1,934 news found

MiscellaneousItaly: Alitalia flight to repatriate Egyptian illegal immigrants
Catania, Italy - Yesterday, at the meantime, there have been other immigrant landing
An Alitalia flight left last morning from the Catania-Fontanarossa Airport (Sicily, Italy) bound for Cairo, Egypt: a group composed by 50 Egyptian-native clandestines, who were accommodated in the temporary... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: President of Rome's Province gives Pope air tickets
Rome, Italy - They're for missionaries who are going to fly to devastated zones
Pope Wojtyla met today local governments of Lazio Region and Rome for the traditional exchange of new year wishes. There were Lazio Region's President, Francesco Storace, Roma Province's President, Enrico... more

MiscellaneousThatcher's son condemned: he chartered a plane to help a coup in Equatorial Guinea
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea - He was arrested last August because broke South Africa's anti-mercenary laws
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s son, Mark, admitted in court yesterday that he financed a plot against the Government of Equatorial Guinea (sse for details AVIONEWS). The only son of f... more

MiscellaneousSatellite observes the event: iceberg B-15 near to a collision against a glacier in Antarctica
Rome, Italy - The big piece of glacier, which movement have been following by scientists with care, detached from Ross Sea in 2000
It seems to be near to the collision with a glacier in Antarctica the iceberg called B-15 which in 2000 detached from Ross Sea (North Pole) and which movements since that day have been following by scientists.... more

MiscellaneousAlaska: village at 50-degrees below zero. A National Guard helicopter arrived
Anchorage, Alaska - The cargo plane did not manage to land due to snow drifted on the runway
National Guard C-130 aircraft which was trying to bring supplies to Kaktovik, the Alaska village has been left without power and heating since last week end following a blizzard which harmed the power-station... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa: 260 clandestines transferred by Blue Panorama
Agrigento, Italy - Immigrants reached Crotone by two flights
Yesterday, 260 of 430 immigrants landed in last days at Lampedusa (Italy, Sicily Region) have been transferred to Crotone (Calabria Region) by a private carrier airplane: 130 clandestines left island in... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli raid on Gaza
Gaza City, Strip of Gaza - Fighting have been resumed after the appointment of new PNA's leader
Abou Mazen, the new President of Palestinian National Authority, successor of Yasser Arafat, has been just appointed and he will take an oath next Saturday. But today they resumed shooting: two Palestinians,... more

MiscellaneousBad weather in North-Europe: flights were cancelled, redirected or delayed
London, Great Britain - Ireland and Scotland are suffering from the major troubles
In Scotland there are still troubles in transport because of the violent storms which have been involved all the North-Europe since last week end (see for details AVIONEWS). Seven flights from Edinburgh... more

MiscellaneousFog blocked the flight of Lavezzini Parma basket team
Milan, Italy - Just in this moment, team is leaving again to Belgrade to play the Euroleague match versus Vojvodina Nis Gas
The Italian Lavezzini Parma basket team has been forced to come back Italy after its plane flying to Belgrade (Serbia-Montenegro) did not allow to land because of a dense blanket of fog: so aircraft was... more

MiscellaneousAlaska: village at 50-degrees below zero . A National Guard C-130 plane has been requested
Anchorage, Alaska - A blizzard knocked out power and heating system
An Alaska Air National Guard C-130 plane left the Kulis air base at Anchorage loaded with equipment and specialized technicians destined to Kaktovik, village situated about 300 Km to the Arctic Circle... more

MiscellaneousClandestine landing in Sicily: airlift to start
Agrigento, Italy - Reception centre of Lampedusa overstepped the mark of capacity by now
In the evening or tomorrow an air-bridge should leave to transfer non-EU immigrants, following the restored landing of clandestines on the Sicily coasts. The last landing occurred in December 16, then... more

MiscellaneousUS fighter hit a private house by mistake in Mosul
Mosul, Iraq - A guided bomb was mistakenly dropped over a target different from the previously designated one, killing at least 5 civilians
US military authorities located in Iraq revealed only this week that a F-16 Fighting Falcon multirole light fighter performed a strike mission over Mosul on last Saturday to support troops on the ground,... more

MiscellaneousExceptional snowfall in California: airports stopped
Los Angeles, USA - Transports are blocked, and rescues to the most affected zone are difficult
Southern California is getting ready to live its 4th consecutive day snow-covered: more than 2,50 metre fell on the most high mountains in Sierra Nevada. There is snow also on the mountains North to San... more

MiscellaneousAn hang-glider injured after falling because of an incident due to strong wind
Amsterdam, Holland - It is the case of a young German who fall from an eight metre high
At the origin of the incident occured to a young German who fall with his hang-glider in last week-end, in an area of central Holland, there was a strong wind, which caused furthermore several other complications... more

MiscellaneousBad weather in North-Europe: troubles to air traffic
London, Great Britain - A lot of airports have been closed for hours
Air connections in Ireland, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Estonia were blocked because of the violent wave of bad weather that hit North-Europe countries last week end: a lot of airports,... more

MiscellaneousEcuador: weedkiller launched from sky in name of the war to drug
Quito, Ecuador - Five planes and two helicopters flew on the cocaine fields bordering Columbia
Last December 20, two Dyncorp US choppers and five Columbia Army airplanes, flew over Ecuador villages bordering Columbia: aircraft have been launched for 8 hours weedkiller to destroy cocaine plants.... more

MiscellaneousQassam rockets hit an Israeli military base
Tel Aviv, Israel - A mess and an office would have been damaged and there would be wounded persons, most of all among the military personnel
Israeli Army unveiled today that some four Palestinian-made Qassam rockets would have been fired against the Southern area of Israel's land. The first two ones would have fallen on the ground without damaging... more

MiscellaneousItalian passenger gulps down a cocaine egg and died on Air France flight
Paris, France - The episode, occurred last Saturday, unveiled by French judiciary source only today
A 40 old year woman, who's identity is unknown, died of a overdose on board an Air France flight coming from Santo Domingo before the landing at Paris-Roissy Airport. The episode occurred last Saturday... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Fini's speech about the polemic on who has to manage funds
Rome, Italy - "Stop to any personalism, the management task is due to Civil Defence" said the Italian Foreign Minister
The Italian Foreign Minister, Gianfranco Fini, interposed in the polemic concerning the management of the funds destined to the South-East Asian population hit on December 26, by tsunami. In particular... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Boniver's mission in the areas hit by the natural disaster
Rome, Italy - The second-hand secretary for Italian Foreign Ministry will touch the following cities: Bangkok, Phuket ,Colombo and Male
The six-day mission of Margherita Boniver to the Asian areas hit by tsunami on last December 26, will start on next January, 7 to end on January, 12. These would be the cities that the second-hand secretary... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Interpol to investigate kid mysterious disappearances
Rome, Italy - Women reported sexual abuse in refugee camps
In Thailand, the Interpol is investigating over foreign children missing after being taken away in some hospitals of Phang Nga and Khao Lak (see for details AVIONEWS). Swedish Police sent numerous agents... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: EU meeting to summarize the situation
Rome, Italy - GB: "Let's freeze affected countries debt"
While London proposes the freezing debt of countries affected with seaquake of 10 days ago, the EU Presidency on duty summoned a meeting to summarize the South-East Asia situation and humanitarian aid,... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia. Switzerland: travel agencies to stop repatriation special flight
Rome, Italy - Due to the scarce load factory of provided airplanes
The charge of many Swiss tourists who would have been stranded at Phuket Airport, is false according to Hotelplan tour operator spokesman: many of them were able to come back by line flight via Bangkok.... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: the Italian task force specialised in the identification of the corps of the victims is composed of nine experts
Rome, Italy - These person are currently working at Phuket
The Italian nucleus of Carabinieri which works to identify the corps of the victims in cases of tragedies like the one occurred in the South-East Asia is composed of nine experts. A medical military of... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia. Newness on the aids from international community: Great Britain and USA
Rome, Italy - Several foreign armies are more and more engaged in aid
The wheels of international aid does not show signs of stopping: Great Britain provided a RAF C-17 cargo plane to Indonesia and 2 ships, the "Diligence" and "Chatham", which are going to dock today in... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Italian missing dropped to 436
Rome, Italy - One of two bodies found in Thailand has been recognized last evening
Italian citizens still missing are 436: Foreign Minister, Gianfranco Fini, and Minister of the Interior, Beppe Pisanu, unveiled it. In Thailand would remain 401 Italian-native, as in Sri Lanka there would... more

MiscellaneousThe four stage of Paris-Dakar 2005 related to motorbike was suspended because of bad weather condition
Rome, Italy - The helicopters which have to control the competition could not take off because of the heavy fog
It was suspended the four stage of Paris-Dakar 2005 related to motorbike because of bad weather conditions. Heavy fog in fact did not allow helicopters which have to control the competition (see AVIONEWS)... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: helicopters and elephants in the remote areas
Rome, Italy - Crocodiles tore coffins in India
South-East Asian remote areas can be reached only by helicopter or with elephants: from Sunday 24 pachyderm arrived by transporter from Ayutthaya, Central Thailandia, are working in the devastated zones.... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: some nebulizer came to Colombo from Italy
Pisa, Italy - The operation was effectuated by the Civil Defence office of Pisa mixed with Civil Defence office of Rome
A parasiticidal nebulizer and two shoulder nebulizer came to Colombo (Sri Lanka) with 3600 litres of disinfectant, furnished by the Pisan firm Entomox allerted to do it, thanks to a joining operation effectuated... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: the help of Busto Arsizio's town council
Milan, Italy - On last December, 30, 2004 a civil plane took off from Malpensa's Airpot to Sri Lanka in order to carry there a 600-meal daily kitchen and 1500 kilos of food
On last December, 30, 2004 a civil plane took off from Malpensa's Airport to Colombo (Sri Lanka) in order to carry there a 600-meal daily kitchen and 1500 kilos of food mixed with the first two volunteers... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Valle d'Aosta Region offers an helicopter
Rome, Italy - A Region Council decided it by appropriating as well EUR 10.000
Another Italian Region to participate in favour of the Asian populations hit by tsunami, on last December, 26, 2004, is Valle d’Aosta (in the past days other Regions of the peninsula operated to that a... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: newness on the aids from international community (3): EU, Japan and Great Britain
Rome, Italy - Also OPEC made out a cheque in support of people involved
Japan, which has already appropriated USD 500m for humanitarian aid to people devastated by tsunami in South-East Asia, unveiled that it will attend at meeting with donor countries scheduled at Jakarta... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: some of the Italian survivors arrived at Malpensa's Airport
Varese, Italy - The flight of Alitalia came from Thailand and landed at 0:45am
They were 27 the Italian who disembarked last night at Malpensa's Airport, not included three injured, immediately carried at the hospital, and further six person who proceeded to Venice and Boulogne,... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Indonesia to record 95,000 killed
Rome, Italy - Sri Lanka: more than 850,000 homeless
The last tool in Sumatra island, Indonesia, reached 94.081 units and figure of injured persons raised too: they would be 271.908. A large part of tsunami victims have been localized in the West coast of... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: survivor children kidnapped to being sold again?
Rome, Italy - Some newspapers denounced stories about mysterious disappearance
A traffic of children involved in the seaquake could be in progress: there is who tries to make capital out of the chaotic situation in order to take them away and set up an under age-traffic. They kidnap... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: 60 Swedish dead and 3500 missing
Rome, Italy - The most goodly European component involved in the tragedy
Stockholm appropriated EUR 44,3m in order to support people hit by December 26 tsunami. Sweden is one of the most affected countries because the number of Sweden citizens involved in the tragedy was high.... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: newness on the aids from international community (2): France and Germany
Rome, Italy - "The first thing is avoiding a sanitary catastrophe"
Mrs Michele Alliot-Marie, French Defense Minister, announced that France will send to Asia the "Jeanne d'Arc" aircraft carrier and "Georges Leygues" frigate with five helicopters, medical team and an entire... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia. Newness on the aids from international community: the Beslan's support
Rome, Italy - MSF asked to ONU for a tsunami-tax
Beslan, that is the city of North Ossetia (Caucaso) which has been protagonist in the terrible carnage last September 1st, when Chechen militiamen kept under sequestration a school for three days (see... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: bureaucracy to slow aid
Rome, Italy - Customs clearance takes too much time at the airports
Transport helicopters arrive from Japan, New Zealand and France, while USA, European, and Arab cargo planes full load take off at Colombo International Airport, in Sri Lanka. But controls are too much... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Italy-Maldive flights restored
Rome, Italy - The first post-tsunami tourists have left last Saturday
After the natural catastrophe occurred eight days ago, touristic flights from Italy to Maldive, one of the most requested holiday sites, became operating again from January 1st. An Eurofly airplane took... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: 18 Italian victims
Rome, Italy - There are instead 570 fellow lost actually, 90 less than the previous days
The number of Italian who lost their life because of the natural catastrophe verified in the South-East Asia on December 26 rose to 18. Fortunately some good news came from the fellow who actually result... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia. Newness on the aids from international community: Bangladesh and Australia
Rome, Italy - Dhaka Government provided two military aircraft and two helicopters
Two Bangladesh Air Force C-130 with 96-member team to Sri Lanka and 61-member destined to Maldive, took off from Dhaka Airport yesterday. Government sent also two choppers transporting rescue ships, 10... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: 130,000 killed verified
Rome, Italy - But the victims report is destined adding other names
The most violent seaquake occurred in modern age which has destroyed sites considered holiday heaven par excellence according to the large part of tourists, inundated the coast of countries on the Indian... more

MiscellaneousMissile against Hamas' militiamen in Khan Yunes
Khan Yunes, Gaza Strip - Two men died and one was wounded by a guided rocket launched by an aircraft, maybe a drone
A new action by the Israeli aerial vehicles in the Gaza Strip occurred this morning. Two Palestinian militiamen belonging to Hamas armed movement would have been killed nearby Khan Yunes due to the launch... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: NZ C-130 to leave again carrying aid to Indonesia
Rome, Italy - It broke down while was flying with four Australian planes
The New Zealand Air Force Hercules C-130 stopped at Jakarta (Indonesia) due to a failure, should begin flying tomorrow. The airplane had broken down while it was en route to Indonesia with 4 Australian... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Alitalia flight landed at Fiumicino with Italian tourists
Rome, Italy - "We have been lucky, or rather, healed miraculously", some passengers told at the airport
The special Alitalia flight arranged by Italian Civil Defence carrying about 85 passengers coming from Phuket (Thailandia), via Colombo (Sri Lanka's Capital), landed at Rome-Fiumicino Airport at 6:00am... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Kuala Lumpur to dispatch military airplanes to Indonesia
Rome, Italy - Malaysian Police helicopters are searching for some 60 missing campers
Malaysian Government decided to extend the amnesty period for Indonesian illegal immigrants to leave the country due to the critical situation in Aceh province: so, the amnesty time concerning 1.2 million... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: the first Italian mortal remains should arrive in Italy late this evening
Phuket, Thailandia - A plane of the Italian Air Force would carry them at Pratica di Mare (Rome)
The first Italian mortal remains of the fellow remained involved in the natural catastrophe which hit many countries of the Indian Ocean should arrive in Italy late this evening. They are the first three... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Helmut Kohl saved by Air Force helicopter
Rome, Italy - Former Chancellor was among German survivors
Sri Lanka's Air Force rescued former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl who was on holiday at Thalpe to have Ayurveda treatment. Kohl was in a hotel on the third floor with six friends when tsunami inundated... more

MiscellaneousWaterquake in the South-East Asia: Eurofly plane to repatriate 288 Italians
Rome, Italy - It is expected in the evening at Malpensa Airport
From last Sunday, 31 air-bridge flights have left and people carried to Italy were 3900, including 195 strangers. An aircraft will take off at Milan-Malpensa Airport at 6:00pm with needles, gauzes, plasters,... more