Aerolíneas Argentinas towards privatization
Pilots and air transport unions protest, national mobilization announced

Argentine air transport unions have said they will oppose plans to privatize national carrier Aerolíneas Argentinas. An initiative strongly supported by the new President of the Republic Javier Milei, elected in recent days after his victory in the run-off which was held last Sunday. The head of state has in fact announced that he wants to reduce state funding and sell the shares to the company's workers.
"If he wants to take Aerolíneas, you will have to kill us. And when I say kill, I mean literally: you will have to take some corpses and I will sign first", said Pablo Biró, representative of the pilots association operating with the Latin American airline. Trade unionist Edgardo Llano echoed this: Milei "signed the death certificate of the air carrier, because this company does not function without the contribution of the State".
To this end, the left-wing movement Unidad Piquetera has announced its intention to organize a march in Buenos Aires to oppose the austerity plans of Milei, who in the government program declared that he wanted to privatize "everything that can be in public hands", promising immediate cuts in public spending to eliminate fiscal debt, worsened by inflation that reached 142% in October.
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency