5,396 news found

ReportSri Lanka, the military: "Rebel leader injured in air strike"
Colombo , Sri Lanka - Tamil Tigers deny
Press sources close to Sri Lanka's armed forces report that Velupillai Prabhakaran, leader of the separatist Tamil Tigers military movement, remained injured during an air strike of the Sri Lanka Air Force... more

ReportIsrael rejects truce offer by Hamas
Tel Aviv , Israel - The air strikes against the Gaza Strip will carry on
"If Israel stops incursions, targeted assassinations and air strikes, the Palestinians will halt rocket attacks". This was stated by a speaker of the radical Islamist movement Hamas, which some months... more

Report"I've never stepped foot on a GdF helicopter", says Rutelli
Rome, Italy - And he asks for damage compensation to "Quotidiano Nazionale"
Today, the following note was given to the press: "The lawyer Luca Petrucci informed he was instructed by Francesco Rutelli to take legal action asking for damage compensation against the daily 'Quotidiano... more

ReportTough life for Santa Claus: he got shot in Brazil...
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Gunshots fired from a favela controlled by narco-traffickers
Santa Claus has a tough life in Rio de Janeiro: a Santa Claus was carrying a bag of gifts on a helicopter to the favela of "Nova Marè", gifts coming from various charity associations. The pilot of... more

ReportClashes in Gaza, fighters against rockets
Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories - Islamic Jihad looses 11 men
Heavy clashes between Palestinian Islamist militias and Israeli Armed Forces in the Gaza Strip and in the bordering territories keep on taking place. In the last 36 hours, 4 Israeli air raids have hit... more

ReportSpeciale case, magistrates investigating the use of reserved funds
Rome, Italy - "To cast light on the purchase of aircraft and state flights"
In the case of the Italian Guardia di Finanza (financial police) General Roberto Speciale, removed from its office by the Government, re-installed by the administrative justice last week and who at last... more

ReportTurkish raids in Iraq, Ankara: "Thanks to the US for help"
Ankara, Turkey - But the American embassy denies embarrassed
War week-end in northern Iraq. Around 50 fighter bombers of the Turkish Air Force took off around 02:00 on Sunday morning (23:00 GMT) from their bases to go hit the bases of the PKK, illegal Kurdish Workers'... more

ReportCold and snow in the south of Italy, Civil Defence intervenes
Reggio Calabria, Italy - Homeless dies at airport of Catania-Fontanarossa
After in the week-end a wave of polar cold caused remarkable discomforts in the centre and in the south of Italy, among which the closure of the airports of Bari and Brindisi in Puglia, now the bad weather... more

ReportPope Ratzinger in Australia, restrictions to air space
Sydney , Australia - Special security measures for the Pontiff's visit
In July next year, on the occasion of the World Youth Day, Pope Benedict XVI is going to travel to Australia for celebrating a mass in front of what is expected to be around 500,000 people, Australian... more

ReportPoor Italy: Transport national strike called for tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Already in trouble for truck drivers turmoil
After the turmoil of truck drivers, who went on strike from midnight of last Sunday causing a lot of problems to Italy and Italians, tomorrow will be another day of trouble due to the Transport national... more

ReportTropical storm rages in the Caribbean
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Helicopters involved in rescue operations in the Dominican Republic
A conglomerate of tropical storms named Olga, with a diameter of about 100 kilometers, has left a trail of destruction and death in the Caribbean. In the last days pouring rains and floodings were reported... more

ReportVietnam: flying with scorpions
Danang, Vietnam - The arachnids found on a scheduled flight of Vietnam Airlines
Onboard a B-777 airplane of Vietnam Airlines, shortly before taxiing in the airport of Danang with 170 passengers embarked, it was noticed the presence of two scorpions: the airplane was stopped, passengers... more

ReportNorth Sea: oil spill from the platform
Oslo, Norway - Spelt in the sea the equivalent of 21,150 oil barrels
"There was a very large spill while transhipping oil from the platform to a ship," said Inger Anda, spokeswoman for the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway. the oil spill occurred on the oil platform "Statfjord",... more

ReportChina. Fire in a 28-floor building: helicopters and firemen in action
Whenzou, China - More than 20 dead so far
A large fire started inside a flower shop at the ground floor of a 28-floor building in Whenzou, South-Eastern China. The flames quickly spread to the whole building. According to the authorities there... more

ReportGaddafi in Paris, a € 10-billion-visit
Paris, France - Important investments in the defence, aeronautic and civil nuclear sector
The French press has given itself quite scandalized these days about the visit of a Head of State with a not-really-brilliant human rights record such as the Libyan President Gaddafi, received with all... more

ReportPakistan, suicide attack against air force school bus
Kamra , Pakistan - Five children and three adults injured
Kamra is a town in north-western Pakistan, known for the air force bases and the industrial complex bound to the aeronautic sector which are to be found there. There is also a school for children of air... more

ReportIsraeli air strikes, one victim
Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories - The Jewish state negotiates with some and fights with the others
The confrontations between Palestinian militants and Israeli Armed Forces carry on. The Islamic Jihad, radical Palestinian group, confirmed that one of its members was killed and two others were wounded,... more

ReportBrown visits British contingent at Basra airport
Basra, Iraq - "Soon the withdrawal"
British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, carried out yesterday a surprise-visit to the military contingent of the United Kingdom in Iraq, based at Basra in the South of the country. Brown addressed the troops... more

ReportUS FAA is investigating Newark episode
Newark , USA - Two Continental airplanes risked collision
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating the episode, occurred last week at Newark Liberty International Airport, New Jersey, in which two planes of Continental Airlines risked collision.... more

ReportAfghan Air Force loses helicopter, 4 dead
Kabul , Afghanistan - Air strike kills various alleged arms traffickers
The battle for the control of Musa Qala, Taliban stronghold in the South of Afghanistan, seems to proceed toward its conclusion, as it is reported to have been conquered by units of the Afghan Army, supported... more

ReportIndonesia's president: "I will come to Europe only on our planes"
Jakarta, Indonesia - Visit delayed to 2008
Indonesia's President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who was supposed to pay visit to various countries of the European Union in these days, let know through his speakers that he will postpone his official... more

Report66 years ago the Japanese air strike against Pearl Harbor
Washington , USA - It marked the entrance of the US in WWII
Several ceremonies across the United States will celebrate today the 66th anniversary of the Japanese attack against the Pacific-fleet of the US Navy, anchored at Pearl Harbor, which marked the entrance... more

ReportCessna disaster in Sardinia, Prosecutors ask for 22 months sentence for the air-traffic controllers
Cagliari, Italy - According to the prosecution they know that the plane was off course
At dawn of February 4th 2004 a Cessna Citation 500 plane crashed in Punta Baccu Malu dei Sette Fratelli (Sardinia) and all the six occupants died (see AVIONEWS). Yesterday, Mauro Mura and Rossana Allieri,... more

ReportUS, petition to environment agency for cutting aircraft emissions
Washington, USA - States and environmentalist groups want binding measures
In April this year, the US Supreme Court set down that the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for limiting polluting and greenhouse gases of cars in the United States, according... more

ReportAfter 15 years, four high-rank former Jugoslavia officers commited for trial
Rome, Italy - They are charged for a Nato helicopter shooting down
After 15 years from the shooting down of a Nato Helicopter in former Jugoslavia, in which the crew of three Italians and one French died, four high rank officers of that Country have been committed to... more

ReportAustralia: narco-trafficker gets rid of six kilograms of cocaine
Sydney, Australia - Thrown in a lavatory WC of an airplane
Fear of being arrested, a gleam of honesty or feeling of guilt? We know nothing about it: the passenger, still unknown, of a scheduled flight landed in the airport of Sydney, Australia, got rid of a package... more

ReportThe extravagant official visit of Gheddafi in France
Tripoli, Libya - With 400 people, a big tent and maybe some camels
The official visit of Libyan leader Moammer Gheddafi to the Elisée will last three days. According to the Kuwaiti newspaper "Al Jarida", the trip, officially the first after 34 years, would have also... more

ReportAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>T as "Tailless"<b>
Rome, Italy - One of the best examples is the NASA/Boeing X-36
A Tailless aircraft (often tail-less) traditionally has all its horizontal control surfaces on its main wing surface. It has no horizontal stabilizer. A tailless type usually still has a vertical stabilizer... more

ReportFirst flight school opened by the US in Iraq
Kirkuk , Iraq - Aim is to progressively rebuild the Iraqi Air Force
Three years and a half after the invasion of Iraq, the US armed forces have finally decided to found the first flight school for Iraqi pilots, for trying to rebuild the country's air force, practically... more

ReportSri Lanka, bomb detected in officers' apartment building
Colombo , Sri Lanka - Air Force commander possible target
Sinhalese security forces defused this morning a 1,2-kilos-heavy explosive device, found inside the garden of an apartment building lived-in mostly by Army officers and Members of Parliament. It seems... more

ReportAfghanistan, US air raid kills 5 alleged Talibans
Kabul, Afghanistan - One would be involved in the kidnapping of Daniele Mastrogiacomo
US Armed Forces in Afghanistan reported in a release to have eliminated yesterday in an air raid 5 Taliban militants. One of these is indicated as one leader of the Islamist militia responsible for the... more

ReportNew transport strikes in December
Rome, Italy - In the air sector and railways
The transport workers' unions (Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Ugl, Apm Up, Anpav, Cobas and Cisal) have programmed new protests against the government's policies and measures contained in the 2007 budgetary law regarding... more

ReportChad: rebels at war against French and foreign troops
N'Djamena , Chad - Population on the run
Anti-governmental rebels of the Forces for Democracy and Development in Chad (UFFD) have officially declared war to the French - whose troops and planes are dislocated in the country in consequence of... more

ReportAt least 45 illegal flights, the Court of Accounts claims damages to General Speciale
Rome, Italy - Within the end of January should be formalized the responsibility for fiscal damage
The military power of attorney of Rome ascertained that General Roberto Speciale, the financial police ex-head, who is investigated for peculation, used one of the two financial police ATR-42 aircraft... more

ReportAll clear for the case of passenger flying with tuberculosis
Washington , USA - No infected among the other passengers
The contagion alarm has been called off among the passengers who shared flights AF-385 of Air France Atlanta-Paris and CSA-104 Praga-Montreal of Czech Airlines on May 12th and 25th respectively, with... more

ReportTaxi drivers' turmoil, inconveniences in Fiumicino
Fiumicino , Italy - Empty stands this morning at the airport
The discomforts created to the circulation in the Italian capital's area due to the protests and the wildcat strikes of the Roman taxi drivers carry on. After the failure of the meeting between Mayor Veltroni... more

Report4 victims of Israeli raids tonight
Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories - They were militiamen of the Al Qassam Brigades
4 losses were inflicted tonight by the Israeli Armed Forces to the Al Qassam Brigades, armed wing of the radical islamic movement of Hamas, as well as two wounded. Two militiamen remained killed, according... more

ReportInternational jet fighters kill 14 Afghan workers
Kabul , Afghanistan - They were working at a roadway, taken for Talibans
An umpteenth accidental massacre of civilians was provoked by US-led international armed forces in Afghanistan. Informed of the presence of Taliban guerrillas in the area of Nuristan, North of Kabul, the... more

ReportCologno Monzese against aircraft noise pollution
Cologno Monzese , Italy - Tomorrow meeting with Linate's management
The experimentation by the airport authorities of Milan-Linate, which has moved many routes from the Eastern directrix to the Northern, continues to raise protests on behalf of the cities affected by the... more

ReportIsraeli air strikes against Hamas militants carry on
Gaza , Palestinian Territories - Tension rises while peace talks continue
In the evening of yesterday the Israel's Army (IDF) Air Forces have hit again with combat helicopters the positions of Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. According to what referred by Israeli military... more

ReportFinancial police seized plane, VAT has not been paid
Milan, Italy - Cessna 525 jet plane owners have been charged with fraud against EU and smuggling
Two businessmen, one comes from Milan, the other from Verona, have been charged with fraud against EU and smuggling since they did not pay VAT (Value added tax) concerning the purchase of a Cessna 525... more

ReportTyphoon "Mitag" hit the Philippines
Manila, Philippines - 8 dead, destructions and a missing fighter aircraft
"Mitag", the category-1-typhoon whose arrival has been feared for the last days, hit the Philippines between Saturday and Sunday with winds up to 120 km/h, leaving behind serious devastations, and heading... more

ReportTerravision, Public Prosecutor releases the box from sequestration
Rome, Italy - According to Public Prosecutor, the assumption of crime has to be considered groundless
Last Thursday the eighth group of the Metropolitan Police of Rome has seized in the Rome-Ciampino airport a booth for bookings and tickets of Terravision, supposing for 4 people the crime of misuse of... more

ReportTerravision, Municipal Police seize booth in Ciampino
Rome, Italy - The company provides the passenger-transport service from the airport to Rome city centre
The 8th Group of the Municipal Police of Rome has seized in the airport of Rome-Ciampino a booth for bookings and tickets of Terravision, transport company providing the passenger-transport service from... more

ReportTyphoon approaching the Philippines, thousands evacuated
Manila , Philippines - Air and sea traffic suspended
A typhoon is approaching the coasts of the Philippines, by an average speed of 175 km/h, with gusts of 210 km/h. The authorities in order to avoid risks have disposed the evacuation of thousands of persons... more

ReportInconveniences for dozens Italian and European passengers travelling to Lybia
Tripoli, Lybia - The authorities pretend Arab translation of passport
The barometer of the European-Lybian relations records again bad weather. The government of Tripoli decided namely to refresh a norm abrogated in 2005, according to which foreigners are admitted to the... more

ReportBangladesh emergency: the US aids
Dhaka, Bangladesh - A first provisional balance talks about around 3,500 victims of cyclone Sidr
After the request of aids to the international community by the temporary technical authorities of Bangladesh, the US replied by sending 30 helicopters and 3,500 soldiers to the Country devastated last... more

ReportBangladesh emergency: biscuits rain from the sky
Dhaka, Bangladesh - Launched from airplanes and helicopters in the most hit and secluded areas
Airplanes and helicopters of the national military aviation and WFP - World Food Programme, are launching some packages containing food (in particular highly invigorating biscuits) in the most hit and... more

ReportStrong winds raise fears of new wildfires in California
Los Angeles , United States - Four US-Army, fire-fighting C-130 airplanes sent over to the West Coast
While the United States prepares to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, the resurgence in Southern California of strong and dry winds, the same that fed the massive wildfires in the last weeks, have prompted the... more

ReportVictim of a helicopter crash, corpse stolen: he was a drug lord
Ensenada, Mexico - Fierce gunfight in the morgue
Francisco Medardo Leon Hinojosa, wanted for being a drug lord financing one of the most important cartels smuggling narcotics between Mexico and the United States, that of Tijuana, led by the Arellano... more