1,934 news found

MiscellaneousItalian reporter out of Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - After being alerted by intelligence services
It seems Italia journalist still in Iraq are on board of flights to Italy or close to embark on them, after being alerted this way be intelligence services which gave 48-hour time in order to return to... more

MiscellaneousLandslide in Indonesia: the current account is 20 died and 150 lost
Bandung, Indonesia - Heavy rains at the origin of the slaughter, police's helicopters involved into the rescue operations
The current account of the slaughter verified today after a landslide in Bandung (Indonesia) is of 20 died and 150 lost, though local authorities warn that person under the detritus may be all died. The... more

MiscellaneousIraq: fire on a helicopter ambulance
Baghdad, Iraq - It was flying to rescue an American patrol injured in a blast
This morning a group of rebels belonging to Iraqi guerrilla attacked in Dura district (Baghdad)a US military police patrol and then fired on a helicopter ambulance sent to help evacuate the wounded. Militiamen... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: 500.000 person asked for her withdrawal
Baghdad, Iraq - The words of Pierre Scolari "We will carry on to inform about her and her activity in favour of peace but, maybe, it is better to be reserved about researches and contacts"
It had a great substantiation the show organized in favour of the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena sequestered on last February, 4, in Iraq (see AVIONEWS): on last Saturday he number of people in the... more

MiscellaneousBush European visit has started
Brussels, Belgium - He will talk about Middle East, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and proliferation of nuclear weaponry
The Air Force One with President George W. Bush on board has landed last evening at Brussels-Zaventen Airport where his European mission starts: during the visit Bush will introduce his idea of transatlantic... more

MiscellaneousLinate air crash: the court’s ruling is expected
Milan, Italy - Italian gup to give the verdict next March 14
The summary proceedings for the seven defendants (Fabio Marzocca, Santino Ciarniello, Sandro Gasparrini, Nazareno Patrizi, Raffaele Perrone, Antonio Cavanna e Lorenzo Giovanni Grecchi) involved in the... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: tomorrow a train in the capital to ask for her withdrawal
Baghdad, Iraq - The words of Fini "All Italian without any political difference must ask for the withdrawal of our fellow"
Italian Foreign Minister, Gianfranco Fini, disclosed he will not attempt at the train organized for tomorrow in Rome to ask the withdrawal of the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, sequestered on last... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: the words of the Sgrena's man "I will save you, stands up and together we will succeed"
Baghdad, Iraq - Pierre Scolari speaks clearly "Giuliana asks for the retirement of the Italian troops as this is the desire of the Iraqi population"
Pierre Scolari, the man of the Italian journalist sequestered on last February, 4 (see AVIONEWS), in Iraq, spoke by means of cameras nd sent a message to his woman: "I will save you, stands up and we will... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq (2): the anxiety for the case is rising more and more
Baghdad, Iraq - Sgrena's father expresses it "I fear that it would end in a bad way"
After the certainty of her to be alive, given by the video delivered this morning at Associated Press (see AVIONEWS) showing the same Italian journalist, Giuliana Sgrena, who launches a cry for help in... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: Sgrena's cry for help
Baghdad, Iraq - The only way to have her life safe is the one by Italy to retire its militaries in Iraq
All of a sudden after some days in which there were no news about the case of the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena sequestered 13 days ago in Iraq, a fact that provoked several anxieties especially among... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: the appeal of Sgrena's father
Domodossola, Italy - "We are worried, 12 days passed and we do not know weather Giuliana is still alive"
After 12 days since the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena was sequestered in Iraq (see AVIONEWS) it comes the appeal of Sgrena’s father "We are worried, 12 days passed and we do not know weather Giuliana i... more

MiscellaneousThe body of a 39-year old man was found at Newark Liberty International Airport
New York, Usa - It seems the man hanged himself
It is forecast this week the autopsy on the body of the man who was found without life at Newark Liberty International Airport in an area between the gate and the Customs check-point. The man, whose identity... more

MiscellaneousHelicopters to protect Indian elections
Patna, India - This morning two explosions occurred at Bihar
Two bombs have exploded before poll stations in the state of Bihar, Eastern India: fortunately wounded person did have been not reported and voting are started as scheduled. In the near state of Jharkhand,... more

MiscellaneousVoyager's passengers to come back home by three chartered flights
Cagliari, Italy - The transatlantic ship docked at Cagliari port
The cruise ship that yesterday has stayed put in the water due to a breakdown after a wave seems to have swept away the navigating bridge, has docked at port of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) thanks to the... more

MiscellaneousVenezuela: helicopters go to the rescue of flood victims
Caracas, Venezuela - The bad weather emergency has already caused 37 casualties
Rescue teams in helicopters are rescuing and bringing food and medicines to the Venezuela regions hit by the flood occurred in the last days. The confirmed victims were at least 37 and missing persons... more

MiscellaneousHariri: his Air Force One could not protect him
Beirut, Lebanon - Former Lebanese Prime Minister deceased in a bomb-car attempt today was used to travel on a 747 with self-protection systems similar to
Former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri had set a series of security systems in order to protect his own safety against the possibility of attacks addressed to him but, actually, the measures adopted... more

MiscellaneousItaly: Vitrociset dependents to walk out
Rome, Italy - They'll take the strike action in plants and airports for four hours
Vitrociset personnel will down tools on Friday, February 25, both in plants and airports for four hours, from 8:00am up to 12:00am, because of the "Insensitivity of the Government" that in spite of several... more

MiscellaneousBad weather: avalanche in Peloponnese provokes dead and missing
Athens, Greece - In the searches helicopters, Police, Army and Firemen engaged
The bad weather and the heavy snowfalls that continue to rage in all Europe have provoked a tragedy also in Greece when on Menalon Mount - 180 km far from Athens - at an altitude of 1500m an avalanche... more

MiscellaneousPhilippines: two Special Police agents killed at Virac Airport
Legaspi, Philippines - The squad could be linked to Communist guerrilla from "New People's Army"
Two Aviation Security Group members have been fired and killed around 7:30am today from a squad composed by 4 persons on board two motorcycles before a checkpoint outside the Virac Airport in Catanduanes... more

MiscellaneousPakistan: planes and helicopters rescued survivors
Islamabad, Pakistan - Floods and landslides caused by heavy rains claimed hundreds of victims
The heavy rains that since a week have hit Pakistan until today have killed more than 350 people and missing persons would be at least 1000. The most affected region is the Belucistan where survivors are... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: Pope's appeal "Let's pray for Giuliana Sgrena"
Rome, Italy - The first appearance of Giovanni Paolo II in public after his hospitalization was characterized by his thought for the "Manifesto"'s correspondent
The first appearance in public of Pope Giovanni Paolo II, after his hospitalization at Gemelli, in Rome, due to an influence which provoked some anxieties for Pope’s health, was characterized by his a... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist in Iraq: a new notice citing an ultimatum
Baghdad, Iraq - According to Italian Foreign Ministry the source is "Unreliable"
A new message about Sgrena’s case appeared late in day before on a web site which was signed "Jihad islamica". The new notice joins to the others appeared in the past days on internet contributing to c... more

MiscellaneousDavis is in visit in Rome after landed at Fiumicino's Airport
Rome, Italy - This morning according to his plan Davis has a meeting with the Italian Under Secretary for the Intern Ministry Saponara while in the day he will encounter Fini
The General Under-Secretary of the UE Counsil, Terry Davis, who arrived yesterday at the Romanian air station "Leonardo da Vinci", is in visit in Rome. Yesterday Davis met the Italian President for the... more

MiscellaneousCanadian fisherman missing during a Nato's training
Rome, Italy - Helicopters, navy and piscatory researched him unsuccessfully for hours
The military searched for the Canadian fisherman missing in the Baltic Sea stopped after twenty hours when it was clear that there were no more hopes to find him still alive, according to what declared... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: an Air Force plane stands at Baghdad Airport
Baghdad, Iraq - The woman may have been transported into another place
No further information about the condition of the Italian journalist sequestered in Iraq a week ago (see AVIONEWS). Meanwhile the Italian intelligence disposed an Air Force plane at Baghdad airport in... more

MiscellaneousPresumptive epidemic risk on board of a flight Frontier Airlines
Washington, Usa - A passenger suffered from epidermic eruption which was thought to be contagious
Fear and manifestation of impatience on board of the 449 Frontier Airlines’ flight in the past days for the manifestation of an epidermic eruption all of a sudden from which suffered a passenger who w... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq (2): military blitz or talks?
Baghdad, Iraq - Italian intelligence said it prefers the less dangerous way
It seems it has been individuated exactly the place where Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena is; the woman has been sequestered six days ago in Iraq. This morning it came the news according to which the... more

MiscellaneousAfter-waterquake: the air-bridges continue towards the isolated villages
Giakarta, Indonesia - The operations of the Helvetic helicopters in aid to survivor populations
The Swiss copters that operate in Indonesia under the aegis of the UN, are carrying aids to Keude Panga, a small village situated to 20 kilometers South of Calang: the zone was remained isolated for the... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: Giuliana is alive and in good health conditions
Baghdad, Iraq - The news appeared on the pages of "Manifesto"
In spite of the notices which circulated in internet in the past days which talked about the execution of the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, sequestered on last Friday in Iraq (see AVIONEWS) Giuliana... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: the development of the case
Baghdad, Iraq - Iraqi Government said "There are no certainty for the dismissal of the woman"
According to what reported Iraqi Government it seems there are "No certainty" about an eventual dismissal of Giuliana Sgrena, the Italian journalist sequestered on last Friday in Iraq (see AVIONEWS). Meanwhile... more

MiscellaneousCondoleezza Rice landed at Rome
Rome, Italy - To perform her first Europen tour as US Secretary of State
At 4:37pm, local hour, a special flight coming from Tel Aviv with on board the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, landed at Rome-Ciampino Military Airport. The Italian visit falls into her first European... more

MiscellaneousThe inquires about the demolition of a missionaries' plane in Perù were tabled
New York, Usa - Because of a mistake Cia knocked down an aircraft thought to be carrying drug in the order of an operation against drug
Because of some communication problems as well as language ones some time ago Cia knocked down an aircraft in Perù thought to be carrying drug, in the order of an operation against drug, which on the... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: kidnappers talk about "Impending" decision about her destiny
Baghdad, Iraq - The group asks Italy to retire its contingent in Iraq
It seems to be "Impending" the decision about the Italian journalist’s fate, Giuliana Sgrena, who four days ago was sequestered in Iraq (see AVIONEWS): the news comes from a note appeared on an internet i... more

MiscellaneousTax on jet-fuel to help the poor nations according to Eichel
London, United Kingdom - This statement was made at the G7 meeting occurred in London
At the G7 meeting occurred in London, the German Finance Minister, Hans Eichel, said that debt forgiveness for poor nations is able to be imposed only towards some countries, thus an other measure to destine... more

MiscellaneousB-737 crashed in Afghanistan: no survivors would be among the 104 persons on board
Kabul, Afghanistan - Victims recovery started
The recovery stage for the bodies of the victims related to the worst air disaster in the recent Afghan history which occurred on Afghanistan’s mountains on last Thursday, at about 3000 m ceiling, would h... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq (4): the researches entrusted to Carabinieri Corps of Ros and to Digos
Rome, Italy - The Republic's Procure opens a chapter about the matter
The magistrate Franco Ionta responsable of the team which operate in the order of terrorism opened an inquiry on the matter of the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, presumably sequestered by a Sunnite... more

MiscellaneousProdi's statement on the journalist sequestered and on the disappearance of the plane of Kam Air
Rome, Italy - "It is the human price to pay because of war"
Romano Prodi opened today his speech at DS’ congress with the announcement of the two foreign report facts lead to Giuliana Sgrena, the Italian journalist sequestered in Iraq (see AVIONEWS) and the one r... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq (3): Ciampi asks to be constantly informed
Rome, Italy - Sgrena was presumably kidnapped by a Sunnite group
Once heard of the Sgrena’s case the president of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi asked to Foreign Ministry to be constantly informed. Meanwhile it came the news according to which Sgrena was p... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq (2): Italian Premier informed follows the case
Rome, Italy - Among the hypothesis of the false imprisonment figures the one of terrorism
Italian Premier, Silvio Berlusconi, informed, by under-secretary at the Council Paolo Bonaiuti, about the case of the "Manifesto"’s journalist sequestered at Baghdad, immediately activated proper contacts i... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - The woman works for the daily "Manifesto"
An Italian journalist who works for the daily "Manifesto" has been sequestered in Iraq: the news comes from the woman’s interpreter who was with her when she was sequestered. According to first information G... more

MiscellaneousSome Italian families flew to Nepal were blocked by the coup of the stage
Kathmandu, Nepal - Addifan, an association which operate in the order of human rights for families interested in adopting child, alerted the Italian Foreign Ministry
Addifan, an association which operate in the order of human rights for families interested in adopting child, alerted the Italian Foreign Ministry that some Italian families flew to Nepal in order to end... more

MiscellaneousIvory Coast: France is ready to retreat
Paris, France - Troops are standing in the country from 2002
Yesterday, President Jacques Chirac said France is ready to retreat its 2000 soldiers from Ivory Coast if requested by country’s leaders when the UN mandate for the peacekeeping operation expires in A... more

MiscellaneousAfter-waterquake: "Abraham Lincoln" aircraft carrier to up anchor
Jakarta, Indonesia - Meanwhile tool reached 240,000 casualties
The mission of "USS Abraham Lincoln" aircraft carrier, whose helicopters were the first to reach December 26-seaquake survivors in Indonesia, ended and ship now is ready to leave between tomorrow or Saturday.... more

MiscellaneousAir researches and some by the sea in order to save five fishermen in the Sea of Japan
Tokio, Japan - The men were on board of a trawler wrecked off the coast of Primorye
At dawn this morning started the researches in an attempt to save five fishermen who where on board of the trawler Kafor, wrecked off the coast of Primorye (Japan). The search is being conducted from the... more

MiscellaneousEruptions from the Eurasia volcano Klyuchevskoi threaten air traffic
Moscow, Russia - Both domestic and foreign flights may be affected
Powerful eruptions from the largest volcano in Eurasia Klyuchevskoi, situated into the peninsula Kamchatka, (Russian far East) represent a serious danger for both domestic and foreign flights. Alexei Ozerov,... more

MiscellaneousAfter-waterquake (4): Italian Senate approved EUR 70m fund for reconstruction
Rome, Italy - The passed decree provided also for participation to international organization initiatives
The decree number 2/2005 (ddl 3261), concerning humanitarian actions in support of South-East Asian people decimated by the seaquake happened on December 26, has been approved at Assembly of Italian Senate... more

MiscellaneousLunardi flies to Moscow to assure the peninsula an important role into the Russian project
Moscow, Russia - A short visit the one of Italian Transport Minister who expressed also the necessity to renew an old deal between Italy and Russia
Italian Transport Minister, Pietro Lunardi, flew to Moscow yesterday in order to guarantee an important role of Italy into the ambitious Russian projects lead to transport sector. Lunardi signed a memorandum... more

MiscellaneousAfter-waterquake (3): Russia provided five humanitarian flights
Moscow, Russia - Government dispatched IL-76 aircraft and a BO-105 helicopter
Russian Federation has been one of the first countries to mobilize in support of people involved with the natural disaster happened on December 26: in the early morning of December 27, Emergency Minister... more

MiscellaneousAfter-waterquake (2): Swiss Super Puma have already carried 137 hours of flight for Indonesia's humanitarian mission
Jakarta, Indonesia - The first change of soldiers among Helvetic troops to occur this week
Swiss Federal Defence Department has announced the first turnover of soldiers which will occur in Indonesia next Friday; 22 militaries will come back home replaced by 5 soldiers who are expected to remain... more

MiscellaneousAfter-waterquake: Italian Civil Defence cargo plane is ready to leave with 1400 Kg of drugs
Turin, Italy - Turin's citizens purchased them at local chemists which have plough back profits in other sanitary products
Turin collected 1400 Kg of medicines thanks to charity of its citizens who have purchased sanitary products at chemists of the city and province in support of people living in South-East Asia hit by tsunami... more