Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseChamber of Commerce of Varese: less flights in Malpensa
Varese, Italy - First repercussions from April
"Without taking part in the political debate in progress relative to the decisions of Government, Alitalia and Air France, the Chamber of Commerce of Varese cannot but pointing out the feeling of significant... more

Press releaseUP: Eurofly risks crisis?
Rome, Italy - The Association points out the problem with worry
"Unione Piloti points out with worry that to date the airline Eurofly, controlled by Meridiana, has not paid its pilots the salaries and year-end bonuses due for the month of December 2007. Meridiana,... more

Press releaseThe "Safe Summer" by ENAC foresees a series of meeting...
Rome, Italy - ... To discuss about the problem due to flights' transfer from Malpensa to Fiumicino
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) unveils that the first of a series of meeting will take place next January 9 near the Authority's headquarters in order to discuss about the problem derived from... more

Press releaseENAC clarification regarding AlpiEagles press-release
Rome, Italy - The Authority rebuts any inference
"With reference to what AlpiEagles declared in a press-release published on its website and rebutting any inference against the institutional activities of the Authority, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority)... more

Press releaseENAV wins Eurocontrol call for bids, an important recognition for Italy
Rome, Italy - For new flight procedures for the approaches to airports
Enav, the Italian Flight Assistance Society, won the important international call for bids called by Eurocontrol to define and test, through simulation techniques in real time, effective management solutions... more

Press releaseAlpiEagles grounded while waiting for definitive licence
Venice, Italy - "Check the sales data to verify how ENAC destroyed with its measures a good commercial activity"
Following the press-release by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) of December 29th 2007 that, even acknowledging the measure by TAR Lazio suspending the ENAC initiative until January 17th, 2008, arouses... more

Press releaseENAC about the Alpi Eagles matter
Rome, Italy - Waiting for the hearing of January 17th
"With reference to the matter of the Alpi Eagles airline and in respect of the decision by the president of the Terza Sezione Ter of TAR Lazio to uphold the request of temporary precautionary measures... more

Press releaseAmnesty International condemns assassination of Benazir Bhutto
Rome, Italy - And 15 Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) workers
"Amnesty International has strongly condemned the assassination of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and 15 Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) workers. Ms Bhutto – the party’s chairperson– died af... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Board of Directors’ Deliberations
Rome , Italy - The Board of Directors of Alitalia resolved unanimously in favour of Air France-KLM
The Board of Directors of Alitalia resolved unanimously in favour of Air France-KLM non binding proposal considering it as the one that offers to the Company, given its current critical financial condition,... more

Press releaseLockheed Martin presented the F-35B Lightning II to Marines, RN, RAF, AMI and MMI (Italian Air Force and Navy)
Forth Worth , USA - The first short take off/vertical landing stealth fighter
"The Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II, the first fighter to combine stealth with short takeoff/vertical landing (Stovl) capability and supersonic speed, made its debut in the last days amid customers... more

Press releaseSOGAER about Meridiana's press-note adjustment
Cagliari, Italy - The Sardinian airport management company specifies some points
"With reference to the press-note of Meridiana, SOGAER - the Cagliari-Elmas airport management company - specifies that: - the main runway, unlike what Meridiana says, was not closed for just a maintenance... more

Press releaseUnione Piloti: the non convocation by the Transport ministry is a severe discrimination
Rome, Italy - According to UP an immediate meeting/confrontation is essential before the decisions on Alitalia are made
"Unione Piloti, knowing that today's convocation by the Italian Transport ministry had on agenda the "Transport" in general and that the meeting had been planned in advance, when the coincidence with the... more

Press releaseAlitalia 's press release: communication from SA Holdings Ltd, Evergreen LLC AND THL Transportation
Rome, Italy - Their consortium withdraws the interest in putting forward an offer to acquire 49.90% of the airline
"At the request of CONSOB (Italian Stock Exchange Controller), ALITALIA states that a communication has been received yesterday from a business consultant who has forwarded, on behalf of the client Evergreen... more

Press releaseSingapore Airlines: not bidding for Alitalia
Rome, Italy - And it has no intention of doing so
"Singapore Airlines notes a statement from Alitalia that it has received notice of intention from a consortium, including Singapore Airlines, to make a bid for Alitalia. For the information of shareholders,... more

Press releaseAirOne pilots strike
Rome, Italy - Called by the pilots professional Association
"AirOne pilots of APP - Associazione Professionale Piloti call a strike on December 14th from 2pm to 6am. The reasons for the strike are: - loss of contract extension (expired one year ago); -... more

Press releaseIATA: new financial forecast predicts 2008 downturn
Geneva, Switzerland - From USD 5.6 billion in 2007 falling to USD 5.0 billion in the next year
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released a new industry financial forecast estimating a global industry profit of USD 5.6 billion in 2007 falling to USD 5.0 billion in 2008. The... more

Press releaseIata launches
Geneva, Switzerland - Information Portal For Travellers
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) launched the IATA Travel Centre at The IATA Travel Centre provides passport, visa and health information necessary for air... more

Press releaseSDL on Alitalia: AP Holding's plan, a credible confrontation
Rome, Italy - After yesterday's presentation for the purchase of the carrier
"On last Tuesday, December 11th, the president of Air One, Carlo Toto, presented to the unions and professional associations business plan for the purchase of Alitalia. SDL, workers union, is following... more

Press releaseAP Holding SpA (2): the details of the plan presented yesterday
Rome, Italy - Concerning staff, network and fleet
"Network Domestic – The domestic network will increase, passing through a rationalization of the capacity where both Air One and Alitalia operate, with the objective of an overall efficiency increase o... more

Press releaseAP Holding SpA: the details of the plan presented yesterday
Rome, Italy - Concerning staff, network and fleet
"Yesterday, the directors of AP Holding SpA have met labour unions and professional associations of the air transport sector. This meeting served to present the general lines of AP Holding's plan, contained... more

Press releaseAir France-Klm plan will enable Alitalia to return to profitability
Rome, Italy - And growth, and to reinforce itself as Italy's national carrier
“'I am convinced that bringing the Italian creative talent and expertise, Alitalia will bring the Group to a new step in its history', said Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of A... more

Press release"Marconi", the Bologna's airport, about the NOE operation by Carabinieri
Bologna, Italy - The management society is not involved in any manner
"Following to the 'Clean Airport' operation by Carabinieri of the NOE in different Italian airports (see AVIONEWS), the Aeroporto Marconi di Bologna society is not involved in any way, neither directly... more

Press releaseAlenia Aeronautica signed a 217 EUR million contract with Romania
Rome, Italy - For seven C-27J "Spartan" airplanes
"New international success for the C-27J, which ever more confirms its position as the standard tactical airlifter of the NATO countries. Alenia Aeronautica (Finmeccanica Group) has signed today in Bucharest... more

Press releaseENAC: Authority's general director, Silvano Manera, appointed responsible for safety sector of ECAC
Rome, Italy - During the 128th meeting held yesterday in Paris
"The Italian National Authority for Civil Aviation lets know that yesterday, in Paris, during the 128th meeting of the general directors of ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference), ENAC's General Director,... more

Press releaseAir One: plan for the restructuring and re-launching of Alitalia
Rome, Italy - More than EUR 4 bn investments and Europe’s youngest fleet at the end of the plan
"AP Holding has yesterday submitted a non binding offer for the selection of an industrial partner for Alitalia available for the acquisition of the control of the airline. It is a long term entrepreneurial... more

Press releaseBilateral agreement on air transport: Switzerland and EU prepare talks about domestic flights
Berne, Switzerland - In the civil aviation sector
On the occasion of the meeting by mixed Committee, two delegations have decided to prepare the talks about the introduction of the so-called 'Cabotage right' in the bilateral agreement on air traffic,... more

Press releaseAir France-Klm proposes that Alitalia join the world's leading air transport Group
Rome, Italy - This proposal is being made to a major commercial partner
"Today Air France-KLM is sending a non-binding letter of interest to Alitalia, which will be submitted to the Italian carrier’s Board of Directors (At this stage, this process is not legally binding f... more

Press releaseIATA: released traffic results for October
Geneva, Switzerland - Passenger demand remains robust
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released traffic results for October 2007. The highlights are: Passenger Traffic · International passenger traffic for October increased 7.7%... more

Press releaseAgustaWestland: King Express Group Ltd appointed official AW distributor for Hong Kong and Macau
Cascina Costa, Italy - For the initial sale of nine helicopters
"AgustaWestland announced that King Express Group Limited has been appointed official distributor in Hong Kong and Macau for the complete range of AgustaWestland commercial helicopters. This three years... more

Press releaseFree flight: in Switzerland a special training will be needed for using the "Speedflyer"
Berne, Switzerland - FSVL and UFAC elaborated common regulations in the matter
"Speedflyers" are special paragliders which, thanks to a smaller surface and another type of profile, allow to fly at a higher speed. They are often used in combination with skis. To make possible to practice... more

Press releaseANSV on the accident in Brescia-Montichiari
Rome, Italy - Unhurt the two occupants, while the Cessna airplane reported damages
"ANSV (Italian Air Safety Board) has opened an inquiry on the air accident occurred at 9:15 am of Friday, November 30th to a Cessna 210 airplane (code OE-DOX) which landed in the airport of Brescia-Montichiari... more

Press releaseItalian Professional Pilots' Association: cancellation strike by Air One's pilots
Rome, Italy - It was fixed for today; the press release diffused last Friday
"The Italian Professional Pilots Association, following to the indication arrived by fax at 6:10pm of last November 29, 2007 by Guarantee Commission of the law's execution about the stike in the essential... more

Press releaseSDL on Alitalia: what it happens from December 6?
Rome, Italy - The President Prato has impressed a strong acceleration
"The President Prato has impressed a strong acceleration in order to obtain, within next December 6, the offers for the purchase of Alitalia's share possessed by the Economy's Ministry by the interested... more

Press releaseIATA about a severe pilot shortage, according to Bisignani
Washington, Usa - The aviation sector could may need 17,000 new pilots annually
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) warned the world’s airlines of a severe pilot shortage unless industry and government work together to change training and qualification practices.... more

Press releaseAssaereo on the postponement of the strike from November 22 to 30 (2)
Rome, Italy - The Association specifies some points
On the centralization of various conflictual actions for next November 30 Assaereo reaffirms that: - The concentration of several strikes by different categories of the same sector, and the conjunction... more

Press releaseAssaereo on the postponement of the strike from November 22 to 30
Rome, Italy - The Association specifies some points
"According to the postponement of the strike, called by the unions for the production and occupation problems in the area of Malpensa and Lombardia relative to the reorganization plan of Alitalia, from... more

Press releaseAmnesty International about Italian weapons in the conflicts: RID asks the government to suspend supplies to Pakistan
Rome, Italy - Authorized sales for 23 million Euro relative to air, naval and ground componentry
"'Suspend sales of weapons to Pakistan. It is the request made to the Italian government by the RID (Rete Italiana Disarmo), the Italian network of associations for the armament control, in reply to the... more

Press releaseAlenia Aeronautica: 1000 flight hours for the C-27Js of the Italian Air Force
Rome, Italy - All C-27Js ordered by ItAF will be delivered by mid-2008
The fleet of the C-27Js currently in service with the Italian Air Force has reached 1000 flight hours. The first of the four aircraft in service, based in Pisa, 46th Air Wing Headquarters, had entered... more

Press releasePedrini on Alpi Eagles: ENAC, what is happening?
Rome, Italy - "The carrier's matter is paroxysmal"
"'The matter of Alpi Eagles is paroxysmal' declares Italian honourable Egidio Pedrini, secretary of the Chamber's Transport Commission, who specifies that 'ENAC (Italian civil Aviation Authority) has power... more

Press release"Europe for Peace": the Czech Republic against the radar, asks a real democracy
Rome, Italy - The protest is supported in all the Continent
"On November 17, 18th anniversary of the Rivoluzione di Velluto, at 4pm Ne zakladnam (The Committee No to bases), students and unions committees will protest in Venceslao Place against the radar installation... more

Press releaseANSV: investigator in the inquiry about air crash in Texas
Rome, Italy - The PA-28R-200 airplane took off for a training flight
"ANSV (the Italian air safety board) has elected its own investigator in the technical inquiry led by the US authorities, after the accident occurred yesterday, November 15, near Abilene, Texas, to a Piper... more

Press releaseFIAVET reacts to the declarations of Ryanair
Rome, Italy - Detrimental definitions concerning the travel agencies by the carrier's Head of Communications
"Very harsh the reaction of FIAVET (Italian federation of travel agencies and tourism) to the declarations of Peter Sherrard, Head of Communications of the Irish airline Ryanair, about teh travel agencies... more

Press releaseSdl about Lufthansa: provocation or destruction of the Italian aeronautical heritage?
Rome, Italy - In the airline's plans there would be the reduction of Alitalia's fleet of 30%
"Only few days ago, SDL (Italian intercategory workers' union) had denounced the lack of information about some candidates for Alitalia's control would have made of the Italian carrier and has expressed... more

Press releaseIATA disapproves of the including air transport in the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme
Geneva, Switzerland - Climate change is a serious problem and hypocrisy is not the answer
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged the European Union to get its priorities in the right order and focus on practical steps to help reduce aviation’s CO2 emissions. IATA’s statement fol... more

Press releaseEmirates: financial results of the first six months
Milan, Italy - Net profit equal to USD 643 million and a 99% growth
"Emirates Airline has announced another record performance for the first six months of its current financial year 2007-08 ending 30th September 2007, with net profits of Dhs 2.36 billion (USD 643 million)... more

Press releaseAustrian Airlines increases by 10 Euro the prices of long range tickets
Rome, Italy - The rise is due to the larger cost of kerosene
"Due to the incessant rise of unrefined oil prices and kerosene cost which reached new record levels, the group Austrian Airlines announces an increase by 10 Euro of the fuel surcharge for long range flights,... more

Press releaseManagement change at Spanair
Madrid, Spain - Current CFO, Marcus Hedblom, will take over as CEO.
"Lars Nygaard, CEO of the SAS Group subsidiary Spanair, has requested to leave his position with immediate effect to assume a new position outside the SAS Group. Current CFO, Marcus Hedblom, will... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Pedrini asks Prato to summarize the situation
Rome, Italy - The declarations by the honourable, secretary of the Transport Commission
"The secretary of the Transport Commission of the Italian Chamber, honourable Egidio Pedrini, underscores the necessity that the president of Alitalia, Maurizio Prato, clarifies the situation of the Alitalia... more

Press releaseAlpi Eagles: suffered sneak attacks for months
Padua, Italy - They aim to annihilate the airline
"Alpi Eagles, first carrier in Venice with the high index of productivity for employee in Italy, and the lower borrowing, is victim of sneak attacks which aim to annihilate it. We, 290 among men and... more

Press releaseRyanair-Ciampino: Codacons, "Appeal allowed for procedural reasons"
Rome, Italy - Also the Coordination appeared as a plaintiff in the dispute
"The appeal by the airline Ryanair against the decision by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) providing for a reduction of flights in Ciampino was allowed by the Council of State 'Only for procedural... more