Weather forecasts
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Weather forecastsBad and unstable weather for the week in Italy
Rome, Italy - The scenario for the next days
"The weather scenario for the next days will be characterized by a perturbed phase that will mainly affect the Alps and pre-Alps, also hitting other Northern-Italian areas. Today afternoon are furthermore... more
Weather forecastsWeather report: decreasing temperatures in the week-end and sparse storms on the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - A notice for adverse weather conditions on Sardinia
"Diffuse precipitations, short storms and decreasing temperatures. This is the weather scenario for week-end, announced in the last days, that forecast an interruption of the sweaty climate had during... more
Weather forecastsWeather in Italy: short downpours on the North and on Sardinia
Rome, Italy - Sultry hot on the Central-South
"From this evening and for tomorrow, on Wednesday August 26, a weak Atlantic perturbation will cause downpours or storms on Liguria, Sardinia and on the Alps. Isolated fickleness phenomena will be possible... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: thunderstorms in the North
Rome, Italy - From today's late afternoon
"The high pressure area that keeps stationing over western-central Mediterranean will interest all the Italian peninsula today, determining a slight increase of temperatures on southern regions and on... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still storms on North and strong winds on Sardinia and Centre-South
Rome, Italy - The Civil Defense Department issued an additional notice for adverse weather conditions
"An Atlantic's perturbation coming from France, as announced yesterday also through the diffusion of a notice for adverse weather conditions, has interested, in the last hours, the North of Peninsula with... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms on North, strong winds on Sardinia and Tyrrhenian coasts from tomorrow
Rome, Italy - For next 24-36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions from early tomorrow, on Friday July 17, and for next 24-36 hours. Diffused... more
Weather forecastsIncreasing temperatures on Central-South of Italy and on Po Valley
Rome, Italy - A perturbation arriving on North
"The North African air flow, at the beginning of the week on central Mediterranean, continues to persist on Italy, with a constant and gradual increasing into temperatures on Central-Southern regions and... more
Weather forecastsItalian Civil Defense (2): increasing temperatures on most part of the regions
Rome, Italy - And possible storms on alpine sides
"The flow coming from North Africa is bringing to a gradual and constant increase into temperatures that will reach high limits starting from half of the week, in particular on Central-Southern regions... more
Weather forecastsCivil Defense: increasing temperatures on all Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - For this week
"Clear sky and a gradual increasing temperatures for this week on all Italian peninsula. From yesterday, on Sunday July 12 there is a phase of summery weather with temperatures in a gradual rise and... more
Weather forecastsWeather report and climatological information of all the world in Italian language
Rome, Italy - The new service available from this morning on the Weather Service of the Italian Air Force
"The climatological information and about weather, provided by the Italian meteorological Services of 162 Countries, are available from today, on July 7, on the Weather service of the Italian Air Force... more
Weather forecastsStill fickleness of the weather in Italy: storms on the North persist
Rome, Italy - For next 24-36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available models, has issued an extension of the notice for unfavourable weather conditions that extends that diffused previously. In particular,... more
Weather forecastsStill fickleness of the weather in Italy: storms persist on Central-South of the Peninsula
Rome, Italy - From Sunday in extension on the North
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available models, has issued a new notice for adverse weather conditions that extends those diffused in the last days. In particular, from... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: still winds and storms on the Central-South of the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - From this afternoon
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available models, has issued a new notice for adverse weather conditions that expands and integrates those diffused in the last days. In particular,... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still winds and storms on Central-South of the Peninsula
Rome, Italy - From this morning
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available forecast, has issued an additional notice for adverse weather conditions that expands and integrates the previous ones diffused in the... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: new perturbation on the Italian Central-Southern regions and on Sardinia
Rome, Italy - An additional notice for adverse weather conditions issued
"The bad weather will interest Italy until half of this week. A new flow, with cold air, will continue to be on the central-Southern regions and on Sardinia. The Italian Civil Defense Department, on... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: storms, strong winds and temperatures gradually decreasing on all Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - From today, on Friday June 19
"Storms, blast of winds and significant temperatures' decreasing: this is the scenario predicted for the week-end on the Italian Northern and Central regions that, from today, on Friday June 19, will be... more
Weather forecastsNew notice for adverse weather conditions issued by the Italian Civil Defense Department
Rome, Italy - Bad weather: still storms and strong wind on North of the Peninsula
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the available models, has issued a notice for unfavourable weather conditions that completes that diffused last Friday. From this afternoon, on Monday June... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: storms on the North and wind on Central-South of the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow in the early morning
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available models, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions the forecast, from tomorrow in the early morning, on Saturday June 6, strong... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: still storms on the Central Italy
Rome, Italy - A notice issued for adverse weather conditions
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the base of available models, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions that expands that one issued on Saturday, valid for next 24-36 hours on Central... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: quick worsening on the Adriatic side
Rome, Italy - Issued a notice for adverse weather conditions on the Central-South
"The perturbation of North-European origin, already on the Northern regions, will continue to interest the North of the Peninsula for next 24 hours and then on Central regions of the Adriatic side until... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: storms and general decrease of temperatures on the Italian Peninsula from today
Rome, Italy - A notice for adverse weather conditions on the North has been issued
"A perturbation of Atlantic origin near Central Mediterranean will cause, from today, on Tuesday May 26, fickleness conditions on the Alps area. The fickleness, that already from today will interest... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): strong storms on the North and on Sardinia
Rome, Italy - A notice of adverse weather conditions issued by the Italian Civil Defense Department
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions valid from tomorrow morning, on May 15, that forecast precipitations of strong... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: strong storms on North and on the medium Tyrrhenian side
Rome, Italy - From this evening and until Saturday
"The return of a perturbation flow on Mediterranean basin will favour a weather worsening on most part of the Italian regions in the next hours. From this evening, on Thursday May 14, fickleness conditions... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: strong winds and storms on Central-South of Italy from yesterday evening
Rome, Italy - And for the successive 36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available models, has issued a new notice for adverse weather conditions that expands that one issued last Saturday that predicts, from yesterday... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still storms on South and in Abruzzo
Rome, Italy - A further notice has been issued by the Civil Defense Department
"The perturbation, that already is interesting in these hours different Central-Southern regions, will enlarge today on the Italian Peninsula, interesting the North-West area, to a lesser extent, and still... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): storms on the South and on Abruzzo
Rome, Italy - A notice issued by the Civil Defense Department
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, issued a notice for adverse weather conditions that anticipates from early morning of tomorrow, on Tuesday April 21, precipitations... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: precipitations on the North-West and Southern Tyrrhenian regions
Rome, Italy - From yesterday morning and for the successive 24-30 hours
"An Atlantic perturbation is moved on the Italian peninsula bringing a fickleness on North-Western area and on the Southern Tyrrhenian regions. The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: worsening predicted on the north of the Italian peninsula
Rome, Italy - And on Tyrrhenian side
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions for the North-Western side with precipitations also of strong intensity. The... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: strong winds and storms on Sardinia from this evening
Rome, Italy - The Italian Civil Defense Department issued a notice
"A perturbation wave coming from Western Mediterranean is reaching Sardinia where, from this evening, on Wednesday April 8, there will be marked instability conditions with thundery phenomena. The Italian... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: week-end with rains and storms on the Centre-North
Rome, Italy - Strong sirocco winds and increasing temperatures
"The week-end will be differentiated from a general worsening of weather conditions on Italy, in particular on Centre-Northern regions, for arriving of a wide Atlantic perturbation that will bring a scenario... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: wind and strong rains arriving on Central and Southern regions
Rome, Italy - The notice by the Civil Defense Department
A perturbation of North Atlantic origin will pass rapidly the Italian Peninsula today. The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms and snowfalls on the Centre-South of the Peninsula
Rome, Italy - But also strong winds and a marked decreasing into the temperatures
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available models that confirm the predicted weather scenario, has issued a notice for adverse conditions as of this evening, on Thursday March... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms and decrease into the temperatures from tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Cold on the Central-South also for the week-end; strong winds on North of the Peninsula
"The weather scenario will change tomorrow, when cold air flows, coming from the Balkans, will begin to interest the central-Tyrrhenian and Apennines regions with first downpours that to expand then also... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still wind and rains on South and on Isles
Rome, Italy - The wave will continue also in the next hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available forecast, that confirm the scenario in the last days, has issued a further notice of adverse weather conditions, that predicts the persisting... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: precipitations and strong winds arriving on a large part of Italian peninsula
Rome, Italy - For tomorrow and Thursday
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the available forecast, issued a notice for adverse weather conditions valid starting from tomorrow morning, that predicts diffused rains of strong intensity,... more
Weather forecastsUSA: thousands of flights cancelled for snow-storm
Washington, USA - First balance of the biggest snowfall in several years: 4 victims at least
The East Coast of the United States has been hit by one of the strongest snow-storms in the last years, that caused interruptions to many services such as power supply, schools and flights. At least four... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a new perturbation is arriving
Rome, Italy - A marked worsening from Wednesday, decreasing in temperatures from Thursday
"The weather scenario doesn't change today and tomorrow, March 2 and 3, with weak rains mainly on Tyrrhenian Central Northern regions. The flows rich of humidity will contribute to formation of mist and... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: the announced worsening arrives on Italy
Rome, Italy - A notice issued by the National Civil Defense Department
"A new bad weather wave, as already announced yesterday, will interest the Peninsula, from this evening, with winds of gale on all Italian regions and snowfalls also at valley altitudes, accompanied from... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a new flow of cold air arriving
Rome, Italy - Still snow at low levels and strong winds
"A new perturbation, with cold air coming from North Europe, will determine conditions of general bad weather on Italy as of tomorrow, on Tuesday February 17, when strong northern winds will interest the... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: snow and freezing cold at least until Sunday on Italy
Rome, Italy - But also strong winds
"Snow at low altitudes, strong winds and a marked decrease of temperatures: these are the significant phenomena expected for the next days. The bad weather wave will continue at least until next Sunday,... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: snow on Central-Southern regions
Rome, Italy - For today and tomorrow
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, issued a further notice for adverse weather conditions that integrates and expands that diffused last Monday; in particular, from... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: strong winds and heavy seas arriving
Rome, Italy - From this afternoon and for next 36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, issued yesterday a notice for adverse weather conditions, valid from today in the afternoon, on Tuesday February 10, 2009, and... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms and strong winds on Central-North from today
Rome, Italy - The notice issued by the Civil Defense Department
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, issued a notice of unfavourable weather conditions that predicts from this morning, on Friday February 6, the arrival of precipitations... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still storms and strong winds
Rome, Italy - On the Central-South of Peninsula and on the major isles
"The bad weather generated from a perturbative system of Atlantic origin, already present on the Italian Peninsula, will insist still for the next 24 hours on Central-South regions, where conditions of... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a new gradual worsening from yesterday
Rome, Italy - On most of the Peninsula
"From yesterday a worsening of the weather has been recorded on major part of the Italian Peninsula with rains of strong intensity on Sardinia and then on Southern regions. On the North snowfalls and on... more
Weather forecastsBad weather (2): still storms and strong winds on the Southern Italian regions and on the main isles
Rome, Italy - The Civil Defense Department has issued an additional notice
"The perturbation of Atlantic origin, that is interesting the Peninsula in these hours, will favour also in the next days the persistence of marked instability's conditions on the South of Country and... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: a new perturbation arriving on the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - For the next 24-36 hours
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available forecast, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions starting from this morning, on Monday January 26, and for the next 24-36 hours. On... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: new gradual worsening on Italy from tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Very strong winds and heavy seas along the exposed coasts
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the base of available forecast, has diffused a notice for adverse weather conditions from early tomorrow, on Saturday January 24 and for the next 36 hours. In... more
Weather forecastsBad weather: still storms on South of the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - A further notice issued by the Civil Defense Department
"The precipitations that have interested today major part of the Country, as predicted by notices of adverse weather conditions issued in the last days by the Italian Civil Defense Department, will continue... more
Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: strong wind and storms on South
Rome, Italy - A further notice for adverse weather conditions after that one issued yesterday for the North of Peninsula
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available forecast, has issued an additional adverse weather conditions' notice that integrates and expands that one issued yesterday regarding... more