1,934 news found

MiscellaneousCalipari: USA and Italy joined to find truth
Rome, Italy - The Chief of the 18th air transport corp in Iraq will coordinate Italian inspectors
Also the Italian will take part to the american further investigation on the death of doctor Nicola Calipari, the Italian Sismi officer killed during the shooting occurred last Friday following the liberation... more

MiscellaneousBorder dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia: fighters and warships re-deployed in the Sulawesi Sea
Jakarta, Indonesia - Nevertheless, it seems that the situation is under control and no serious risks would exist for the stability of relations between the two states
Indonesia and Malaysia are trying to solve a territorial dispute concerning the border between the national waters of the two countries in the Sulawesi Sea. Although it is not being feared that a real... more

MiscellaneousProcurator asks for 9138 years of prison for responsible of "Dying flights"
Madrid, Spain - The ex-military Adolfo Scilingo is accused among the other of having thrown out from the plane into the Ocean 30 persons by killing them during dictatorship in Argentina
During the law action which is currently on in Madrid and which sees under court judgement the ex-military Adolfo Scilingo who is accused among the other of having thrown out from the plane into the Ocean... more

MiscellaneousCalipari (4): the judiciary investigation
Rome, Italy - A military flight will transfer in Italy the car on which the Italian 007 died
The car carrying Nicola Calipari and the other Sismi officer to the airport after the release of journalist Giuliana Sgrena, will arrive in Italy with a military airplane for being exposed to the investigation... more

MiscellaneousCalipari (3): US squad did have not received indications about Sgrena presence on the car
Rome, Italy - The ambassador Mel Sembler delivered a report to Italian Government
"There was not a 4th person on the car" said the Italian Foreign Minister, Gianfranco Fini, this morning. The car was not speeding and slowed down at Us military checkpoint: the American authorities were... more

MiscellaneousCalipari (2): US press opinions
Rome, Italy - Did American soldiers have been informed about the transit of the Italian car?
The "Washington Times" claims that Nicola Calipari was killed because Italian intelligence service Sismi committed a series of mistakes: the service was not coordinated with the Us authorities in Iraq.... more

MiscellaneousCalipari: "Discrepancies" in the US version according to Fini
Rome, Italy - The facts have been reconstructed by the Sismi officer travelling with the Italian journalist and Nicola Calipari
Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gianfranco Fini, this morning has reported at Chamber of Deputies that between the American version and that Italian there are "Two discrepancies". It seems in fact... more

MiscellaneousSgrena's release (5): new details from the phone contact test
Rome, Italy - Washington rejected the ambush hypothesis claimed by the Italian reporter
"It’s just absurd to believe that our men and women in uniform deliberately targeted innocent civilians", USA reported. The road where the shooting happened is situated in a combat zone where "Our f... more

MiscellaneousJail in revolt in Dominican Republic: fires and at least one hundred dead
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - An Air Forces helicopter is transporting the injured in the hospitals
A violent revolt provoked by the fight of rival factions among about 400 prisoners of the Higuey jail, situated at about 150 km East from Santo Domingo, has provoked the death of at least 100 prisoners.... more

MiscellaneousSgrena's release (4): the AMI's memorial to host Calipari's grave
Rome, Italy - The car carrying him after the journalist release has been recovered
Italian Sismi officer Nicola Calipari has been buried in the Rome Verano monumental cemetery into the Italian Air Force memorial: his wife Rosa, the daughter Silvia, the son Filippo and the Italian 007... more

MiscellaneousFraud company sells false subscriptions for presumptive discount at air tickets
Cagliari, Italy - The Financial Police of Cagliari closed the inquest after searches in three regions of the Italian Peninsula
The Financial Police of Cagliari (Sardinia) closed the inquest on a fraud company which sold false subscriptions for presumptive discount at air tickets of the main airlines. The inquest started after... more

MiscellaneousSgrena's release (3): Casini said no to exploitation
Rome, Italy - "What has happened cannot be used as an alibi to revive anti-Americanism"
The speaker of the Italian lower house of Parliament, Pierferdinando Casini rejected the theories of ambush and conspiracy which could become an alibi to revive anti-Americanism sentiment pending the truth... more

MiscellaneousSgrena's release (2): the last hours of Calipari
Rome, Italy - Had the Italian service the authorization to pass through Baghdad?
Nicola Calipari and another Sismi officer would have concluded the deal for Sgrena release just on Friday in Abu Dhabi and then flew to Baghdad aboard a secret service Falcon jet to collect the Italian... more

MiscellaneousSgrena's release: Italian magistrate denied the ambush hypothesis
Rome, Italy - There are no elements confirming the American purpose to kill the "Il Manifesto" reporter
Yesterday Giuliana Sgrena unveiled to Sky News Italian TV that the American troops which fired the car carrying her to Baghdad Airport, intended to kill her in all probability because United States does... more

MiscellaneousNicola Calipari's funeral to be going on
Rome, Italy - 100,000 persons rendered homage to Italian SISMI officer
After the never-ending procession of Italians that yesterday on the Altar to the Fatherland in Rome’s Piazza Venezia have rendered homage to the coffin of Nicola Calipari, the SISMI agent killed by American s... more

MiscellaneousRelease of kidnapped Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena (2): Calipari's funeral to occur today
Rome, Italy - He negotiated also the release of Simona Torretta and Simona Pari
Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena landed at Rome-Ciampino Airport last Saturday with a Falcon aircraft carrying also her partner and one of two SISMI (Italian secret agency) agents left injured in the... more

MiscellaneousRelease of kidnapped Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena: killed a secret service agent
Rome, Italy - He was fired during a shoot-out with a US troop
Giuliana Sgrena, the reporter for Italian newspaper "Il Manifesto", has been released last Friday from her Iraqi captors but she was shot and wounded by US troops firing at the convoy which was carrying... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: the woman's rapture took place exactly one month ago
Rome, Italy - The appeal of the father of the reporter "Free her as she is a woman of peace"
In spite of the fact of being passed exactly one month since Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena was sequestered in Iraq on last February, 4 (see AVIONEWS), the father of the woman said he is still optimist... more

MiscellaneousFossett succeeds in his initiative
Salina, Usa - The eccentric billionaire made a tour around the world in 67-hour time alone and without any stopover
Steve Fossett, 60-year old, succeeded as he planned in his initiative lead to a tour around the world alone and without any stopover in 67-hour time. His GlobalFlyer landed in Salina (Kansas), from which... more

MiscellaneousVitrociset selects Lehman Brothers
Rome, Italy - For the economic appraisal of the company's sections that the firm decided to sell
Vitrociset made know that the meeting held today led the Board of Directors and its President, Gen. Mario Arpino, to appoint Lehman Brothers Bank in order to enable it to operate as Vitrociset’s global f... more

MiscellaneousUsa denies presence of the Canadian Defence Minister's name into the no-fly list
New York, Usa - The bomb-article appeared in the pages of the daily "The Globe & Mail"
A spokesman of the Us embassy in Canada denied the presence of the Canadian Defence Minister’s name into the no-fly list, which is designed to deter terrorists. The bomb-article appeared in the pages o... more

MiscellaneousFossett: wind may help the entrepreneur to succeed in establishing his record
Salina, Usa - The initiative risks to fail because of the lack of fuel
Steve Fossett may be helped by wind in favour of his route in order to succeed in his initiative, lead to a tour around the world by means of a plane alone and without any stopover. Yesterday there were... more

MiscellaneousIraq: do terrorists financed by thiefs of archaeological finds?
Baghdad, Iraq - 48 persons have been arrested and 1570 art objects recovered
Italian Carabinieri stationed in Nassiriya since more than a year, are investigating a traffic of archeological finds: the trade may swell the coffers of the backers of some Iraqi terroristic groups. The... more

MiscellaneousFossett: the initiative risks to fail due to the lack of fuel
Salina, Usa - The entrepreneur may be constrained to an emergency flight
Last news about Steve Fossett’s tour around the world in 80 hour-time alone and without any stopover is lead to the fact that the initiative may fail due to the lack of fuel. In the very past hours the m... more

MiscellaneousPanic in Naples because of fire at Jolly Hotel (2): two helicopters fundamental in the rescue operations
Naples, Italy - The witness of a customer "I saw the flames into the bedroom"
It seems 200 person were taken away from the Jolly Hotel in Naples where today at 12:00 a.m. blazed a fire which provoked panic among the people who were inside the tower block composed of 29 floors. It... more

MiscellaneousFossett: "I have got a good chance to succeed"
Salina, Usa - The message was sent to the control centre in Kansas
The billionaire adventurer Steve Fossett, currently flying around the world for his last initiative, declared to be optimist about his further challenge (see AVIONEWS) lead to a tour around the world by... more

MiscellaneousDarfur: the not-fly-zone to prevent air attacks on the villages
Khartum, Sudan - The Italian party Margherita introduced this proposal to the European Union
100,000 victims, 2,5 million evacuated persons and beyond 200,000 refugees in Ciad: they are the numbers of domestic violent conflict on Darfur between local armed groups and pro-governmental Arab military... more

MiscellaneousPanic in Naples because of fire at Jolly Hotel, an helicopter of Firemen is flying on the area
Naples, Italy - The building has been completely evacuated
A fire at the tower block which guest Jolly Hotel in Naples provoked panic among the person who were into the building which has been currently completed evacuated while a woman has been conducted to the... more

MiscellaneousUN counter-offensive against Congo militiamen: they also resorted to aircraft
Kinshasa, Congo - Blue helmets killed about 50 or 60
Yesterday in Loga, approximately 30 km North-East to Bunia in the North-Oriental region of Ituri, violent fights would have happened between UN Blue helmets and militiamen operating in the region: the... more

MiscellaneousUk citizen admits collaborating in a plan which aimed to cause a plane's explosion
London, United Kingdom - It is the most relevant judicial case against terrorism registered in Uk after September, 11
Saajid Badat, the 25 year-old Uk citizen thought to be co-responsable of a tentative to cause a plane’s explosion admitted his guilty yesterday before a Uk judge court. According to what reported police’s sou... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: the Iraqi government claims "She is alive"
Baghdad, Iraq - Iraqi Minister of the Interior Falah Al-Naqib diffused the news
According to what reported Iraqi government, Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena sequestered on last February, 4, in Iraq (see AVIONEWS), is alive: the news has been diffused by Iraqi Minister of the Interior,... more

MiscellaneousThe US losses in Iraq
Washington, USA - The number of wounded persons boosts because the actions of the rebels is increasing
The Pentagon has officially calculated the Americans victims in Iraq: they currently are 1485, while the media would have counted at least a hundred more: approximately 350 militaries have lost the life... more

MiscellaneousShipwreck of clandestines in Greek waters: a Super Puma copter engaged in reliefs
Athens, Greece - Sources of the Greek Commercial Navy reported it
A Super Puma helicopter and ships of Greek Navy have been engaged in the rescue operations of a group of illegal immigrants foundered off the coast of Milos island. A call to Milos Coast Guard would have... more

MiscellaneousEnglish citizen condemned to have sold an experimental airplane to Iran
Washington, USA - The country is subject to trade sanctions by the Government of Washington
The 43-year-old Ali Asghar Manzarpour has been condemned in the USA for the attempting to sold illegally a Barkut Model 360 single-engine plane and other equipments to Iranian Government. Between 2000... more

MiscellaneousA car full of explosive kills 110 person in Iraq
Hilla, Iraq - The worst single terror attack since the day of the lack of the power by Saddam Hussein
Today a car full of explosive killed at least 110 person in Hilla (60 kilometres far from Baghdad, Iraq) provoking as well 113 injured. It seems to be the worst single terror attack since the day of the... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: tomorrow it will start an hunger strike
Rome, Italy - The initiative is of religious character
Tomorrow it will start an hunger strike in protest of the imprisonment of the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, sequestered on last February 4 in Iraq (see AVIONEWS). Even though the initiative is of... more

MiscellaneousColombia: US helicopters to fly to Saravena
Bogotà, Colombia - In order to protect the 740 km-oil field in the sights of guerrillas and paramilitary troops
The next month United States will send 10 combat helicopters and 60 soldiers at the North-Eastern Colombian borders with Venezuela under the "Plan Escudo", the programme aimed to patrol on the security... more

MiscellaneousWhitney Houston victim of an indisposition during a flight to Paris
Paris, France - It is thought that at the origin of the sudden malaise there is stale food
Whitney Houston, famous singer with some performance as an actress as it happened in 1992 during her interpretation in the role of the co-protagonist in the film "The bodyguard", felt bad during a flight... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: the announcement of her man "Hunger strike to go on for Giuliana"
Rome, Italy - It is proceeding as well to prepare another great show at "The park of the music" in Rome
It would not stop initiative in order to ask for the withdrawal of Giuliana Sgrena, Italian journalist sequestered on last February, 4, in Iraq (see AVIONEWS). According to Pierre Scolari in fact, the... more

MiscellaneousAn 80-hour flight around the world: the protagonist is ready to take off
New York, Usa - The sixty-year old man loves record
The billionaire Steve Fossett seems to have been preparing to take off next week-end in order to effectuate his next initiative: the one to fly all over the world in 80-hour time without any stopover.... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist in Iraq: "Sgrena soon free"
Baghdad, Iraq - According to what reported Iraqi tv Al Sharqia
According to what reported Iraqi satellite tv Al Sharqia in the edition of midday (10:00 a.m. in Italy) Sgrena’s withdrawal, the Italian journalist sequestered in Iraq on February, 4 (see AVIONEWS), i... more

MiscellaneousAir attacks September, 11: 1161 victims would remain without any identity
New York, Usa - The terroristic act killed 2749 persons
After more han three years since air attacks to Twin Towers in New York authorities said they would renounce to the identification of 1161 victims, which identity experts could not assure as human rests... more

MiscellaneousUs air attacks on Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - Two bombing caused victims and injured persons in the morning
A US C-130 and some fighter planes dropped two bombs on the al-Anbar province (Western Iraq) to support the new offensive launched by Marines against the Sunni rebels, according to the American Command... more

MiscellaneousItalian journalist sequestered in Iraq: Ciampi receives Sgrena's parents
Rome, Italy - The news has been diffused by a note of the Republic Presidency
While bad news comes from the fact of being aware by means of media of the discovery at Erbil (South Iraq) of a body without the head which is thought to be the one of the Iraqi tv conductor Raida al Wazan... more

MiscellaneousBelgium: NATO summit is armoured
Brussels, Belgium - Belgian Police took considerable safety measures
In an armoured Brussels NATO summit opens today: all the road around Justus Lipsius and Berlaymont palace, which are seat of EU Council and Commission, are off-limits. It seems that also the E-3A Sentry... more

MiscellaneousArgentina. Scandal on cocaine packed into suitcases slipped at airport controls (2): 60 kg of cocaine landed in Spain
Buenos Aires, Argentina - The Air Force had the obligation to inform the Defence Ministry
Last September, 60 kg of cocaine packed into four suitcases slipped through controls at the Ezeiza International Airport and flew as unaccompanied baggage on a flight bound for Madrid Barajas Airport where... more

MiscellaneousEarthquake in Iran (2): choppers of the Army and of Pasdaran in front line among the rescue operations
Teheran, Iran - Blankets and blood for transfusion are among the first necessity aids
Iran was shaked this morning at 5:55 a.m. local time by a strong earthquake of magnitude 6,4 grades Richter which hit in particular a mountainous area near Zarand, a city in the Province of Kerman: the... more

MiscellaneousArgentina: scandal on cocaine packed into suitcases slipped at airport controls
Buenos Aires, Argentina - The Argentine Air Force Chief has been dismissed
The Argentine Southern Winds airline is under indictment for cocaine packed into baggage left from Buenos Aires to Madrid: Italian Volare Group is one of Argentine carrier stakeholder by the enterpriser... more

MiscellaneousPolitical election in Kirghizistan: Akaev asks for Kremlin's support and closes the way to Usa
Bishkek, Kirghizistan - Fundamental condition in order to receive this last is not to allow United States to transform the air base of Ganci into a permanent strategic base
Political elections are close in Kirghizistan, a little centre-Asian Republic in Tien-Shan near China, and the current president Askar Akaev, who has been handling the country since 15 years, fears that... more

MiscellaneousEarthquake in Iran: it is a slaughter, 400 died and more than 5000 injured
Teheran, Iran - Helps are reaching the area by means of the airports of Rafsanjan and Kerman
A strong earthquake of magnitude 6,4 of the Richter scale verified in Iran at dawn this morning (local time) provoking a slaughter: 400 died and more than 5000 injured is the current account. The epicentre... more