Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseFinmeccanica: Standard & Poor’s removes the Italian Group from Credit Watch with negative implications
Rome, Italy - It confirms the BBB rating with stable outlook
"Following the completion of the rights offering to Finmeccanica shareholders relating to new ordinary shares resulting from the capital increase by way of rights, the rating agency Standard & Poor’s removed t... more

Press releaseGraziadei: presented the application for claims to credit on behalf of Alitalia bondholders
Rome, Italy - On behalf of the holders of financial instruments admitted to negotiation on regulated markets
"The Joint Bondholders’ Representative, Mr Gianfranco Graziadei, announces that on 12/11/2008 he registered the application for claims to credit on behalf of all bondholders, at the Rome Court registry o... more

Press releaseMeeting Italian ENAC-Alitalia of today
Rome, Italy - The Authority will assess further measures to undertake
"This morning took place the meeting convoked by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) Managing Director, Silvano Manera, with Accountable Manager of Alitalia, Giancarlo Schisano. The aim has been... more

Press releaseRyanair slams latest farcical Alitalia bailout
Dublin, Ireland - It will appeal decision to the European Courts
"Ryanair, one of the European low fares airline, on November 13th questioned the European Commission’s objectivity when it comes to enforcing the state aid rules against failed national airlines after i... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC calls Alitalia for November 14th
Rome, Italy - In order to analyze the carrier's operativeness
"Silvano Manera, general manager of ENAC (Italian authority for civil aviation) called Alitalia Accountable Manager, Giancarlo Schisano, for November 14th in the morning in order to have an analytical... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC about nuclear: Austria transforms own reactor in solar arrays
Rome, Italy - The site of the central condemned to the inactivity for 30 years
"The site of nuclear central in Zwentendorf, 50 km West far from Vienna, condemned to the inactivity for 30 years, will soon emerge from hibernation to produce solar energy. On November 5, 1978, the Austrian... more

Press releaseAir transport: European Commission authorized rescue aid for Alpi Eagles
Brussels, Belgium - The aid consists of a € 17 million loan guarantee for the next six months
"The European Commission has yesterday authorised rescue aid for Alpi Eagles SpA, a regional air carrier based in the Veneto region of Italy. The aid consists of a € 17 million loan guarantee for the n... more

Press releaseAlitalia: the European Commission adopts today two State aid decisions
Brussels, Belgium - The loan was unlawful aid and incompatible with the common market
"The European Commission today concluded that the sale of Alitalia’s assets does not constitute State aid provided that the Italian authorities fully comply with the undertakings they have given. The s... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC (4): General Manager, Silvano Manera, asks timeliness of information to administrator Fantozzi
Rome, Italy - In protection of passengers
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) General Manager, Silvano Manera, asked to Alitalia extraordinary administrator Augusto Fantozzi, to supply information no-stop to passengers. Particularly, he... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC (3): President Riggio asks a report on the Alitalia's personnel behaviour
Rome, Italy - To verify if there are violations on the company or illegal situations
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) President, Vito Riggio, asked to General Manager Silvano Manera to open an inquiry on behaviours in progress by Alitalia personnel in Fiumicino airport. The... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC (2): control and monitoring activity in Rome-Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - Alitalia will have to supply immediate information to passengers
"With reference to the control and monitoring activity by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) about the operativity of Alitalia in the airport of Rome-Fiumicino, the Authority informs the airport management... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: Ryanair airplane still on Ciampino Airport's runway
Rome, Italy - The reopening today afternoon at 5:00 pm
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs the airport of Rome-Ciampino will continue to be closed until 5:00 pm. The removal of B-737 by Boeing and Ryanair's technicians, along with Rome Airport's... more

Press releaseENAC (2): the airport of Rome-Ciampino will return operational at 5:00 pm
Rome, Italy - The Italian Authority accredits its expert in the technical inquiry
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs the Ryanair's airplane, involved in the today accident at the airport of Ciampino, is still on the runways. The removal is scheduled for 5:00 pm. After... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC about emergency landing of Ryanair flight in Rome-Ciampino Airport
Rome, Italy - No injured
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs this morning at 7:56 am a Ryanair airplane coming from Frankfurt, carries out an emergency landing at the airport of Rome-Ciampino. Over 166 people were... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC authorizes requests by foreign airlines for flights to Milan-Malpensa
Rome, Italy - About the statements by SEA President
"About the statements by the SEA (Milan Airport Management Company) President Giuseppe Bonimi, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) Vito Riggio said since when Alitalia transferred some flights of its... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica completes acquisition of 11.1% of Eurotech’s share capital
Rome, Italy - Strategic partnership in the research, development, production and sale of miniaturised computers (NanoPCs) and high performance computing (HPC) computers
Pursuant to the resolution passed by the Board of Directors of Finmeccanica on 12 May 2008 and agreements reached with some of the Eurotech’s founding shareholders, as communicated in the press release o... more

Press releaseAlitalia about CAI's offer
Rome, Italy - An overall amount of 1 billion euros
"As a consequence of indiscretions appearing in the press yesterday, the Extraordinary Administrator, Mr Augusto Fantozzi, releases the present document at the request of the Italian Stock Exchange Controller... more

Press releaseAmnesty International calls on President-elect Barack bama to put human rights at the heart of Government
Rome, Italy - To take concrete steps in its first 100 days which would show genuine commitment
"Amnesty International today urged US President-elect Barack Obama to show true leadership by making human rights central to his new administration. The organization is calling on the new government to... more

Press releaseEuropean Council: President Catapano promoter of an important initiative to take over Alitalia
Naples, Italy - In the situation in which it is. Letter to Berlusconi
"President Giuseppe Catapano is a promoter of an important initiative to take over Alitalia. He has written to Commissioner, to Berlusconi and Tremonti. 'This Organization was impossible to remain passive... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Fantozzi about CAI's offer
Rome, Italy - It is binding and irrevocable until 30 November 2008
"With reference to the offer presented by CAI-Compagnia Aerea Italiana SpA on October 31, 2008, the Extraordinary Administrator, Mr Augusto Fantozzi, announces as follows: - The offer put forward by... more

Press releaseItalian unions about Alitalia's situation
Rome, Italy - It's necessary to specify some aspects
"A shamefaced media campaign started again, about Alitalia's situation, is deforming the reality and directed to denigrate workers and unions that have decided to not underwrite the contracts. It's... more

Press releaseAI. Congo: if other airplanes, staff and equipment don't arrive it will be a catastrophe
Rome, Italy - UN troops have to be reinforced
"The situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is at risk of turning into a humanitarian catastrophe, unless further reinforcements are given to the UN peace-keeping troops so that they can... more

Press releaseAlitalia: information for creditors
Rome, Italy - Two websites are now active to present applications
"The Extraordinary Administrator announces that, on the basis of instructions agreed with the Rome Court, bankruptcy section, the two websites are now active: more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: started the analysis of the monthly report on Alitalia financial conditions
Rome, Italy - The aim is the continuative monitoring that ENAC exercises on the carrier
"ENAC has started the examination concerning the monthly updating of Alitalia financial conditions. The aim of such initiative is the continuative monitoring that ENAC (Italian authority for civil... more

Press releaseEurocopter delivered the first EC-120B Colibrì helicopter to HeliDax
Marignane, France - The preferred training model selected by the French Army
"Eurocopter delivered in its Marignane site, the first EC-120B Colibri helicopter to HeliDax, the company selected by the French Ministry of Defense in 2007 to provide up to 22,000 helicopter flight hours... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: closed main runway of Brindisi airport
Rome, Italy - Take-offs and landing on the second runway
"As part of the works for the runway reorganization in Brindisi airport by Italian Air Force, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informed that yesterday the main runway has been closed to the traffic.... more

Press releaseItalian SDL about Alitalia: the CAI's matter is a never ending story and uncertain outlines
Rome, Italy - "It's necessary to think well". The Union's press release
"The Alitalia/CAI (Italian Air Carrier) question is becoming a never ending story and with dubious aspects. It would be in fact that besides the great problem of formal type, with certainty, CAI can't... more

Press and SkyEurope sign a MoU (2): a strategic alliance
Milan, Italy - In the European low-cost airlines industry
"Flyholding, the holding company of, a low-cost airline company incorporated in Italy, and SkyEurope Holding, the holding company of SkyEurope Airlines, a low-cost airline company incorporated... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica (2): statement on AgustaWestland contracts for Italian law enforcement agencies
Rome, Italy - About the news released yesterday about the legal proceedings launched by the European Commission
"With respect to the news released yesterday about the legal proceedings launched by the European Commission regarding helicopters produced by AgustaWestland (a Finmeccanica company) and purchased by Italian... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: statement on trading stock suspension
Rome, Italy - Borsa Italiana has not taken any formal measures
"Finmeccanica wishes to clarify that Borsa Italiana SpA has not taken any formal measures to suspend trading in the Group shares. Under the market regulations, shares may be automatically suspended for... more

Press releaseENAC: call for bids for works in Pantelleria Airpor sent to European Ufficial Gazzette ts
Rome, Italy - Deadline on December 11th, 2008
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informed yesterday the call for bids for the realization of infrastructural works in Pantelleria Airports has been sent to European Ufficial Gazzette. Works... more

Press releaseItalian SDL about general strike fixed for next Friday, October 17, in the transports
Rome, Italy - For eight hours in air field
"A general strike is fixed for next Friday, on October 17, by public and private categories in the transports field. In particular; Air transport eight hours for next Friday from 10am to 6pm: -... more

Press releaseEurofighter: handover to the Royal Air Force
Hallbergmoos, Germany - "Tranche 2"
"The handover of BS040 to the Royal Air Force today marks the beginning of Tranche 2 aircraft deliveries to the four partner air forces. The other three air forces will start receiving their aircraft in... more

Press releaseEU Transport ministers (2): main results
Luxembourg , Luxembourg - Maritime safety, road safety and... air transport
Maritime safety, road safety and air transport for a "Safe and sustainable development of transport": this is the main result of EU Transports ministers meeting, who met yesterday under the presidency... more

Press releaseItalian ATM-PP about ATS services' supplying
Rome, Italy - Recognition of machines for sport aviation registered abroad
"To Italian ENAV SpA (National Flight Assistance Society). Subject: supplying of ATS services - Recognition of machines for sport aviation registered abroad. To the apparatus used for sport aviation... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: signed agreement with Meridiana to guarantee connections with smaller islands of Sicily
Rome, Italy - Starting from October 7th
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informed an agreement with Meridiana has been signed last week for connections between Sicily and its smaller islands. These connections, subject to public service... more

Press releaseBoeing consolidates Aviation Training Organizations
Seattle, US - Under the Alteon Name
"The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced today it is combining Alteon, a wholly owned subsidiary, and existing training groups within Boeing Commercial Airplanes to form a new, unified training organization.... more

Press releaseAlitalia case: Ryanair launches State air complaint against latest unlawful bailout
Milan, Italy - After the Italian Government's announcement of the agreement with Unions
Ryanair, one of the Europe’s largest low fares airline, today (Thursday, 2nd October, 2008) announced that it had submitted a formal complaint to the EU Commission regarding the latest unlawful bailout o... more

Press releasePiaggio Aero: TATA Group new shareholder and strategic partner
Genoa, Italy - The Indian giant signed an important capital increase purchasing a third of Piaggio's stocks
Piaggio Aero announced that TATA Limited has agreed to acquire approximately one third stake to become one of the primary shareholders, alongside Ferrari and Di Mase families and Mubadala development company.... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Fantozzi on expressions of interest
Rome, Italy - He stated that only one proposal directly concerned with the overall activities of air transport
"The Extraordinary Administrator, Mr Augusto Fantozzi, announces that he received several expressions of interest within the terms of the deadline on 30 September 2008 at 12.00 hrs, as set out in the Invitation... more

Press releaseGeorgia-Russia conflict: Security for civilians and accountability for governments
Rome, Italy - And it calls the two Government to respond of own actions
"As European Union monitors take up their posts in Georgia, ongoing security concerns, unexploded ordnance from the 7-13 August Georgia-Russia conflict and the large scale destruction of property in some... more

Press releaseENAC: President Vito Riggio about the Alitalia matter
Rome, Italy - Statements on the letter sent to administrator Fantozzi
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) President Vito Riggio clarifies that the letter sent to extraordinary administrator Augusto Fantozzi on September 30th concerns the temporary licence issued Alitalia. On... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC President confirms the declarations released about a possible licence's withdrawal
Rome, Italy - In a press release on ENAC multi-media website
"With reference to the press news of an injunction served by pilots associations, flight attendants and workers unions to ENAC, president Vito Riggio clarified that ENAC (Italian authority for civil aviation)... more

Press releaseItalian SDL about Alitalia: failed demonstration by CISL, UIL, UGL unions
Rome, Italy - Meeting for tomorrow afternoon organized by SDL, ANPAC, UP and AVIA
"It's evident that the attention from press and televisions is focusing on Pilots' situation but Alitalia matter interests the workers of the entire Alitalia Group. Ground staff and flight assistants... more

Press releaseViterbo's local Government: "Towards Viterbo's airport"
Viterbo, Italy - Five conferences for more details
"Five conferences that will interest the main sectors involved in the realization of the airport in Viterbo: environment, the airport architecture, the correct planning and management of territory, the... more

Press releaseFantozzi in ENAC: within Thursday will have to present a realistic plan
Rome, Italy - On the Alitalia economic-financial future to maintain licences
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) President, Vito Riggio, and General Manager, Silvano Manera, met this morning the Alitalia, Alitalia Express and Volare special administrator Augusto Fantozzi to... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC on Alitalia and wild strikes
Florence, Italy - How applying for refunds
"Many passengers have become the only unconscious victims with Alitalia's ongoing matter and wild strikes by workers. The strike is an admissible manner that can be made in the ambit of a specific regulation... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC issues the temporary licence to Alitalia Express and Volare
Rome, Italy - For the operational continuity
"According to EC Regulation No 2407/92 and decree law August 28th 2008 No 134, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) issued a temporary licence to Alitalia Express and Volare with deadline March 1st,... more

Press releaseCUB Trasporti on Alitalia: announced strike on September 17th
Rome, Italy - CGIL-CISL-UIL-UGL sign the first agreement on Alitalia
"Over 6,000 workers will be laid off from Alitalia and about 4,000 temporary workers will have not any certainty on their future. The agreement signed between Alitalia and the Unions (CGIL, CISL, UIL... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC on Alitalia and flights' stop. Who will pay the hardships to passengers?
Rome, Italy - A Parliamentary question by Senator Donatella Poretti
"The blocks at Fiumicino's airport by personnel and 40 flights cancelled last September 11 are against customers. These last are not the interlocutors for the employment problem that current workers have... more