Leonardo: term of office of CEO Profumo
For two consecutive terms; no severance payments or benefits

With reference to the termination of the office of CEO of Alessandro Profumo, in office for two consecutive terms from 16 May 2017 until 9 May 2023, Leonardo announces the following.
The Company’s Board of Directors, during the meeting held on 9 May 2023, verified that, for him, no severance payments or other benefits are envisaged associated with termination of office. In line with the company policies, and as reported in the Remuneration Report approved by the Company’s Shareholders Meeting, Alessandro Profumo will maintain the rights granted for the participation to the short and long term incentives, on a pro-rata temporis basis and subject to the achievement of the performance objectives and consequent accrual. No non-competition clause will be applied after the termination of employment and therefore no consideration shall be due under this concept.
With reference to current regulations relating to transactions with related parties, being – as above mentioned – provisions compliant with the remuneration policy adopted by the Company, the transaction benefits of the exemption from the procedural regime pursuant to article 13, par. 3, letter b) of Consob Regulations and article 11.2, letter b) of the Leonardo’s Procedure.
The company thanks him for his precious contribution to the development of Leonardo group and wishes him a future full of new satisfactions.
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency