1,934 news found

MiscellaneousOperation flight expected in short time in order to transport obelisk Axum
Rome, Italy - The first piece of the stele will be carried on April, 13
The first data for the transferral of the obelisk Axum in Ethiopia has been fixed on April, 13. Operation flight planned for the mission are expected to be completed by this month when on April, 23, the... more

MiscellaneousAirport Ronchi dei Legionari: imminent return of the charter service from Moscow
Trieste, Italy - The flights would start on June, 11, with effect until September, 24
The airport of Ronchi dei Legionari of the Italian Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia, announced the return of the charter service from Moscow starting from June, 11. After talks which took place during the... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (7): Bush is flying towards Texas
Rome, Italy - Fiumicino cancelled almost 100 flights
Air Force One carrying the delegation led by United States President George W. Bush, took off at Rome-Fiumicino Airport at 1:35pm bound for Texas. Shortly after, also Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad,... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (2): cardinal Ratzinger began funeral cerimony
Rome, Italy - Television cameras on police choppers are filming the event
At 10:00am Karol Wojtyla’s coffin got out of Basilica, greeted with a big applause and it was put down San Peter parvis. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger began the funeral cerimony served in latin. Meanwhile w... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (3): the world eyes on Saint Peter
Rome, Italy - A television screen set at Trafalgar Square too
Four kings, five queens and at least 70 presidents and prime ministers are attending the funeral service to pay homage to a man who helped bring down the Iron Curtain which kept shared the world for years:... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope: a silent Rome says good-bye to its Pontiff
Rome, Italy - 350,000 persons crowded Saint Peter square
An unusual Rome this morning is giving the last respects to its Pope: the citizens switched off their cars, many offices are closed as well as the schools and the city appears to be shrouded in an old-time... more

MiscellaneousEU's call for concourse in aeronautic and space researches
Rome, Italy - There are three different invitations
A new EU’s call for concourse has been edited on April, 1, by European commission for the ones interested in aeronautic and space researches, with three different invitations to present projects. The d... more

MiscellaneousRanieri's funeral on Friday, 15
Rome, Italy - The inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco are in mourning for the lost of their Prince
It has been fixed on Friday, 15, the funeral of Prince Ranieri III, who died yesterday in the morning (see AVIONEWS), after having leading his Kingdom for about half a century. Even before Ranieri’s d... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (7): medical support to the event
Rome, Italy - Medical staff will rely on Umberto I polyclinic and Celio military hospital
Italian Civil Defence security plan provided a medical point at military Pratica di Mare Airport, at Ciampino air station and Fiumicino as well. Twenty-two military ambulances have been deployed at city... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (6): two million people expected to funeral
Rome, Italy - Also President of Zimbabwe left to Rome
The man who tried to kill John Paul II in 1981, Mehmet Ali Agca, will not take part to Pontiff funeral, despite his desire to be present. President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, will attend the funeral... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (2): stop to pilgrims
Rome, Italy - The measure is necessary due to Saint Peter square was full of people
Pilgrim cannot get into a line to greet John Paul II, now: those at the back would wait 18 hours before entering the Basilica. Lines are five kilometres long up to Saint Peter square: last evening guards... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope: Bush landed at Rome
Rome, Italy - US delegation prayed in front of Pontiff
Air Force One of United State President, George W. Bush, landed at Fiumicino Airport around 9:30 last evening: the area expected to park the Air Force One and Air Force Two as well, was armoured by Italian... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (12): Roman dealers and innkeepers to speculate on pilgrims
Rome, Italy - Codacons warned to "Avoid cases of speculation"
Italian customers association Codacons, estimated that pilgrims (2 or 4 millions) arrived at Rome in the last hours to greet the Polish Pope dead last Saturday, would have paid out a figure close to EUR... more

MiscellaneousPrince Ranieri III of Munich died (2): the words of Berlusconi
Rome, Italy - Messages of condolence came even from the premier of Germany and France
Italian president Silvio Berlusconi in his message of condolence for the death of Prince Ranieri III of Munich who died this morning because of complications lead to his disease (see AVIONEWS), underlined... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (10): conclave to open next April 18
Rome, Italy - The Chief of State delegation's list will be released tomorrow
The College of Cardinals set on Monday, April 18, as the date for start of the conclave to elect a successor to Karol Wojtyla. Cardinals have read also the Pontiff spiritual testament but the Polish text... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (9): Bush to land at Rome tonight
Rome, Italy - There is also the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
United States President George W. Bush, the first lady Laura, Bill Clinton, Bush father and the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will arrive in Rome tonight: President will stay in Rome two days... more

MiscellaneousTwo Garuda's crew members inquired for the death of a famous human right activist
Amsterdam, Holland - Munir died last year on board of a flight to Amsterdam
Two crew members of the Indonesian flag carrier Garuda are being questioned in connection with the death of Munir, a famous lawyer and human right activist who lost his life on board of a flight to Amsterdam... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (8): Rome to stop for funeral day
Rome, Italy - Offices and schools closed, cars off and there will be not bread on the table
Italian Police Chief, Rome’s mayor Walter Veltroni, Prefect and town council have gathered this morning to decide the security plan for Pope’s funeral: Guido Bertolaso announced the traffic block starting at... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (3): Meridiana increased flights from Sardinia today
Rome, Italy - Alitalia and Air One reported no schedule's change
At the moment Alitalia did not have provided for increasing flights next days to face the great flow of pilgrims to Rome: but it is possible to acquire special fare tickets, for domestic, international... more

MiscellaneousPrince Ranieri III of Munich died
Rome, Italy - The sovereign was 81 years old and was reigning since 1949
An official note gave this morning the news lead to the death of Prince Ranieri III of Munich. It is possible to read in it: "His Serene Highness Prince Ranieri III of Munich died on Wednesday, April,... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (2): EU's delegation to fly to Rome too
Rome, Italy - "Pontiff was a great European "
European Commission spokesman Francoise Le-Bail said yesterday that EU President José Manuel Durao Barroso with Deputy President Franco Frattini, Polish commissioner Danuta Hubner and Austrian External... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope: two millions Poles are expected to funeral
Rome, Italy - LOT has increased services
Several carriers reported that their flights to Rome were sold out: the Polish airline LOT will operate by bigger aircraft and add special flights to facilitate Polish pilgrims. About two millions Poles... more

MiscellaneousPalermo: Moroccan escaped before flying to Rome
Palermo, Italy - The North-African is untraceable; research is underway
At Palermo Airport, an non-EU immigrant from Casablanca, around 5:00am today, before to board an airplane destined to Rome, managed to escape from the controls of policemen. At Trapani 20 years old Rachid... more

MiscellaneousEU seeks for a cooperation deal with Argentina
Brussels, Belgium - About the navigation satellite system Galileo
European Union, after the recent deals just signed with China and Israel, besides having opened talks with several other countries to cooperate in the navigation satellite system Galileo, is now seeking... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (7): to be buried into the ground
Rome, Italy - Mourners are paying tribute to coffin showed in the Basilica
Vatican spokesperson Navarro-Valls has just ended a conference at the Holy See press-room. Pontiff will be buried in the Vatican grotto where Pope John XXIII was moved to the Saint Peter Basilica. Wojtyla’s b... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (6): logistic directions for international delegation have been established
Rome, Italy - They must not be escorted by armed guards in S.Peter square
Russia will be represented at Pope’s funeral by premier Mikhail Fradkov but also Mikhail Gorbaciov is expected in Rome next Friday April 8. There will be France’s President Jacques Chirac with his wif... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (5): Sardinia's citizens to chase air tickets
Rome, Italy - The boosted demand needs more flights directed to Rome
Sardinia island asked for strengthening the number of flights bound for Rome in order to allow all believers to render the last homage to Karol Wojtyla. Italian Civil Defence and Italian Episcopal Conference... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (9): Charles will fly to Rome for funeral
Rome, Italy - Zapatero confirmed his presence: Syria's President will leave as well
The airlift hypothesis is becoming more and more realistic: the authorities expected to take part to Pope’s funeral will be carried from Ciampino Airport to Vatican heliport by chopper. Guido Bertolaso m... more

MiscellaneousUsa uses Apache's helicopters and artillery fire against the insurrection which occured at Abu Ghraib
Baghdad, Iraq - Guerrilla would have started withdrawal forces following the lost of about 50 soldiers
An Usa release, coming from the operational command deployed in Iraq, announced that about 50 men of the guerrilla which rebelled on last Saturday in front of the prison Abu Ghraib (Iraq), immediately... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (6): Pescara Airport offered itself as pilgrim's terminal
Rome, Italy - To clear the passenger traffic at Rome's airports
Pescara Airport (Abruzzo Region, in central Italy close to Rome) has offered itself as the third terminal for believers landing at Rome to greet Pope John Paul II. Pilgrims could reach Rome by bus or train... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (5): Italy plans to airlift authorities
Rome, Italy - They're studying the possibilty to employ helicopters to avoid urban traffic
An air-bridge between Fiumicino Airport and Saint Peter square is ahead: authorities expected to land at Rome "Leonardo da Vinci" International Airport may be airlifted to assist to John Paul II funeral... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (3): no-fly zone on Saint Peter square
Rome, Italy - Rome's airports may be closed to the traffic
During the Holy Father’s funeral also fighter interceptor aircraft could be dispatched to protect Rome’s skies. All unauthorized aircraft will be banned from the air space just about for sure. HH-3F hel... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope (2): an armoured Rome to host the world
Rome, Italy - Italian Civil Defence Chief coordinates the security plan
Italian Premier, Silvio Berlusconi, last morning called an extraordinary Council of Ministers at Palazzo Chigi and nominated as Government’s Commissioner the Italian Civil Defence Department’s Chief, Gui... more

MiscellaneousThe last respects to the Pope: Fiumicino and Ciampino to do overwork
Rome, Italy - Almost two million believers are expected in Rome
On Saturday April 2 at 9:37pm Pope Karol Wojtyla had died into the Vatican Apostolic Palace because of a septic shock and irreversible cardio-circulatory collapse. Today it will be unveiled the day of... more

MiscellaneousKirgizistan: no danger for the US air base in the country
Washington, USA - The Asian state's authorities intend to carry on the traditional support policy despite the political crisis
The delicate political situation in Kirgizistan does not seem to worry the United States, which have great military and logistics interests in this country. The new Bishkek’s Government would have confirmed i... more

MiscellaneousPrincipality to prepare Ranieris' funeral: Nice Airport on alert
Monaco - Prince's chances of recovery are "Very slim"
Impressive security precautions have been adopted from Nice Airport up to principality borders in the offing of an imminent death of Monaco’s Rainier III. It seems that list of Prince’s funeral participants, inc... more

MiscellaneousEarthquake in Indonesia: helicopter saved 12 survivors
Jakarta, Indonesia - Russian IL-76 landed with rescue teams dispatched by Moscow
Three Britons, two French, two Swedish, two German, two Canadians and one American tourist -all surfers- have been saved by the helicopter chartered from Swedish and British embassy to Indonesia. Nias... more

MiscellaneousPope is seriously ill (2): security measures to cover the event
Rome, Italy - Rome's pilgrim reception plan provides for airport protections
The Vatican spokesman Navarro-Valls said, around 12:30am, the Pope’s situation is stable but his condition remains "Very serious". "His blood pressure was unstable". Pope continues to be lucid and extremely s... more

MiscellaneousSyria: "Our troops will leave Lebanon by May"
Damascus, Syria - The Syrian Government's announcement even confirmed it to UN General Secretary Kofi Annan
Syrian Government intends to withdraw its own troops and intelligence services from Lebanese territory and it has been announced for several weeks. Nevertheless, additional details have been recently unveiled... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli ambassador to Addis Abeba attempted suicide: a special flight to take him home
Addis Abeba, Ethiopia - He was in critical condition at an Ethiopian hospital now
Doron Grossman, Israeli ambassador to Ethiopia, attempted suicide shooting himself in the head in an Addis Abeba hotel: he was in critical condition at a local hospital but will transferred by a special... more

MiscellaneousEarthquake in Indonesia (3): the international mobilization to help the people
Jakarta, Indonesia - Three Australian Hercules C-130 with soldiers and humanitarian relief are expected to arrive
The Nias island main airport is knocked out so helicopters, including those from Singapore, have to land on a soccer field in the centre of the town of Gunung Sitoli. Civil Defence teams, medical personnel... more

MiscellaneousEarthquake in Indonesia (2): father Winkler flew to Medan by copter
Jakarta, Indonesia - Indonesian militaries are working to find deaths
Misna source unveils that father Barnabas Winkler, Capuchin of Bolzano Diocese, this morning has been taken by helicopter to the hospital of Medan (capital of Aceh province, in the North of Sumatra island),... more

MiscellaneousEarthquake in Indonesia: Singapore to send Chinook helicopters
Jakarta, Indonesia - It needs means of conveyance for logistic operations
Today three Chinook helicopters are expected to fly from Singapore to Nias in order to transfer corpses: there is in fact a logistic emergency after the Monday earthquake. There is no mean to carry out... more

MiscellaneousNew earthquake in Indonesia (4): problems to authorization for fliying on Nias island
Jakarta, Indonesia - The international aids are finding difficulties to arrive
Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs unveiled that any Italian citizens were reported missing in the areas affected by earthquake: the "Syamo" NGO volunteer Alberto Vidano, gone missing on Nias island,... more

MiscellaneousFuneral of Italian frigate officer Bruno Vianini
La Spezia, Italy - The corpse of Italian Navy officer arrived at La Spezia in the morning
In the morning at La Spezia (Liguria Region) the funeral of the Italian frigate captain Bruno Vianini was held: he was killed in the incident occurred last February 3, when a Kam Air B-737 aircraft went... more

MiscellaneousNew earthquake in Indonesia (3): Nias needs the helicopter resort
Jakarta, Indonesia - Only a part of the airport remain usable
The Chief of Helvetic Direction Office for develop and cooperation and a member from the Swiss Red Cross left from Banda Aceh by helicopter direct to Nias in order to examinate damages provoked by the... more

MiscellaneousHave Palestinians anti-aircraft missiles?
Jerusalem, Israel - They could be transferred to Cisjordan to hit airliners flying on Israel
Israeli Defence Minister, Shaul Mofaz, fears that Palestinians have imported Soviet-design anti-aircraft Strela missiles into the Gaza Strip in order to hit airliners landing or taking off at Tel Aviv... more

MiscellaneousParaguay's football team blocked in Ecuador because of a burst at the plane
Quito, Ecuador - After having reported an hard defeat in a match important for the qualification at the next world football competition in Germany
Paraguay’s national football team was blocked yesterday at Quito (Ecuador), because of a technical problem at the Boeing B-707 which should have transported it to its country. The team had just reported a... more

MiscellaneousThe remains of an Usa pilot were found in China
Beijing, China - Now Robert Snoddy can receive an interment in an Oregon's cemetery
An Usa pilot who lost his life during a secret mission in the war of Korea can now receive an interment in a cemetery in Oregon after his remains were found in China 56 years after. The name of Robert... more

MiscellaneousNew earthquake in Indonesia (2): Italian Civil Defence has called the first alarm
Jakarta, Indonesia - A calm situation at Mauritius controlled by aircraft
Italian citizens in Sri Lanka were in large part doctors, Firemen, members of Italian Department of Civil Defence and Canadair aircraft pilots attending for reconstruction works after the tsunami tragedy:... more