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Ariane 6 VA263 flight: CSO-3 satellite put in orbit

For the French Armed Forces; AVIO partner of the program

The Ariane 6 launcher has successfully completed the VA263 flight (happened on March 6, 2025 at 1:24 pm local time in Kourou, 4:24 pm UTC, 5:24 pm CET), from the Guyana Space Centre, putting in orbit the CSO-3 satellite for the French Armed Forces.

Avio is partner of the program providing the solid rocket boosters P120C and the liquid oxygen turbopumps for the core stage Vulcain 2.1 engine and the upper stage Vinci engine. The P120C motors provided more than 80% of thrust at liftoff and had a positive performance. The company will continue to provide those boosters, which will be used in a two or four configuration, depending on the payload to be transported in orbit. 

The industry is working on a more powerful version of the booster, called P160, which will increase the thrust of the launcher and its payload capacity, to accomplish the missions for the Amazon Kuiper satellite constellation among the other things. The P160 will be the world largest carbon fiber monolithic motor and will also be used on Vega C.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency