13,096 news found

IndustrySubsidies to aerospace industry: EU suggests immediate cuts for public support on a bilateral basis
Brussels, Belgium – They could be followed by additional reductions
European Union is trying to resume talks concerning subsidies to aerospace industry with the United States aiming to a brand new solution. EU Commission would have in fact suggested to Washington to perform... more

IndustryThales-Finmeccanica-Alcatel: a new industrial leading group to compete with EADS?
Paris, France – It is the hypothesis of some analysts on the future of the French company’s alliances
French press usually pays attention on the great interest shown by EADS for Thales, the well known French group specialized in the avionics and defence electronics sectors searching for a turning point... more

IndustryBoeing: Japan Aircraft Development Corporation finalized 787 agreements
Tokyo, Japan - Specific terms of the agreement are not being discussed
Boeing and Japan Aircraft Development Corporation (JADC), representing its three Japanese 787 structure partners -- Fuji Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries -- have... more

IndustryBell Helicopter Textron Inc. awarded of a over 7 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the UH-1N, HH-1N, UH-1Y
Bell Helicopter Textron Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded an estimated $7,697,690 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-04-C-0001) for the procurement of the non... more

IndustryAAR Mobility Systems awarded of a over 23 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the cargo aircraft’s; C-130, C-5 and C-141
AAR Mobility Systems, Cadillac, Mich., is being awarded a $23,670,049 firm fixed-price contract. This action is a basic requirement contract for, best estimated quantity of 10,000 new 463L Pallets and... more

IndustryBoeing and Sale completed purchase agreement for 20 Next Generation B-737s
Singapore - Plus purchase rights for 20 additional airplanes
The Boeing Company and Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise (SALE) yesterday completed a sales agreement for 20 Boeing Next-Generation 737s, plus purchase rights for 20 additional airplanes. The agreement,... more

IndustryBoeing delivered Air Austral's third ILFC 777/200ER
Washington, Usa - The ceremonies held last Monday
The Boeing Company, in conjunction with International Lease Financing Corp. (ILFC), held delivery ceremonies last Monday with Air Austral for the airline’s third leased 777-200ER (Extended Range). Air A... more

IndustrySubsidies to aerospace industry: is the KC-330 programme at risk?
Washington, USA - US Administration admonished EADS to lead it to renounce to public aids for the A-350, of the group should be excluded from other US tenders
US Government would have admonished EADS group during the last days about the possibility that the Airbus A-350 programme for the new medium-long haul airliner of the European group can be aided by public... more

IndustryDynamic Gunver Technologies awarded of a near 6 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the F-15 aircraft
Dynamic Gunver Technologies, Manchester, Conn., is being awarded a $5,707,976 firm fixed price contract to provide a convergent seal liner, which protects the convergent seal assemblies from high exhaust... more

IndustryNorthstar Aerospace awarded of a over 5 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the CH-47
Northstar Aerospace, Bedford Park, Ill., was awarded on May 20, 2005, a $5,336,696 firm-fixed-price contract for spare parts for the CH-47 System. Work will be performed in Bedford Park, Ill., and is... more

IndustryLockheed Martin Corp. awarded of a near 36 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the AH-64 Aircraft
Lockheed Martin Corp., Orlando, Fla., was awarded on May 23, 2005, a $35,789,104 firm-fixed-price contract for night sensor assembly parts for the AH-64 Aircraft. Work will be performed in Orlando, Fla.... more

IndustryBoeing Helicopter awarded of a near 9 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the H-46 helicopter
Boeing Helicopter, Ridley Park, Pa., is being awarded an $8,820,000 ceiling priced order for manufacture of blade assemblies used on the H-46 helicopter. Work is to be completed by June 2007. Work will... more

IndustrySikorsky Aircraft Corp. awarded of a near 25 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the MH-60R Multi-Mission helicopters
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Stratford, Conn., is being awarded a $24,886,000 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price advance acquisition contract (N00019-04-C-0115) for long lead material and... more

IndustryBoeing launched new B-777 Freighter
Seattle, Usa - Air France ordered five 777 Freighters with options for three more
Boeing yesterday officially launched the Boeing 777 Freighter, the world’s largest and most capable twin-engine freighter, following the completion of a launch order from Air France. Air France ordered f... more

IndustryAirbus: Cebu Pacific chooses the A-320 family to renew its own fleet
Milan, Italy - The second airline of Philippines received the first model while the second one it will receive next month
"Cebu Pacific, the second carrier of the Philippines, started the total renewal programme of its own fleet receiving the first A-320. The model is in leasing from Cit Aerospace and it will be followed... more

IndustryMcDonnell Douglas Corp. awarded of a near 40 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the F/A-18 E/F production aircraft
McDonnell Douglas Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Mo., is being awarded a $39,912,807 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract for the procurement of... more

IndustryBoeing and Air France announced B-747/400 Special Freighter order
Seattle, Usa - The value of the agreement isn’t being released
Boeing and Air France last Friday announced an agreement to turn three 747-400 airplanes into full freighter configuration as part of the Boeing 747-400 Special Freighter program. The value of the agreement... more

IndustryHAI-Indra: an agreement on defence electronics
Athens, Greece - The Greek group and the Spanish company combine their forces in a major sector for the growth of defence industry in Europe
One of the main efforts that European aerospace and defence companies accept to make in EU is certainly the one of encouraging synergies and cooperations which can in some way favour the growth of the... more

IndustryRaytheon Co. awarded of a over 9 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the missiles
Raytheon Co., Missile Systems, Tucson, Ariz. is being awarded a $9,416,200 ceiling-priced modification to a previously awarded indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract to exercise an option for... more

IndustrySubsidies to aerospace industry: no formal request for loan on the A-350 has been suggested by Airbus
Brussels, Belgium - Stakeholders could maybe decide in the future while Boeing threatened an appeal to the WTO
Airbus would have recently unveiled that no clear request for loans has been addressed to British and French governments for its A-350 programme related to the new medium-long haul airliner which actually... more

IndustryAirbus: "clean" production processes in six facilities
Toulouse, France - ISO 14001 certification for the plants located in the French, German, Spanish and British territories
Airbus has been awarded thanks to its efforts for the management of production processes while honouring ruling on environmental by the ISO 14011 certification, granted by the Det Norske Veritas international... more

IndustryLockheed Martin Services Inc. awarded of a over 81 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the P-3
Lockheed Martin Services Inc., Aircraft and Logistics Center, Greenville, S.C., is being awarded an $81,226,310 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity... more

IndustrySikorsky Aircraft Corp. awarded of a near 17 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Stratford, Conn., was awarded on May 18, 2005, a $16,833,155 modification to a firm-fixed-price contract for Elbit A & B Kits for the UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopters. Work will be... more

IndustryLockheed Martin Systems Integration awarded of a over 25 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the MH-60R
Lockheed Martin Systems Integration, Owego, N.Y., is being awarded a $25,547,000 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price advance acquisition contract (N00019-04-C-0113) for long lead materials... more

IndustryUnited Technologies Corp. awarded of a near 8 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the F-15 and F-16 aircraft
United Technologies Corp., East Hartford, Conn., is being awarded a $7,946,935 undefinitized Contractual Action contract to provide for multiple sole source replenishments spares for the F100 engine applicable... more

IndustryAirbus: is Gustav Humbert likely to become the new CEO?
Paris, France - The N.2 of the aerospace company would have good chances to be the successor of Noel Forgeard
It seems that Airbus’ N.2, Gustav Humbert (Chief Operating Officer), has good chances to be the successor of Noel Forgeard as the new company’s Chief Executive Officer. French and German EADS’ representatives (as t... more

IndustrySubsidies to aerospace industry: a loan for the A-350 has been requested
Brussels, Belgium - US reaction came soon and it would have been threatened an appeal to the WTO but EU said that all is justifiable
Airbus asked British Government for considering the possibility of a repayable loan to favour the production of the new programme related to the A-350 medium-long haul airliner. The United States’ reaction w... more

IndustryBoeing Business Jets rapidly approached 100 orders
Geneva, Switzerland - Since its inception in 1996, BBJ has won orders for 97 airplanes, winning six within the past six months
Boeing Business Jets, last Tuesday, announced rapid progress toward achieving what no other ultra-large-cabin, long-range business jet manufacturer has accomplished – selling 100 business jets. BBJ c... more

IndustryBulgaria: workers on strike against the lack of armed forces modernization
Sofia, Bulgaria - A protest against Ministry of Defence as it has not started the Mi-17, Mi-24 and Mig-29's update yet
Bulgarian Government had scheduled the resort to updates and upgrades for part of its combat aircraft fleet, within the modernization process of its own armed forces after joining NATO. The vehicles involved... more

IndustryAerospace industry subsidies: a bilateral meeting to increase trade in June
Washington, USA - A positive sign within the European-US relations which could involve the old industrial problem as well
June 20 is likely to prove an important date within the commercial relations between the United States and European Union. A bilateral meeting will be held in fact in Washington between the main trade... more

IndustryEmbraer: presence at RAA Convention in Cincinnati reinforced its commitment to the regional market
São José dos Campos, Brazil - With special focus on the Company’s role in the development of North American regional airline industry
Embraer arrived at the 2005 Regional Airline Association (RAA) Annual Convention, May 16-19, at the Cincinnati Convention Center, with a strong presence showcasing the Company’s past, present and future i... more

IndustryBoeing delivered Emirates fourth B-777/300ER with Electronic Flight Bag
Seattle, Usa - In total the carrier will receive 30 aircraft equipped with it by the end of 2007
Boeing and Emirates last Monday completed the delivery of the fourth 777-300ER (Extended Range) airplane equipped with the Boeing Electronic Flight Bag (EFB), the only fully integrated and certified Class... more

IndustrySikorsky Aircraft Corp. awarded of a over 5 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the flight control panels
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Stratford, Conn., was awarded on May 17, 2005, a $5,210,005 firm-fixed-price contract for flight control panels and stabilator amplifiers. Work will be performed in Stratford,... more

IndustrySikorsky Aircraft awarded of a near 9 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the the Black Hawk helicopters
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Stratford, Conn., was awarded on May 13, 2005, an $8,871,429 firm-fixed-price contract for aircraft doors for the Black Hawk Helicopters. Work will be performed in Stratford,... more

IndustrySubsidies to aerospace industry: EU relaunched talks with the USA
Brussels, Belgium - The United States, however, still prove worried about the possible public support to the A-350
European Union relaunched talks with the United States about the problem related to subsidies to aerospace industry. European Commission hopes a solution of the matter by achieving a new agreement which... more

IndustryBoeing: Preston selected to augment Dubai International Airport expansion
Melbourne, Australia - To conduct a computer simulation study of the Middle East's busiest airport
Preston Aviation Solutions Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of The Boeing Company, has been awarded a contract by the Dubai Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) to conduct a computer simulation study of Dubai International... more

IndustryThales: a wide range of hypotheses to strengthen the group
Paris, France - It is being thought to deals with Alcatel, EADS, Finmeccanica and DCN but also to keep on the current structure
Thales is analysing the situation regarding its medium-long term prospects. The well known French group board, as a company specialized in the defence electronics and avionics sectors, is appraising a... more

IndustryInternational Air Charter announced expansion plan for the Middle East region
Dubai, UAE - The company scouts for GSA partners in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon
International Air Charter plc (IAC), one of the world’s largest independent aircraft charter brokers, has announced that it intends to expand operations by forging new GSA (General Sales Agent) partnerships i... more

IndustryDynamic Gunver Technologies awarded of a over 20 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the F100/200/220 engine
Dynamic Gunver Technologies, LLC, Manchester, Conn., is being awarded a $20,268,206 firm fixed price contract for the purchase of Divergent Segments in support of the F100/200/220 engine. This includes... more

IndustryMcDonnell Douglas Corp. awarded of a over 8 USDm contract
Washington, Usa - For the F/A-18 and AV-8B aircraft
McDonnell Douglas Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Mo., is being awarded an $8,775,000 ceiling-priced modification to a previously awarded indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity... more

IndustryFinmeccanica (2): key figures
Rome, Italy - Value of production at March 31, 2005 was EUR 2,159 million
"Key figures Value of production at March 31, 2005 was EUR 2,159 million, compared to EUR 2,000 million in the same period last year. EBITDA rose by EUR 37 million, from EUR 97 million in 1Q04 to EUR... more

IndustryFinmeccanica (4). Results by sector of activity: Alenia Aeronautica, Aermacchi
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 355 million (-4%); EBITA: EUR 8 million (n.s)
"Results by sector of activity Alenia Aeronautica was selected by the Turkish Government in 1Q05 to supply the Turkish navy with 10 ATR-72 ASW aircraft. In addition, Aermacchi signed a Memorandum of Understanding... more

IndustryFinmeccanica (6). results by sector of activity: Alenia Spazio, Telespazio
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 174 million (+5%); EBITA: EUR 10 million (+150%)
"The commercial space market has recently shown signs of recovery. Growth is expected to be strongest in broadband systems and in services, while institutional demand in the European space industry is... more

IndustryFinmeccanica (7). Results by sector of activity: Galileo Avionica, Selenia Communications, OTE, AMS, Sistemi Navali Internazionali
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 440 million (+4%); EBITA: EUR 20 million (-5%)
"Defence and Security Electronics are today the main business segment of Aerospace and Defence, absorbing around 20% of global demand in the industry (valued at about EUR 300 billion) with an annual growth... more

IndustryFinmeccanica (8). Results by sector of activity: Elsag
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 82 million (-4%); EBITA: EUR (1) million (n.s)
"The sector includes Elsag and its subsidiaries. In 1Q05 the company launched a programme to bring Elsag’s business more into line with the core activities of the Finmeccanica group. This initiative r... more

IndustryFinmeccanica (5). Results by sector of activity: AgustaWestland
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 527 million (-1%); EBITA: EUR 34 million (+31%)
"Through its subsidiary AgustaWestland, Finmeccanica is a global leader in the helicopter business with a market share of about 25%. In 1Q05, AgustaWestland scored several business successes, including... more

IndustryFinmeccanica (9). Results by sector of activity: Oto Melara, Wass, Mbda
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 198 million (-24%); EBITA: EUR 5 million (-44%)
"Finmeccanica’s Defence Systems sector includes MBDA, a joint-venture with BAE Systems and EADS, in which Finmeccanica holds a 25% stake, and the activities of OTO Melara in land, naval and airborne s... more

IndustryFinmeccanica (3): first-quarter highlights and significant events after the end of the quarter
Rome, Italy - Outlook
"First-quarter highlights and significant events after the end of the quarter On January 27, 2005, Finmeccanica and BAE Systems signed the final agreement under which Finmeccanica will buy BAE’s UK-based d... more

IndustryEmbraer announced seven "Supplier of The Year Awards"
São José dos Campos, Brazil - For the superior quality and performance of their products and services
Embraer announced the winners of the Supplier of The Year Awards, which is divided into seven categories, in a ceremony held last Wednesday, in conjunction with the Embraer Partners & Suppliers Conference... more

IndustryForgeard: "No crisis between France and Germany on the new Airbus CEO"
Toulouse, France - The current company's CEO made clear also about the proposal for the concentration of more tasks performed by himself
Airbus CEO, Noel Forgeard, expressed his own view recently about the debates between France and Germany on the destiny of ther lead of the company owned by EADS aerospace and defence holding. According... more