1,934 news found

MiscellaneousDanilov back to prison
Moscow, Russia - The Russian nuclear physicist has been recognised second-degree guilty because of accessory after the fact of a difficult legal matter referred to espionage
The new custody of Valentin Danilov, the Russian physicist accused of accessory after the fact of a difficult legal matter referred to espionage, was taken in custody yesterday, according to the Krasnojark’s c... more

MiscellaneousArafat dead (2): the new Palestine's leadership appointed
Ramallah, Cisgiordania - Between candidates for succession there is also Marwan Barghuti who is in prison for a life sentence
The Yasser Arafat decease does not surprise Palestinian leadership which had been arranging his succession for several days. The new Palestine's leadership has already been appointed: Rawhi Fattuh is the... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: French citizens evacuation started
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - Air France flight took home 270 people. Two Navy ships sailed towards Ivory coasts
The first Air France plane with aboard French citizens leaving Ivory Coast arrived in Paris yesterday evening: on board the B-777 there were 270 passengers as an Airbus A-330 with other 250 persons should... more

MiscellaneousJapan: air forces to face the territorial waters violation by a mysterious submarine
Tokyo, Japan - Planes and choppers would be going on tracking its movements and demanding for leaving the area or emerging showing its flag
Just 24 hours have passed since the monitoring and tracking operations by Japanese naval units and aircraft South from Okinawa island, but always within the territorial waters of the Asian country, in... more

MiscellaneousArafat dead: funeral to be held in Egypt
Paris, France - The last PNA's leader last travel to be tomorrow
The President of Palestine Authority died in the morning at 3:30am at French military "Hospital d’Instruction des Armees de Percy", where he had been under medical treatment from Friday, October 29 (see f... more

MiscellaneousPhilippines: the kidnapped Italian agronomist arrived at Manila Airport
Manila, Philippines - He is working for NGO "Movimondo"
From Mindanao Island, Andrea Cianferoni, the 29 Italian agronomist kidnapped and soon released in the Philippines, arrived at Manila Airport, where Italian diplomats were waiting for him. "The persons... more

MiscellaneousMartino received Ioan Talpes, Vice-Premier from Romania
Rome, Italy - The Italian Minister for Defence had recently met his workfellow from Romania Ioan Mircea Pascu
Ioan Talpes, Vice-Premier from Romania, made, yesterday, an official visit in Italy: to receive him at Palazzo Bracchini, Antonio Martino; Italian Minister for Defence. Martino had recently met his workfellow... more

MiscellaneousArafat's funeral in Egypt (2): to take place in the Cairo Airport
Cairo, Egypt - Israel allowed his burial place in Ramallah
Funeral service of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat will take place in the Cairo Airport, soon after his corpse arrives from Paris (see AVIONEWS). PNA has in fact taken offer by Egypt President, Hosni... more

MiscellaneousNetherlands: air space over Aja closed
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Anti-terror operation in Laak district
Three officers of anti-terrorism forces units were wounded after a raid started at 2:40am today in Amsterdam during a search through a district where living a large number of immigrants. Authorities... more

MiscellaneousFrance: two planes struck by lightning forced to come back
Paris, France - One of the pilots would be blinded from the flash of lightning
Yesterday two airplanes, one from the Dutch carrier KLM and the other from the flag airline Air France, taken off from Nice-Cote D'Azur, were struck by lightning and forced to change their course. Two... more

MiscellaneousThe Minister for Defence from Macedonia Buckovski came to Italy for a visit
Rome, Italy - During a meeting with the Italian Minister for Defense, Martino, it has been reaffirmed the necessity to mantain the International military force in the Balkans
The Minister for Defence from Macedonia Buckovski, arrived yesterday in Italy for an official visit: the Italian Minister for Defence, Antonio Martino received him. During their meeting the main themes... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast (2): C-130 Italian Air Force for Italian's repatriation
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - It will run between Abidjan and Accra where an other plane arrives for the return of citizens addressed to Italy for assistance
The C-130 Italian Air Force aircraft will take off in the afternoon bound for Abidjan in order to start repatriation operations. On board of it, will seat some paratroopers of Tuscania regiment, which... more

MiscellaneousBerselli would attend today at the commemoration ceremony fo the Kindu's fallen
Rome, Italy - It has been organized by the Association "Civil Rights in 2000"
The association "Civil Rights in 2000", organized for today, a ceremony for the commemoration of Kindu's fallen, 13 Italian military who were killed on November 11, 1961 in the democratic Republic of Congo:... more

MiscellaneousArafat's funeral in Egypt
Cairo, Egypt - After funeral service, corpse will be carried by plane to Amman and from here to Ramallah by helicopter for being buried
According to the Egyptian newspaper "al-Ahram", the funeral of Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat, will be hold in Cairo (where he was born), following the will of leadership of al-Fatah, the main faction... more

MiscellaneousNew aerial strikes on Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - Americans would control seventy per cent of the city
New aerial strikes on Falluja during the night: the American armed forces reported they are controlling 70 per cent of the city. The US soldiers are fighting against a strong resistance from Sunni guerrilla's... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: Italians think to come back by Italian Air Force
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - But at the moment any plane allowed to take off from Ivory's capital
The French base "Bima" (Bataillon Infanterie Maritime) is about one km from Abidjan Airport: at least 2500 Occidental persons - among which 24 are Italians - have found shelter here, packed into military... more

MiscellaneousPNA's leadership goes back to Ramallah
Ramallah, Cisjordan - Today the Arafat decease announce
Yesterday evening, Palestinian leaders which had flown to Paris to hear news about President Yasser Arafat health, have left again: a private airplane bound for Amman took off from Le Bourget Airport,... more

MiscellaneousUsa: Nasa's scientists are concentrated on Peek, the autistic genius who inspired "Rain Man"
New York, Usa - In particular the scientists seems to be utilizing the space technology on the man's brain
Kim Peek, who is the autistic genius who inspired "Rain Man", interpreted by the American actor Dustin Hoffman seems to have focused on himself the attention of Nasa's scientists: in particular they are... more

MiscellaneousNigeria: in September air attack hit Tombia
Abuja , Nigeria - The Amnesty International report unveiled it
Amnesty International unveiled by a report released today that Nigeria government is being disrespectful to its own duties of human rights defence and it is being causing a series of violations of civil,... more

MiscellaneousRome: 44 officers from Iraq in Italy to study
Rome, Italy - The training of the future main structure of Iraq security forces passes even through Italy
On November, 7, arrived in Italy 44 officers from Iraq in order to attempt to a 3-4 week course with several subjects, organised by the Italian Air Force Defense: announced Antonio Martino, Minister of... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast (2): AMX-10 to defend French residents
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - The fifteen thousand citizens displacement is not coming
Some thousands of persons have tried to break the safety cordon around "Ivoire" hotel where are a fifty armours to protect French residents, at the moment it seems that demonstrators have calmed down.... more

MiscellaneousBaghdad Airport to close forty-eight hours
Baghdad, Iraq - Allawi allows alliance troops to crush the terrorists
Yesterday, the Iraq Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, during a press conference, has announced that as from 6:00pm on Monday, the Baghdad Airport is closing for 48 hours, and strict curfew measures will be... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: the corpses of nine soldiers killed repatriated
Paris, France - Paratroopers and footmen supporting the French contingent at Abidjan
The France’s Minister of Defence rendered homage to the corpses of nine soldiers victims of Saturday attack to Buakè in Ivory Coast (see AVIONEWS): the National Assembly commemorated by one minute silence th... more

MiscellaneousRome: Portuguese Premier came yesterday
Rome, Italy - Sampaio is in Italy for some appointments
Jorge Fernando Branco de Sampaio, Portuguese Premier, came yesterday at Ciampino's airport. He was received, among the others by the Italian Ministry for Public Function, Luigi Mazzella, and by a group... more

MiscellaneousCrisis situation in Ivory Coast (4): France orders the destruction of government air force
Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast - Airplanes and helicopters used in violation of Marcoussis agreements
Despite of the appeal to peace launched from the President, Laurent Gbagbo (see AVIONEWS), early today, hundreds of demonstrators have assembled in front of the "Ivoire" hotel in Abidjan, the economic... more

MiscellaneousPalestinian leaders to Arafat's deathbed
Ramallah, Cisjordanii - A private flight to take them to Paris
The Palestinian Prime Minister, Abu Ala, and his predecessor, Abu Manzen, left from Ramallah bound for Amman where they will embark themselves on a private plane in order to reach Paris and President Arafat’s d... more

MiscellaneousRussia: Russian Police warms to be careful to the personal announces in Internet
Moscow, Russia - Several American men were terribly disappointed after paying some air ticket to be joined by the woman of their dreams
Many announces, accompanied by interesting digital photos, by several Russian young girls, seeking for western husbands, pullulate in some Russian website specialized in personal announces: police warms... more

MiscellaneousNew aerial strikes on Falluja (2): further attacks during the morning
Falluja, Iraq - Premier Allawi in Baghdad called a curfew and ordered to close the capital's airport for 48 hours
The bombing activities by the US combat airplanes over the Iraqi city of Falluja did not stop during the morning (see for details AVIONEWS). There would be some 12 militiamen, followers of Al Zarqawi,... more

MiscellaneousCrisis situation in Ivory Coast (3): France threat sanctions against country
Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast - Appeal to peace from President Gbagbo
France's government has produced to the UN Security Council a resolution project over Ivory Coast situation, including sanctions threat: the plan forecasts a weapon sale embargo, good freezing and 12 months... more

MiscellaneousNew aerial strikes on Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - The Iraqi city is surrounded by 20.000 soldiers while the rebels in the urban centre would be some 1200
The Iraqi city of Falluja was targeted heavily again by the US Air Force's fighter-bombers yesterday and early today. The USA's military airplanes dropped several bombs on some targets, considered by the... more

MiscellaneousKabul: Vice-President, Gianfranco Fini, visited Italian soldiers
Kabul, Afghanistan - Italian draft was lately reinforced because of the local election
Last Saturday, Gianfranco Fini, Vice-President of the Italian Council, made a visit at Camp Invictia of Kabul, which is the base of the Italian military operating in Afghanistan: about 900 men and women... more

MiscellaneousCrisis situation in Ivory Coast (2): SN Brussels Airlines flights cancelled
Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast - The French Army put in a safe place a Belgian and a Dutch citizen at capital airport
The Belgian SN Brussels Airlines has established to cancel yesterday and today flights leaving from Brussels bound for Abidjan, due to the Ivory Coast situation. The Belgium and Holland Foreign Office... more

MiscellaneousCrisis situation in Ivory Coast
Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast - French soldiers fight against government troops at Abidjan Airport
Since two days the Ivory Coast crisis had been exacerbated (see AVIONEWS): the war between Ivory’s Army and rebels has involved French troops in the country together the UN forces. The government air f... more

MiscellaneousUSA's F-16 fired against a school by mistake
Little Egg Harbor, USA - Thankfully, the custodian only was inside but he proved safe
A US Air National Guard's F-16 Fighting Falcon fired against a school by mistake in the city of Little Egg Harbor (New Jersey) on last November 4. The multirole fighter was performing a night mission at... more

MiscellaneousLebanon: Israeli military aircraft overflew the Southern area of the country
Beirut, Lebanon - It occurred yesterday following the worsening of Arafat's health condition and the announcements and denials about his death
The worsening of the health condition for the Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat during the last days and his transfer to France (see for details AVIONEWS) quite worried the Israeli political and military... more

MiscellaneousBombing on Falluja: the USA about to perform the final strike
Falluja, Iraq - Five civilians would have died last night, according to local hospital sources
The Iraqi city of Falluja would have been targeted by the strikes performed by US Air Force again last night. The AC-130 Spectres shelled from above several buildings, structures thatthe American military... more

MiscellaneousLinate slaughter process: Captain Mario Pica allowed as a witness
Milan, Italy - The inquires will be interrogated in December
Yesterday, during the process for the incident that in October 8, 2001, caused at Linate Airport 118 casualties (see for details AVIONEWS), the Italian investigating judge, Nicola Clivio, has admitted... more

MiscellaneousAlso the Italian contingent in Nassiriya celebrated the November 4 Day
Nassiriya, Iraq - The Italian Head of State and Premier's wishes have been read
The Armed Forces Day has been celebrated also in Nassirya by the Italian Joint Task Force Iraq: the Army, Air Force, Navy and Carabinieri representatives lined up in the apron of Camp Mittica, the main... more

MiscellaneousMalpensa Airport: the Italian Guardia di Finanza stopped a Brazilian woman carrying two kilos of drugs
Milan, Italy - Cocaine was stashed in shoes sole
A 24 Brazilian girl has been arrested at Malpensa Airport with the charge of drugs traffic. The Italian Guardia di Finanza and the Service against fraud's agents, have found the young with two kilos of... more

MiscellaneousHelicopters to watch over the UAE's President funeral
Abu Dhabi, UAE - A great numbers of heads of state and sovereigns have rendered homage to Sheikh Zayed
Out of the Abu Dhabi big Mosque Sultan bin Zayed, in the United Arab Emirates a thousands of people crowd the streets to render homage to the old President Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahayan, died aged... more

MiscellaneousAir Dolomiti: on board the guests of the person who organised the sport event of next season
Verona, Italy - Among them there was as well Gabriella Paruzzi, the winner of the langlauf World Cup of last season
Gabriella Paruzzi, Christian Zorzi, Fulvio Valbusa, Fabio Sanctus promoted on board of an Air Dolomiti's aircraft, the two most expected sport events of next winter season: "Classical Resort Val di Fiemme"... more

MiscellaneousIceland: flights cancelled due to the Grimsvotn Vulcan's eruption
Reykjavik, Iceland - The clouds of smoke are also reaching thirteen km
Routes changed and flights cancelled due to the Grimsvotn Vulcan’s eruption, which is under the country biggest glacier (see for details AVIONEWS). It has launched ash to sky and caused thirteen km clouds o... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: a military plane bombarded roadblock
Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast - A civil war there is throughout the country since September 2002
Today at 7:15am local hour in Bouaké, a former-rebel New Forces stronghold, a military plane bombarded a roadblock in the Northern area of the city. The Bouaké military Chief reported it to "Agence France P... more

MiscellaneousJapan: new quake shake. Balance of the the earthquake of October 23
Tokyo, Japan - The earth shook but there were no casualties
There was a new quake shake of 5,2 degree Richter at Niigata: at moment no victims or damages have been recorded, the province airport is operating normally. At meantime, a balance of the earthquake last... more

MiscellaneousUSA's flying gunships hit Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - The AC-130 Spectres would have destroyed several buildings in the Iraqi city to face the rebels' activities, according to the American military authorities
US Air Force performed massive bombing missions on the Iraqi city of Falluja last night. After the overflight by the first fighter-bombers which would have wounded two women, according to what released... more

MiscellaneousAirplanes will soon pollute more than cars
London, United Kingdom - The European Agency for Environment revealed it
The European Agency for Environment - which is the Europe's main public board suppling information over environmental issue - claims that airplanes will soon pollute more than cars. By a late report,... more

MiscellaneousFlights stopped in Iceland for Grimsvotn Vulcan's eruption
Reykjavik, Iceland -The cloud of smoke and volcanic ash will move toward East
Iceland Authorities have stand since yesterday to alarm the entire Country because of the eruption of Grimsvotn Vulcan, located in the East part of Iceland, just beneath Grimsvotn the biggest iceberg of... more

MiscellaneousSwitzerland: a helicopter is operating to restore practicability threatened by landslide yesterday
Ronco, Switzerland - It unloaded a large quantity of water to pluck unstable parts
At Porto Ronco (Zurich), yesterday evening, a landslide blocked the road that links Ascona and Brissago and it risked to run down a house. Now it is working hard to restore practicability: for several... more

MiscellaneousUS fighter-bombers in action over Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - The Iraqi city was hit several times during the last days, even killing and wounding some civilians
The bombing activities by the US combat airplanes over the Iraqi city of Falluja went on during the last days. They destroyed on last October 29 what the American military representatives considered as... more

MiscellaneousThe Falcon-900 of Yasser Arafat took off (3): plane had to spin out its flight
Ramallah, Cisjordan - The due authorization to fly over Israeli air space was missing
The French Defence Minister spokesperson reported that Dassault Falcon-900 of Yasser Arafat has been forced to spin out its flight because it was no allowed flying over Israeli air space as authorization... more