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Government acts

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Government actsNorway has decided to impose new public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services on the routes Lakselv–Tromsø viceversa, Andenes–Bodø viceversa and Andenes–Tromsø viceversa (2)

Rome, Italy - The communication issued on the Official Journal of the European Union of April 10 2003

Andenes–Bodø viceversa, Andenes–Tromsø viceversa 1. Introduction. Pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of July 23 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air r... more

Government actsNorway has decided to impose new public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services on the routes Lakselv–Tromsø viceversa, Andenes–Bodø viceversa and Andenes–Tromsø viceversa

Rome, Italy - The communication issued on the Official Journal of the European Union of April 10 2003

Official Journal of the European Union C 87 of April 10 2003, page 87. European economic area. Efta Surveillance Authority. Communication from the Efta Surveillance Authority under Article 4(1)(a) of... more