1,934 news found

MiscellaneousNew earthquake in Indonesia: almost 2000 deaths
Jakarta, Indonesia - It needs helicopters in order to evacuate injured persons
Yesterday a 8.7 magnitude quake occurred off Sumatra island coasts (Indonesia) affecting again a part of zones hit during the disaster of last December 26. Only on the Nias island 1000 people would be... more

MiscellaneousAkayev announces its resignation
Moscow, Russia - Immediately disproved by his political opposer Felits Kulov
The plane on board of which was flying Askar Akayev, who according to previous information was flying to Moscow (see AVIONEWS), as the Russian capital seemed to have been chosen as destination of refuge... more

MiscellaneousKirghizistan: Akayev shelters himself by flying to Moscow
Moscow, Russia - Kyrgyz premier is taking refuge because the political situation of the country worst all of a sudden, his family by means of an helicopter is flying to Kazakhstan
Kyrgyz premier, Askar Akayev, is flying to Moscow in order to take refuge from the political situation of the country which worst all of a sudden: the news came by Muscovite sources which specified that... more

MiscellaneousBarrot flies to Tirol
Trento, Italy - European Commissioner of Transports to overfly Brennero
Next Thursday, March 31 and Friday, April 1st, EU Commissioner for Transports, Jacques Barrot, will visit Alto Adige and Tirol. On March 31 at the Airport of Innsbruck, the presentation of the plan of... more

MiscellaneousAn Italian private plane enters into the Greek sky space
Athens, Greece - The pilot of the aircraft did not inform the Greek authorities of the overflight
The only thing which is known at the moment about the plane which, while flying to Cyprus, entered into the Greek sky space, without informing Greek authorities, is that it is an Italian aircraft. At the... more

MiscellaneousVenice Airport: Dominican woman arrested with more than half Kg of drug
Venice, Italy - She is charged of international traffic of narcotics
A 33 year woman Dominican-native has been blocked at Venice International "Marco Polo" Airport: she had taken 53 eggs with 650 grams of cocaine. Italian authorities arrested her shortly after the disembark... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa: today it carries on the air-bridge to transfer clandestines
Lampedusa, Italy - The already existing 189 clandestines in Italy were joined late yesterday by further 41
It carries on today the air-bridge (see AVIONEWS) which will have to transfer or to other temporary reception centers or to repatriate about 230 clandestines who currently are guested at the fist emergency... more

MiscellaneousAn inquiry has been opened after an American Airlines' passenger died during a flight Los Angeles-New York
New York, Usa - The man became violent after a request not met of a beer
US authorities opened an inquiry after the incident lead to the death of an American Airlines’ passenger who lost his life during a flight Los Angeles-New York. William Lee, 48-year old seems to have b... more

MiscellaneousFloods in Afghanistan: US contingent and UNHCR to aid
Kabul, Afghanistan - Airlifts by chopper in order to rescue habitants in most affected areas
The heavy seasonal rains and melting of the snow are causing problems in Afghanistan: many rivers burst its banks forcing several families to evacuate thier own houses. The great number of dead (about... more

MiscellaneousAir tickets professionally impressed for luxury flights, 14 persons inquired
Milan, Italy - The inquiry started in 2003 after that a passenger confessed that he had paid his ticket in luxury by means of a significantly reduced price
It has been fixed for the first days of May the audience for the 14 person inquired as they were part of an organization which professionally impressed air tickets for luxury flights after stealing from... more

MiscellaneousEarthquake in Japan: hundred injured and fear of tsunami
Tokyo, Japan - Connections troubled: Fukuoka Airport suspended operations
Yesterday a magnitude 7.0 Richter scale earthquake woke up, at 10:53 local hour North-Western regions of Japan’s Southern island of Kyushu killing a persons and injuring about 400. The casualty is an o... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa: air-bridges to free welcome centre
Lampedusa, Italy - Clandestines to transferred to Crotone instead of to Libya
Yesterday 220 immigrants landed recently at Lampedusa have been transferred: a hundred were boarded on a Croatian airline Air Adriatic plane bound for Crotone (Calabria Region) and other 120 persons were... more

MiscellaneousItalian C-130 aircraft to bring Ilaria Alpi's car back
Rome, Italy - The car may help to find additional informations
On March 20, 1994 Italian journalist Ilaria Alpi and her cameraman Miran Hrovatin were killed at Mogadishu: after 11 years the truth about principals in the crime did have been not still found. Meanwhile... more

MiscellaneousCanada bad reacts to the sentence about the explosion of an Air India flight
Ottawa, Canada - Two famous newspapers printed on its front page the list of the victims’ names because of the terroristic attack at the flight 182 of the Indian carrier
Canada bad reacted to the sentence about the explosion of an Air India flight which expressed against the guilt of two Sikh activists, Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri, thought to be responsible... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa: air-bridge to stop
Lampedusa, Italy - Immigrant rejection may be illegal
The Croatian airline Air Adriatic should stop clandestine’s repatriation to Libya till Italian Government remains unable to warrant a service in accordance with international rules about the not-rejection a... more

MiscellaneousIraq: explosions near Baghdad Airport
Baghdad, Iraq - An attack from insurgents has been excluded
American military sources report that early today some blasts, even if inoffensive, were heard near Baghdad Airport. They supposed that detonations have been provoked by artificiers working for neutralizing... more

MiscellaneousSouth Korea: "Japanese reconnaissance aircraft too close to our air space"
Seoul, South Korea - Accuses could be related to the territorial claim on the Dokdoo archipelago
South Korean military authorities denounced the excessively close approach of a Japanese Air Force’s RF-4 Phantom II reconnaissance airplane to their air space on last March 16. According to analysts, t... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa (2): airlift has started
Lampedusa, Italy - Clandestines are en route to Libya by an Air Adriatic flight
A hundred of non-EU immigrants hosted at Lampedusa welcome centre, escorted by Italian Policemen left around 1:30pm on board a MD-82 airplane belonging to Air Adriatic airline directed to Tripoli (Libya).... more

MiscellaneousSimmel Difesa: a protest against the production of scattering submunitions
Colleferro, Italy - More than a hundred demonstrators but the company indicates no more than 50 persons with an absolutely peaceful attitude
More than 100 demonstrators would have took part to a protest occurred in front the Simmel Difesa’s headquarter in Colleferro (Rome) today, a firm competent for the production of several types of weapon s... more

MiscellaneousCourt considers not guilty the accused for the disaster which involved an Air India flight
Ottawa, Canada - The sentence of the judge has been read before the disappointment of the relatives of the victims who came in Canada just for the event
A Canadian judge ruled not guilty Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri, accused of murder and conspiracy in a terroristic attack which involved an Air India flight exploding while travelling on... more

MiscellaneousCoffin of Italian parachuter landed at Bari Airport
Bari, Italy - A lined-up Italian parachuter's division welcomed the corpse
Shortly after 1:00am the C-130 aircraft from Pisa’s Aerobrigata, taken off from Kuwait City at 6:00pm yesterday with on board the coffin of Italian sergeant Salvatore Marracino, landed at Bari-Palese A... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa: the C-130 would-be airlift is wrapped in mystery
Lampedusa, Italia - Meanwhile a hundred of clandestines are going to be transferred by a civil aircraft
It have been not made clear why AMI’s Hercules C-130 planes came back Pisa base failing the flights towards Lybia expected yesterday (see for details AVIONEWS): Tripoli may have denied to military aircraft t... more

MiscellaneousGreece paralyzed because of a strike of the state employees, including Olympic Airways' workers
Athens, Greece - The clerks protest against the Governmental proposal to lengthen time for public service mixed with the request of their salary to be increased
A general strike of the state employees seems to have been congesting Greece today besides the proposal of law related to lengthen time for public service. The state workers are protesting against such... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa (2): Hercules C-130s turn back to Pisa
Lampedusa, Italy - A sudden program change
The two cargo planes of Italian Air Force are returning back to the base of Pisa as the air bridge which in the afternoon should have transported 180 clandestines from Lybia, who are guested in the reception... more

MiscellaneousItalian parachuter died at Nassirya: the body is expected at Amendola military airport
Foggia, Italy - The corpse of Salvatore Marracino will fly on an AMI C-130 aircraft
The military airport of Amendola (Foggia, South-Italy) is going to welcome the coffin of Italian sergeant Salvatore Marracino killed during a tragic incident at shooting range of Tallil, Nassirya (see... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa: AMI C-130 aircraft to airlift clandestines
Lampedusa, Italy - The flights are bound for the welcome centre of Crotone
Yesterday an air-bridge to Calabria Region (South-Italy) has started in order to clear the Lampedusa’s welcome centre: 176 immigrants have been transferred by Italian Air Force Hercules C-130. Today o... more

MiscellaneousIraq (3): Italian Government expressed its sorrow to parachuter's family
Nassirya, Iraq - Italian victim's tools in Iraq increased
The sergeant Salvatore Marracino is the 28th Italian killed in Iraq: 21 soldiers, one Sismi officer and six civilians. Meanwhile Italian Deputy Premier, Marco Follini, expressed the Government’s sorrow t... more

MiscellaneousTomorrow the sentence for the two accused of murder because of the terroristic attack at the Air India 182 flight
Ottawa, Canada - The relatives of the victims of the incident will arrive from all over the world to heard the judgement of the court
Tomorow will be the judgment day for Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri, the two accused men of murder and conspiracy for the terroristic attack at the flight 182 of Air India, in which lost their... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa (2): 250 clandestines transferred by two flights
Lampedusa, Italy - Libyan delegation to establish the origin of immigrates
In next hours at least 250 immigrates disembarked in these days on the coasts of Lampedusa island are expected to leave the overcrowded welcome centre on board two flights. Meanwhile the removal operations... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa welcome centre is at the end: to provide for an airlift
Lampedusa, Italy - New boats of clandestines landed early today
Around 6:00am today an other tramp ship, carrying about 170 immigrants on board, has been localized off Lampedusa. Italian coast guard escorted it to harbour, while other 130 clandestines would be stopped... more

MiscellaneousLinate air crash (2): victim relative's opinions
Milan, Italy - "The culture of responsibility and competence must be introduced in Italy"
"There is a little bitterness. One thing is certain: that is a vicissitude begun with a generalized discharge of responsibility which in conclusion have been recognized fortunately", Ivana Caffi Motta... more

MiscellaneousLinate air crash: the sentence of abbreviated proceedings is arrived
Milan, Italy - Seven accused were charged for multiple culpable homicide and culpable disaster
This morning the Council Chamber for the second process on Linate disaster happened in October 8, 2001, has been opened: at the presence of numerous relatives of the incident victims, appeared as a plaintiff,... more

MiscellaneousItaly: GdF aircraft sighted tramps off Lampedusa
Lampedusa, Italy - Illegal immigrants landed between Sunday and Monday
Last evening an ATR-42MP, belonging to Italian Guardia di Finanza, sighted off Lampedusa about 500 immigrants on board three ships heading to the island: the harbour office motor patrol boats have immediately... more

MiscellaneousIraq: bloodied week-end
Baghdad, Iraq - There were victims among Americans as well as Iraqis
In an ambush happened along the road heading to Hillah, South to Baghdad, two American dependents for Blackwater Security Consulting (society providing security services for US State Department officers... more

MiscellaneousIraq (2): US helicopter returned fire and injured some civilians
Mosul, Iraq - There would be also three casualties according to hospital sources
Yesterday a US helicopter has wounded, in the city of Mosul, five Iraqi citizens, including a woman. The American military has reported that the aircraft would have opened the fire in answer to a previous... more

MiscellaneousCondemnations for avalanches: can "Zero risk" against natural events be warranted?
Martigny, Switzerland - First condemnation in Italy for "Negligent avalanche"
A 22-year-old boy from Valtellina (Italy) has been condemned to a year and 6 months of prison because considered liable for producing an avalanche happened on January 26, 2003 which involved 12 people,... more

MiscellaneousCalipari: USA confirms "Soldiers were waiting for Negroponte"
Rome, Italy - He was expected to visit Commander of multinational forces in Iraq in helicopter but due the bad weather he went by car
The number one of American intelligence in the evening of March 4, had to go to house of General George Casey at Camp Victory in a base located near Baghdad airport where John Negroponte uses to go by... more

MiscellaneousBecause of technical problems at his plane, Koehler comes back late to Germany
Berlin, Germany - The German premier, guest recently of the Italian president Ciampi in Naples, had to reach Rome by car in order to return to his country
The German president Horst Koehler, guest recently of the president of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi in Naples, because of technical problems at the plane which should have conducted him back... more

MiscellaneousA judge court condemns to 17 years reclusion the responsible of an attempt to make a plane crashed
Oslo, Norway - An Algerian man, 34-year old, threatened last year with an ax the two pilots of a regional flight by seriously injuring them
Brahim Boutera, a 34-year old Algerian man, who last year tried to make a plan crashed to ground, by injuring the pilot and the co-pilot of a regional plane of the carrier Kato Air which was travelling... more

MiscellaneousCalipari (2): check-point was waiting for the transit of Us 007 number one
Rome, Italy - Marioli asked for pass destined to the third Italian on board
The Italian liason officer, Mario Marioli, asked American security for facilitating the access of Sismi officers to the airport and that the check-point placed before the air terminal of Baghdad gave temporary... more

MiscellaneousCalipari: Italian liason officer didn't know anything about Sgrena presence on car
Roma, Italy - He had to ask US authorities for airport access authorization for the two Sismi officers
Mario Marioli is the name of the Italian liason official in contact with allies in Baghdad: he was communicating with American authorities last Friday, March 4, when Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena... more

MiscellaneousBerna extradites alleged terrorist who fly to Serbia
Geneva, Switzerland - Ridvan Rashiti, accompanied by three Police men from Serbia, left Zurig by means of a plane to Belgrade
Ridvan Rashiti, a 31-year man from Kosovo and of Albanian ethnic group who is considered to be a terrorist as alleged member of a terroristic organization which operates in the South of the Balcanian country,... more

MiscellaneousIraq: groups of corpses found near Syria border
Baghdad, Iraq - The unceasing spiral of attacks carries on in the Capital
Twenty-six shot coffins have been found by police in Qaim on the Iraq-Syrian border, while a kamikaze exploded in downtown of Baghdad before the Agriculture Ministry killing two safety guards and injuring... more

MiscellaneousUSA: worry for the Iranian underground tunnels
Washington, USA - They could be intended to protect non-conventional weapon systems against possible US or Israeli attacks
The United States firmly criticized Iran again regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme. A warning signal had been called during recent days as a consequence of the building of tunnels in the I... more

MiscellaneousCalipari (4): "To shed light on the episode " Berlusconi said
Rome, Italy - "We must demand the maximum collaboration to USA"
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in the afternoon has confirmed to Senate that Sismi contacted the Americans before the release of Giuliana Sgrena. The mysterious fourth man reported was the liason... more

MiscellaneousThe English who tried to sell an experimental airplane to Iran has been arrested
Warsaw, Poland - He was wanted all over the world and now risks up to 50 years of prison
Ali Asghar Manzarpour, after having been condemned for the attempting to sell illegally a Barkut Model 360 single-engine plane and other equipments to Iran (see for details AVIONEWS), has been wanted throughout... more

MiscellaneousCalipari (3): conflict of jurisdiction on judgement competence?
Rome, Italy - The White House could repeat an other "Cermis" case
The responsible for UN Investigating committee on Darfur, Antonio Cassese, raised a fundamental question concerning the competence on judgement of Nicola Calipari killers. An Italian victim in foreign... more

MiscellaneousKosovo's PM resignation (2): Italian C-130 to fly to Kosovo
Pristina, Kosovo - A 80 soldiers contingent is expected to maintain law and order
The Italian undersecretary for Defence, Filippo Berselli, who is in visit to Italian troops in Sarajevo, unveiled that a "Little contingent" will be dispatched to Kosovo in order to put down possible riots... more

MiscellaneousCalipari (2: ): Berlusconi to report at Madama Palace
Rome, Italy - Mrs Sgrena rectifies: "I never said that Americans wanted to kill me"
At 04:30pm Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is expected to report at Senate about Nicola Calipari killing. Yesterday Giuliana Sgrena explained that she never said that Americans wanted to kill... more

MiscellaneousKosovo's PM resigned for war crimes: he flies to Aja today
Pristina, Kosovo - Also other two Albanians indicted were on board the NATO's airplane
Kosovo’s Prime Minister, resigned after he was indicted for war crime from the former Jugoslavia criminal court. The General Chief for KFOR, the NATO peacekeeping force for Kosovo, asked country for c... more