2,003 news found

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 24th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1915 - World War I: Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary. Civil Aviation: 1930 - Amy Johnson lands with her aircraft in Darwin, Northern Territory, becoming... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 23rd
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1831 - Italian patriot Ciro Menotti is executed in Modena. Report: 1915 - 1915 - World War I: Italy joins the Allies after they declare war on Austria-Hungary.... more

CuriositiesHow to fight against the effects of jet-lag? It is simple, Viagra!
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Scientists of Universidad Nacional de Quilmes state it
After a long flight it seems that Viagra may be the tool needed to recover from jet-lag. This new research was done on animals by a team of scientists from Argentina, and in short-time will be done... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 22rd
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Civil Aviation: 1906 - Wright brothers are granted U.S. patent number 821,393 for their "Flying-Machine". Civil Aviation: 1936 - Aer Lingus (Aer Loingeas) is founded... more

CuriositiesChampions final-match tickets, Milan' supporters are real devils: one ticket sold for minute
Milan, Italy - Athens, record sales for revenge against Liverpool
Champions League's final is two days away and AC Milan' supporters bring together to Athens for the match against Liverpool FC. has recorded the incredible average of one ticket sold every... more

CuriositiesBritney Spears gets off from a ready-to-fly plane
Los Angeles, Usa - The reason? No leather seats
Britney Spears made another of her gaffes. Sitting on a plane ready to take off from Los Angeles to Florida pop-star asks to get out even though the doors were closed from a while. The reason? It... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 21st
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1881 - The American Red Cross is established by Clara Barton. Military Aviation: 1927 - The aviator Charles Lindbergh touches down at Le Bourget Field in Paris,... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 20th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1845 - "Hms Erebus" and "Hms Terror" with 134 men under John Franklin sail from the River Thames in England, beginning a disastrous expedition to find the Northwest... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 19th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1536 - Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII of England, is beheaded for adultery. Report: 1848 - Mexican-American War: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – Mexico r... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 18th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1944 - World War II: Battle of Monte Cassino - Germans evacuate Monte Cassino and Allied forces take the stronghold after a struggle that claimed 20,000 lives.... more

CuriositiesColonel Domenico Abbenante participates to the 25th edition of "1000 Miles Rally"
Brescia, Italy - Today started the traditional rally, the most famous in the world
Today started the traditional "1000 Miles Rally" competition, that will end on next Sunday, May 20th on the Brescia-Ferrara-Rome-Brescia route, Italy. On the occasion of 2007 edition, that celebrates... more

CuriositiesFootball: the second team of Barcelona buys a special flight ticket for its supporters
Barcelona, Spain - For the UEFA Cup final match over Seville held yesterday night in Glasgow
RCD Espanyol, the second football team of Barcelona, demonstrated to hold dear its supporters, buying for them the flight tickets necessary to take part to the UEFA Cup final. In short: yesterday morning,... more

CuriositiesUS FAA votes Windows Vista down and is interested in Linux+Google
Washington, USA - Double defeat for Microsoft
The US FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is refusing to install Windows Vista, the new operating system developed by Microsoft, on the 45,000 computers used at its offices. The decision made by... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 17th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1775 - American Revolutionary War: The Continental Congress bans trade with Canada. Report: 1792 - The New York Stock Exchange is formed. Military Aviation:... more

Curiosities"XXIV Giochi Nazionali Estivi Special Olympics Italia": the Italian Air Force among supporters
La Spezia, Italy - From yesterday to May 19th
From yesterday to May 19th, La Spezia is hosting the "XXIV Giochi Nazionali Estivi Special Olympics Italia" (24th edition of the Italian Special Olympics Summer games), that is a series of sporting competitions... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 16th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Military Aviation: 1919 - US Navy Naval Curtiss aircraft NC-4 commanded by Albert Cushing Read leaves Trepassey, Newfoundland, for Lisbon via the Azores on the first transatlantic... more

CuriositiesWhen nature teaches how to fly
Delft , Holland - Technology intended to simulate swifts flight
The international weekly journal of science “Nature” recently published an article on a very interesting study linking zoology and aerotechnology. According to the article, new studies have been car... more

CuriositiesA new ranch for shuttle launches in Texas
Dallas, USA - From an idea of Jeff Bezos, the mogul of “Amazon”
The Dallas monthly magazine “The Land Report” has published a top 100 of the major owners of ranches. The 23rd position was gained by Jeff Bezos, owner of the very famous Internet portal “Amazon”, the maj... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 15th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Civil Aviation: 1918 - The US Post Office Department (later renamed the USPS) begins the first regular airmail service in the world between New York City, Philadelphia... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 13th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Military Aviation: 1912 - In the United Kingdom, the Royal Flying Corps (now the Royal Air Force) was established. Military Aviation: 1913 - Igor Sikorsky becomes the... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 12th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1932 - Ten weeks after his abduction, the infant son of Charles Lindbergh is found dead in Hopewell, New Jersey just a few miles from the Lindberghs' home. Report:... more

CuriositiesFlying when you are quite 104
Duluth, USA - A birthday present to fulfill a lifelong dream
Last Wednesday, Rose Marie Schiltz, boarded on a Cirrus SR-22G3 at the Duluth International Airport, Minnesota, to have an one-hour flight. The news is worth of notice for a simple but extraordinary... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 11th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Curiosities: 1927 - The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded. Curiosities: 1949 - Siam changes its name to Thailand. Report: 1948 - Luigi Einaudi... more

CuriositiesThe man who owns the major number of planes
Los Angeles, USA - 824 Boeing and Airbus aircraft servicing Steven Udvar-Hazy
Steven Udvar-Hazy, CEO of the Los Angeles-based International Lease Finance Corporation company, has broken an enviable record: he is the owner of the larger worldwide fleet. Even American Airlines,... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 10th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1924 - J. Edgar Hoover is appointed the Director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, and remains so until his death in 1972. Report: 1940 - World War... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 9th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1915 - World War I: Second Battle of Artois between German and French forces. Military Aviation: 1926 - Admiral Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett claim to have... more

CuriositiesOn May 7th 1937 the Lieutenant Colonel Mario Pezzi reached 15,655 m aboard a Caproni 161
Guidonia, Italy - Then the 17,083 m on board of a Ca.161 bis
Since 1934, year of foundation of High flight division of Guidonia (Rome), Italian pilots have been breaking many records. Since 1937, the division has been working jointly with the Study and Research... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 8th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1942 - World War II: the Battle of the Coral Sea comes to an end. This is the first time in the naval history where two enemy fleets fight without visual contact... more

CuriositiesSN Brussels mixes to the ceremony for the birth of the comic strip Georges Remi
Brussels, Belgium - Known as Hergé, he was one of the creator of the European strip and author of Tintin's adventures
This month marks the centenary of Georges Remi, better known as Hergé. As the author of the 23 adventures of Tintin, Hergé pioneered a new, populist art form -the comic strip- and created its most enduring a... more

CuriositiesAir racing at the St. Flour airfield: very easy to participate
St. Flour, France - Supported by ANPAF
AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) Italia and FAARA are going to promote a very interesting initiative, providing flight services for people longing to reach the St. Flour airfield, France,... more

CuriositiesIt happend today... on May 7th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1915 - World War I: a German submarine U-20 sinks the RMS Lusitania, killing 1,198 people, including 128 Americans. Public reaction to the sinking turned many formerly... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 6th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Curiosities: 1889 - The Eiffel Tower is officially opened to the public at the Universal Exposition in Paris. Civil Aviation: 1928 - Norway: Umberto Nobile berths the... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 5th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1821 - Napoleone dieds in Saint Elen Island. Report: 1860 - Italian Risorgimento: departure of the "Expedition of the Thousand", the military campaign led by the... more

CuriositiesAstonishing: in a Bombay's road lies a Boeing on a truck
Bombay, India - It's there from 5 days, the driver disapperead
This is news is barely incredible but it's not a joke: can you imagine the trafficated roads of Bombay? Well, from 5 days in one of these roads, in the Chembur zone, an abandoned truck lies that was transporting... more

Curiosities"Rally Argentina" without pilots
Cordoba, Argentina - Due to bad weather
Yesterday, four special trials of the "Rally Argentina" were cancelled due to the absence of some pilots and FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile) commissioners that had to participate to the... more

CuriositiesIt happened yesterday... on May 3rd
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1915 - Italy rejects the Triplice. On May 23rd it will go to war against Austria. Report: 1939 - Stalin appoints Molotov as new Foreign Minister. Report: 1941... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on May 4th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Defense: 1910 - The Royal Canadian Navy is created. Report: 1919 - May Fourth Movement: Student demonstrations take place in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, protesting... more

CuriositiesWeightless flights provided by Zero Gravity Corp
Las Vegas, USA - At "McCarran" International Airport
Last month, Zero Gravity Corp. inaugurated weightless flights to Las Vegas, providing passenger to take part to a very fabulous travel, very similar to the one experienced by NASA astronauts on board of... more

CuriositiesIt happened today… on May 2nd
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1889 - Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia, signs a treaty of amity with Italy, which gives Italy control over Eritrea. Report: 1945 - World War II: Fall of Berlin... more

CuriositiesIt happened today… on May 1st
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1941 - World War II: German forces launch a major attack on Tobruk. Report: 1948 - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) is established, with... more

Curiosities“Giffoni-Hollywood 2007”: an award for Richard Branson
Los Angeles, USA - On April 27th
Until April 28th, Los Angeles held the third edition of “Giffoni-Hollywood 2007”, an important event dedicated to cinema, with 15 movie films assessed by an international jury composed of 50 members. In add... more

CuriositiesAn interactive corse for people affected by fear of flying
Washington,, USA - On “”
For people suffering of fear of flying but without time or money to fight it or simply too lazy to do it, it could be interesting visiting “”. This Website allows to attend a fre... more

CuriositiesItalian Virtual Air Force: “Virtual flight, real emotions”
Rome, Italy - On the Website at “”
The Aeronautica Militare Virtuale Italiana (AMVI - Italian Virtual Air Force) is an interesting meeting-place for flight and Internet lovers. In fact, it is sufficient to visit the Website at “” to... more

CuriositiesBritish Airways censoring Richard Branson
London, UK - Cut some scenes of the film “Casino Royale”
British Airways has cancelled some scenes of the new 007 film “Casino Royale” transmitted on its on board videos. In fact, the airline has decided to censor the scenes featuring Richard Branson, Vir... more

CuriositiesIt happened today… on April 30th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1900 - Hawaii becomes a territory of the United States, with Sanford B. Dole as governor. Report: 1943 - World War II: “Operation Mincemeat”. The submarine “HM... more

Curiosities150 million Chinese people celebrates May Day
Beijing, China - According to a report by "China daily"
The week-long May Day, celebrating the International Worker's Day, will induce 150 million Chinese people to abandon their home and leave for holidays destinations, as reported by "China daily". According... more

CuriositiesSnoop Dogg does not get the visa to enter into Australia
Sydney, Australia - Previously stopped at the airport of London-Heathrow because of an affray
The famous US rapper Snoop Dogg, in the world Calvin Broadus, did not get the visa requested for his entry into Australia, that he wanted to reach in order to take part to the "MTV Australian Video Music... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on April 26th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1915 - Italian Premier Antonio Salandra, for the Kingdom of Italy, signs an agreement with the United Kingdom and France. Italy declares war on Germany and Austria. Military... more

CuriositiesIt happened today… on April 25th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1926 - Reza Khan is crowned Shah of Iran under the name Reza Shah Pahlavi. Report: 1945 - Nazi occupation army leaves Milan after a partisan insurrection. This day... more

Curiosities"Transition towns" and Coldiretti for environment safeguard
London, UK - United apart
Rob Hopkins, a British academic, few years ago founded "Transition towns", a movement aimed to make public opinion aware of environment safeguard matter. Surveys conducted in order to evaluate the risk... more