5,396 news found

Civil aviationGerman Police upgrade helicopter fleet
Aircraft with new intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems
In recent weeks, the H-135 helicopters of the German Police have undergone a review procedure for the surveillance equipment on board. This led to an update of part of the avionics: in detail, two new... more

DefensePoland announces purchase of new helicopters
Objective: to modernize fleet with more S-70i "Black Hawk"
The Polish Government recently announced its intention to purchase new Sikorsky S-70i "Black Hawk" helicopters. According to some analysts, Warsaw's goal would be to bring the total to 32 aircraft present... more

DefenseCzech Republic receives military helicopters
First two US-made AH-1Z Viper attack aircraft
The Czech Republic received the first two new US-made Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters yesterday. The delivery comes at a time of renewed interest by the military in rotary-wing aircraft, which have... more

AirlinesBrussels supports fire campaign
Over 490 firefighters and nine aircraft deployed in Greece and Tunisia
The European Commission announced today that it will step up the firefighting campaign and provide much-needed support to affected communities. Translated into numbers, this means over 490 firefighters... more

DefenseUkraine presents military drone boat
Unmanned surface vessel developed for warfare and reconnaissance operations
The Armed Forces of Ukraine presented a new maritime drone named "Magura V5". The unmanned nautical vehicle was exhibited for the first time in these hours at the "International Defense Industry Fair"... more

AirlinesGatwick Airport: thousands of passengers stranded
At least 70 flights have been cancelled and numerous others delayed
Thousands of passengers flying to and from London-Gatwick Airport were stranded yesterday afternoon after at least 70 flights were cancelled. The inconvenience was caused by the lack of personnel in the... more

DefenseTaiwan: military exercise at the airport
Simulated rejection of an air attack to control the stopover
The Taiwan Air Force conducted a military exercise for the first time today at its main airport in Taiwan. Six helicopters participated, including an Apache and about 180 soldiers. It is a simulation that... more

Civil aviationCanaries: firefighting aircraft in action
Hundreds of men, planes and ground vehicles from the fire brigade were involved
A huge fire that broke out on the island of Gran Canaria is spreading more and more dangerously. In action men, aircraft and vehicles on the ground of the fire brigade. However, the situation remains critical.... more

AirlinesITA Airways-Lufthansa: Brussels ok expected in October
Evaluation will be carried out by the European Competition Commission
Expected in October the go-ahead from the European antitrust for the wedding between the national air carrier ITA Airways and the Lufthansa aviation group. Brussels will evaluate the documentation relating... more

AirlinesGatwick Airport: wave of Summer strikes
Mobilization for eight days between the months of July and August
The British trade union Unite recently declared that 950 members of the ground operating staff of London-Gatwick airport go on strike for eight days between the months of July and August. The mobilization... more

AccidentsCanadair plane crashes in Greece
Aircraft crashes into hill after dropping water on flames - VIDEO
A Canadair firefighting plane crashed in Greece during the firefighting operations in the last hours. The air accident occurred above the town of Karystos on the island of Evia, near Athens. No further... more

AirlinesHeathrow Airport: extra fuel required
Management company asks airlines to carry more kerosene
The management company of London-Heathrow airport has asked airlines operating at the stopover to carry as much fuel as possible in their tanks. This announcement is related to kerosene supply problems... more

DefenseAustralia purchases 20 military aircraft
These are Hercules transport airplanes worth 6.6 billion dollars
The Government of Australia said today it will purchase 20 new Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules military transport aircraft, valued at 6.6 billion dollars. The potential sale of the aircraft, components... more

Civil aviationFires in Greece: Egypt sends helicopters
Cairo prepares to submit three Chinooks against fires in the woods
The government of Egypt announced in the past few hours that it will send three CH-47 Chinook military helicopters to Greece to help the country fight the forest fires that are ravaging the peninsula and... more

AerospaceUSA: Government hearing on UFO
Congressperson are calling on the government to publish all available information
Numerous representatives of the United States congress have asked the government and the armed forces to provide all available information on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) in view of the new hearing... more

AirlinesFrance evaluates purchase Italian ex-Microtecnica
The deal is worth approximately USD 48 bn and is expected to close in 2024
The French group Safran, a company operating in the defense sector and which produces engines for Rafale military aircraft, announced the start of negotiations for the purchase of the former Microtecnica,... more

AirlinesUSA vote on retired airline pilots at age 67
House approves legislation that raises retirement age
The US House of Congress has passed legislation that would again authorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to raise the retirement age for pilots from 65 to 67. This is an initiative that aims... more

AirlinesUSA: boom in revenues for air carriers
Peak demand for summer travel boosts airline coffers
The peak in passenger demand for air travel in the Summer 2023 season is boosting airlines' earnings. The volume of tickets sold globally is slightly below the performance of 2019, but in many cases airports... more

Finance and economyArgentina looks to Indian helicopters
Interest in Luh and Dhruv aircrafts models
The Ministry of Defense of Argentina and the Indian State-owned aircraft manufacturer Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL) have signed a letter of intent relating to a possible acquisition of three-tonne Light... more

AirlinesITA Airways (3): Lazzerini's proxies sorted
To hire them are Andrea Benassi and Francesco Presicce; their biographies
The Italian national air carrier ITA Airways, 100% controlled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has a new board of directors made up of three members. The board of statutory auditors, however,... more

AirlinesITA Airways (2): new BoD, who they are
The biographies of the president Turicchi and of the board members Valeria Vaccaro and Francesco Spada
New three-member board of directors for national carrier ITA Airways. It was nominated by the shareholders' meeting held yesterday afternoon at the company headquarters in Rome-Fiumicino. The new board... more

AirlinesEasyJet ready to change routes due to heatwaves
Lundgren: "The company has the flexibility to modify based on demand from one year to the next"
The management of the British airline EasyJet announced that the company would be ready to change the routes of the aircraft if the heat waves in the coming years change the habits of passengers who book... more

AirlinesJapan: 238 scrambles in 2023
Data confirm Tokyo-Beijing tension with 157 identifications of Chinese aircraft
The Ministry of Defense of Japan has communicated the data relating to the emergency take-offs of military aircraft to intercept unknown aircraft. In the first quarter of the year 2023, the fighters of... more

AirlinesAirlines focus on transatlantic flights
European companies estimate earnings beyond all expectations
The analysts and managements of the main European airlines are looking optimistically to the "Summer 2023" season. In particular, in this quarter the companies estimate record revenues from the sale of... more

AerospaceAeolus mission begins reentry to Earth
Satellite collects weather data worth an estimated 3.5 billion
Aeolus began its re-entry to Earth. The satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA, European Space Agency) is landing in a controlled way on our planet. The system, which studied the winds that whip our... more

Finance and economyTunisia receives military training aircraft
The aim is to strengthen aeronautical capacity to address security challenges
Tunisia has recently received four Beechcraft T-6 Texan II military trainer aircraft produced by the American company Textron Aviation. The aircraft will be located at the Sfax air base. It is a sale made... more

Civil aviationGreece: Canadair planes in action
Operating in particular in the north-west of Athens and on the island of Rhodes
Since this morning two Canadair aircraft of the Vigili del Fuoco have been at work in Greece. They had been sent yesterday by the Civil Defence Department as part of the European Civil Protection Mechanism.... more

AirlinesUSA: Southwest increases flights
More air connections at "Ronald Reagan" airport in Washington
US air carrier Southwest Airlines announced that it will add seven new daily round-trip flights to and from Washington's "Ronald Reagan" National Airport today. It's a move that follows up on the decision... more

AirlinesTallinn Airport focuses on sustainability
The goal is to reach "net zero" by 2030
The Estonian "Lennart Meri" Tallinn airport is pursuing an interesting program to decarbonise the airport's energy consumption: ranging from photovoltaics to rationalizing the use of electricity. The goals... more

Civil aviationUSA: San Diego Police ask for new helicopters
Department needs three new H-125s aircraft to modernize fleet
The San Diego Police Department has asked local authorities for funds to modernize and upgrade the airborne unit's helicopter fleet. At the moment this is in fact made up of three Airbus Helicopters AS-350B3... more

AirlinesEASA launches research on sustainable fuel (SAF)
Studies and tests will be conducted at the Danish airport in Copenhagen
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has announced the launch of a research project to improve the supply and distribution infrastructure of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). The studies and... more

AirlinesAmsterdam Airport boosts check-in reservations
Extended time slots for security checks on Schengen and non-Schengen flights
The airport operator Royal Schiphol Group, which controls the Amsterdam-Schiphol airport, will extend the booking service of the time slots for security checks for both Schengen and non-Schengen flights.... more

Civil aviationBig aviation sector actor bets on solar
The Safran Helicopter Engine division focuses on photovoltaics to have a zero footprint
The US branch of the Safran Helicopter Engines company has entered into an agreement with a local company to install a photovoltaic panel system on the roof of the factory located in Grand Prairie, Texas.... more

DefenseAustralia: military helicopter training
Joint "Talisman Saber 2023" exercise with the United States
The "Talisman Saber 2023" military exercise (from 19 to 22 July) of the Australian Defense Force (ADF) will start tomorrow, in which helicopters and personnel of the armed forces will participate. The... more

DefenseHungary receives new military helicopters
First batch of H-225M transport aircraft welcomed
The Hungarian Air Force took delivery of the first two H-225M multi-purpose transport helicopters in the past few hours, produced by the European manufacturer Airbus Helicopters. These rotary-wing aircraft... more

DefenseGermany: "We will have the most powerful Army in Europe"
Berlin's goal is to become a NATO point of reference in Europe in 2025
Germany aims to create the best equipped army among the European allies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). A goal that Berlin aims to reach in 2025. Countries are in fact rushing to strengthen... more

AirlinesFire on Catania's airport. ITA Airways is working with it and other Sicilian airports to minimise passenger disruption
Together with other Sicilian airports; flights rescheduled to the Comiso "Pio La Torre" airport
ITA Airways is working with Catania Airport and other Sicilian airports to minimise passenger disruption following the fire at "Vincenzo Bellini" International Airport in Catania-Fontanarossa, Sicily.Today's... more

Civil aviationUnited Kingdom: Italy awarded at the "Riat 2023" airshow
Italian Air Force confirms itself among the best forces in Europe
The Italian Air Force (AMI) received the "Spirit of the Meet" award during the "Royal International Air Tattoo" ("Riat") air show which was held in Fairford, UK, from 14 to 16 July . A recognition obtained... more

AccidentsUSA: pilot's illness, passenger brings the plane to the ground
A 68-year-old woman takes the controls of a private plane and saves both their lives
A Piper PA-46-500TP Malibu Meridian passenger aircraft (registration N444RR) carrying two occupants crashed during an emergency landing. All the people on board were safe: the man at the controls was seriously... more

DefenseRussia-China naval exercise in Asia
Beijing fields five warships and four helicopters
The Chinese Defense Ministry has announced that a naval flotilla from Beijing has joined in the past few hours with the Russian air-naval forces in the Sea of Japan. The goal is to kick off an exercise,... more

AirlinesAirlines with more seating space
Tight planes? No thank you. Ranking of airlines with comfortable leg seats
The travel booking web portal "" has carried out a study on the comfort of the seats offered in Economy Class by the main airlines in the world, in particular the United States, Europe and Asia.... more

AirlinesUK: Airport crime investigation
Analysis conducted on requests to the police from passengers reporting violations
A study conducted by British security company Get Licensed ranked airports according to crime rate. The analysis is based on Freedom of Information (Foi), that is a requests for information sent to the... more

AirlinesAmsterdam Airport: given last suitcase back
Over 10,000 pieces of luggage had been stuck at the airport since 28 June
More than 10,000 suitcases, hand luggage and miscellaneous items were stacked in the warehouses of Amsterdam-Schiphol airport. It was caused by an outage in the baggage system on 28 June, which prevented... more

DefenseFrance: military parade and country in celebration
July 14th celebrations in an armored atmosphere with an exceptional security device
France celebrates the national holiday today. Contrary to what was announced, President Emmanuel Macron will not make any speech to the country, while the usual military parade is being held this morning.... more

AirlinesItaly: airstrike July 15th
Italian Enac ensures warranty ranges
Saturday of setbacks for air transport in Italy. Tomorrow, on 15 July, airport ground staff will down tools from 10:00am to 6:00pm. According to an estimate by the "ItaliaRimborso" association, over 270,000... more

AirlinesAir transport: Italy loses 3.1 from "unfair taxes"
It emerges from a research conducted by Transport and Environment
According to research conducted by Transport and Environment, the European federation for transport and the environment which brings together non-governmental organizations that promote sustainability... more

AirlinesPhilippines bets on Manila airport
Private consortium to modernize airport by 2024
Construction and engineering companies from the Philippines have combined their interests for a modernization plan of the "Ninoy Aquino" international airport in Manila. The goal is to carry out a restyling... more

CuriositiesUSA: new helicopters for the White House
The VH-92A "Patriot" are entering the fleet
The official presentation of the new "Marine One" US presidential helicopters that are already entering service in the White House fleet is approaching. A move that aims to modernize the fleet, replacing... more

DefenseSouth Korea develops military technologies for helicopters
Drones and tiltrotors for intelligence operations and air, land and naval interoperability
The South Korean aircraft manufacturer Korea Aerospace Industries (Kai), a company operating in the aerospace sector, has launched an ambitious program for the development of technologies for drones (Mum-T,... more

Civil aviationNepal: stop to non-essential flights
Banned until September, the decision comes two months after the fatal accident
The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has banned helicopters from making "non-essential" flights, including those for sightseeing. The grounding of aircraft was decided in the last few hours and... more