5,396 news found

ReportNational strike of the Fire Brigade: hardships for the air traffic?
Rome, Italy - The day of tension will be September 27 and will concern also the airports
Confsal, Sindir and Usppi, the unions of the Fire Brigade, have called a national strike for thursday Septemper 27. "The target of the industrial dispute - the unions explain - is to obtain as soon... more

ReportPalestinian rocket wounds 30 Israeli soldiers
Gaza, Palestine - Never so many hit in one single attack
A Kassam-type rocket, launched by Palestinian militants from territory of the Gaza Strip, is landed today in a training camp of the Israeli military forces in Zikkim, close to the Northern border, causing... more

ReportAir bombing occurred in Syria declared unacceptable
Ankara, Turkey - Turkey sides with the government of Damascus
Last Thursday Syria denounced an attack made in the night between the 5th and the 6th of September by the Israeli air-force on its territory (see for details AVIONEWS) and aimed to "Respond to such act". The... more

ReportIraq: news from the war front
Kirkuk , Iraq - Clashes in Kirkuk and Samarra
The U.S. military command made known yesterday that on Sunday an American military was killed in a clash with Iraqi rebels in the area of Kirkuk, North-Eastern Iraq. In the same fight an other U.S-soldier... more

ReportThe famous Junkers 52 historical tri-motor aircraft landed at Orio al Serio airport
Bergamo, Italy - It's a old liner used in 1940 and later
In the airport of Bergamo-Orio al Serio is landed yesterday a historical, 70-years old Junkers 52 tri-motor aircraft, the most used in the 40s and later for passenger transportation. It has capacity... more

ReportFires: flames in Lipari as well
Messina, Italy - The fire also licked some houses
About ten hectares of Mediterranean 'macchia' burnt tonight, a great wound which defaced the beautiful image of Lipari, one of Italy's gorgeous islands. The flames developed in the high part of Balestrieri... more

ReportA plan to blow up Frankfurt airport was ready
Berlin, Germany - Three suspect Islamic terrorists have been arrested
Three people arrested, two Germans and a Turk. After the arrests were carried out some flat searches in several German lands. Franz Josef Jung, German Defence Secretary, said: "The intention was to... more

Report300.000 fake Chinese goods seized at Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - Maxi-haul by Italian finance police in Rome
The Italian Financial Police of the "Leonardo da Vinci" airport in Rome have put a halt to a cargo coming in from China containing fake goods and made of dangerous materials. The military report in a note... more

ReportHurricane Dean: Cancun airport remains open
Cancun, Mexico - Charter flights organized by Italian tour operators
The International Airport of Cancun remains open, after the National Hurricane Center of Miami informed that the hurricane should not have severe consequences over the area. However, as a precaution, some... more

ReportStrike of the air pilots, delays and discomforts in Germany
Berlin, Germany - And the union of the railways drivers announces a maxi-strike
The labour dispute of pilots of the carriers Ltu International Airways and Air Berlin that has conducted to a strike of two hours today in Germany has had the effect to make difficult the air transport... more

ReportBrazilian air system, people say: enough
Sao Paulo, Brazil - Protest parade after the the "Congonhas" accident
Brazilians are fed up with the corruption and the crisis of the Brazilian civil air system. The finger is pointed at the current government of the president Lula da Silva, despite his dismissal from the... more

ReportSao Paolo Air Tragedy: rolled the first head
Brasilia, Brazil - It is the Defense Minister, responsible for the air transport
The greatest air crash of the Brazil history has rolled the Defense Minister's head, Waldir Pires ("Reuters"), responsible of the national air transport controlled by the Army, and of the catastrophic... more

ReportLogistic support to Darfur refugees: Italy would participate
Brussels, Belgium - In case EU deploys a mission
A "Logistic support, in particular through the supply of means of transport" via air (probably airplanes and/or helicopters) and via ground: this is what Italy is disposed to do, according to diplomatic... more

ReportCorpse found on Continental airplane
San Francisco, USA - An illegal immigrant
It is still nameless the corpse of a stowaway found yesterday in the front wheel shaft of a Continental Airlines scheduled flight. The airplane took off from China and landed in San Francisco. It's... more

ReportIraqi civilian killed by US helicopter
Baghdad, Iraq - Today in Mosul
An Iraqi civilian was killed by a US helicopter attack today in a residential area of Mosul, 402 kilometres North of Baghdad. In addition to the dead civilian, some others were injured, among them two... more

ReportOther two ferry-boats go down in Philippines and off the coasts of Indonesia
Manila, Philippines - Race against time to succour the shipwrecked
Still news for Asian South-East, where a ferry-boat, the "Blue Water" has gone down off the coast of Bondoc (South-West of the country) 250 kilometres to east from capital Manila. Rhoderick Parayno,... more

ReportShowed in Ciampino the spot that extinguishes fires
Rome, Italy - The campaign of Italian Corps of Forest Rangers and Minister of Agriculture
It has been showed in Ciampino airport the spot of anti-fire campaign 2007 by Italian Corps of Forest Rangers and Minister of Agriculture. From the beginning of this year 1222 fires have been occurred... more

ReportHoly Father's holidays
Belluno, Italia - Arrived by plane in Vicenza, he left by helicopter for Lorenzago di Cadore
It is time for Pope Benedictus XVI to enjoy summer holidays: awaited by the Bishop of Treviso Andrea Bruno Mazzoccato, the mayor Giampaolo Gobbo, the president of Veneto Giancarlo Gala, the president of... more

ReportShots against Pakistan's presidential airplane
Islamabad, Pakistan - The military deny there had been an attack
According to Al-Jazeera, the Arab network, some shots were fired against the airplane of Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, shortly after it took off from the military base of Rawalpindi. The plane... more

ReportFlying with a knife
Rome, Italy - A woman has passed the security checks at Rome and Brussels even an arm in the bag
White the debate on security checks continues after the bomb-alarm at Ciampino airport two days ago, a woman says to have passed the metal detector check at Ciampino and Brussels-Charleroi with a knife... more

ReportMa'rib attempt: an announced tragedy
Sana'a, Yemen - A Spanish airplane will take back home all victims and movable injured
The president of Yemen Ali Abdallah Saleh has claimed this morning to have put a 75,000 USD (15 million Riyals) reward on the head of the responsible for the terrorist attempt occurred yesterday in the... more

ReportAn Atlantic MMI sought illegal immigrant corpses 55 miles South-West of Malta
Ragusa, Italy - The wricked seacraft had 26 people aboard and just 4 of them are alive
They risk everything - till to die - to give themselves a future to their very poor life. People swallowed by Mediterranean sea, people without a name that nobody will ever look for, that will never be... more

Report30 people killed by a blast in Pakistan
Rome, Italy - Sources in disagreements: an air raid or a bomb being made?
Different opinions on what caused the blast that killed approximately 30 people in the North-West Pakistan, near the Afghan border. According to locals the target has been a madrassa (religious school)... more

ReportGreenpeace report: tuna fished with the help of reconnaissance aircraft
Valletta, Malta - Violated new rules of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
Greenpeace's admiral ship, "Rainbow Warrior", has intercepted three Italian fishing boats South of Malta while fishing tuna with the help of about a dozen reconnaissance aircraft, four of which have been... more

ReportG8, Italy will host in 2009
Rome, Italy - Chosen the island of La Maddalena
Italian prime minister Romano Prodi and minister for Foreign Affairs Massimo D'Alema have announced yesterday that Italy will host the 2009's G8-summit: it will take place at the island of La Maddalena,... more

ReportTalibans try to reconquer West-Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - They seize Bala Murghab and Farahrod's districts
Taliban guerrillas are trying to reconquer Western Afghan provinces and this night, after they have conquered Bala Murghab's district in the Baghdis province, they have seized Farahrod in the Farah's province.... more

ReportG8: Greenpeace tries to violate the no-fly zone in Heiligendamm
Heiligendamm, Germany - The summit "Surrounded" by the opponents by sea, ground and sky
This time that in Heiligendamm has been a super-protested and "Encircled" summit, in that it has been tried to fell blocks imposed by security measures by ground (anarchicals and no-global), via sea (Greenpeace)... more

ReportBIA: 16 security staff sleep on duty, suspending
Birmingham, United Kingdom - It shows a television documentary
Sixteen security staff at the work of ICTS UK, one of the safety firms used by Birmingham International Airport (BIA), have been suspended after a documentary by ITV1 revealed serious security lapses.... more

ReportUS helicopters scuttled a ship with Taliban's on board
Kabul, Afghanistan - Meantime the government asks Red Cross to manage an Emergency hospital
The attack was launched on Monday, but only yesterday an official spokesman for the Afghan government reported that American helicopters struck and sunk, in the South of the country, a ship with a thirty... more

ReportFrom Google Earth the evidence of Azza Air weapon transportation in Darfur
Washington, Usa - An Antonov to arm Janjaweed rebels and governmental troops
Through aerial photographs taken from Google Earth satellites somebody discovered some images that prove an Antonov and a lot of other weapons unloaded and left on a airstrip of El Geneina airport from... more

ReportChopper incident near Teramo: the public transport activity could not be authorized
Teramo, Italy - Heavy responsibilities of who released the authorizations
Heavy responsibilities for who that would have authorized to operate (or omitted to patrol) during the Farm Fair, the helicopter which crash has provoked the died of three passengers and of pilot. According... more

ReportBegs pardon "Plague-spreader" sick of a serious type of tuberculosis
Denver, Usa - He could have infected several air passengers
Last Friday the man who could have infected hundred of people, flying from United States, stopping over in various European towns ( see AVIONEWS), provoking an international health alarm not renouncing... more

ReportA fire blocks the AVIONEWS Editorial Office and other Web sites
Rome, Italy - 300 power lines of Telecom destroyed: interrupted 4,500 users
A fire blazed yesterday night in the North area of Rome, in which are both AVIONEWS Editorial Office and ENAV head-quarters, Flight Assistance National Society, developed in a service tunnel under East... more

ReportEscaped French man by a Belgian helicopter has been arrested in Italy
Murano, Italy - The man escaped by a helicopter last April helped by two men
Last April two armed accomplices of Erik Ferdinand, a French 41-years-old man, kidnapped an instructor pilot and its helicopter inside the airport of Liege, forcing him to drive the aircraft to the prison... more

ReportVentimiglia: a missing rubber dinghy in the French waters
Ventimiglia, Italy - Also a helicopter is involved in the searches beyond the Coast Guard
On demand of French authorities, Italian Coast Guard organized the searches in the French waters of a grey rubber dinghy, 5 m length, motorized, with onboard a person, drawn up last Sunday from the Principality... more

ReportAnother helicopter shot in Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - Two US soldiers died
US military authorities in Baghdad said that another American helicopter crashed yesterday evening in Dyala's district, not specifying if it was shot down by enemy forces or because of a technical hitch... more

ReportBad weather in Tuscany: discomforts for air passengers
Pisa, Italy - Two cancelled and one diverted flights
Due to bad weather, this morning two flights of the Irish low-cost airline Ryan Air scheduled to leave from the airport "Galileo Galilei" of Pisa, Italy, were cancelled: the first with departure scheduled... more

ReportTwo USAF F-16s trespassed the Turkish air space
Ankara, Turkey - According to a press release by the national army
Two F-16 planes of the USAF (US Air Force) trespassed the Turkish air space, this according to a press release yesterday published on the Turkish Army Website. The case seems even more serious when... more

ReportAC Milan lands in Malpensa
Milan, Italy - One hour late for Champions League's winners
One hour late for AC Milan winner of Champions League. The "rossoneri", waited by 2,000 joyfully supporters, have arrived to Malpensa Airport some minute after 3:00 pm. As usually the coach Carlo Ancelotti... more

ReportChampions final-match, Liverpool's fans are moving
Liverpool, England - Today many English supporters without tickets are waited in Athens
Despite UEFA has not accorded any increase of number of tickets assigned to Liverpool FC (17,000 as for AC Milan) for Champions League final-match, thousands of red devils supporters (from 25,000 to 40,000... more

ReportSri Lanka, battles start again
Colombo, Sri Lanka - Tamil rebels camp bombed by air force in the North of the country
Riots in Sri Lanka again. Singhalese air force has bombed today a Ltte separatist groups' camp near Mankulam (district of Kilinochchi), 32 kilometres to the North of the border that divide government territory... more

ReportGaza Strip: new airstrike against Hamas
Jerusalem, Israel - Eight victims
Umpteenth airstrike by Israel on Gaza Strip. An Israeli aircraft today attacked a car in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday, killing four Palestinian militants. Palestinian medical sources stated that... more

ReportLake of Bolsena, tragic canoe trip: a German child dies
Viterbo, Italy - Still missing his father and little brother
A drowned kid, his father and little brother missing: it's tragical balance of this morning canoe trip on the Lake of Bolsena (Viterbo) made by three German tourists. It's not clear if the discovered... more

ReportPakistan and Afghanistan the destinations of the next D'Alema official trip
Rome, Italy - On next May 21st and 22nd
Paolo Ferreri, spokesman of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, today released to media the next official visits of the Minister Massimo D'Alema, on May 21st flying to Afghanistan to meet the President... more

ReportAmerican Airlines' appeal rejected
Rome, Italy - Prosecuting Attorney's Office confirms the sentence
The appeal of American Airlines is unacceptable: it's the judgement of Prosecuting Attorney's Office at Court of Cassation regarding the Acireale justice of the peace's ruling on the case, that had stated... more

ReportCalipari, US Department does not cooperate
Rome, Italy - The judge postpones the trial to Marine Lozano again
The trial on Mario Lozano, US Marine accused to be responsible of Calipari’s death, has been put off on 10 of next July. Nicola Calipari was the Sismi official that was escorting Giuliana Sgrena, the j... more

ReportAfghanistan: attempt to the Italian convoy claimed by Talibans
Herat, Afghanistan - The wounded soldiers belong to 151st “Sassari” Infantry Regiment
“Destruction of a Provincial Reconstruction Team’s vehicle during the explosion of a bomb in Heart district”. This is the title of the release with which Talibans have claimed the attempt. The claim... more

ReportRice looks for dialogue in Moscow
Moscow, Russia - Face to face with Putin on Kosovo and European missile defense system
US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, is arrived yesterday in Moscow to visit Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and Foreign Ministry, Serghei Lavrov. Policy goal of the mission, that will end today,... more

ReportIt happened yesterday… on May 14th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Civil Aviation: 1926 – “Norge” airship completes the flight across the Arctic, arriving in Teller, Alaska. Curiosities: 1939 - Lina Medina becomes the world's youngest confi... more

ReportBlair era is running out
London, United Kingdom - Today the official announcement of the resignation
Tony Blair today formally told his Cabinet he would announce his plans to step down as Labour leader and Prime Minister in a speech in his constituency today, Downing Street confirmed. He announces... more