1,934 news found

MiscellaneousWinnie storm brings Philippines to its knees: helicopters rescue people on the roofs
Manila, Philippines - Toll over 1000 victims
Over 1000 people are dead or missing after the storm triggered landslides and floods in the East Philippines (see for details AVIONEWS): the most hit coast cities were Real, Infanta and General Nakar.... more

MiscellaneousFiumicino: Italians survived Myanmar wreck arrived at dawn
Rome, Italy - There were the five casualties corpses
Two Italian tourists survived the wreck occurred off Moruk coasts, North to Myanmar (see for details AVIONEWS), and five casualties corpses, arrived in Rome by a scheduled flight landed at Fiumicino Airport... more

MiscellaneousThe train threatens more and more the plane
Milan, Italy - This would be the conclusion of a study recently published "Il trasporto aereo in Italia, le imprese e le politiche",
According to what works out from a study recently published "Il trasporto aereo in Italia, le imprese e le politiche" made by two teachers of the Milan University Bocconi, Oliviero Baccelli and Lanfranco... more

MiscellaneousBad weather conditions caused some discomfort even to US Premier Bush's Air Force One
Ottawa, Canada - The American President had to postpone his trip from Ottawa to Halifax because of heavy snow
The plane,(one of the two special jumbo Air Force Ones, which Boeing fit completely out by modifying a B-747/200B and which are always ready to service Us presidency), on board of which George Bush should... more

MiscellaneousItaly and Bulgary on the European air traffic control integrated system
Rome, Italy - Fini and Minister Solomon Isaac Passy talked about it
The relevance of Bulgarian presence in the air traffic control integrated system in South East Europe has been one of the main points during the meeting occurred at Farnesina between the Italian recently... more

MiscellaneousMortars strike in Baghdad's Green Zone
Baghdad, Iraq - Two US Black Hawks arrived immediately after blasts
A blast occurred outside the office of "Iraqna" mobile company, killing one person and wounding nine others. A grenade destroyed a car wounding two persons, on a street near the Tigris river as other mortar... more

MiscellaneousChina: hundreds of flights cancelled due to heavy fog
Beijing, China - It is impossible to take off frm Beijing Airport
A heavy fog locked transports by hundreds of flights delayed or cancelled and streets and expressways closed. In Beijing, the visibility is reduced no over than 100 meters, so that over 120 flights from... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: Gbagbo denied he had filed suit with the International Court of Justice
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - Over France's destruction of his air force
Last days, it was going round the news about Ivory Coast would have filed suit with the International Court of Justice over France's defense agreement and destruction of Ivory air force's fleet. An Ivory... more

MiscellaneousPhilippines typhoon: helicopters cannot take off to supply necessaries
Real, Philippines - There were hundreds of casualties and missing
The tropical storm which hit Northern Philippines would have killed about 500 people, but toll increases hour by hour and rescues are difficult: a lot of streets were strewn, rescue helicopters can not... more

MiscellaneousIt started the activity of the mission "Ridare luce a Gao" of the Italian Air Force-Afmal-Arc
Rome, Italy - 20 surgical operations, about 100 hundreds medical visit: the result of the first day working of the two medical equipe at Gao (Republic of Mali)
The plane, a C-130J, of the Italian Air Force took off on Monday from Pisa’s Airport, and after a stopover in Pratica del Mare, in order to load medical materials (about 6 tons including medicines and e... more

MiscellaneousUSA: hundreds of flights cancelled due to bad weather
Washington, USA - The body of NBC Sports's Chairman Ebersol's son has been found
Air transport and haulage is haywire in USA because of a snap of bad weather which hit West of the country: cancelled flights were hundreds in the last hours. Heavy snowstorm caused several casualties... more

MiscellaneousAlgeria President visiting Switzerland
Berne, Switzerland - The first official travel by an Algerian Head of State since 1962, when national independence was called
Algerian President, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, landed at Berne-Belp Airport this morning, during the first official travel by an Algerian Head of State since 1962, when national independence was called: the... more

MiscellaneousBush tomorrow would fly to Halifax for an homage visit to the Canadians
Ottawa, Canada - After the terror attacks against Usa the air space was closed; many flights were diverted to different Canadian airports
George Bush, who is today in visit to the Canadian premier, Paul Martin, at Ottawa, will fly tomorrow to Halifax (Atlantic Cost) for an homage visit to the ones who guested temporarily the flights directed... more

MiscellaneousItaly: cancelled flights in Rome-Fiumicino, Ciampino and Ancona Airports
Rome, Italy - Twenty-eight international arrivals have been cancelled and 28 departures at "Leonardo da Vinci" Airport
Air France and Lufthansa have cancelled 5 flights between 12:00am and 4:00pm: Air France deleted three to Paris and one to Marseille and Lyons; Lufthansa cancelled one to Dusseldorf and two for Frankfurt... more

MiscellaneousBodies of Italian tourists died in Myanmar arrived to the Rangoon Airport
Rangoon, Myanmar - On board the same plane, there were also two fellow countryman survivors
The airplane carrying bodies of five Italian tourists drowned near Moruk village, landed around 10:00am (Italian hour) in the Rangoon Airport (Myanmar, former Burma) (see for details AVIONEWS). On board... more

MiscellaneousSvoboda while flying to Qatar had to return to his country: because of a bust of the plane
Prague, Czech Republic - Because of a split in the small window, which the pilot checked during the flight, the Czech Minister had been constrained to return to Prague
He had as destination Qatar but then even Kuwait, Jordania and Sudan: these were the stopover of the program of the Czech Minister, Cyril Svoboda, who was constrained yesterday to return to the capital,... more

MiscellaneousFive Italian tourists died off the former Burma coast: local Tourism Minister supplied a special flight
Rangoon, Myanmar - Coffins will be transferred to Rangoon to wait authorization to repatriate
Tomorrow, a special flight offered by local Tourism Minister, will take to Rangoon the corpses of five Italian tourists died offshore Moruk, in Myanmar (former Burma): they were on board their boat and... more

MiscellaneousVietnam: typhoon Muifa killed forty people. Necessaries dropped by helicopters
Hanoi, Vietnam - Due to landslide the mountainous district of Tay Tra was cut off
At least 40 people have been killed and 42 are missing in Vietnam because of typhoon Muifa caused floods and landslides through the central regions of the country. Four days after typhon killed tens of... more

MiscellaneousPalestinian rockets against the Israeli territory
Tel Aviv, Israel - Nevertheless, no damages to things or persons would have been produced
Israeli military authorities revealed that two Qassam rockets would have fallen in the Southern region of the country this morning, after being launched from the Gaza Strip by members of the Palestinian... more

MiscellaneousAfghanistan: chopper opens fire near Canadian patrol
Kabul, Afghanistan - It was a possible "friendly fire" episode
Last days, in Kabul, an unidentified helicopter opened fire near a Canadian patrol, part of the NATO security force in Afghanistan. It caused no injuries, a spokesman for Federal Defence Minister, Bill... more

MiscellaneousUstica affair: the reasons of the sentence
Rome, Italy - According to Italian Judge, the military personnel's behaviour affected but did not prevent Italian Government from knowing the facts
The Italian Judge unveiled the reasons related to the sentence on the Ustica disaster on last November 27. Such disaster deals with the crash of a DC-9 Itavia with some 82 persons on board on June 27,... more

MiscellaneousAir incident in Chad (2): plane with casualties corpses landed
Turin, Italy - Funeral are scheduled for tomorrow
In the afternoon the corpses of Dada Rosso, Armando Mandelli and Raffaella Seymandi, died last days in the air crash occurred in N’Djamena, in Chad, landed at Turin-Caselle Airport. Parents and friends o... more

MiscellaneousEarthquake in Indonesia: Nabire Airport had been closed
Nabire, Indonesia - It seems that 11 persons have been killed and 65 injured
Eleven people have been killed and 65 injured by a strong earthquake in Indonesia's Papua Province occurred today at 11:25 local hour: quake, measured at 6.4 on the Richter scale, made to collapse buildings... more

MiscellaneousThe summit EU-Russia started with a delay: the Putin's plane was constrained to change route
Amsterdam, Holland - The aircraft landed at Schiphol airport rather than at the military air base Valkenburg
The summit EU-Russia which took place yesterday in Holland, started with about one hour delay: because of the fact the Putin's plane was constrained to change route landing at Schiphol airport rather than,... more

MiscellaneousFrancophone summit on Ivory Coast crisis
Ouagadougou, Republic of Burkina Faso - 62 casualties and over 1000 injured
Today, in Ouagadougou, (Republic of Burkina Faso, Africa) the 10th Francophone summit gathered with focus on Ivory Coast issue: the African country can never settle down since French airplanes destroyed... more

MiscellaneousRussian special forces would have been landed in Kiev
Kiev, Ukraine - In disguise of Ukraine soldiers they would be ready to take action against opposition
According to Ukrainian opposition’s presidential candidate Viktor Yushtchenko spokesman, Boris Tarasyuk, a thousand of Russian soldiers armed with machine-guns, have put on Ukraine uniforms upon their a... more

MiscellaneousParaguay: cocaine-laden plane seized
Assuncion, Paraguay - It was parked in a ranch near the border with Brazil
Paraguayan anti-drug Police agents seized 300 Kg cocaine in a small airplane in a ranch in Upper Paraguay province, some 400 Km North of Asuncion near the border with Brazil. During operation, a shoot-out... more

MiscellaneousDrug inside oven on board Malaysia Airlines flight
Sydney, Australia - Three million ecstasy tablets seized from Australian Police
Australian authorities are working with Malaysia Airlines to discover how an estimated USD 200m worth of ecstasy finished up in one of the carrier cargo planes. Last October 15, Police found three million... more

MiscellaneousUkraine appeals to the West so that it rejects Yanukovich election
Kiev, Ukraine - It is going round the news about Russian special forces arrived in the Kiev Airport
Ukrainian opposition candidate, Viktor Yushchenko, after Viktor Yanukovich was officially announced as the winner of the presidential elections, asked the West rejects his election. The "Interfax" news... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast (2): Kenya Airways restores its flights to Abidjan
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - It will operate five weekly flights towards Ivory Capital
Kenya Airwas is among several carriers that have resumed flights to Ivory Coast (see for details AVIONEWS). Services to "Felix Houphouet–Boigny" Airport were suspended two weeks ago following insecurity i... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: French troops to retreat from Abidjan Airport
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - Meanwhile commercial flights have been restored too
It has been announced that French soldiers will retreat from Abidjan Airport and strategic points occupied in the downtown, following last weeks events. The retreat should have to start as from November... more

MiscellaneousMilitary airplane shot down in Egypt (2): wounded were 14
Cairo, Egypt - The aircraft was forced to carry out an emergency landing
Persons injured yesterday afternoon on board the Egyptian patrol plane shot down on the Sinai Peninsula would be 14 (see for detail AVIONEWS). The aircraft was shot down and then it would have been crashed... more

MiscellaneousMilitary airplane shot down in Egypt
Cairo, Egypt - It not hears much of 35 men on board
Intelligence services used the aircraft to localize and destroy drug cultivation: on board the plane there was in fact a unit of anti-narcotic agents including several officials. The aircraft has been... more

MiscellaneousState of emergency declared in Darfur
Khartoum, Sudan - The newspaper "Al Anbaa" unveiled it today
A state of emergency has been declared in North Darfur because of attacks by rebels in which many people have died. The newspaper "Al Anbaa" said it and unveiled that local governor, Osman Yusuf Kibir,... more

MiscellaneousMuifa's typhoon: 38 victims and 61 missing persons in the Philippines
Manila, Philippines - Because of the typhoon being such violent some air force helicopters could not take off
Padilla was given back, spokesman of the Philippines Air Force, has made an account of the catastrophe provoked by Muifa's typhoon in the country: 38 victims and 61 missing persons. This tragic result... more

MiscellaneousNepal: helicopters deployed by governmental troops against Maoist rebels
Kathmandu, Nepal - Figures related to casualties and injured persons provided by both the fighting sides appear quite clashing
Fierce struggles between Nepalese Governmental troops and Maoist forces in the Asian country started on last Saturday, struggles that would have produced several casualties and injured persons, whose figures... more

MiscellaneousAshdod: military helicopter find corpse of former Israeli Chief of Staff
Tel Aviv, Jerusalem - He is presumed slid down into the stormy sea
Rafael Eytan, former Israeli Chief of Staff and politician, at age of 75 years died in Ashdod, South to Tel Aviv, early today in a tragic circumstances. It seems Eytan slid down and drowned into the stormy... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: Gbagbo asks France to disarm rebels
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - After it destroyed Ivory's Air Force
Ivory Coast President, Laurent Gbagbo, asks France to disarm rebels holding the North of the country due to just Paris Aviation destroyed Ivory's Air Force. Gbagbo told Reuters agency in an interview that... more

MiscellaneousMongolia incident: sabotage hypothesis ruled out
Beijing, China - It may have been caused by mechanical failure or faulty operational techniques
Investigators is being examining the plane incident occurred on Sunday in the Inner Mongolia (see for details AVIONEWS), seems have ruled out sabotage as a possible cause. An aviation expert cited by the... more

MiscellaneousUS authorities hijacked an Air France plane
Washington, Usa - Because on board there was a man whose passport had expired
A Boeing B-777 of the flag carrier Air France, which was on its route Paris-Washington, was hijacked, last November, 21, by US authorities: on board there was a man whose passport had expired, as declared... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: helicopters take humanitarian relief
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - On board there were oil, wheat and pulses for about 19,000 refugees
According to certain witnesses, there were thousands of kids to greet enthusiastically the helicopters which are landed today in Ivory Coast with oil, wheat and pulses: the humanitarian relief will be... more

MiscellaneousIraq: balance of US offensive to Fallujah
Fallujah, Iraq - Fighter Council claims it shooted eleven American helicopters
Al-Zarqawi followers unveiled on the Islamic Internet site that they have beheaded two Iraqi of the National Guard. At meantime, Us Forces consider Falluja rebels to be defeated: about 1200 militiamen... more

MiscellaneousItaly: air-traffic controllers strike. Flights cancelled at Rome-Fiumicino and Ciampino
Rome, Italy - Among which Air France, Lufthansa, Swiss International Airlines and Tap flights
Today Italian air traffic controllers are being on strike from 12:00am until 4:00pm. At Rome-Fiumicino International Airport 112 flights in all were cancelled, among which 56 leaving and 56 arriving: Alitalia... more

MiscellaneousAfghanistan to defeat US proposal to launch weedkiller by planes
Kabul, Afghanistan - It could provoke serious troubles to civil people
Afghanistan objects to destroying opium cultivations by spreading weedkiller by planes. The answer follows the US proposal about it, which is alarmed by 60 per cent rise in narcotic production in the country... more

MiscellaneousItaly: on November 30 general strike against finance bill
Rome, Italy - Air transport workers to strike last four hours
On November 30, in Italy, public workers will carry out a general strike which last for four hours and for certain categories also for all the day. The air transport employees will strike from 12:00am... more

MiscellaneousSudan (2): the Amnesty International report unveiled governments involved in the arms traffic
Khartoum, Sudan - The document is based on testimonies, UN data and other sources
In the Amnesty International report presented on the eve of the meeting of the UN Security Council held yesterday in Nairobi (see for details AVIONEWS), the main types of arms sent to Sudan and the governments... more

MiscellaneousSudan: Amnesty International call for arms embargo
Khartoum, Sudan - Arms trade fuelling human rights abuses in Darfour
Yesterday, Amnesty International reported details of an uncontrolled international arms trade in Sudan since the Darfur conflict began in February 2003. From an African Union Commission Ceasefire Violation... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: the last French citizens are left
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - Over 7000 came back home
Yesterday night, the last plane with French repatriates left from Abidjan: French people who came back in France are over 7200 on 14.000 residents in the African country in all. Of these, 5200 travelled... more

MiscellaneousUnited Nations Security Council in Nairobi
Nairobi, Kenya - To talks to end Darfur crisis and North-South conflict in the country
Today the United Nations Security Council opened its ad hoc session in Nairobi (Kenya), the council’s first meeting outside New York in 14 years. The first order of the day is the situation in Sudan, t... more

MiscellaneousIraq: shooting in Ramadi. Nine persons died
Ramadi, Iraq - US airplanes and helicopters have overflown the town all the morning
Hospital sources have reported that 15 persons were wounded and nine died in Ramadi (100 km West of Baghdad) during the shooting by mortar projectiles and bullets between resistance forces and US troops,... more