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Abolition of "municipal tax" and increase in winter flights: Sardinia opens to dialogue

Region ready to give in to investments that increase air connections in low season

Transport Councillor Manca: We have started a dialogue with Ryanair, but we are open to proposals from other companies too

The Sardinia Region is considering how to improve the island's air connectivity during the low season months. On Saturday 15 March, the Department of Transport wrote to the airline Ryanair a note of openness to the suspension of the municipal surcharge in the IATA (International Air Transport Association) Winter season, in exchange for investments in terms of increased passengers and connections in the same period.

The proposal comes after the recent meeting held in Cagliari, together with the Department of Tourism, with Jason McGuinness, Chief Commercial Officer of Ryanair, and is part of a broader strategy to strengthen connections between Sardinia and the rest of Europe. It was the Irish carrier that asked for the abolition of the so-called “municipal tax” in the three airports of the island. "The abolition of the municipal surcharge in the months with lower passenger numbers represents a strategic tool to incentivize airlines to invest in our island all year round. We have started this dialogue with Ryanair, but we are also open to proposals from other companies interested in contributing to the strengthening of routes to and from Sardinia", declared the Transport Councillor Barbara Manca.

The intervention thus conceived by the Region would have a cost comparable to that of the other regions that have joined the proposal to eliminate the tax: Calabria, Abruzzo and Friuli Venezia Giulia. A decidedly more sustainable expense compared to Ryanair's first request to abolish the additional tax in all 12 months of the year. In that case, the expense for the Region would have been approximately 34 million euros (almost double the costs sustained by the other three regions combined), and would have entailed the risk of encouraging a further increase in tourist demand in the Summer months, which is currently difficult to sustain for the island.

The objectives of the current proposal, however -explains an official note- are clear and multiple: to increase air connections in all months of the year, improving mobility for both Sardinian citizens and tourists. All this in the context of an integrated system with existing tools, including territorial continuity with Rome and Milan, which guarantees discounted flights for residents and equivalent categories; the system of social aid for air transport, which allows a 25% discount on routes with costs over 100 euros to the entire European economic area; the "New routes" tender currently being published.

"The abolition of the municipal surcharge in the Winter months is not only a measure to support airlines -observes Manca-, but above all a concrete opportunity for Sardinian citizens. With more flights active even in the months of less affluence, it will be possible to reach many more destinations in Europe and Italy more easily throughout the year, without necessarily having to pass through intermediate stops and face high costs".

Having a wider and more widespread network of connections would mean greater freedom of movement for work, study and health reasons, with the possibility of planning trips even at the last minute; a boost to incoming and outgoing tourism, favoring not only the deseasonalization but also the possibility for Sardinians to visit new destinations without prohibitive costs; a more connected and competitive Sardinia, capable of attracting investments and new economic opportunities thanks to a more modern and flexible transport system.

"Sardinia needs a long-term strategy that guarantees stable and efficient air connections. The abolition of the municipal surcharge in the Winter months, if accompanied by significant investments by the companies, consistent with the needs that the Region will bring to the table, is part of a broader plan to make our territory more accessible and competitive at an international level", concluded Councillor Manca.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency