Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseContinental Airlines announces first quarter net loss
Houston, USA - Record fuel prices lead to quarterly loss
Continental Airlines today reported a first quarter 2008 net loss of USD 80m (USD 0.81diluted loss per share). Excluding a USD 5 million after tax gain from the sale of aircraft, Continental recorded a... more

Press releaseMarconi Handling: accounts in deficit. SAB makes it good and plans a public tender
Bologna, Italy - New councilmen and operative responsible of MH, designed
"Meeting between Marconi Handling's (MH) members, on April, 14th, has approved the company's account. 2007 exercise has been closed with a EUR 15.572.000 sales revenue, a gross operative margin of less... more

Press releaseBoeing offers its accident investigation assistance to the Government for Hewa Bora DC-9 crash
Seattle, USA - 83 victims
Boeing extends its deepest sympathy to the families and colleagues of those who were lost or injured when the Hewa Bora Airways DC-9 crashed today during a takeoff attempt from Goma Airport, Democratic... more

Press releaseSpectrolab to provide renewable energy to Australia
St.Louis, USA - Thanks to the partnership with Solar System Pty.Ltd
The Boeing Company today announced a third multimillion-dollar contract award with Solar Systems Pty. Ltd. for concentrator photovoltaic cell assemblies used to produce renewable energy. The cells will... more

Press releaseBlacklist of banned airlines
Brussels, Belgium - The European Commission adopts new measures
"Two years after the establishment of the first Community list of airlines subject to an operating ban in the European Union, the European Commission last Friday adopted the seventh update of the 'Blacklist'.... more

Press releaseItalian Enac: meeting with Alitalia to analyze financial-economic situation, yesterday
Rome, Italy - Analysis will continue in the next days
"Yesterday afternoon, at General Direction office, it took place a meeting with leadership of Alitalia to talk about financial and economics conditions of the airline, according to community regulation... more

Press releaseItalian ANSV regarding the article on "La Repubblica" about Linate's crash
Rome, Italy - Published today on the newspaper
"According to the article entitled 'Strage di Linate, non fu un errore del pilota', by Carlo Bonini, published today at page 25 of the daily 'La Repubblica' and to the severe implications included in such... more

Press releaseAlitalia's Board of Directors: the financial and asset situation and the Company’s continuing operation
Rome, Italy - The Board will continue to monitor the evolution of the economic, financial and asset situation
"The Alitalia Board of Directors met yesterday to examine, amongst other items on the agenda, the financial and asset situation and the Company’s continuing operation. During the meeting, the Board f... more

Press releaseUP about Alitalia: "Amarcord=Nostalgic memory"
Rome, Italy - The steps of a delicate phase for the Italian airline
"November 2006 - Prodi to the unions: 'We make the Alitalia's business plan and I will follow step by step the Alitalia's privatization together with you'. In the same meeting, Prodi took the formal... more

Press releaseEU paves the way for mobile phone use on airplanes in Europe: new rules
Brussels, Belgium - The new rules introduced today
"The European Commission today introduced rules to harmonise conditions for the take-off of pan-European mobile communication services on aircraft. These services will allow businesspeople and consumers... more

Press releaseAlitalia: appointed new Company Chairman, Mr. Aristide Police
Rome, Italy - In this new context, the Board examined the Company’s financial and net equity situation
"The Board Meeting held yesterday took note of the resignation of Mr Maurizio Prato as Chairman-CEO of the Company, thanking him warmly for his commitment to the Company and the tasks he carried out during... more

Press releaseItalian Court of Accounts' opinion about Fintecna SpA's counts
Rome, Italy - Effects of the current security's context about Alitalia's services, tied up with the evolutionary dynamics of the national-flag airline
"'The gradual characterization of Fintecna as shareholding has increased itself in proportion with both the happened privatization of the property sector and the entry in of the holdings's share portfolio... more

Press releaseRyanair calls on Italian Government to stop breaking the rules
Rome, Italy - In according to the Irish low-cost airline, Italian consumers deserve competition and choice
"Ryanair, one of the largest European low-fares airlines yesterday (2nd April) renewed its call on the European Commission to stop the Italian Government’s unlawful attempts to block choice, competition a... more

Press releaseAir France: President Jean Cyril Spinetta declares: "I regretfully acknowledge the breakdown in negotiations"
Rome, Italy - In formal terms, Air France-KLM was thus regretfully forced to accept that there was no longer any basis for further negotiations
"When it submitted its final offer on 14 March this year, Air France-KLM clearly indicated that the offer was contingent on prior agreement with the trade unions representative of the majority of the various... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Maurizio Prato has resigned from his position as the Company’s Chairman and Director
Rome, Italy - Stopped yesterday the negotiations between Alitalia, Air France-KLM, labour unions and professional associations
"Stopped yesterday the negotiations between Alitalia, Air France-KLM, labour unions and professional associations. Yesterday was the deadline for reaching the effectiveness conditions set out in the... more

Press releaseIATA: urgent work needed to improve Latin America air safety
Santiago, Chile - To redouble its efforts to drive down the accident rate in the region
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for the Latin American aviation industry to redouble its efforts to drive down the accident rate in the region and better coordinate safety regulations... more

Press releaseIATA: stagflation threatens industry outlook
Santiago, Chile - For about USD 4.5 billion
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) downgraded its industry profit expectations for 2008 to USD 4.5 billion based on global economic growth slowing to 2.6% and an average annualised oil... more

Press releaseSDL: new Alitalia Directional Center at Magliana has been occupied in Rome
Rome, Italy - After yesterday's mobilization
"It's still in progress the mobilization of the Alitalia services and Alitalia's workers at the Directional Center where a meeting has begun in the morning. They have occupied the building where a meeting... more

Press releaseSDL on Alitalia: data processing centers and Magliana's directional center have been occupied
Rome, Italy - The aim of the initiative is to confirm the absolute necessity of keep the high-risk employments safe
"Because of the severe situation about the employments of Alitalia Services and Alitalia, Alitalia Services and Alitalia's workers are occupying the data processing center and the new directional Magliana's... more

Press releaseEnlargement of the Schengen area to be completed: border controls to be lifted at airports on 30 March
Brussels, Belgium - The declarations of Barrot, Vice-President of the European Commission
"On 21 December 2007, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia became part of the Schengen area. On Sunday 30 March 2008 at 0:00, the enlargement process... more

Press releaseSDL on Alitalia: fleet and business circuit
Rome, Italy - It's the only way to ensure a future to the airline
"We already said that Air France-KLM plan do not satisfy us, but the Union has the duty to negotiate because, currently, that's the only offer we've received. However, it's essential that every political... more

Press releaseANPAC about Alitalia: Berlusconi's strategy correct
Rome, Italy - The Association will not assist in a passive manner to the depletion of the Italian air transport market
"The deep and recent changes of the Business Plan prearranged by the Spinetta's team for Alitalia have made intolerable the AF/KLM proposal, in absence of substantial modifications. ANPAC's pilots... more

Press releaseANPAV AVIA about Alitalia
Rome, Italy - They'll be tight to drive exploitations back
"In this ticklish moment, we express our worry about the divided views of the unions that represent Alitalia's workers. We're going to read the new Air France document then we'll verify the real French... more

Press releaseAirOne aims to become the principle Malpensa carrier
Milan, Italy - The intercontinental flights are taking off
"AirOne is activating new domestic, international and intercontinental flights from Milan-Malpensa airport. Starting on March 30 there will be flights to Rome-Fiumicino and Naples, from April 1 to Palermo,... more

Press releaseSDL about Alitalia's negotiation
Rome, Italy - To go on ahead
"The negotiation with Air France, despite the rigidity expressed by Italian Economy Minister Padoa Schioppa, is carrying on and a new meeting will take place by the week-end to evaluate a document that... more

Press releaseSecond Meeting of Jean-Cyrill Spinetta with trade unions for Alitalia
Rome, Italy - Air France-Klm propose a framework agreement with the unions by Friday March 28
Second meeting between Jean-Cyril Spinetta and Alitalia trade union organizations. Air France-KLM open to make a proposal for a Framework Agreement with the Trade Unions by March 28th and to start... more

Press releaseAir Berlin's special offer for business travellers from Orio al Serio
Bergamo, Italy - Towards international destinations
Air Berlin offers a promotional corporate tariff to the societies that fly from Bergamo-Orio al Serio to Germany, Scandinavia and Russia. The firms, until the end of October 2008, can request a special... more

Press releaseSDL: if Alitalia will be put under a commissioner we apply to the magistrature
Rome, Italy - After the Padoa Schioppa's declarations
"We find out by the press that the Italian Economy and Finance Minister, Padoa Schioppa, affirms that 'Alitalia risks seriously to be put under a commissioner'. These worrying affirmations hit the share... more

Press releaseAmnesty International about Cuba: five years too many
Rome, Italy - New government must release jailed dissidents
"On the 5th anniversary of the largest crackdown against political opponents in Cuba, Amnesty International called on the new Cuban authorities to immediately release the 58 dissidents still being held... more

Press releaseItalian Transport Minister Bianchi comments the Air France-Klm offer over Alitalia
Rome, Italy - This offer seems a diktat that arise too much obligations
In a today's press conference about the offer of Air France-Klm over flag airline Alitalia, Italian Transport minister Alessandro Bianchi said: "It seems that the Air France offer is a diktat with... more

Press releaseAmnesty International about Tibet
Rome, Italy - Independent UN investigation needed
"'The Chinese authorities should allow an independent UN investigation into the events of the last week in Tibet, particularly in the light of the sealing off of the region in recent days and the long-term... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: report about Iraq
Rome, Italy - Five years of carnage and despair
"Five years after US-led forces toppled Saddam Hussein, Iraq remains one of the most dangerous countries in the world for human rights, Amnesty International said yesterday. In a new report, Carnage... more

Press releaseItalian Transport Ministry about offer by AF/KLM for Alitalia
Rome, Italy - Bianchi's declarations
"'Finally we will know the definitive offer by Air France-KLM for Alitalia's purchase', declared Italian Transport Minister, Alessandro Bianchi, who added 'Now I can evaluate the offer and to express an... more

Press releaseAir France-Klm: share exchange for Alitalia
Paris, France - A capital increase for a total of € 1 bn
"In accordance with the announced timetable, Air France-KLM submitted on 14th March 2008 a proposal to Alitalia aimed at combining Alitalia and the Air France-KLM Group and acquiring the control of the... more

Press releaseAlitalia. Board of Directors of 15 March 2008: Industrial plan 2008-2010
Rome, Italy - It maintains a close continuity with the Plan of Survival/Transition approved in September 2007 and is in line with the 2008 Budget
"Industrial Plan 2008-2010 Assumptions The Industrial Plan 2008-2010, which maintains a close continuity with the Plan of Survival/Transition approved in September 2007 and is in line with the... more

Press releaseAlitalia. Board of Directors of 15 March 2008: Air France-KLM’s Binding Offer
Rome, Italy - Strategic Rational of the Transaction
"Strategic Rational of the Transaction The new group (the 'Enlarged Group') will benefit from the comprehensive, competitive and efficient market coverage that will strengthen its position as the leading... more

Press releaseAlitalia. Board of Directors of 15 March 2008: accepted Air France-KLM’s Binding Offer
Rome, Italy - Within the new industrial set up, Alitalia will continue to benefit from the global alliance SkyTeam
"Alitalia – Linee Aeree Italiane SpA’s Board of Directors resolved unanimously in favour of accepting Air France-KLM’s Binding Offer and to execute the Agreement. The Agreement envisages, among other... more

Press releaseAlitalia. Board of Directors of 15 March 2008: strategic premises of the operation
Rome, Italy - The synergies deriving from the integration of the Company with the Air France-KLM group will add on basis of the Industrial Plan 2008-2010
"Alitalia – Linee Aeree Italiane SpA’s Board of Directors, met last Saturday chaired by Mr. Maurizio Prato to evaluate the Binding Offer sent to the Company by Air France-KLM’s on the 14th of March 2008.... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: former detainee reveals details of secret CIA program
Rome, Italy - Regarding the secret detentions
"The cruelty and illegality of the US government’s program of secret detentions can be illustrated by one man’s story. It is the story of a man who was never charged with any crime, but who was held in... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: clarification on EU Commission decision on State aids
Rome, Italy - "The Group expresses disbelief on the doubts by EU Commission about the two programmes in the helicopter sector"
"With reference to the European Commission’s decision on aid to certain R&D projects in the aeronautics sector carried out by Group companies, Finmeccanica - which has always collaborated with the Italian g... more

Press releaseUP: Air France-KLM Group has undoubted and undiscussed financial and managerial competences
Rome, Italy - It uses them for Alitalia's relaunch
"The negotiating table will open with AZ/AF-KLM in the next days. We hope an open confrontation that allows to the pilots' representatives to carry out own role that is, to discuss and talk over what will... more

Press releaseEnav: cooperation Italy and France for the air traffic management
Rome, Italy - Enav and DSNA sign agreement for European unique ATM
"ATC Global in Amsterdam, the main international event dedicated to the air traffic's world, has been the showcase of an important Italy-France agreement. Nadio Di Rienzo, General Director of ENAV SpA... more

Press releaseAdR, Board approved 2007 draft of financial statements
Rome, Italy - 38.3 million passengers, a growth equal to 9.2%
"Growth has been recorded in assets, capex and operating results - net of charges introduced by 'Italian Budget Law for 2007' . The Board of Directors of Aeroporti di Roma SpA, chaired by Fabrizio Palenzona,... more

Press releaseAutogrill acquires the remaining 49.95% of Aldeasa
Milan, Italy - The Group becomes the world’s leading provider in the airport retail market
"Autogrill (Milan: AGL IM) announced the acquisition of the remaining 49.95% of Aldeasa S.A. from Altadis S.A., bringing its stake in Aldeasa to 99.90%, and the acquisition of 100% of World Duty Free Europe... more

Press releaseAmnesty International condemns killings of Israeli civilians
Rome, Italy - Four children among them
"Amnesty International condemned the killing of eight Israeli civilians, four of them children, in a shooting attack by a Palestinian on a Yeshiva school in Jerusalem. 'We absolutely condemn this... more

Press releaseTechno Sky at ATC Global 2008
Amsterdam, Belgium - This important event will bring together more than 190 exhibitors
TECHNO SKY, an ENAV company, shall participate in the ATC Global 2008 conference and exhibition, the world’s largest event for the Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Air Traffic Management (ATM), taking place f... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC (2): the decision of the Board about the Italian Transport Minister's proposal
Rome, Italy - For the transfer of the competences for the slots allotment from Assoclearance to ENAV
"ENAC, Italian Civil Aviation Authority, discloses the decision No. 19/2008 approved by the Board of the Directors in the session of March 4th, 2008. This the decision of the Board: - The Authority... more

Press releaseIata: improve air cargo competitiveness
Rome, Italy - The second World Annual Cargo Symposium takes place in Rome
"The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on the air cargo supply chain to coordinate efforts to drive an industry agenda for change that will improve customer service and competitiveness.... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: stop to the Israeli aviation and artillery against Gaza Strip
Rome, Italy - Stop to the civilians killed
"Israeli military air strikes and artillery attacks on the Gaza Strip during the last few days have killed over 100 Palestinians, including dozens of children and other civilian bystanders. Three Israelis... more

Press releaseUnione Piloti on Eurofly: serious worry for operative management out of control
Rome, Italy - With heavy repercussions on the regularity of flights, inefficiencies, damages and losses
"Unione Piloti (Italian association) expresses serious worry for the future of the airline Eurofly. An operative management out of control implies heavy repercussions on the regularity of flights provoking... more