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Ukrainian war: controversy over the supply of Italian weapons

Crosetto (Defense): "It is secret information, saying that we hide the truth is a lie"

There is controversy in the Italian Parliament over the Meloni Government's military supplies to Ukraine. The opposition accuses the majority of hiding details regarding the ammunition and armaments that Italy is sending to Kiev to fight the war triggered by the invasion of the Russian armed forces. "It is useless to continue to be asked to communicate" sensitive data publicly, replies the Italian Executive.

"It is secret information, it is because of a choice made by the Draghi Government and continued by the Meloni Government and I behaved seriously, given that the situation is serious. All my communications are at Copasir, where each party has its own representative ", declared the Italian Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, interviewed by the Italian newspaper "il Corriere della Sera".

"Saying that the Minister of Defense hides the truth about the use of weapons is a lie -he added- used for mere electoral purposes. The procedure I am following was codified by the Draghi Government of which Conte was part. I behave exactly like the my predecessor Guerini : that Government passed five aid decrees which were communicated only to Copasir", the organ that controls Italian intelligence services. 

On the same topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.

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