measure has been decided for the reconstruction of the monument in case of terrorist attack
The freedom statue, monument that is a symbol for the town of New York has been cloned same as other monuments of the United States, among them the heads of the first Us presidents sculpted on the mount... more

CuriositiesChaos in Sharm-el-sheik airport for the arrival of the British Prime Minister
London, Great Britain - Tony Blair is on holiday with his family
Between the protests of the other passengers, among them several English citizens, at Sharm-el-sheik's airport it has verified the total chaos for the arrival of the British Prime Minister in the Egyptian... more

Curiosities900 Kosovo kids receive Christmas gifts from the sky
Gjakova, Yugoslavia - The initiative is of the Italian soldiers of the Kfor
The Italian soldiers of the Kfor, the Nato international peace keeping force working in Kosovo, in collaboration with a volounteer group from Sardinia, has organized for some hundreds of Kosovo kids of... more

CuriositiesIn the Asia-Pacific area they loose a baggage every 90 seconds
Hong Kong,China - This problem costs to the carriers USD 125m
Every year in the Asia-Pacific area they loose an air baggage every 90 seconds causing an higher expense equal to USD 125m. But there is also an important thing to say, several baggages are found again... more

CuriositiesBoeing will become Santa Claus for the kids of the lower income employees
Los Angeles, Usa - The initiative will be made in the next days
In hommage to the dominating Christmas time and to the proverb "It's Christmastime and we are all better people", Boeing has decided that in the next days it will become Santa Claus for the kids of the... more

CuriositiesIn Canada a drunk minister was forbidden to get on airplane
Toronto, Canada - He decides to stop drinking
The last Thursday a hostess stopped John McCallum, a Canadian minister of Defence, to get on airplane Toronto-Ottawa. "You have drinking much" the hostess said him. For the shame the minister decides... more

CuriositiesControversy about the property of the space suit of an astronaut
Washington, Usa - The dispute involves the astronaut's family and Nasa
The widow and the son of Virgil "Gus" Grissom, reclaim the possession of the space suit of their relative, an astronaut dead in an accident occurred the spacecraft Apollo in 1967, but Nasa opposes saying... more

CuriositiesAn after-shock pill is arriving
New York, USA - The discover has been made by two US scientists
Glenn Saxe of Boston's Medical Center and Roger Pitman of Harvard University have presented, on Saturday, during a conference in Baltimora a research which results should be the discovering of a pill that... more

CuriositiesParachutist dog in the USA
Los Angeles, USA - A man jumped together with his dog
A man has jumped, togheter with his dog, a dachshund aged 4 whose name is Brutus with a parachute during an air show in California. Strong protests of wildlife associations. But the master replies: "I... more

CuriositiesA space trip to be won in a new Russian tv show
Moscow, Russia- There's agreement with Rosavikosmos' president
It will be surely a "stellar show" the one that is going to begin in autumn 2003, for the final prize is a trip on the ISS, the international space station. The agreement, between Rosavikosmos' president... more

Curiosities12 thousands buy a Boeing for private trips
Detroit, USA- It's a Boeing 727 with a capacity of 146 seats
They're about 12 thousands people, almost of them retired, who, with a sort of collection (about USD 17m), bought a second-hand Boeing with 146 seats of capacity. The "consortium", called "Nomads",then,... more

CuriositiesThe "prancing horse" is wok of Baracca
Forlì, Italy - An airman native of Romagna invented Ferrari logo
The legendary italian first world war flying ace, Francesco Baracca, used to mark his airplane with a particular logo representing a "prancing horse", the present symbol of Ferrari. After Baracca's death,... more

CuriositiesA island in motion for ten thousand people with heliport
Paris, France - The futuristic plan of a Parisian architect
Jean Philippe Zoppini, the Parisian architect has named its creature "Az". "Az" is a mobile tourist village 400 meters long and 300 meters wide, able to accommodate ten thousand people. The plan is rather... more

CuriositiesRare parrot in first class flight
Sao Paulo, Brasil - From Spain to Brasil for "make love"
A female of "Arararinha Azul", a rare parrot existing only in 60 species in captivity, flyes from the "Fundaction Loro Park" of Tenerife, to Saint Paul for "make love" with a local male. The parrots arara... more

CuriositiesItalian Navy band take off to New Zealand
Auckland, New Zealand - To celebrate America' Cup opening
On next September 28, the Italian Navy band will take part to the Americas' Cup inauguration ceremony in Auckland. The band will play to wish good luck to the Italian teams Luna Rossa (Prada Challenge)... more

CuriositiesThe perfect airplane of paper
London, UK - The Institute of Physics experiences superfast airplane
In a recent publication on the website - - the British Institute of Physics has inserted "the key rules" for the construction of the perfect "paper-plane". With... more

CuriositiesHistoric Wright replica ready to take off for a Us tour
Reston, Usa - Next September 26 from Los Angeles
On September 26, flight lovers including aviation industry executives, federal officials, schoolchildren and "Orville and Wilbur Wright" themselves will gather near Los Angeles to inaugurate the plane’s n... more

CuriositiesSingular experiment of flight on next October 1 in Tuscany
Florence, Italy - English experts have built the so called "Leonardo's wing"
Next October 1 we will know if the elementary wood machine created in 15th century by Leonardo da Vinci, Italian big forerunner of aviation, is actually able to fly. Leonardo created it after he had studied... more

CuriositiesFrom Dubai with extra-equipped Boeing 747
Arzachena, Italy - Prince and son arrive to Sardinia, the horses over a special cargo
Prince of Dubai will arrive today to Sardinia on board of his extra-equipped Boeing 747, together with the four sons and the other members of Emirates United team that's easily winning the endurance mondial... more

CuriositiesAir Canada sued for USD 5m for having lost a little tabby cat
Montreal, Canada - The largest ever filed over a cat
Andrew Wysotski and Lori Learmont sued the north American air carrier Air Canada for USD 5m as they allege it is responsible of having lost their little tabby cat Fu. Last August the couple from San Francisco... more

CuriositiesIndia under Ufo attacks
Shanwa, India - A flying sphere attacked night-time Indian villages: seven people killed
A flying sphere emitting red and blue light attacked night-time some villages in the poor Indian region of Uttar Pradesh State. Seven persons were killed and many more seriously injured, reports Cnn. Doctors... more

CuriositiesGetting naked at 30000 feet
Brussels, Belgium - Passenger undressed himself on an Air France flight
A 30-years-old French passenger got naked on board an Air France flight en route from Paris to Oslo, forcing the Captain to land at Brussels to hand the passenger over to the police. During the strip-tease,... more

CuriositiesA Pit Bull eates up electric cables on boarda an American Airlines flight
Washington, Usa - AA banned any ferocius dog to fly on its aircraft
A Pit Bull embarked on a B777 belonging to the Us air carrier American Airlines, after getting out from the cage it was in, ate up electric cables provoking a partial black-out on aboard the airplane.... more

CuriositiesTwo British youngster take off to Sydney in Australia and land at Sydney in Canada
Montreal, Canada - At first they thought the plane has been diverted
Because of a big mistake made while booking on the Internet, two 19-year old British youngsters who thought to take off to Sydney in Australia landed instead at Sydney in Canada. Once they discovered the... more

CuriositiesIf you fly you will catch a cold
Los Angeles, Usa - According to researchers in California
A survey by the University of California demonstrated that an air traveler on five is likely to catch a cold after taking a flight. Within a week after a trip by plane in fact, 21% of 1000-people sample... more

CuriositiesIdentified three Us soldiers died in Vietnam
Washington, Usa - After 33 years
On February 6, 1969, a crew of a US Army UH-1H Huey helicopter, was operating an emergency resupply mission in South Vietnam. While enroute from a landing zone in the Quang Tri province, the crew radioed... more

CuriositiesUFO over Lyons' skies
Lyons, France - It was just a commercial airship
Lyons' policemen will certainly remember the night of two days ago as in fact they received tens of phone calls from citizens claiming to sight a UFO over the city's skies. Perplexities a part, police... more

CuriositiesSexy flights for Ecstasky Airlines
Los Angeles, Usa - The new Us airline
Provocative glances, dressed with just see through baby dolls, these are the flight assistants who will "cuddle" with champagne and caviar passengers flying with Ecstasky Airlines, the new born Us sexy... more

CuriositiesPieces of Moon to sell
Washington, Usa - Fbi arrested 4 people
Four people, including 3 former Nasa’s employees, have been arrested by Fbi in Florida. They wanted to sell fragments of Moon, stolen in the previous day from Houston Space Center. The precious minerals w... more

CuriositiesAustralian glasses intended to relieve jet lag
Adelaide, Australia - Colors blue and green would help to put the body clock right
Australian researchers from Adelaide University have invented glasses that will help long-haul travellers to relieve from jet lag. They have discovered that the colors blue and green would stimulate brain... more

CuriositiesAn Italian hang glider flyer to lead birds of paradise migration
Moscow, Russia - For thousands of kilometres
Contacted by AVIONEWS, the Italian hang glider champion Angelo D'Arrigo expressed all his satisfaction to take part to such an amazing venture which will see the aviator comitted to teach little birds... more

CuriositiesCrocodiles found at Heathrow
London, Uk - Destined for a private buyer
Ten rare crocodiles of an endangered species have been found at Heathrow airport in the hold of a plane which was heading to Korea. Hidden in sacks, these reptiles banned from international trade were... more

CuriositiesBin Laden: new Romanian Satan
Bucarest, Romania - He has been portrayed in a church of Timisoara
Osama bin Laden riding a plane and holding a pitchfork: the new Satan according a Romanian painter. Al Qaeda's boss has been portrayed as Satan in the depiction of the "descent to hell" painted in an... more