Weather forecasts
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Weather forecastsBad weather: a new perturbation arriving on the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - For the next 24-36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions starting from this morning, on Monday January 26, and for the next 24-36 hours. On... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: new gradual worsening on Italy from tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Very strong winds and heavy seas along the exposed coasts
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the base of available forecast, has diffused a notice for adverse weather conditions from early tomorrow, on Saturday January 24 and for the next 36 hours. In... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: still storms on South of the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - A further notice issued by the Civil Defense Department
"The precipitations that have interested today major part of the Country, as predicted by notices of adverse weather conditions issued in the last days by the Italian Civil Defense Department, will continue... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: strong wind and storms on South
Rome, Italy - A further notice for adverse weather conditions after that one issued yesterday for the North of Peninsula
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available forecast, has issued an additional adverse weather conditions' notice that integrates and expands that one issued yesterday regarding... more

Weather forecastsWeather alert in Italy: storms and strong winds on Central-Northern regions from this evening
Rome, Italy - The temperatures not particularly severe will maintain the snow altitude on medium-high levels
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions, from this evening, with precipitations, locally of strong intensity, on Northern... more

Weather forecastsWeather in Italy: ice in the north of the country, storms in the south
Rome, Italy - Strong winds and sea storms in the southern coasts and in the main islands
A further notice of bad weather conditions has been released by the Civil protection department. Strong winds and storms are striking the southern regions of the country and main islands (Sicily and Sardinia).... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: icy on North, storms on South
Rome, Italy - From early this morning and for the successive 36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions, from this early morning and for the next 36 hours, for a further decrease... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: persistence of snow on North and storms on Central of the Peninsula
Rome, Italy - A further adverse weather conditions notice by the Civil Defense Department
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, has issued a further notice for adverse weather conditions that completes and expands that issued in the last days and expects,... more

Weather forecastsThe Italian Civil Defense advises to anticipate the return from Christmas holidays
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow snow also in valley at north
"The Italian Civil Defense, on the basis of the available forecast, has issued a notice of adverse weather condition for snows that will interest from the early hours of tomorrow all North regions and... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: from today storms on South
Rome, Italy - Starting from this morning
"The perturbation on Central Mediterranean, responsible of bad weather on Italy already from last Sunday, is moving towards East and today will interest the Italian Southern regions and part of those Central... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: persist snowfalls on the North and storms on Peninsula
Rome, Italy - Still winds, heavy seas, precipitations
"The bad weather is still interesting the most part of the Italian regions. The Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the forecast available, has issued a further notice of adverse weather conditions... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): the Operating Committee of Civil Defence convoked at 3:00pm
Rome, Italy - In order to follow the current situation on national territory
"The Operating Committee of Civil Defense has been convoked at 3:00pm to follow the current evolution on national territory linked to the rains that have hit in the last days and that are causing hardships... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: still storms on the most part of the Italian regions
Rome, Italy - Snow on the North-West of the Country
"As communicated in the last days by the Italian Civil Defense Department through issue of specific notices for adverse weather conditions, the bad weather that in the last days has hit Italy mainly with... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): from this evening snow on North and storms on the most part of Peninsula
Rome, Italy - A further notice has been issued by Civil Defense Department
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the last available forecast, has issued a further notice of adverse weather conditions valid from this evening, that completes and extends that issued... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a marked worsening arriving
Rome, Italy - A notice for adverse weather conditions for winds and storms today on Sardinia
"After an extra week-end of Immacolata with a good weather on Italian Peninsula, in the next hours the scenario will change. From this morning, on Tuesday December 9, there will be precipitations on... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms arriving on Central-Southern regions
Rome, Italy - For today and next 24-36 hours
"From this early morning arrived on Italy a perturbation from Atlantic that brings marked instability in particular on Central-Southern regions. According to the forecast available, the Italian Civil... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: wind and storms on South
Rome, Italy - From today and for next 24-36 hours
"The bad weather will move on the Southern regions in the next hours, that from days is interesting Italy with marked instability conditions. The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of forecast... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still fickleness, a further notice by Civil Defense Department
Rome, Italy - Snowfalls on the Northern regions, precipitations and strong winds
"The bad weather continues on the Peninsula, already from some days, that distinguishes the situation on major part of the Italian regions. The Italian Civil Defense Department, in fact, issued a further... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a marked worsening arriving
Rome, Italy - A notice of adverse weather condition for wind and storms on the main Isles
"An intense African perturbation arrives on the Italian regions and will bring wide precipitations, strong winds and breaking seas. In particular, for today, November 27, also very strong storms, with... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: decreasing temperatures in the week-end
Rome, Italy - Strong winds and snow also at low altitudes on Centre-South
"A flow of cold air coming from Arctic circle will begin next Friday to move in a quick manner towards Central-East Europe, to reach, later, the Italian Peninsula. Very strong winds on the major part... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms arriving on the Southern regions
Rome, Italy - From this evening and for the next 24-36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions valid from this evening, on Friday November 14, and for the next 24-36 hours,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms arriving on the North-Eastern regions
Rome, Italy - Starting from this morning
"The first regions to be involved into the bad weather, already from this morning, will be those in North-Western, with precipitations that will insist in particular on Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria and... more

Weather forecastsItalian Civil Defense Department issues a bad weather forecast
Rome, Italy - From yesterday to the following 24-36 hours
Weather conditions in Western Europe and in the Mediterranean area are causing instability in some Italian regions. Yesterday Italian Civil Defense Department issued a bad weather forecast. From last... more

Weather forecastsItaly: bad weather in Sardinia
Cagliari, Italy - Floodings and overflowing
Bad weather is hitting Italy and Sardinia is one of the most affected regions (see AVIONEWS), especially the centre and the south. Overflowing, heavy rains and high winds are still causing damages... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms and strong winds on major part of the Italian regions
Rome, Italy - A weather notice issued by the National Civil Defense
"A further weather notice has been issued by the Italian Civil Defense Department for all this week. From this afternoon, and for next 24 hours, are forecast strong winds, with reinforcement of tempest,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a week with strong fickleness
Rome, Italy - On the great part of the Italian peninsula
"From today, on October 27, on the Italian Central-Western of Mediterranean there will be a 'Block' situation, with persistence that will insist on all the national territory. Today the bad weather... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: electric storms arriving and temperatures falling
Rome, Italy - On the West side of Country
"A large Atlantic perturbance reached yesterday the Italian West side. From today, on October 22, it will expand to the central and West Mediterranean and to bring fickleness on Sicily and Sardinia. The... more

Weather forecastsBad Weather: worsening in Center-Southern Italy
Rome, Italy - Weather alert by the Italian Civil Defense
The Center-Southern Regions of Italy will be hit by bad weather in next hours. The Italian Civil Defense Department has issued a warning for adverse weather conditions for Friday and next 36 hours. Storms... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms in expansion from this evening
Rome, Italy - On the Southern regions
"A perturbance, already on Sardinia, will interest in the next hours, also the Southern Regions, with strong thunderstorms locally. The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: rain and wind during week-end
Rome, Italy - From today and for successive 36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available forecast, has issued a notice for unfavourable weather conditions starting from today, on Friday September 19, 2008 and for the successive... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a marked worsening from tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Fires continue in the South, today 15 involvements for Canadair airplanes and helicopters
"On the basis of available forecast, the Italian Civil Defense Department has issued a notice for unfavourable weather conditions for frequent and diffused precipitations, also of storms with strong intensity,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: thundery showers on North, in particular on the North-Western regions
Rome, Italy - From this evening and for the successive 36 hours
"According to the forecast diffused yesterday, a bad weather wave from Atlantic is interesting Northern Italy in these hours and from this evening, on Wednesday September 3 and for successive 36 hours,... more

Weather forecastsItaly divided in two parts: storms in the North and stable weather on Middle-South
Rome, Italy - Starting from today and until to Friday
"Thunderstorms in the North and steady and sunny weather in the Middle South. This is the scenario foresaw on Italian country for the next days. Starting from today, Wednesday September 3, on the North... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: electric storms in the North of Peninsula
Rome, Italy - But also winds and hails
"An Atlantic trough, that today and tomorrow will hit fully France and the Netherlands, will interest also the Italian regions in the Alpine side, creating thunderstorms, locally intense, that during today,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: thundery showers on Adriatic side and strong winds on the South and isles
Rome, Italy - From this morning and for the next 24-30 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the forecast available, has issued an unfavourable weather conditions notice, effective from this morning, on Tuesday July 22, 2008 and for the successive... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: new worsening on middle-northern regions, including Sardinia
Rome, Italy - The Italian Civil defense department release
A new weather's worsening is expected in next hours, on middle-northern regions, including Sardinia. According to the Italian Civil defense department's release, next 36 hours weather conditions would... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: heavy showers and storms arriving on the Southern Regions
Rome, Italy - For the next 24 hours
"As of this afternoon, on Friday June 6 and for the next 24 hours, the Italian Southern regions, and in particular those on the Tyrrhenian sea's side, will be interested by precipitations of storms of... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: possible strong storms in the next days
Rome, Italy - Forecast for today and tomorrow
"The Italian regions more interested by the bad weather will be those on the alpine and pre-alpine sides and those ones on the central-southern Tyrrhenian coast, for today and tomorrow. The Italian... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): a new perturbance, storms and blast of winds arrive on the central-Southern regions
Rome, Italy - For the next 24 hours
"Bad weather continues on the Italian peninsula that, in the next hours, will interest in particular the Central-Southern regions. Precipitations, accompanied by strong blast of winds and frequent electrical... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms in North-Italy are coming
Rome, Italy - Especially on Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta
"A wide Atlantic low-pressure will influence the Italian meteorological conditions, causing fickleness of the weather on Northern Italy and central regions. According to the weather forecast, Civil... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms and blast of winds on all the Country
Rome, Italy - For 24-36 hours
"Precipitations, rain showers, storms, blast of winds and frequent electrical activity: these are the weather indications during this beginning of the week on the Italian peninsula, with the exception... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms arrive on Sardinia
Rome, Italy - For the next 24-36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department has issued, on the basis of available forecast, a notice for adverse weather conditions, from the afternoon of yesterday, on Sunday May 11, 2008 and for the next successive... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: rains and high winds are coming on middle-northern regions of Italy
Rome, Italy - Warning has been issued by Civil defense department
"A huge perturbance is crossing the middle-west Mediterranean area, moving to the northern Italian regions with damp rushes and strongly changeable. Civil defense department has issued a warning valid... more

Weather forecastsItalian Civil Defense about bad weather: storms arriving on Central-Southern Regions
Rome, Italy - For the next 18-24 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department has issued a bad weather forecast for Central and Southern Italy. Starting from this early morning, April 4, 2008 and for successive 28-24 hours are expected showers... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: further forecast by Italian Civil Defense
Rome, Italy - For next 24-36 hours
"According to the available forecast, the Italian Civil Defense Department has issued a further weather report. Starting from this evening, Friday March 21, 2008, and for the successive 24-36 hours... more

Weather forecastsItaly, bad weather: Italian Civil Defense weather report from today afternoon
Rome, Italy - For the next 24-36 hours
"From today, Tuesday March 4th, the weather conditions in Italy will get worse. From the northern region, the worsening will rapidly extend to all the Country. Cold air is coming from northern Atlantic. Rain.... more

Weather forecastsContinental Airlines: the bad weather affects the Northeast of USA
New York, Usa - The carrier provides latest flight information and operations summary on its website
"With severe Winter weather conditions forecast for the Northeast U.S. though Saturday, Continental Airlines announced travel options for customers whose flight plans may be affected by the weather. Weather... more

Weather forecastsA weather report issued by the Italian Department of the Civil Defense
Rome, Italy - From last night and next 24-36 hours
"By the available forecasts the Italian Department of the Civil Defense has issued a weather report. Owing to polar low that will interest the whole peninsula, there will be a bad weather with a fall in... more

Weather forecasts"MAKS 2007" (2): the Russian air park on display
Moscow, Russia - The Sukhoi will announce the date for the first public showing of its SuperJet 100 aircraft
Many expectations are pinned in this edition of the Air Show. The Sukhoi concern said it would conclude a number of export deals for its famed family of Su-27 Flanker-B and Su-30 Flanker-C fighters.... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: strong wind and storms on Italian North-Eastern regions
Rome, Italy - From this morning and the following 18-24 hours
"Bad weather from the Atlantic is crossing continental Europe and it will gradually concern also Italian Northern and Central regions, with particular instability conditions on North-Eastern areas. From... more