Government acts
1,448 news found

Government actsEuropean Parliament. Question on airlines and consumer rights, cancellations and failure to give refunds
By Ignazio Corrao and Mario Furore
"Parliamentary questions 10 July 2020 P-004126/2020Priority question for written answer to the Commission Rule 138Ignazio Corrao (NI), Mario Furore (NI) Subject: Airlines and consumer rights: canc... more

Government actsRelaunch Decree: The night of the long knives
AICALF, the association of Low Cost airlines, enters the Parliament to modify the Relaunch decree, while workers implore to stop the Social Dumping in the Italian Air Transport
At 11:30 pm last night, the Parliament Budget Committee was still working on the many amendments received by the Relaunch Decree, of which 14 to change article 203 of the Decree 19 may 2020, n. 34 (Relaunch... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on COVID-19’s impact on aircrew employment
Presented by about twenty deputies (S&D)
"Parliamentary questions 19 May 2020 E-003088/2020Question for written answerto the Commission Rule 138Petar Vitanov (S&D), Johan Danielsson (S&D), Ismail Ertug (S&D), Andris Ameriks (S&D), Isabel Gar... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on role of the ECDC in addressing the COVID-19 crisis
By five deputies (EDC)
"Parliamentary questions 20 May 2020 E-003128/2020Question for written answer to the Commission Rule 138Nicola Procaccini (ECR), Carlo Fidanza (ECR), Raffaele Stancanelli (ECR), Sergio Berlato (EC... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament. Question on unfair commercial practices and air passenger rights
Presented by four MEPs
"Parliamentary questions 14 May 2020 E-002990/2020Question for written answerto the Commission Rule 138Giuseppe Ferrandino (S&D), Franco Roberti (S&D), Alessandra Moretti (S&D), Patrizia Toia (S&... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament. Question on air transport sector and COVID-19 emergency
By Rosa D'Amato
"Parliamentary questions 27 April 2020 E-002519/2020Question for written answerto the CommissionRule 138Rosa D'Amato Subject: Air transport sector and COVID-19 emergencyOn 11 February 2019 the Comm... more

Government actsEP: question on recovery plan for airlines and the aeronautics industry of the economic impact of the pandemic
By different Members of European Parliament
"Parliamentary questions 22 April 2020 E-002426/2020Question for written answerto the CommissionRule 138Christophe Grudler, Dominique Riquet, Svenja Hahn, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Jan-Christoph Oet... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on reimbursement of cancelled flight tickets
By Alfred Sant
"Parliamentary questions 21 April 2020 E-002413/2020Question for written answerto the Commission Rule 138Alfred Sant Subject: Reimbursement of cancelled flight ticketsRegulation (EC) 261/2004 (Flig... more

Government actsEP: question on what measures will the EC take to protect tourism in Europe from the impact of Covid-19?
By Manolis Kefalogiannis
The European Parliament (EP) published this document:"Parliamentary questions 21 April 2020 E-002392/2020Question for written answer to the CommissionRule 138Manolis Kefalogiannis Subject: What meas... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on support for Reggio Calabria Airport
By Vincenzo Sofo
"Parliamentary questions 7 April 2020 E-002143/2020Question for written answer to the CommissionRule 138Vincenzo SofoSubject: Support for Reggio Calabria AirportReggio Calabria Airport is experiencing a d... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on recycled air in airplanes
By Pietro Fiocchi, Maria Grapini, Evžen Tošenovský, Marian-Jean Marinescu
"Parliamentary questions 11 March 2020 P-001521/2020Priority question for written answer to the CommissionRule 138Pietro Fiocchi, Maria Grapini, Evžen Tošenovský, Marian-Jean Marinescu Subject: Recycle... more

Government actsLeonardo: also Italian M5S party asks for clarifications on the Qatar order
Italian question: to the Minister of Defense presented to the Senate
The Italian Chamber of Deputies website reports the following:"To the Minister of Defense.Given that, as far as the questioners are concerned:Leonardo SpA is an Italian company active in the defense, aerospace... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question about the 2018 helicopter contract in Doha
There are hypotheses "millionaire tributes from Leonardo to Qatar for green light to billionaire order"
Presented by Senator Luigi Vitali (FI) more

Government actsNew taxes on air tickets against climate change
Summit of Finance Ministers in Helsinki for the revival of the EU
Finance Ministers met in Helsinki on September 13 and 14 to discuss the economic recovery of the European Union (EU). Among the topics addressed, also the fight against climate change through the reform... more

Government actsAlitalia: Commissioner Vestager: whoever is, give back EUR 900m
The Commissioner for Competition answers to the question on the loan
Parliamentary questions 27 June 2019 P-001841/2019 (ASW)"Answer given by Ms Vestager on behalf of the European CommissionQuestion reference: P-001841/2019The Commission is continuing its investigation... more

Government actsEurope. Question on organisation of air traffic
European Parliament. Which actions for transnational agreements?
Presented by Rosa D'Amato (EFDD) more

Government actsEurope. Question on routes and co-marketing. Airgest case in Sicily
European Parliament. Sponsorship agreements signed by public bodies
Presented by the Honorable Ignazio Corrao (EFDD) more

Government actsEP: question on the use of European funds by Enav SpA
Answer given by Corina Cretu
"Answer given by Ms Creţu on behalf of the European CommissionQuestion reference: E-005997/2018During the 2007-2013 period, the projects ‘Centro di controllo d’Area di Brindisi — MODO S’ and ‘ACC Brindisi —... more

Government actsEP. Question on Fincantieri-Stx France case
The agreements signed confirmed excluding any political influence
Presented by three MEP Fitto, Sernagiotto and Maullu (ECR) more

Government actsEP. Committee of Transport: Opininon on EASA
About the implementation of its budget for the financial year 2017 -ATTACHMENT
The Committee of Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament discussed the OPINION of the Committee on Transport and Tourism for the Committee on Budgetary Control on discharge in respect of the implementation... more

Government actsEP. Committee on Transport: Opinion on SESAR
Rapporteur Innocenzo Leontini -ATTACHMENT
The Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament has discussed the OPINION of the Committee on Transport and Tourism for the Committee on Budgetary Control on discharge in respect of the... more

Government actsEP: question on Vueling ‘exceptional circumstances’ for delays and poor aircraft maintenance decisions taken
The answer by European Commissioner Bulc to the question
"EN E-005380/2018 Answer given by Ms Bulc on behalf of the European Commission (8.1.2019) 1. As the Commission stated in its reply to question E-004365/2018, the level of maintenance of aircraft by a p... more

Government actsEP: question on massive inconvenience suffered by Greek passengers on a Ryanair flight
Presented by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL)
"Parliamentary questions 7 January 2019 P-000017-19Question for written answer P-000017-19 to the Commission Rule 130 Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) Subject: massive inconvenience suffered by Gr... more

Government actsEP: question on long-distance drones for monitoring the Mediterranean
Presented by Sabine Lösing (GUE/NGL)
"Question for written answer E-006072/2018 to the CommissionRule 130Sabine Lösing (GUE/NGL)Subject: Long-distance drones for monitoring the MediterraneanTwo companies from Israel and one from the US dominate... more

Government actsAirplanes. Italian parliamentary act on Ryanair case, verification of EASA actions and rest cadences of flying staff
Rome, Italy - Presented by the Honourable Basilio Catanoso (FI)
"The Italian Honourable Basilio Catanoso (FI) has presented a parliamentary act addressed to the Prime Minister, to the Infrastructure and Transports Minister, to the Foreign Affairs and International... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on workability by helicopters abroad outside of the certified heliports/airports
Rome, Italy - By honourable Basilio Catanoso (PdL)
"The Italian honourable Basilio Catanoso(PdL) asked to the Infrastructure and Transport minister, to know, granted that: the Italian aircraft company Hoverfly received in the first days in September... more

Government actsAirplane and helicopter accidents: heavy sanctions for aircraft operators
Rome, Italy - The government is prepared to wait a few days after the deadline
Further in-depth examinations on the law which sets the sanctions for who omits to report accidents or incidents in civil aviation have been required. Several operators of the airport sector have sent... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on State aid in the aircraft cargo sector
Strasbourg, France - By Mario Mauro (PPE)
"Question for written answer P-005785/2012 to the Commission Rule 117 Mario Mauro (PPE) Subject: State aid in the aircraft cargo sector The ‘private investor in a market economy’ principle ori... more

Government actsAlitalia, Tatarella: to intervene for the reclamation of MD-80 abandoned in Rome-Ciampino
Rome, Italy - The European Honourable (Futuro e Libertà) Salvatore Tatarella has presented a Parliamentary question
"Question for written answer E-002891/2012 to the Commission Rule 117 Salvatore Tatarella (PPE) Subject: Use of asbestos in aviation and reclamation of old airplanes Asbestos is a mineral... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question about Finmeccanica order for radar and helicopters to Panama and presumed maxi-bribe
Rome, Italy - By Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"To the Italian Foreign Affairs, considering that on January 23, 2012, the President of Panama Republic, Ricardo Martinelli, has published on internet a letter signed by Massimo Pugnali, Finmeccanica manager,... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Finmeccanica's operating management level reorganization
Rome, Italy - By Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"To the Italian Economy and Finance Minister, considering that: according to that results to the interpellant, a heavy reorganization is ongoing into the Group of the societies controlled by Finmeccanica,... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question about displacement of the NATO-NCISS of Latina in Portugal
Rome, Italy - By Honourable Americo Porfidia (Misto)
"To the Defense Minister. To know, considering that: it was in 1952 when it was installed the territorial air defense center coming from Latina Scalo airport. During the years the center has been transformed... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary inquiry on many assignments operated by Antonio Mastrapasqua
Rome, Italy - Presented by MP Antonio Borghesi (IdV)
"To the Prime Minister, to Minister of Labour and Social Politics. - To Know - granted that: with the suppression and absorption of INPDAP by INPS the president Antonio Mastrapasqua starts to operate... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question about US tactical nuclear bombs deployed in Italy and in Europe
Rome, Italy - By Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"The Italian Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV) has presented a parliamentary question addressed to the Defense ministry to ask to know: if results to Government which are reasons for which matter of presence... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on 5th freedom rights to Singapore Airlines on the Milan-Malpensa/New York route
Rome, Italy - By Senator Luigi Vimercati (PD)
"The Italian Senator Luigi Vimercati (PD) asks to the Infrastructures and Transports and Foreign Affairs Ministers, considering that: following to the de-hubbing of Malpensa served by Alitalia in March... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on Air Alps' crisis
Rome, Italy - By Honourable Gianluca Benamati (PD)
"To the Infrastructures and Transports Minister. To know, considering that: Air Alps is a regional airline based in Innsbruck, Austria; this carrier operates also in Italy and links airports like... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Alitalia-CAI economic recovery and on merger with Air France
Rome, Italy - Presented by honourable Pierfelice Zazzera (IdV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economic Development. - To know - given that: as reported by the press, the competition and market authority has started an investigation to ascertain the market effects... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Guarguaglini's severance pay
Rome, Italy - Presented by honourable Emanuele Fiano (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economic Development. - To know - given that: In recent days several prominent newspapers reported the news that the former CEO of Finmeccanica, Guarguaglini, should perceive... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on the survivors of the An-24 plane crash in Verona 1995
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Laura Froner (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport. - To know - given that: on December 13, 1995 an Antonov 24 aircraft owned by the Romanian company Romavia, chartered to Business Jet Srl of... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary motion on Fifth Freedom rights of Singapore Airlines on Malpensa-New York flights
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Marco Giovanni Reguzzoni (Lega Nord Padania)
"Addressed to the Chamber of Deputies, Given that: Singapore Airlines has requested to operate the Milan-Malpensa/New York connection, this would allow the carrier, (arriving in Italy and proceeding... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the 5 million Euros severance pay given to Guarguaglini (ex-Finmeccanica)
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economy and Finance - Given that: on 1 December 2011, Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, who had been at the top management of the first Italian company in the defense sector,... more

Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the list of journalists that Finmeccanica would have "Involved"
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"Addressed to the President of the Council of Ministers and Ministers of Economy and Finance and Justice - Considering that from press releases, a network of favors and corruption at the center of... more

Government actsMotion on the Defense appropriations and the blocking of the F-35 JSF aircraft programme
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IDV)
"addressed to the Chamber, Given that: the problem of the Italian military spending, becomes more significant if placed in the context of the of the international financial crisis which triggered... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary interpellation on the freezing of the payment of the severance pay to Guarguaglini (ex-Finmeccanica) and on salaries and compensation to public participated companies
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Marco Perduca (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economy and Finance - Given that on several occasions, members of the Government announced that by virtue of the sacrifices demanded by the current economic scenario, waste... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Guarguaglini's (ex-Finmeccanica) severance pay and financial compensation to the Board of Directors
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"Addressed to the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Economy and Finance. - To know - given that: following the severance pay given to the resigning Finmeccanica President, Pierfrancesco... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on removal of Marina Grossi from Selex Sistemi Integrati (Finmeccanica)
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Antonio Di Pietro (IDV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economy and Finance. - To know - given that: on November 19, 2011, the Public Prosecutor of Rome ordered three arrest warrants in an investigation concerning the assignment... more

Government actsInterpellation of initiatives that the government should take on Finmeccanica's management
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Antonio Razzi (PT)
"The undersigned requests to ask the Minister of Economy and Finance, to know - given that: recent press articles on business and bribes in relation to companies of the Finmeccanica Group which appeared... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Alenia's restructuring plan, potential investigations, big deficit and commissioning of top management decisions
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"Addressed to the the Minister of Economy and Finance - Given that Alenia Aeronautica, of which Amedeo Caporaletti is President, is a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, the group controlled by the addressed... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question regarding the sale or removal of Finmeccanica companies in Liguria
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Michele Scandroglio (PdL)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economic Development. - To know - given that: the press has informed about the serious financial crisis that has hit Finmeccanica, mainly due to the significant losses... more

Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on the degrading of Catania's airport to second level
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Basilio Catanoso (PdL)
"Addressed to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, the Minister of Economy and Finance. - To know - given that: the airport of Catania is of vital importance for civic and economic development... more