1,934 news found

MiscellaneousMeeting at Palazzo Chigi to decide about the retreat of Italian troops from Iraq
Rome, Italy - Prodi, D'Alema and Parisi engaged to schedule the 'exit strategy'
This morning the Foreign Minister, Massimo D’Alema, and the Defense one, Arturo Parisi, went to Palazzo Chigi to talk with the Prime Minister Prodi about the retreat of the Italian troops from Iraq. T... more

MiscellaneousTwo violations of Bush air space
Pottstown, USA - Two tourism aircraft were forced to land
Security measures for George W. Bush’s visit in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, stated air space restrictions in the area: any aircraft had to keep at least a 45 kilometers distance from the President’s AirForceOne. How... more

MiscellaneousStockholm: a roar in the night makes people think of a terroristic attempt
Stockholm, Sweden - But it was just an earthquake
A roar in the middle of the night startled Stockholm citizens yesterday, who overloaded the Police telephone switchboard thinking of a terrorist attempt. Law enforcement patrols and helicopters controlled... more

MiscellaneousByelorussia closes its air space to USA and Canada
Minsk, Byelorussia - President Lukashenko decided that
After menaces two days ago, the Byelorussian President, Aleksandr Lukashenko, turned to facts and banned US and Canadian airplanes from his Country’s skies. The enclosure of air space intends to be a r... more

MiscellaneousThe Pope landed in Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland - On board of an Alitalia flight
The Alitalia airplane escorted by a NATO Awacs with Pope Ratzinger on board landed about two hours ago at Warsaw-Ockecie International Airport. The Pope started his apostolic tour in Poland (planned until... more

MiscellaneousCrash in the air and cold blood on the ground between Greece and Turkey
Athens, Greece - After F-16 accident
After diplomatic efforts not to transform F-16 accident on the Aegean Sea into a political crisis, Greek and Turkish press as well, the day following the fact, choose calmness. Yesterday newspaper headlines... more

MiscellaneousThe two air sheriffs who killed a passenger are not guilty
Miami, USA - The inquiry outcome
The two air sheriffs who killed Rigoberto Alpizar at Miami International Airport last December have been sentenced not guilty and they will take back their assignment. That is the result of the inquiry... more

MiscellaneousFlood in Thailand: the provisional number of victims is 100
Bangkok, Thailand - The Prime Minister has visited struck areas in helicopter today
Monsoon rains which have been falling on Northern provinces in Thailand since last week-end have caused at least 100 victims until now, but rescue devices are keeping on taking corpses out of mud and the... more

MiscellaneousLarry Williams was arrested for tax evasion
Sydney, Australia - He was stopped at Sydney airport
The American guru of short-term operations, author and conference man, Larry Williams, was arrested at Sydney airport. The charge is tax evasion: according to United States, which ask for his extradition,... more

MiscellaneousA woman dies during the flight
Salt Lake City, USA - But nobody realizes that
A woman died yesterday during a flight from Dallas to Salt Lake City, but nobody among passengers and crew realized that until arrival, thinking she was sleeping. The American carrier justified itself... more

MiscellaneousCapo Gallo Air Disaster: the enquiry is ending
Bari, Italy - The meeting between the judges and the victims' families
The prosecutors Marzia Sbella and Emanuele Ravaglioli, who are investigating about the splash-down of the Tuninter’s ATR-72 that on last August 6 was flying from Bari to Djerba causing the death of 16 p... more

MiscellaneousByelorussia could close its air space to the western airlines
Minsk, Byelorussia - President Lukashenko said it
Byelorussia’s President Lukashenko, speaking yesterday at the national Parliament, threatened to close the air space of his country to the western airlines, as in reprisal to the international sanction e... more

MiscellaneousAngers-Manchester in 30 hours
Manchester, United Kingdom - Negative record of an English teacher
30 hours to make a two-hour trip: this is the record reached by Andy Parson, a Manchester’s teacher who took more than a day to come back home from Angers, France, with Air Arann. Departure displacement t... more

MiscellaneousThe Minister Lanzillotta resigned from ENAV's Board before of the formation of the Government
Rome, Italy - The responsible of the Regional Affairs reply to an article appeared on "Corriere della Sera"
The new-Minister of the Regional Affairs, Linda Lanzillotta, made known to have resigned from the Board of ENAV, the Italian agency for the flight assistance, before of the formation of the Government.... more

MiscellaneousBin Laden: Moussaoui is innocent
Washington, USA - The head of Al Qaeda exculpates the French citizen in an audio-message spread on-line
In an audio-message spread yesterday on-line Osama Bin Laden made known that Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen who is the sole sentenced man in USA for September 11 attempts (see for details AVIONEWS),... more

MiscellaneousRCS enquiry involves also the contracts for the military supplies
Rome, Italy - Payoffs for the uniforms' contract
The Court of Rome’s enquiry about the bid to Rizzoli Corriere della Sera, the company which manages one of the most important Italian newspaper, that has as protagonist Stefano Ricucci, involves also t... more

MiscellaneousToday interdepartmental meeting at Farnesina to decide the retreat of the Italian troops from Iraq
Rome, Italy - Summit between the Foreign Minister D'Alema and the Defense Minister Parisi
The first interdepartmental meeting, to decide about the retreat of the Italian contingent from Iraq and for the change of the mission to civil by military, should have to take place today at Farnesina... more

MiscellaneousTour in Poland for the Pope
Vatican City - It will be escorted also by a NATO Awacs
The journey of Pope Benedictus XVI in Poland, which will start Thursday May 25 and will end Sunday 28, will also cover the Nazi internment camp in Auschwitz and the nearby Birkenau, where the Pontiff will... more

MiscellaneousFrance, Italy and Germany payed ransoms to free their countrymen kidnapped in Iraq
London, UK - It was retailed British newspaper "Times"
In an article appeared yesterday on the "Times" it sustained that the Government of Italy, France and Germany should have payed, in the last 21 months, about EUR 45 million to free their countrymen kidnapped... more

MiscellaneousOn next June 2 the Italian Armed Forces will parade on Via dei Fori Imperiali
Rome, Italy - It was made known by the Italian Ministry of Defence
In a statement, which end all the polemics of these last days, the Italian Ministry of Defense made known yesterday that the military parade for the Republic Day on June 2, of which this year is the 60th... more

MiscellaneousIran will cooperate to the reorganization of Gaza's airport
Gaza, Gaza Strip - It was announced by the NPA Transports Minister Ziad al-Zaza
The National Palestinian Authority (NPA) decided to re-start the activities of Dahanye airport, near Gaza, seriously demaged by the intifada of the 2000. The NPA Government, from some months under the... more

MiscellaneousRussia and Saudi Arabia joint to fight terrorism
Riad, Saudi Arabia - The diplomatic mission in Middle East of the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov
Saudi Arabia and Russia will cooperate to fight together terrorism. It was announced yesterday evening by Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov, in Riad, where he is for a diplomatic mission. The two countries... more

MiscellaneousAir lift to transfer Lampedusa clandestines
Lampedusa, Italy - Yesterday about 250 people were transfered to Crotone
After clandestine disembarks in the last days (see AVIONEWS for details), an air lift has been activated between the Sicilian island’s CPA (First Reception Centre) and other Italian CPTs (Temporary Stay C... more

MiscellaneousCapo Gallo air disaster: investigation continues
Bari, Italy - The audition of the survivor are in progress
Davide Romano, who is the lawyer of some of the survivors and of some victims’ families of Capo Gallo air disaster, in which on last August 6, 16 people, who were flying on a Tuninter plane from Bari t... more

MiscellaneousBoulogne takes delivery of the Ustica DC-9
Boulogne, Italy - Works officer signed the official act
As far-back announced, the Itavia DC-9 wreck which sank into Ustica sea in 1980 will be transfered the first days of June to the "Memory Museum" in Boulogne from the hanger in Pratica di Mare (Rome) where... more

Miscellaneous7.5 kilos of cocaine at Venice airport
Venice, Italy - Hidden in the suitcase of a 73-year-old man
A 73-year-old man has been found in possession of seven kilos and a half of cocaine at "Marco Polo" Airport in Venice-Tessera. Italian Financial Police has found the quantity hidden inside a suitcase owned... more

MiscellaneousIran nuclear matter: arm wrestling goes on
Teheran, Iran - New UN summit Wednesday in London
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, meeting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing, declared that Germany and China agree on thinking that Iranian nuclear policy is wrong, that Iran must not have technology... more

MiscellaneousHelicopter of the Italian Navy spotted a clandestine boat
Lampedusa, Italy - The CPA of Lampedusa is at the collapse
An helicopter of the Italian Navy spotted an other sea tumbril with 300 people on board, who will be going to add to the other 800 poor people who are in the CPA (First reception center)of Pantelleria... more

MiscellaneousCatania: engine fire signal on a BA plane
Catania, Italy - During the lift off manoeuvre
Last Saturday a British Airways B-737 headed to London was forced to stop its lift off manoeuvre on the runway of Catania airport, Sicily, because of an engine fire signal lighting up in the cockpit. There... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing in Olbia
Olbia, Italy - Because of a broken window in the cockpit
A Libyan Airways plane from Tripoli to London made an emergency landing at Olbia airport, Sardinia, Saturday at 1:30 pm, after the brake of a window in the cockpit. The 55 passengers then were embarked... more

MiscellaneousFalse alarm at Venice airport
Venice, Italy - For a suspicious pack left under a seat
A metal packaging was found yesterday morning under a seat of a US Airways Philadelphia-Venice flight, making the security alarm start at "Marco Polo" Airport in Tessera. Padua artificers intervened with... more

MiscellaneousIndia: drunk girl delays the flight departure
New Dehli, India - "I have a bomb in my mind", she said to next-seat man
An Italian girl who had just embarked on an Indian Airlines flight in New Dehli last Saturday evening caused a row for a simple sentence she said to her next-door man: "I have a bomb in my mind", alluding... more

MiscellaneousProdi: away from Iraq
Rome, Italy - The announcement of the Italian Prime Minister to the Senate of the Republic
Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, announced today to the Senate, during the confidence debate, the retirement of the Italian contingent from Iraq. It will be not an immediate retirement, as the Zapatero’s o... more

MiscellaneousNuclear matter: Kofi Annan in China
Beijing, China - Iran would have used Chinese uranium gas for its nuclear plants
UN General Secretary, Kofi Annan, has arrived Beijing today for a five-day tour, during which he will meet several personalities and President Hu Jintao to talk about the delicate nuclear matter of Iran... more

MiscellaneousChina: "Chanchu" typhoon keeps on raging
Beijing, China - Dozen flights cancelled
"Chanchu" typhoon keeps on causing victims in Southern China, after having devastated Philippines and Vietnam. Though hundred thousand people were evacuated as a preventing measure, there are 16 victims... more

MiscellaneousCIA flights: el-Masri's lawsuit rejected
Washington, USA - The man had accused CIA to have seized him wrongfully
T.S. Ellis federal judge rejected the denunciation of Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen of Lebanese origin, against the CIA ex-Director, George tenet; the man accuses American intelligence to have seized... more

MiscellaneousBarbara Bush on tour in Rome
Rome, Italy - Strict security measures at Fiumicino Airport
Barbara Bush, US President’s daughter, disembarked at 12:30 pm yesterday at Rome-Fiumicino Airport with a line flight coming from Frankfurt. Strict security measures at the Roman air station before and d... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing at Portland
Portland, USA - Because of the opening of a slide
An United Airlines plane, which took off from Portland and headed to Denver, made an emergency landing yesterday after the pilot saw the spy signalling the opening of one of the slides and decided to come... more

MiscellaneousRepresentatives of the aeronautical sector in open court to the Pope
Vatican City - Funny end of the meeting
At the end of the today’s general open court the Pope Benedict XVI apply to a funny out-of program. In Saint Peter square there were a lot of representatives of the aeronautical sector, among whom 1000 w... more

MiscellaneousChanchu typhoon is approaching Chinese coasts
Beijing, China - 320,000 people evacuated
Yesterday a large evacuation operation of the civil population started in the Southern region of China, in Guangdong province. The cause is the approaching of Chanchu typhoon, with winds that arrive to... more

MiscellaneousIraqi civil people should be killed because US air raids
Baghdad, Iraq - It was denounced by the Ulema
About 25 Iraqi civil people should be killed during the air raid that the US Armed Forces launched in these two last days. It was denounced by the Ulema Council, the most important Sunnite organization... more

MiscellaneousProblem for DMX during a flight
London, UK - The famous rapper arrested on an American Airlines' plane
The famous rapper DMX was arrested on a plane of the American Airlines because of his violent behaviour. The artist in fact, flying from New York to London, refused to lace up the safety belts despite... more

MiscellaneousFour Sardinian marathoners blocked in Prague
Prague, Czech Republic - The flight to come back to home was anticipated the day before
The journey to Prague of four Sardinian marathoners in visit in Czech capital for a running race had not a good end. When they arrive to the airport to take the return flight to Italy the four athlets... more

MiscellaneousThe Pentagon published the images of the American 77's flight that crashed against the US Ministry of Defence building on September 11
Washington, USA - The decision to stop the rumors of plots which circulate from years
The Pentagon made public the video recorded September 11 morning by two cameras which were outside the building, that host the US Ministry of Defence, and that registered the impact of the B-757 of American... more

MiscellaneousMartino in Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - Discharge visit of the ex-Minister of Defense to the Italian contingent of "Antica Babilonia" mission
The ex-Minister of Defense, Antonio Martino, wanted to close his writ among the soldiers of the Italian contingent in Iraq. The responsible of the military Ministry of Berlusconi’s Government arrived y... more

MiscellaneousUS embargo to Venezuela: Rodriguez talks about "Cynicism"
Caracas, Venezuela - The Venezuelan Foreign Minister makes accusations to USA on terrorism matter
As for US decision to put embargo on American-manufacture weapons and war stuff sale, even by third subjects, to Venezuela, Foreign Minister of the South-American State struck by the sanction talked about... more

MiscellaneousWeb company born by a school project sold for EUR 90 million
London, UK - The web master is 26 years old
German company United Internet signed yesterday the purchase agreement, for a value of EUR 90 million, of the on-line company Fasthost. The strange thing is that the web master of the site is 26 years... more

MiscellaneousAn autistic boy among the US Forces?
Portland, USA - The Pentagon revokes his enlistment demand and starts an inquiry
The Pentagon announced it is not going to enlist 18-year-old Jared Guinther anymore, a Portland’s autistic boy who had been convinced to enter the US Army by some recruiters. Jared’s parents, once the... more

MiscellaneousDecisive hours for Prodi's Government
Roma, Italy - Parisi to Defense, Bersani to Industry and Di Pietro to Transports
The interview for the creation of Romano Prodi’s Government are ending. Currently there are taking place at the Quirinale Palace the hints between the President of the Republic Napolitano and the representatives o... more

MiscellaneousAt least 40 Iraqi militants killed by US soldiers during the week end
Bagdad, Iraq - It was made known by an US military authorities' spokesman
The news is official: during several air raids in the last week end, carried out -in the Southern part of the capital Bagdad- with aircraft and rotorcraft, US military forces deployed in Iraq killed "At... more