5,396 news found

ReportMoscow refrains from supplying arms to Palestine
Moscow, Russia - Weapons, helicopters, and armours not delivered to Palestinian Authority
On January 23, Interfax, a Russian agency, reported that the Russian Federation is not delivering arms and military equipment to the PNA (Palestinian National Authority) because of the aggravation of the... more

ReportAl-Qaeda's camp destroyed in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - In an air bombing
During an air attack launched in the Helmand province, in the South-West of Afghanistan, a camp of al Qaeda Islamic fundamentalist movement members would have been destroyed. During the bombing a most... more

ReportAn agent was suspended because fell asleep on the presidential aircraft
Paris, France - Now the question is in the French Home Minister hands
The event, occurred during the night of December 2 and 3, is retailed by "Le Parisien" newspaper, according to which, an agent of SPHP (security service for the French high personalities) in service on... more

ReportBeirut: the airport re-opened
Beirut, Lebanon - Many offices and shops open again in an apparent calm atmosphere
Many shops and offices are opening again, as occurred today for the Beirut's airport; from the roads the barricades erected during the fights between demonstrators pro-Government and Shiite supporters... more

ReportThe conflicts continue in Baghdad
Baghdad, Iraq - A private helicopter was shot down
An helicopter owned by a private security company should be shot down in Baghdad, but there is still not the assessment of this crash. The conflicts started yesterday, continue in Haifa and Fadhil districts,... more

ReportIraq: about 50 American military men killed from the beginning of the year to date
Baghdad , Iraq - Today the USA "Reciprocate" killing 16 rebels and captured other ten
The US command in Baghdad has announced today to have brought a war action to its conclusion, jointly to Iraqi forces, that have provoked the murder, in Baghdad and in Al-Hadithah, in Al-Anbar province,... more

ReportGoogle, armoured meeting at the Mont Blanc
Aosta, Italy - Opening of the convention to debate about the future of the company
The contents debated at the convention of Google, the most famous search-engine on the Internet, are top secret. The meeting will take place from today to January 26th at the Forum sport center of Courmayeur. The... more

ReportFear in the sky of Texas
USA, Washington - Captain dies while piloting a Boeing. All the passengers safe
It happened few minutes after the plane took off from Houston (Texas). The captain of the Boeing 757 of Continental bound for Puerto Vallarta (Mexico) suddenly got an heart attack which killed him. The... more

ReportKid flies through the USA without airplane ticket
USA, Washington - The odyssey of a 9 year old boy which travels alone from the North-West to the South-East
Semaj Booker, 9 years old only, flew across the States getting on board of several flights without buying the ticket nor being checked. His journey started some days ago in Seattle airport where the kid... more

ReportProdi arrives in Turkey
Ankara, Turkey - Two days of political-trade meetings
The aircraft with onboard Italian Premier Romano Prodi landed at 1:00 pm in Ankara. Italian politician is in Turkey for a series of talks: energy, the entry in Europe, Middle East's crisis, Iraq, policy... more

ReportSki. Kitzbühel: the competitions will go on
Kitzbühel , Austria - The challenges place at risk due to the lack of the snow
Counter-order. In Kitzbühel, the challenges will go on: the go-ahead to the competitions from January 26 to 28 after the inspections of the technicians of the International Ski Federation. This thanks... more

Report"Kyrill" drops on Germany (3): hurricane alarm in Austria too
Vienna, Austria - "Stay at home", Austrian firefighters say
Firefighters warn people to stay at home for the next hours, when "Kyrill" will blow with a speed of about 120 km/h along with heavy showers. At that moment the hurricane will have left England, Germany,... more

Report"Kyrill" hits on Germany (2): Rice cuts short her visit to Berlin. One victim
Berlin, Germany - Navy's helicopters relieve the crew of a British ship
"Kyrill" is confirming all the worse previsions and is presenting with an unexpected force for the European weather. In United Kingdom, in Shropshire, there was the first victim: a man onboard of his car... more

ReportSchools closed and flights cancelled expecting for "Cyril" felled on Germany
Berlin, Italy - Winds from 130 to 180km/h
North-Western Germany will be the first area to be hit from the "Cyril" hurricane already in the afternoon. The powerful storm will move from Germany towards Austria, Poland and Czech Republic, according... more

ReportAfghanistan: Gianni Vernetti visits the Italian Navy "Task Force Pantera"
Kabul, Afghanistan - Vernetti gives thanks to Italian Contingent for its work that contributes to get a calm international political condition
The Italian Under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Gianni Vernetti, after having spent three days in visit over Afghanistan, has gave his greetings to the Italian Navy "Task Force Pantera" staff, its Lieutenant... more

ReportSki: Kitzbühel competitions at sea
Kitzbühel, Austria - "Dry" piste: helicopters and trucks carrying snow from alpine glacier
The weather instabilities caused by the overheating of the Earth are laying it on the line also the ski competitions (superG, slide and slalom) that will be disputed in Kitzbühel, Austria, during next... more

ReportAn eventful flight
Edinburgh, United Kingdom - The Murphy's law finds further confirmations
The event occurred to a BA's flight deserves to be pointed out to the sceptics which continue to want not recognize the scientific bases to the statement of the famous Murphy's law. "If anything can... more

ReportNegroponte: democracy at sea for Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador
Washington, Usa - Dangerous rearmament in Venezuela could involve more States of the Region
According to John D. Negroponte, Director of American Intelligence, Heads of state of Bolivia and Venezuela are "Taking advantage of their popularity in order to weaken the polarity and remove any authority... more

ReportUNHCR: air lift to bring aids in Somalia
Geneva, Switzerland - UNICEF blames the Somalian appeal to children-soldiers
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is airlifting relief supplies and has dispatched two emergency teams, to Somalia and Ethiopia, to verify reports of new displacement in north-east... more

ReportAttempt to the American Embassy in Athens
Athens, Greece - Claim by "Revolutionary Struggle" terror group
This morning, a sudden explosion in the US Embassy in Athens. An anti-tank missile hit the building and the action is claimed by the "Revolutionary Struggle" terror group. The rocket, apparently fired... more

ReportDoctors Without Borders against Rift Valley fever
Garissa, Kenya - Epidemic burst after the big flood
"Most part of North-East Kenya is not pervious on the road because of deluges. The only way of finding patients is by using helicopters. It would take about three days to get in the Masalani hospital in... more

ReportUnited: in voyage with a scorpion
Houston, USA - Passenger strung twice from the animal
A Vermont man on a flight home from Chicago was stung twice on the leg by a scorpion. David Sullivan, a 46-year-old builder, was snoozing aboard the United Airlines flight when he felt a nasty nip on his... more

ReportHorn of Africa (2): UN Secretary General points out the situation
New York, USA - Today it will talk about in Security Council
The military intervention by USA in Somalia could worsen the Country's situation stated the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon. Today the Somalia's situation will be object of talks in UN Security Council. The... more

ReportDakar 2007: first fatal accident
Ourzazate, Morocco - Useless the intervention by helicopter
The rescue have been very quick, and despite the arrival of a helicopter, 29 year old Elmer Symons, South African, has dead, the first one in a tragic accident in the Moroccan stage, the fourth, of the... more

ReportBaghdad, the violence flares up again: at least 50 dead in the battles
Baghdad, Iraq - The Iraqi Capital's skies patrolled by the USA aircraft and helicopters
There are not any slack days in the civil fight that falls on Iraq. Today the Iraqi-American joint forces faced the rebels, provoking, according to the Defense Ministry sources, at least 50 dead only in... more

ReportMysterious death in Heathrow Airport
London, United Kingdom - Dead a man fourty-years and South African origin
An investigation is under way into the mysterious circumstance surrounding the death of a man at International Heathrow Airport over the week-end. Police were called at 7:30 am on Saturday morning to... more

ReportSeptember 11's attempts: looking forward to the definitive sentence for Motassadeq
Hamburg, Germany - Will the Hamburg's Court close the Moroccan happening?
Mounir el Motassadeq, 32, Moroccan, accused of complicity in the Twin Towers attempt on September 11 2001, today respondent in front of the Hamburg's Court, Germany, condemned last November from the Karlsruhe's... more

ReportBishop confirms the air raid on civilians of yesterday in Sri Lanka
Mannar, Sri Lanka Republic - The death of 7 children and serious wounding of 35 people now sure
"The Sri Lanka's inhabitants continue to suffer a lot because of this conflict, and the losses of lives are reason to great anxiety. It's imperative that both parts take the necessary measures to accomplish... more

ReportItalian Navy in the sight of the Syracuse Public prosecutor's office
Siracusa, Italy - 28 people under investigation between soldiers and businessmen
19 people, among which officers and noncommissioned officers of the Italian Navy in service in the Augusta and La Spezia bases, and 9 legal representatives of any Sicilian societies of the sector for the... more

ReportUSA: intruder on board, flight cancelled
Washington, USA - A man has been found on a Delta plane a few hours before the take off
Yesterday in the United States a Delta Airlines flight has been cancelled after the cleaning staff found a man seated on board, after having passed all the security controls. Gregory Wester, 32, has... more

ReportAn hostess sues the airline because she cannot take on board the Bible
London, United Kingdom - The woman was prevented to take the Christian book in the flights to Saudi Arabia
An hostess of the British Midlands has sued the airline because she consider to having been victim of an "Unacceptable religious discrimination" because the carrier has forbidden her to take on board of... more

ReportNATO air raid in Afghanistan, several victims
Kandahar, Afghanistan - Others died after the ones of last week
A new NATO air raid in Afghanistan. The ISAF contingent's spokesman describes it as an "Surgical attack", which however provoked the death of an "Indefinite number" of people. So it is a still provisional... more

ReportIn June 2007 the Pope will visit Assisi
Rome, Italy - He will fly by helicopter
Sunday June 17th 2007 will be a day full with commitments for Benedictus XVI. The Holy Father will reach Assisi, the city of Saint Francesco, on board the papal helicopter at 8:50am, and will be received... more

ReportArabia: 80 mice strolling in the plane
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The mice were hidden inside a passenger's suitcase
A strange suitcase on board a Saudi plane. According to what reported by the newspaper "Arab News" the passengers of a plane of an Saudi Arabia airline had the surprise to find at about 7620 meters of... more

ReportBrawl on board, emergency landing in Brindisi
Brindisi, Italy - A fight between Greek soccer fans in an easyJet plane
A brawl on board and the plane must land. It has happened yesterday in an easyJet flight in service from Milan to Athens, which had to make an emergency landing at Brindisi airport, in Puglia, after some... more

ReportIsraeli anti-man mines kill a Lebanese soldier
Beirut, Lebanon - And three have been injured
Today in the Yarin village a 24 year old Lebanese soldier has been killed by several Israeli anti-man mines. It has been reported by the Lebanese press agency "Nna", adding other three Lebanese soldiers... more

Report45 planes and helicopters in Australia against the flames
Melbourne, Australia - The large fires are threatening forests and houses
Australia is threatened by a wave of fires which has burnt in about three days thousands of hectares of forests and destroyed many houses forcing the inhabitants of the southern-eastern region to leave... more

ReportPinochet funeral top secret
Santiago, Chile - The States is divided up into two
In Santiago del Chile, the funeral of August Pinochet took place yesterday, and have been celebrated in strictly private way as request by the family. Chilean Army did not made known the place of the... more

ReportA Pakistani Court acquitted the man suspected to having planned a terrorist attack
London, United Kingdom - He had been arrested in Pakistan in August
The 25-year-old British citizen of Pakistani origin, Rashid Rauf, arrested in Pakistan with the charge of having planned several terrorist attacks on flights directed to the United States has been acquitted... more

ReportIsrael violates again the Lebanese air space
Beirut, Lebanon - France protests
A new Israeli violation of the Lebanese air space. Last night the Israeli military fighters flew the Southern of the Country aiming to the cities of Tyre, Marjayun e Nabatiyeh. So the Israeli incursions... more

ReportUSA: birth on flight, nationality uncertain
New York, USA - The newborn of Mexican mother has born in a US passenger plane
An unscheduled birth last days in a US passenger plane. A couple of Mexican in fact was on board a plane which was flying over the United States, when the woman began to be in labour and fortunately has... more

ReportNATO air raid in Afghanistan, 4 died
Kabul, Afghanistan - Some civilians are died in a building collapsed after the bombing
Sunday evening during an air raid made by some NATO war planes in Afghanistan 4 civilians have been killed and another one has been injured. The bombing, confirmed by sources of the ISAF contingent, was... more

ReportThe difficult delivery of a Christmas gift to the Pope
Reggio Calabria, Italy - The Calabria Region has given a present to the Holy Father
Yesterday after the cutting of a tree in a forest of the Gariglione massif in Calabria helped by an helicopter which held the tree until it has been cut and then carried it to Rome. This is creating some... more

ReportAmerican air raid to Iraq, children among the victims
Baghdad, USA - Some children and women died in the bombing of the Salahuddin province
A bloody US air raid in Iraq has killed 17 people, among which many children. The American fighters have bombed some buildings in the province of Salahuddin. The American military authorities have said... more

ReportLondon: a drunk pilot arrested
London, United Kingdom - The man was about to pilot an Emirates' plane
An Emirates airline pilot has been arrested because he was drunk during his duty. The fact happened last Friday in Great Britain. According to what stated by the civil aviation authorities the alcohol... more

ReportCoup to Fiji: control in the hands of the Army's commandant
Suva, Fiji's Islands - Premier under house arrest
The Army's commandant of the Fiji's Islands Commodor Frank Bainimarana has stated, in a speech, to have deposed the government and to have taken control of the State. The Premier Laisenia Qarase was arrested.... more

ReportNATO helicopter shot down in Afghanistan
Kandahar , Afghanistan - The chopper fell near Kandahar
A NATO helicopter has been shot down yesterday by the Talibans in Afghanistan. The attack was claimed by the "Islamic students", and initially denied by NATO sources which gave all the fault for the crash... more

ReportCzech military plane held back in runway in Turkmenistan
Ashkhabad , Turkmenistan - The security officers thought there were not allowed weapons on board
Yesterday in Turkmenistan a Czech military plane has been stopped because of a "Misunderstanding", as it has been called by the Czech Prime Minister, Mirek Topolanek. The fact happened in a military... more

ReportAmerican air raid on Baghdad, nine died
Baghdad, Iraq - The air attack aimed to hit an alleged terrorists nest
Nine civilians died in an American air raid in Iraq last night. The US command told the air operation aimed to hit an alleged terrorists nest in the Iraqi capital but as usual have been the civilians to... more

ReportMysterious flying object falls in Siberia
Moscow, Russia - The researches are currently in progress
Local sources report this morning a not identified object fell in the Siberia region of Krasnojarsk. Still it is no possible to understand what is. The zone's residents have told they saw the crash... more