1,934 news found

MiscellaneousFire in Côte d'Azur: 2 helicopters and 11 planes are working
Paris, France - Tourists have evacuated camping grounds
About 10,000 people, mostly tourists coming from United Kingdom, Germany and Scandinavia, have been evacuated from six camping grounds because of a fire blazed in Côte d’Azur (France), in the village of... more

MiscellaneousIraq: 4 female workers for Baghdad Airport have been killed
Baghdad, Iraq - They were going to the work together by minibus
A group of gunmen in two cars opened fire in Baghdad against a minibus carrying to the work seven airport dependents, this morning around 08:00 local time: four women have been killed and other 3 employees... more

MiscellaneousUS air strike killed 17 civilians in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - USA replied to Apache downing
There would be even women and children among civilians killed by US fighter bomber jets bombarding a Taleban field in Kunar province, Eastern Afghanistan, last Friday. Kunar Province’s governor, Assadullah W... more

MiscellaneousFarnesina sent two humanitarian flights to Isaly Airport for the new Government of Somali
Isaly, Somali - They landed today coinciding with Somali's national feast
Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Gianfranco Fini, has authorized two humanitarian flights carrying EUR 300,000 of supplies to Somalia, in occasion of the official installation of new transitional... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli air strike at Lebanon border
Beirut, Lebanon - Fights with Shiite Hezbollah fighters began on Wednesday
An Israeli Air Force helicopter moved an air strike against some targets of Shiite Hezbollah fighters at borders betweeen Israel and Lebanon in the late afternoon yesterday. A rocket would have hit the... more

MiscellaneousAir bridge to evacuate Lampedusa's reception centre
Lampedusa, Italy - More than 400 immigrants landed yesterday
Over 400 immigrants landed in 8 hours on the Sicily island yesterday increasing to more than 600 guests in the primary reception centre. Two flights have been set up to transfer NO-EU clandestines to... more

MiscellaneousGreek airplanes at the service of Darfur
Athens, Greece - A response to NATO demand for flying AU's soldiers
Greece announced it will provides two of its C-130 military transport planes for air-bridges called by the NATO for transferring African Union troops to the region of Darfur. NATO has in fact decided early... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa: Alitalia flight started clandestine's repatriation
Lampedusa, Italy - Immigrants were diverted to Libya
A group composed by 45 refugees was boarded on the MD-80 provided by Alitalia around the 10:00am yesterday: Alitalia’s plane was bound for Tripoli. Lampedusa’s reception centre can thus starting to sig... more

MiscellaneousUstica: "We intend knowing who killed 81 Italian citizens"
Rome, Italy - A new book has been published on the case which is wrapped in mystery after 25 years
While there are 4 days to the 25th anniversary of Ustica’s accident occurred in June 27 1980, killing 81 passengers flying on board the DC-9 Itavia from Boulogne to Palermo, casualties’ relatives restarted mak... more

MiscellaneousFights resumed in Afghanistan: air combats made numerous victims
Kabul, Afghanistan - At least a hundred Talibans were killed by US assault
Battles are continuing without a break in Afghanistan: American and Afghan troops, backed by British Harrier warplanes, US Apache copters and A-10 Tankbuster aircraft, took part to the bloody assault which... more

MiscellaneousFiamme Gialle's plane is patrolling Sicily Canal affected by new clandestine's landings
Lampedusa, Italy - Lampedusa' reception centre is overcrowded
Lampedusa is once again in an emergency situation: other immigrants landed during the night and some 800 non-EU immigrants docked yesterday in Sicily coast. There is no quarter, thus the Canal is over... more

MiscellaneousAfghanistan: Coalition air strike killed 46 Talibans
Khabul, Afghanistan - US military sources have unveiled the action's tool
A bloody fight triggered off yesterday in the Southern Province of Zabul -in the district of Deh Chopan- when some Talibans attacked Government’s members and units of US troops with light weapons and g... more

MiscellaneousSalvatore Santoro's coffin has landed at Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - The Italian citizen killed by rebels at an Iraqi check-point last December
Mortal remains of Salvatore Santoro, a 52 year-old Italian resident in Great Britain since 1961, who was killed at Ramadi last December 16, have landed yesterday evening around 7:30pm at Rome-Fiumicino... more

MiscellaneousPope Benedict XVI will fly in Germany for the XX World Day of Youth
Rome, Italy - The apostolic trip of the Holy Father is expected from August 18 to 21
The official announce has been released this morning by the Holy Seat’s press room: Pope Benedict XVI, following his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, will make the apostolic trip for attending the 20th e... more

MiscellaneousItalian aid worth USD 52,000 flew to Darfur
Nyala, Sudan - A special flight has been set up by Farnesina last Saturday
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a special flight, which left Saturday, carrying humanitarian aid -supplied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Directorate General for Development Cooperation, t... more

MiscellaneousUS planes and ground troops launched an assault against Iraqi rebels
Baghdad, Iraq - A thousand of soldiers, including Iraqi units, were engaged
US forces in Iraq announced that it started an air and ground assault against rebels in the Province of Anbar, close to the Syrian border. The attack named "Spear" operation would be begun early today... more

MiscellaneousUNHCR flights to return Angola refugees staying in Congo
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo - They will be airlifted from Kinshasa to Luanda
United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in the next two weeks will make air-bridges for returning home the 303 Angola’s refugees who have been living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during the l... more

MiscellaneousLinate air crash: "Ground radar was essential "
Milan, Italy - It result emerged from the reasons for the verdict
Milan’s GUP, Nicola Clivio, wrote the reasons for the verdict issued last March 14 condemning 4 officers of ENAV (Italian Flight Attendance Authority) for multiple culpable homicide and culpable disaster i... more

MiscellaneousFalcon plane with Clementina Cantoni has landed
Rome, Italy - A crow of journalists and authorities has greeted the return of the young aid worker
Clementina Cantoni is just arrived (5:37pm while we are writing) at Ciampino military airport where there was also Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi waiting for her. Tens of journalists, photographers... more

MiscellaneousAMI Falcon plane with Clementina Cantoni is expected at Ciampino
Rome, Italy - Landing scheduled this afternoon
The military aircraft carrying the Italian aid worker will land at Rome-Ciampino military airport at 4:00 Italian hour. Cantoni’s relatives and Italian Government members will be in the airport waiting f... more

MiscellaneousDarwin Airlines did an emergency landing
London, United Kingdom - An engine failure may be the cause
According to what said by managers for one of the five London airports, the emergency landing that affected an airplane of the Swiss Darwin Airlines en route from Berne to London, would have been caused... more

MiscellaneousTaleban attacked US base killing two soldiers
Kabul, Afghanistan - Coalition planes failed to spot them
Militaries of US base in Shkin, situated in Paktika province (South-Eastern Afghanistan), were unloading supplies from a CH-47 helicopter when a Taleban command opened fire with mortar blows against them.... more

MiscellaneousRainy season threatens the arrival of new troops in Darfur
Washington, USA - Decision on reinforcements' dispatching reached a stalemate
NATO meeting is expected to occur tomorrow to try putting an end to the dispute in progress since several weeks threatening to delay reinforcements’ air transport to Darfur. The obstacle is caused by U... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli air attack on Gaza Strip
Gaza City, Strip of Gaza - The target were some Hamas' militiamen
An Israeli airplane would have fired two rockets on a car carrying Hamas’s militiamen, who seem were equipped with mortar launchers: it happened today at Khan Younis, in Gaza Strip. Three militiamen w... more

MiscellaneousItalian Air Force F-16 broke the sound barrier
Trento, Italy - To intercept a Russian aircraft which was violating Italian airspace
An Italian F-16 from the 23rd Interceptor Group belonging to the 5th Wing, has taken off yesterday around 3:10am from the Pisignano base (Ravenna, Emilia Romagna Region), following the signal from Poggio... more

MiscellaneousPortugal on fire: firemen's helicopter at work
Lisbon, Portugal - The country is gripping with the most serious drought in the last 60 years
A wide blaze raged yesterday has been fought by 200 firemen and a helicopter that worked on a wooded area near the city of Alhada (200 Km North to Lisbon). The cause determining the fire result still unknown... more

MiscellaneousCIA and FBI behind the air attack to Cuba occurred in 1976?
Havana, Cuba - US knew about it according to Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada
57 Cubans, 11 citizens from Guyana and five Koreans were killed in October 6, 1976 when a civilian plane belonging to Cuba’s airline flying from Caracas to Havana, exploded in-flight over Barbados island: t... more

MiscellaneousSicily is in emergency due to clandestines: EU asked for airplanes and ships
Agrigento, Italy - An unceasing flow of landings on Sicily coasts
23 clandestines arrived in the night at Lampedusa after having been transferred on the Italian coast-guard’s motor patrol boat: they were previously spotted by an Atlantic plane. Over 150 clandestines o... more

MiscellaneousCongo: UN helicopters have been fired
Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo - A Nepalese peacekeeper operator was killed
Some gunmen (suspected to belong to FNI, Nationalist and Integrationist Front), would have fired 3 UN helicopters which were about to take off from the village of Lugo (in the North-Eastern region of Ituri),... more

Miscellaneous300 persons marched past to demilitarize Sigonella
Catania, Italy - "In order that Sicily Region is transformed for civil use"
A demonstration has been performed yesterday at Sigonella military base simultaneously with June 2 celebrations, to protest against the project for transforming the area in an US advanced post to fight... more

MiscellaneousExplosion occurred at Baghdad Airport
Baghdad, Iraq - There would be seven airport employees left wounded
An explosion would be occurred today at Baghdad International Airport by the main US check-point, but it it unclear if it caused casualties, while 7 airport employees, all Iraqi citizens, are reported... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli aviation fired missiles on Gaza Strip' s refugee camp
Gaza City, Strip of Gaza - The air attack was destined against two Palestinian rocket-launcher systems
Israeli military aviation has dropped three missiles on Palestinian refugees camp of Jabaliya (Gaza Strip) injuring two women. Israeli Defence Ministry did have not made clear which kind of aircraft fired... more

MiscellaneousPope blessed a town in Molise Region by helicopter
Campobasso, Italy - Pontiff made a little diversion on Rome back route
All has been performed according to schedule yesterday in occasion of Bari’s Eucharistic Congress: the Jupiter operation by Italian Air Force has started (see for details AVIONEWS) and Pope Benedict X... more

MiscellaneousBlair landed in Rome
Rome, Italy - He is about to meet Berlusconi
British Premier Tony blair has landed at 12:25pm at Rome-Ciampino Airport for the first stop on his diplomatic trip aimed to see his counterparts of countries belonging to G8. His meeting with Italian... more

MiscellaneousAlitalia special charter (2): the A-321 took off bound for Istanbul
Rome, Italy - The Italian MPs wearing coat and tie were joined by ther football faith for once
The pullman taking 25 Italian MPs arrived at Rome-Fiumicino Airport before 02:00pm; and when boarding operations have been performed, the Alitalia Airbus A-321 took off, at 02:30pm, to reach the city which... more

MiscellaneousAt least 90 charters from GB to assist to Champions League final
Istanbul, Turkey - A great part of Reds' fans landed in the Asian side of Istanbul
The last Liverpool supporters left "John Lennon" Airport in the morning (see for further details AVIONEWS). British fans have chartered about 90 planes in all, including both departures from Liverpool... more

MiscellaneousTramp ship foundered in Sicily: MMI helicopter is seeking for missing passengers
Palermo, Italy - At the moment two corpses have been found
A boat, likely coming from Lybia with at least 27 clandestines aboard, has foundered in the Sicily Channel about 150 miles South of Lampedusa. The alarm would launched by some fishers: 11 persons have... more

MiscellaneousAlitalia special charter to take red-black MPs
Rome, Italy - The main supporter of Milan, Italian Premier Berlusconi, has been already landed at Istanbul
They will vote for election of constitutional judges and then will hurry to Fiumicino Airport to board the Alitalia charter flight departing at the 03:00pm bound for Istanbul (see for details AVIONEWS).... more

MiscellaneousAir ride alert involving Sicomori Ranch, where Premier Sharon usually lives
Tel Aviv, Israel - The policemen shooted a signal flare into the air; fortunately it was a false alarm
An air ride deviation has been yesterday the cause for the unexpected concern near Siderot village. According to the on line web site Ynet of the "Yediot Ahronot" newspaper, the airplane flow too near... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa: immigrants airlifted by Alitalia plane
Agrigento, Italy - New landings occurred last night under a GDF helicopter control
A helicopter of the Italian Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza), has sighted a rubber dinghy carrying 22 supposed North-African immigrants who were about to land on Lampedusa island last night. A Fiamme... more

MiscellaneousBizarre robbery near Kansas City
Kansas City, USA - Holds six people as hostages and forces them to undress
An odd event took place in Olathe, a small town near Kansas City, where a 44 years old man tried to pull off a robbery in a bank. The thief took six hostages and, after having forced them to undress, tried... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli air attack on Palestinian militants
Gaza City, Strip of Gaza - The new violence in the territories threatens the cease-fire declared in February
An Israeli airplane has fired against a Palestinian group of Hamas militants who were ready to launch mortar shells at a Jewish settlement of Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip. The army would have localized... more

MiscellaneousDeath on a British aircraft
Ancona, Italy - It happened in the Falconara Airport
A magistrate will carry on investigation, clarify the dynamics of the event and give the green light to the Boeing 767. An hearth attack was probably the decease cause of the passenger travelling on the... more

MiscellaneousItalian air-traffic controller absenteeism process headed to appeal
Milan, Italy - To revaluate behaviours of air-traffic controllers considered legal
Italian Public Prosecutor of Milan, Fabio Roia, wrote 26 pages to appeal the sentence which discharged 30 Linate’s air-traffic controllers, charged of playing football during service. Roia will ask judges t... more

MiscellaneousUSA: Alitalia flight redirected due to security reasons
Bangor, USA - After taking off from Milan, it was bound for Boston
The announcement has been released by Amy Von Walter, a TSA’s (Transportation Security Administration) spokesman, who explained that the flight AZ618 which took off from Milan bound for Boston, has been r... more

MiscellaneousPeak dedicated to Pope Wojtyla to be benedict in-flight
Aquila, Italy - The mountain is situated on Gran Sasso massif, at more than 2400 metres height
Italian Minister of Agriculture, Gianni Alemanno, will fly on board a helicopter of Italian Forestal Corp to reach tomorrow the Gran Sasso peak (Abruzzo Region) destined to be named as Pope John Paul II.... more

MiscellaneousIraq: Rice made a surprise visit
Baghdad, Iraq - Nobody was informed about Rice trip when her plane touched down
The US Secretary of State, Mrs Condoleezza Rice, landed yesterday at Arbil (Northern Kurdistan) with a military C-17 aircraft flying from Qatar for an unannounced visit to new Iraq’s Prime Minister Ibrahim J... more

Miscellaneous35th European rally of mountain flight pilots
Sondrio, Italy - About 150 aviators and more than 60 planes are expected
Tomorrow and Sunday, Sondrio (Piemonte Region) will host the XXXV European rally of mountain flight pilots, organized by Sondrio Air Club with the collaboration of Aviovaltellina SpA, "Corrado Gex" Air... more

MiscellaneousArtificial rain spread by planes to fight drought in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand - Clouds were sprinkled with particular chemical substances to stimulate showers
Thailand is suffering for a tremendous water emergency, the worst in last seven years, so Bangkok’s Government set up a program (which is worth EUR 20m) to fight the drought stimulating rain artificially. A... more

MiscellaneousWhite House and Capitoline Hill evacuated: "It was an accidental intrusion"
Washington, USA - Two pilots have been released
The alert lasted 15 minutes yesterday when America held its breath due to a pilot and his student pilot, aboard a Cessna 150, entered into no-fly space above White House and Capitoline Hill at 11:50am... more