Italy. Ancona Airport: the service worries the unions
CGIL, CISL, UIL: "The company risks crisis again due to lack of liquidity"

The operational and financial situation of the "Raffaello Sanzio" Italian airport of Ancona-Falconara worries the unions. From the point of view of the transport service, the territorial continuity flights (at controlled rates for residents) are guaranteed by the Skyalps company only until 31 October 2024; however, from an economic point of view, investments are needed to implement the industrial plan.
"The company risks a crisis again due to lack of liquidity: the English fund, after having invested the resources foreseen by the 2019 regional resolution, does not appear to be willing to make further investments in the infrastructure", denounced Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, and Uil transport Marche unions.
Passengers, cargo, aircraft maintenance, Cnr flights (test by the Italian Research Council, that is Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche), general aviation are just some of the objectives of the industrial plan which will require financing. For this reason, the workers' representatives ask for a meeting with the President of the Marche Region, Francesco Acquaroli, with whom to discuss the airport and how to make it financially independent.
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency